Wikipedia:WikiProject Religion/Library

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The following is a list of works in the public domain included in the bibliographies of articles in the recent reference works relating to religion. Works are listed by the name of the article which includes the works in its bibliography. In those cases where there are a number of articles on the same basic topic, listed by a common name, they are listed by the name used for that group of related articles.

Encyclopedia of Religion

Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. Lindsay Jones.


  • Mose und seine Zeit by Hugo Gressman, available at here
  • Al-Islam wa-usul al-hukm by 'Ali 'Abd al-Raziq;
  • Patrologia Latina vol. 178;
  • Petri Abelardi Opera ed. Victor Cousin available at here
  • “Ablution,” Dictionary of Islam, available at archive. org here
  • “Die Entestehung der muslimischen Reinheitsgesetzgebung” by A. J. Wensnick, Der Islam 5 (1914), available at here
  • “Purification”, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics Vol. 10;
  • Genesis by Hermann Gunkel available at here.
  • The Legends of Genesis by Hermann Gunkel, trans. William H. Carruth available at here.
  • Die religionsphilosophischen Lehren des Isaak Abravanel by Jacob Guttman available at here.
  • The Acehnese by Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje. Volume 1 at here, Vol. 2 here.
  • “Adam” by Xavier Le Bachelet, Dictionnaire de theologie catholique;
  • Alphabetical Compendium of the Various Sects Which Have Appeared from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Present Dayby Hannah Adams, available at here.
  • A Concise Account of the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jewsby Hannah Adams, available at here.
  • A Dictionary of All Religions and Religious Denominations by Hannah Adams, available at here.
  • The History of the Jews from the Destruction of the Temple to the Nineteenth Century by Hannah Adams, available at here.
  • Letters on the Gospels by Hannah Adams;
  • A Memoir of Miss Hannah Adams by Hannah Adams, available at here.
  • The Truth and Excellence of the Christian Religion Exhibited by Hannah Adams, available at here.
  • An Historical Dictionary of All Religions from the Creation of the World to This Perfect Time by Thomas Broughton;
  • Comparative Religion by Lewis Henry Jordan, available at here.
  • Gurmat Nirnay Sagar by Pandit Tara Singh;
  • The Responsa of Rabbi Solomon Ben Adreth of Barcelona (1235-1310) as a Source of the History of Spain by Isidore Epstein;
  • “The Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult and Its Mediterranean Relations,” by Arthur Evans, Journal of Hellenic Studies Vol. 21, available at here.
  • The Palace of Minos by Arthur Evans, available at here.
  • Works of Aristotle by Aristotle, ed. William D. Ross; Vol. 1 at here, Vol. 2 here, Vol. 3 here, Vol. 4 here, Vol. 5 here, Vol. 6 here, Vol. 7 here, Vol. 8 here, Vol. 9 here, Vol. 10 here, Vol. 11 here, Vol. 12 here;
  • The Philosophy of Fine Art by G. W. F. Hegel ed. Francis Plumpte Beresford Osmaston; Vol. 1 at here, Vol. 2 here, Vol. 3 here, Vol. 4 here;
  • Das Heilige by Rudolf Otto, available at here;
  • Dialogues of Plato by Plato, trans. Benjamin Jowett; Available at here.
  • Interpretations of Poetry and Religion by George Santayana available at here;
  • On Religion by Friedrich Schleiermacher available at here;
  • The Negro Church by W. E. B. DuBois;
  • Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. DuBois available at here;
  • One Hundred Years of the African Methodist Episcopal Church by James Walker Hood, available at here;
  • The History of the Negro Church by Carter G. Woodson availabe at here;
  • Il fiumi bianco e i Denka by Giovanni Beltrame;
  • Istorica descrizione de' tre' regni Congo Matumba Angola by Giovanni Antonio Cavazzi, available at here;
  • The Making of Religion by Andrew Lang, available at here;
  • Ashanti by R. S. Rattray, available at here;
  • Les religions des peuples non-civilses by Albert Reville;
  • Il viaggio di Siam de'padri gesuiti mandatti dal re di Francia all'Indie, e alla China by Guy Tachard;
  • Primitive Culture by Edward B. Tylor, available at here;
  • Anthropologie der Naturvolker by Theodor Waitz, available at here;
  • Among the Primitive Bakongo by John H. Weeks, available at here;
  • The Shilluk People by Diedrich Westermann, available at here;
  • A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel, in Judaism, and in Christianity by R. H. Charles, available at here;
  • Das Leben nach dem Tode im Glauben der Menschheit by Carl C. Clemen;
  • Spiritualism: Its History, Phenomena and Doctrine by J. Arthur Hill, available at here;
  • Holle und Paradies bei den Babyloniern or The Babylonian Conception of Heaven and Hell, by Alfred Jeremias, available at here;
  • Heaven and Hell in Comparative Religion by Kaufmann Kohler;
  • Representation of Deities of the Maya Manuscript by Paul Schellhas, available at here;
  • Religion and the Future Life by Elias H. Sneath, available at here;
  • “Ages of the World,” multiple authors, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Ragnarok by Axel Olrik;
  • The Visnu Purana by H. H. Wilson;
  • Mutter Erde by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • Mythologische Forschungen aus dem Nachlasse by Wilhelm Mannhardt;
  • Wald- und Feldkulte by Wilhelm Mannhardt;
  • Der Ackerbau in Volksaberglauben der Finnen und Esten... by Aukusti V. Rantasalo;
  • Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings and religions of the Parsees by Martin Haug;
  • Dyaus Asura, Asura Mazda and die Asuras by Peter von Bradke;
  • Die Amesa Spentas by Bernhard Geiger;
  • Die Geburt des Kindes by Eduard Norden;
  • Ostrianische Kultur im Altertum by Wilhelm Geiger;
  • Eransahr nach der Geographie des Ps. Moses orenac'i by Joef Marquart;
  • “Ajivikas” by A F. R. Hoernle, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Bhagavati Sutra, Bombay, 1918-1921;
  • Digha Nikaya: Dialogues of the Buddha by T. W. Rhys Davids and C. A. F. Rhys Davids;
  • Ashanti by R. S. Rattray;
  • Akbarnama by Abu al-Fazl 'Allami, trans. Henry Beveridge;
  • A'i n-i-Akbari by Abu al-Fazl 'Allami, trans. H. Blochman and H. S. Jarrett;
  • Akbar, the Great Mogul, 1542-1605 by Vincent A. Smith;
  • Rituels accadiens by Francois Thureau-Dangin;
  • Polnoe sobranie sochinenii I. S. Aksakov by Ivan Aksakov;
  • Altere Denkmaler nordabessiniens by Daniel Krencker;
  • Histoire et religion des Nosairis by Rene Dussaud; resume of same by Rene Basset in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. 9;
  • Journal of the American Oriental Society (1868) 227-308;
  • The Asian Mystery by Samuel Lyde;
  • “Nusairi,” by Louis Massignon, Encyclopedia of Islam, 1913-1934;
  • Ta'rikh al-'Alawiyin by Muhammad Amin Ghalib al-Tawil;
  • “Risalah fi al-radd 'ala al-Nusayriyah” by Ibn Taymiyah in Majmu' al-rasa'il;
  • Works by Albertus Magnus, ed. Pierre Jammy;
  • “De vita et scriptis B. Alberti Magni,” by Paulus von Loe, Analecta Bollandiana, 19-21;
  • Kritische Studien zum Leben und zu den Schriften Alberts des Grossen by Franz Pelster;
  • A History of Magic and Experimental Science by Lynn Thorndike;
  • Theatrum Chemicum, 1659-1661;
  • Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum by Elias Ashmole;
  • Collection des anciens alchemistes grecs ed. Berthelet and Ruelle;
  • Chalid ibn Jazid ibn Mu'awija by Julius Ruska;
  • Ga'far al-Sadiq der sechste Imam by Julius Ruska;
  • “Alchemistische Decknaman,” by Julius Ruska and E. Wiedemann, in Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-medinische Sozietat;
  • The Hermetic Museum, trans. Arthur E. Waite;
  • Alcuin: His Life and Work by C. J. B. Gaskoin;
  • Der dor vedorshav by Isaac Hirsch Weiss;
  • Al-Durr al-manthur fi'l-tafsir bi'l-ma'thur by Jalal al-Din al-Suyutri;
  • A Literary History of Persia, Vol. 3: The Tartar Dominion, 1265-1502, by Edward G. Browne;
  • The Life, Experience, and Gospel Labors of the Rt. Rev. Richard Allen by Richard Allen;
  • The Native Tribes of South-East Australia by A. W. Howitt;
  • The Book of Days by Robert Chambers;
  • Das Alphabet in Mystik und Magic by Franz Dornseiff;
  • Greek Grammar by Herbert Weir Smyth;
  • “Altar” by Louis H. Gray, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Altar” by Kaufmann Kohler and Theodor Klauser, Jewish Encyclopedia;
  • The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, Vol. 10;
  • Patrologia Latina Vol. 14 and 15;
  • A Short History of the Saracens by Syed Ameer Ali;
  • The Spirit of Islam by Syed Ameer Ali;
  • Die Amesa Spentas by Bernard Geiger;
  • Sacred Books of the East Vol. 49;
  • Magie et religion dans l'Afrique du Nord by Edmond Doutre;
  • The Gnostics and Their Remains by C. W. King;
  • Amulets and Talismans by E. A. Wallis Budge;
  • Auszuge aus syrischen Akten persischer Martyrer by Georg Hoffman;
  • Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion by Jane Ellen Harrison;
  • Personality in Sufism by Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • Studies in Islamic Mysticism by Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • Psyche by Erwin Rohde;
  • Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der griechischen und romischen Mythologie by W. H. Roscher;
  • “Anan et ses ecrits” by Samuel Poznanski, Revue des etudes juives;
  • Is gyvenimo veliu ir velniu by Jonas Basanavicius;
  • The Ancient City by N. D. Fustel de Coulanges;
  • The Religious System of China by J. J. M. de Groot;
  • Latviesu mitologija by Peteris Smits;
  • “Hanovijs par dveselu kultu pie latviesiem,” by Karlis Straubergs, Izglitibas ministrijas menesraksts;
  • Indianische Sagen von der Nord-Pacifischen Kuste Amerikas by Franz Boas;
  • The Religious Life of the Zuni Child by Matilda Coxe Stevenson;
  • Buddhist Art in Its Relation to Buddhist Ideals, with Special Reference to Buddhism by Anesaki Masaharu;
  • Nichiren, the Buddhist Prophet by Anesaki Masaharu;
  • The Religious and Social Problems of the Orient by Anesaki Masaharu;
  • “Les anges du paganisme,” by Franz Cumont, Revue de l'histoire des religions;
  • “Anges,” by Henri Leclerq, in Dictionnaire d'archeologie chretienne et de liturgie;
  • Aramaic Incantation Texts from Nippur by A James Montgomery;
  • The English Rite by Frank E. Brightman;
  • The Elementary Forms of Religious Life by Emile Durkheim;
  • “Pre-Animistic Religion” by R. R. Marett, Folklore 11 (1900);
  • The Threshold of Religion by R. R. Marett;
  • Primitive Culture by E. B. Tylor;
  • “The Mide'wiwin or 'Grand Medicine Society' of the Ojibwa,” by W. J. Hoffman, Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1885-1886;
  • Kitchi-Gami: Life among the Lake Superior Ojibway by Johann Kohl;
  • History of the Ojibway People by William Warren;
  • Celtic Folklore by John Rhys;
  • Historia novorum by Eadmer, ed. Martin Rule;
  • Vita Anselmi by Eadmer, ed. Martin Rule;
  • Opera omnia by Gabrielis Gerberon;
  • Patrologia Latina 158-159;
  • Psyche by Erwin Rohde;
  • Sermones Sancti Antonii Patavini ed. Antonio M. Locatelli;
  • “Ethnology” by A. H. Keane, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Primitive Religion” by R. R. Marett, Encyclopædia Britannica (1911);
  • Natural Selection and Tropical Nature by Alfred Russel Wallace;
  • “Anthropomorphism” by Frank B. Jevons, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Mu'tazila,” Encyclopedia of Islam;
  • “Tashbih,” Encyclopedia of Islam;
  • The Antichrist Legend by Wilhelm Bousset;
  • De Antichristo libri undecim by Tomas Malvenda;
  • Die Vorstellungen vom Antichrist im spateren mittelaalter, bei Luther und in der Konfessionellen Polemik by Hans Preuss;
  • The Cults of the Greek States by Lewis R. Farnell;
  • Origene by E. de Faye;
  • Apollinaris von Laodicea und seine Schule by Hans Leitzmann;
  • Apollinarianism by Charles E. Raven;
  • The Spirit of Islam by Syed Ameer Ali;
  • History of Rome by Livy;
  • Codex Theodosianus ed. Theodor Mommsen and Paulus M. Meyer;
  • Collatio legum Romanorum et Mosaicorum ed. Moses Hyamson;
  • Apotheosis and Afterlife by Eugenie Sellers Strong;
  • Toledot tanna'im veamora'im by Aaron Hyman;
  • A Text-Book of North Semitic Inscriptions by G. A. Cooke;
  • “Arabia” by Fritz Hommel in The Encyclopædia of Islam;
  • Kitab al-asnam by Ibn al-Kalbi;
  • Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, 1889-1931;
  • Die Polarvölker by Artur Bryhan;
  • Aboriginal Siberia by M. A. Czaplicka;
  • “The Influence of Environment upon the Religious Ideas and Practices of the Aborigines of Northern Asia,” Folklore 25 (1914) by M. A. Czaplicka.
  • History of Armenia by Johannes Audell;
  • Patmut'iwm Hayots by Michael Chamchean;
  • Patmut'iwm hay ekeghets' woy by Kevork Mesrop;
  • Histoire du people armenien by Jacques de Morgan;
  • Patmut'iwm hay ekeghets' woy by Melchisedek Muratean;
  • Azgapatowm by Mal'achia Ormanian;
  • Histoire politique et religieuse de l'Armenie by Francois Tournebize;
  • Patmut'iwm hay ekeghets' woy by Abraham Zaminean;
  • Hin Hawatk' kam het'anosakan kronk' Hayots' by Lerond Alishan;
  • “Armenian Mythology” by Mardiros H. Ananikian in Mythology of All Races, Vol. 7, 1925.
  • The Works of Jacobus Arminius trans. James Nichols and William R. Bagnall;
  • Religion and Art in Ancient Greece by Ernest Gardner;
  • Concerning the Spiritual in Art, and Painting in Particular by Wassily Kandinsky;
  • The Idea of the Holy by Rudolf Otto;
  • Acta fratrum Arvalium quae supersunt by Wilhelm Henzen;
  • Modern Religious Movements in India by J. N. Farquhar;
  • The Arya Samaj by Lala Lajpat Rai;
  • “Die Himmelsreise der Seele” by Wilhelm Bousset in Archiv für Religionswissenschaft 4 (1901);
  • Eine Mithrasliturgie by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • Studien zur Geschichte der Himmelfahrt im klassischen Altertum by Karl Honn;
  • Aeneis Buch VI by P. Vergilius Maro;
  • “Asceticism,” multiple authors, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Ideals of Asceticism by Oscar Hardman;
  • The Mystics, Ascetics, and Saints of India by John Campbell Oman;
  • Zur Geschichte Abu l'Hasan al-As'ari's by Wilhelm Spitta;
  • “Asher b. Jechiel, sein Leben und Wirken,” by Alfred Freiman, Jahrbuch der judisch-literarischen Geseelschaft 12 (1918);
  • “Die Ascheriden” by Alfred Freiman, Jahrbuch der judisch-literarischen Geseelschaft 13 (1920);
  • Si Yu Ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World by Samuel Beal;
  • The Mahavamsa by Wilhelm Geiger;
  • Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, Vol. 1: Inscriptions of Asoka by E. Hultzsch;
  • The Dipavamsa by Hermann Oldenberg;
  • La legende de l'Empereur Asoka by Jean Pryzluski;
  • Asoka: The Buddhist Emperor of India by Vincent A. Smith;
  • L'astrologie greque by Auguste Bouche-Leclercq;
  • Catalogus codicum asgtrologorum graecorum by Franz Cumont and Johannes Boll;
  • An Astrological Discourse ... by Richard Harvey;
  • De Conjunctionibus magnis insignibus superiorum planetarium... by Cyprianus von Leowitz;
  • Prognosticatgio Latina Anno LXXXIII/1483 ad magnam coniunctionem Saturni et Jovis quae fuit anno LXXXIIII/1484... by Johann Lichtenberger;
  • De Magnis Conjunctionibus Annorum revolutionibus ac eorum perfectionibus octo continen tractatus by Abu Ma'shar;
  • El primer nueva coronica y buen govierno by Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala;
  • Relacion de la conquista del Peru... by Tito Cusi Yupanqui;
  • Historia de los incas y relacion de su govierno by Horacio H. Urteaga;
  • Commentarios reales de los Incas by Garcilaso de la Vega;
  • Select Works and Letters by Athanasius;
  • “On the Medicine-Men of the Ten'a,” by Jules Jette, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 37 (1907);
  • “On the Superstitions of the Ten'a Indians (Middle Part of the Yukon Valley, Alaska),” by Jules Jette, Anthropos 6 (1911);
  • “The Religion of the Indians of California,” by Alfred L. Kroeber, American Archaeology and Ethnology 4 (1907);
  • The Sun Dance and Other Ceremonies of the Oglala Division of the Teton Dakota by James R. Walker;
  • A History of Indian Philosophy by Surendranath Dasgupta;
  • Atheism in Pagan Antiquity by Anders B. Drachmann;
  • The Natural History of Religion by David Hume;
  • The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man by John Lubbock;
  • The Cults of the Greek States by Lewis R. Farnell;
  • Indian Pandits in the Land of Snow by Sarat Chandra Das;
  • “Attention” by William James, The Principles of Psychology Vol. 1;
  • “God, Biblical and Christian,” by W. T. Davison, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Dieu,” various authors, Dictionnaire de theologie catholique, Vol. 4;
  • A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy by Isaac Husik;
  • “The Most Comely Names,” by J. W. Redhouse, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 12 (1880);
  • Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede;
  • Saint Augustine of Canterbury by Henry H. Howorth;
  • Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vols. 12, 25, 28, 33-34, 36, 40-44, 51-53, 57-58, 60, 63, 74, 77, 84-85;
  • Patrologia Latina Vol. 32-47;
  • Sancti Augustine vita scripta a Possidio episcopo by Possidius;
  • Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or Ours? by Roland Allen;
  • Missionary Principles by Roland Allen;
  • An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales... by David Collins;
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life by Emile Durkheim (2);
  • “The Manners and Customs of the Dieyerie Tribe of Australian Aboriginals,” by Samuel Gason, in The Native Tribes of South Australia, ed. James Dominick Woods;
  • The Native Tribes of South-East Australia by A. W. Howitt (2);
  • Australian Legendary Tales by Katherine Langlob Parker;
  • More Australian Legendary Tales by Katherine Langlob Parker;
  • Native Tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia by Baldwin Spencer;
  • The Native Tribes of Central Australia by Baldwin Spencer and F. J. Gillen;
  • The Northern Tribes of Central Australia by Baldwin Spencer and F. J. Gillen (2);
  • Testamenta Marra by Carl Strehlow and Johann Georg Reuther;
  • A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson by Watkin Tench;
  • Classical Hindu Mythology ed. Conelia Dimmitte and J. A. B. van Buitenen;
  • A Classical History of Hindu Mythology and Religion by John Dowson;
  • Die Gathas des Avesta by C. Bartholomae;
  • The Zend-Avesta by James Darmesteter (Sacred Books of the East Vols. 4, 23);
  • Vendidad by Hoshang Jamasp;
  • Trois conferences sur les Gatha de l'Avesta by Antoine Meillet;
  • The Zend-Avesta by L. H. Mills (Sacred Books of the East Vol. 31);
  • “R. Abraham b. David aus Posquieres” by H. Gross, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums 22-23 (1873-1874);
  • The Sushruta Samhita trans. Kaviaj Kunjalal Bishagratna;
  • Medicin by Julius Jolly;


  • Le Beyan Arabe by 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi Bab;
  • Le Beyan Persan by 'Ali Muhammad Shirazi Bab;
  • A Traveller's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Bab by Abdu'l-Baha;
  • The Tarihk-i-Jadid by Hamadani Husain;
  • Philosophical Works by Francis Bacon, ed. J. M. Roberson;
  • Works by Francis Bacon;
  • La synethese doctrinale de Roger Bacon by Raoul Carton;
  • L'experience mystique de l'illumination interieure chez Roger Bacon by Raoul Carton;
  • L'experience physique chez Roger Bacon by Raoul Carton;
  • Roger Bacon: Essays by Andrew G. Little;
  • Das System des Vedanta by Paul Deussen, trans. as The System of Vedanta;
  • Le Vedanta by Vinayaka S. Ghate;
  • Zur Fruhgeschichte der indischen Philosophie by Hermann Jacobi;
  • The Vedanta Sutras of Badarayana by George Thibaut (Sacred Books of the East Vols. 34, 38, 48);
  • Al-hidaya 'ila fura'id al-qulub des Bachja ibn Josef ibn Paquda, aus Andalusien by A. S. Yahuda;
  • Studien uber die Entstehung der Nordischen Gotter- und Heldensagen by Sophus Bugge;
  • Die Uberlieferungen vom Gotte Balder by Gustav Neckel;
  • The Mississippi Choctaws at Play by Kendall Blanchard;
  • “Games of the North American Indians” by Stewart Culin, in Twenty-Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1902-1903;
  • “The Cherokee Ball Play,” by James Mooney, American Anthropologist 3 (1890);
  • “Myths of the Cherokee,” by James Mooney, Nineteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1897-1898,
  • 1900; “Sacred Formulas of the Cherokee,” by James Mooney, Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1885-1886, 1891;
  • League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee or Iroquois, Vol. 1 by Lewis Henry Morgan;
  • “Ueber den Uhsin-Mythus,” by Robert Karl Auning, Magazin 20 (1905);
  • “Das Religionswesen der altern Preussen mit litauisch-lettischen Parallen,” by Hans Bertuleit, Prussia 25 (1924) (2);
  • Widerlegung der Abogttery und nichtigen Aberglaubens by Paul Einhorn;
  • Livonicae historiae compendiosa series, curante Gustavo Bergmann by Dionysius Fabricius;
  • Preussische Chronik by Simon Grunav;
  • Sarmatiae Europae descripto by Alessandro Guagnini;
  • De Diis Samagitarum caeterorumque Sarmatarum et falsorum Christianorum by Jan Lasicius;
  • Ocerki iz istorii litovsko-taysskogo narodnogo tvorcestva by Jekabs Lautenbahs;
  • “Uber die Religion der Letten” by Jekabs Lautenbahs, Magazin 20 (1901);
  • “Die lettischen Sonnenmythen” by Wilhelm Mannhardt, Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie 7 (1875) (2);
  • Chronica der Prouintz Lyfflandt by Balthasar Russow;
  • Latviesu mitologija by Peteris Smits;
  • Latviesu pasakas un teikas by Peteris Smits;
  • Ktora przedtym nigdy swiatla nie widziaka Kronika Polska, ... by Maciej Stryjkowsky;
  • Raksti par latvju folkloru by Arveda Svabe;
  • The Sacred City of the Hindus by Matthew A. Sherring;
  • The Dippers Dipt by Daniel Featley;
  • Patrologia Graeca Vol. 151;
  • The Ascetic Works by W. K. L. Clarke;
  • Patrologia Graeca 29-32;
  • Selected Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers 2nd series Vol. 8;
  • Kritik der Evangelien und Geschichte ihres Ursprungs by Bruno Bauer;
  • Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte der Synoptiker by Bruno Bauer;
  • The Church History of the First Three Centuries by F. C. Baur;
  • Geschichte der christlichen Kirche by F. C. Baur;
  • Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ by F. C. Baur;
  • Anwar al-tanzil wa-asrar al-ta'wil by al-Baydawi;
  • Chrestomathia Baidawiana by D. S. Margoliouth;
  • Pomo Bear Doctors by Samuel Alfred Barrett;
  • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley;
  • The Glory of the Lord by Hans Urs von Balthazar;
  • Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede, trans. by Charles Plummer;
  • Patrologia Latina 90-95;
  • The Concept of the Guardian Spirit in North America by Ruth Benedict;
  • Benedictine Monachism by Edward Cuthbert Butler;
  • Magie et religion dans l'Afrique du Nord by Edmond Doutre;
  • Introduction to Metaphysics by Henri Bergson;
  • Annie Besant: An Autobiography by Annie Besant;
  • Autobiographical Sketches by Annie Besant;
  • Le festin d'immortalite by Georges Dumezil;
  • Die sakrale Bedeutung des Weines im Altertum by Karl Kirchner;
  • Die Herabkunft des Feuers und des Gottertranks by Adalbert Kuhn;
  • Nektar und Ambrosia by W. H. Roscher;
  • “Milch und Honig,” by Hermann Usener, Rheinisches Museum fur Philologie 57 (1902);
  • Die Milch im Kultus der Griechen und Romer by Karl Wyss;
  • Theodori Bezae Vezelii by Theodore Beza;
  • Bhagavad Gita by Franklin Edgerton;
  • Bhagavat-geeta by Charles Wilkins;
  • The Commentary of Ibn Ezra on Isaiah, trans. Michael Fridlander;
  • Canon and Text of the Old Testament by Frants Buhl;
  • The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English by R. H. Charles;
  • Folk-lore in the Old Testament by James G. Frazer;
  • A Concordance to the Septuagint and the Other Greek Versions of the Old Testament by Edwin Hatch and Henry A. Redpath;
  • The Apostolic Fathers by Kirsopp Lake;
  • An Introduction to the Literature of the New Testament by James Moffatt;
  • The Canon of the Old Testament by H. E. Ryle;
  • An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek by Henry Barclay Swete;
  • Clavis librorum veteris testamenti apocryphyum philologica by Abraham Wahl;
  • The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English by R. H. Charles;
  • Sacrifice in the Old Testament by G. B. Gray;
  • “Knots,” by Walter J. Dilling, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • Les rites de passage by Arnold van Gennep, translated as Rites of Passage;
  • Das Schlingen- und Netzmotiv im Glauben und Brauch der Volker by Isidor Scheftelowitz;
  • Blackfeet Indian Stories by George Bird Grinnell;
  • The Old North Trail by Walter McClintock;
  • “L'apostasie,” by Leon Bercher, Revue tunisienne 30 (1923);
  • Penalties upon Opinion by Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner;
  • The History of the Last Trial by Jury for Atheism in England by George Holyoake;
  • Muhammedanisches Recht nach Schafitischer Lehre by Eduard Sachau;
  • Instituzioni di diritto musulmano malichita con riguardo anche al sistema sciafitta by David Santillana;
  • “Theosophical Society,” by Annie Besant, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Theosophy,” by Paul Oltramare, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • La foi juree by Georges Davy;
  • Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World by James Cook;
  • The History of Tattooing and Its Significance by Wilfrid D. Hambly;
  • Last Journals of David Livingstone by David Livingstone;
  • Das Leben Jakob Bohmes by Will-Erich Peuckert;
  • Opera omnia by Bonaventure;
  • The Chukchee Religion by W. G. Bogoras;
  • Bonifacius: Die Briefe des heiligen Bonifacius and Lullus by Michael Tangl;
  • Les registres de Boniface VIII by G. A. L. Digard;
  • Histoire du differend d'entre le Pape Boniface VIII et Philippe le Bel by Pierre Dupuy;
  • The Life of General William Booth by Harold Begbie;
  • In Darkest England and the Way Out by William Booth;
  • The Life of Catherine Booth by Frederick de Latour Booth-Tucker;
  • “A Contribution to the Study of the Collective Representations of Death” by Robert Hertz;
  • The Pagan Tribes of Borneo by Charles Hose and William McDougall;
  • Acta ecclesiae mediolanensis;
  • Opere complete di S. Carlo Borromeo ed. J. A. Sassi;
  • Die Religion des Veda by Hermann Oldenburg;
  • Das Jaiminiya-Brahmana in Auswahl by Willem Caland;
  • The Satapatha-Brahmana by Julius Eggeling;
  • Aitreya by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • Rigveda Brahmanas by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • Sankhyana by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • The Veda of the Black Yajus School Entitled Taittiriya-Sanhita by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • La doctrine du sacrifice dans les Brahmanas by Sylvain Levi;
  • “Aranyaka” by Hermann Oldenburg, Nachrichten von der Kgl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen;
  • Die Weltanschaung der Brahmana-Texte by Hermann Oldenburg;
  • Modern Religious Movements in India by J. N. Farquhar;
  • Yoga-Mimamsa (journal);
  • Recherches sur les superstitions en Chine by Henri Dore;
  • “Buddhist Masses for the Dead,” by J. J. M. de Groot, Actes du Sixieme Congres International des Orientalistes tenu en 1883 a Leide, Vol. 4;
  • “Bridge,” by G. A. Knight, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion by John Cuthbert Lawson;
  • The True Story of Robert Browne by Champlin Burrage;
  • Giordano Bruno e il pensiero del rinascimento by Giovanni Gentile;
  • The Fo-Sho-hing-tsan-kung: A Life of Buddha by Asvaghosa Bodhisattva trans. Samuel Beal;
  • “Buddhaghosa” by Bimala Churn Law, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Si-yu-ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World by Samuel Beal;
  • Si-yu-ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World by Samuel Beal;
  • Travels of Fa-hian and Sung-Yun, Buddhist Pilgrims from China to India by Samuel Beal;
  • Dainihon bukkyo zensho;
  • Dainihon zokuokyo;
  • Hinduism and Buddhism by Charles Eliot;
  • The Social Organization in Northeast India in the Buddha's Time by R. Fick;
  • “Research sur la litterature laotienne,” by Louis Finot, Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient 17 (1917);
  • articles by Louis de La Vallee Poussin in the Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Bouddhisme: Etudes et materiaux by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • Bouddhisme: Opinions sur l'histoire de la dogmatique by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • “La controverse du temps et du pudgala dans la Vijnanakaya" by Louis de La Vallee Poussin, Etudes asiatiques 1 (1925);
  • L'Abhidharmakosa de Vasubandhu, trans. Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • Nirvana by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • The Way to Nirvana by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • Historical Gleanings by B. C. Law;
  • Some Ksatriya Tribes of Ancient India by B. C. Law;
  • Le bouddhisme au Cambodge by Adhemard Leclere;
  • A Record of Buddhist Kingdoms by James Legge;
  • “Origins and Doctrines of Early Indian Buddhist Schools,” by Jiryo Masuda, Asia Minor 2 (1925);
  • A Catalogue of the Chinese Translation of the Buddhist Tripitaka ... by Bunyio Nanjio;
  • Shinshu Zensho by Tsumaki Naoyoshi;
  • Buddha, sein Leben, seine Lehre, seine Gemeinde by Hermann Oldenberg, trans. as Buddha, His Life, His Doctrine, His Order;
  • Buddhist India by T. W. Rhys Davids;
  • “Sects (Buddhist),” by T. W. Rhys Davids, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the Word “Dharma” by Theodore Stcherbatsky;
  • Taisho shinshu daizokyo; Hmannan maha yazawintawkyi by Pe Maung Tin and G. H. Luce;
  • On Yuan Chwang's Travels in India by Thomas Watters;
  • Geschichte der indischen Literature by Moriz Winternitz;
  • Points of Controversy by Schwe Zan Aung and C. A. F. Rhys Davids;
  • “Origins and Doctrines of Early Indian Buddhist Schools,” by Jiryo Masuda, Asia Minor 2 (1925);
  • A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practiced in India and the Malay Archipelago by Takakusu Junjiro;
  • On Yuan Chwang's Travels in India, 629-645 A.D. by Thomas Watters;
  • Chinese Buddhism by Joseph Edkin;
  • “Buddhist Masses for the Dead in Amoy,” by J. J. M. de Groot, Actes du Sixieme Congres International des Orientalistes;
  • Le bouddhisme au Cambodge by Adhemard Leclere;
  • The Burman, His Life and Notions by James G. Scott (Shway Yoe);
  • Boeginesche chrestomathie by Benjamin F. Matthes;
  • Over de bissoe's of heidensche priesters en priestessen der Boeginezen by Benjamin F. Matthes;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • The Burman, His Life and Notions by James G. Scott (Shway Yoe);
  • The Thirty-seven Nats: A Phase of Spirit-Worship Prevailing in Burma by R. C. Temple;
  • Le Bhagavata Purana by Eugene Burnouf;
  • Le Lotus de la bonne loi by Eugene Burnouf;
  • L'introduction a l'historie du bouddhisme indien by Eugene Burnouf;
  • Preface to Le Lotus de la bonne loi by Sylvain Levi;
  • The Works of Joseph Butler, D. C. L. by Joseph Butler;


  • Die Mystik des Nikolaus Cabisilas vom Leben in Christo by Wilhelm Gass;
  • Patrologia Graeca 150;
  • Kain und Abel in der Agada den Apokryphen der hellenistischen, christlichen und muhammedanischen Literatur by Vigdor Aptowizer;
  • The Legends of the Jews by Lewis Ginzberg;
  • Sri Smiya Nimai Carita by Sisir Kumar Ghosh;
  • The Chaitanya Movement: A Study of Vaishnavism of Bengal by Melville T. Kennedy;
  • The Serpent Power by John George Woodroffe;
  • Sri Cakrasamvara-Tantra by Kazi Dawa-Samdup;
  • Juicio de limites entre el Peru y Bolivia by Victor M. Maurtua;
  • Sir George Calvert, Baron of Baltimore by Lewis W. Wilhelm;
  • Ioannis Calvini opera quae supersunt omnia by John Calvin;
  • Jean Calvin, les hommes et les choses de son temps by Emile Doumerge;
  • The Christian System by Alexander Campbell;
  • Memoirs of Alexander Campbell by Robert Richardson;
  • Beati Petri Canisii Societatas Iesu epistolae et acta by Otto Braunsberger;
  • Bibliotheque de la Compagnie de Jesus by Carlos Sommervogel;
  • The Gift by Marcel Mauss;
  • History of the New World by Girolamo Benzoni;
  • Dictionnaire caraibe-francois by Raymond Breton;
  • Domestic Manners and Social Conditions of the White, Colored, and Negro Populations of the West Indies, by Mrs. A. C. Carmichael;
  • The Souls of Black Folk, by W. E. B. Du Bois;
  • Relation de l'establissement d'une colonie francois... by Mathias du Pois;
  • Histoire generale des Antilles... by Jean-Baptiste Dutertre;
  • A Central American and West Indian Archaeology by Thomas A. Joyce;
  • Voyage qui continent un relation exacte de l'origine... by Sieur de La Borde;
  • Mythology of All Races Vol. 11;
  • Histoire naturelle et morale des iles Antilles de l'Amerique by Charles Cesar de Rochefort;
  • The Life and Times of John Carroll by Peter K. Guilday;
  • Lokayata by Hara Prasad Shastri;
  • Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum Vol. 13, 17;
  • Patrologia Latina Vols. 49 & 50;
  • Lehre des Johannes Cassianus von Natur und Gnade by Alexander Hoch;
  • S. Jean Cassian et sa doctrine sur la grace by Joseph Laugier;
  • Philosophie der symbolischen formen by Ernst Cassirer;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • Le culte de Cybele by Henri Graillot;
  • Attis, seine Mythen und sein Kult by Hugo Hepding;
  • Nordiska resor och forskringar by Matthias Alexander Castren;
  • Tutkimusmatkoilla Pohjolassa by Matthias Alexander Castren;
  • Nordische Reisen und forschungen by Anton Schiefner;
  • “Lustratio” by Auguste Bouche-Leclercq, Dictionnaire des antiquites grecques et romains;
  • Die kultische Keuschheit im Altertum by Eugen Fehrle;
  • Reinheitsvorschriften im griechischen Kult by Theodor Wachter;
  • La lettere di S. Catherina da Siena;
  • History of St. Catherine of Siena and Her Companions by Augusta Theodosia Drane;
  • Saint Catherine of Siena by Edmund G. Gardner;
  • Die Haustiere und ihre Beziebhungen zur Wirtschaft des Menschen by Eduard Hahn;
  • On the Study of Celtic Literature by Matthew Arnold;
  • The Religion of the Ancient Celts by J. A. MacCulloch aka Celtic Mythology (2);
  • The Voyage of Bran by Kuno Meyer and Alfred Nutt (2);
  • Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by Celtic Heathendom by Alwyn Rees and Brinley Rees;
  • The Aran Islands by John M. Synge;
  • “Les correspondances de vocabulaire entre l'indo-iranien et l'italo-celtique,” by Joseph Vendryes, Memoires de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris 20 (1918);
  • Patrologia Graeca 120;
  • “Un discours inedit de Psellos” by Louis Brehier, Revue des etudes grecques 16 (1903);
  • Mesainike bibliotheke e sylloge anekdoton mnemeion tes Hellenikes historias by Konstantinos N. Sathas;
  • Greek Divination by W. R. Halliday;
  • Risk, Uncertainty and Profit by Frank H. Knight;
  • Chance, Love and Logic by C. S. Pierce;
  • Die Lehren vom Zufall by Wilhelm Windelband;
  • The Works of William Ellery Channing;
  • Lehrbuch der Religiongeschichte by P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye;
  • Manual of the Science of Religion by P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye;
  • The Religion of the Teutons by P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye;
  • Neumen-Studien by Oskar Fleischer;
  • The Music of Hindostan by A. H. Fox-Strangways;
  • “Parallelen zwischen gregorianischen und hebraeisch-orientalischen Gesangweissen,” by A. Z. Idelsohn, Zeitschrift fur Musikwissenschaft 4 (1921-1922);
  • Einfuhrung in die gregorianischen Melodien by Peter Wagner;
  • Schopfung und Chaos in Urzeit und Endzeit by Hermann Gunkel;
  • “Charismes” by Fernand Cabrol and Henri Leclercq, Dictionnaire D'Archeologie Chretienne et de Liturgie;
  • The Melanesians by R. H. Codrington;
  • The Legends of the Jews by Lewis Ginzberg;
  • “Myths of the Cherokees” by James Mooney, Nineteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1897-1898;
  • “Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees,” by James Mooney, Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1885-1886;
  • American Hero Myths by Daniel G. Brinton;
  • Apparitions of the World by Lydia Maria Child;
  • An Appeal in Favor of That Class of Americans Called Africans by Lydia Maria Child;
  • Hobomok and Other Writings on Indians by Lydia Maria Child;
  • The Progress of Religious Ideas by Lydia Maria Child;
  • Bibliotheca Sinica by Henri Cordier;
  • The Religious System of China ... by J. J. M. de Groot;
  • Bibliographie du taoisme by Desire Marceron;
  • “Edouard Maspero,” by Henri Maspero, T'oung pao 21 (1922);
  • “La sinologie” by Henri Maspero, Societie asiatique: Le livre du centenaire, 1822-1922;
  • Contes persans en langue populaire by Arthur Christensen;
  • L'Empire de Sassinids: Le peuple, l'etat, la cour by Arthur Christensen;
  • Les Kayanides by Arthur Christensen;
  • “Les sots dans la tradition populaires des Persians,” Acta Orientala 1 (1922);
  • Les types du premier homme et le premier roi dans l'histoire legendaire des Iraniens by Arthur Christensen;
  • Politik og masse-moral by Arthur Christensen, translated as Politics and Crowd Morality;
  • Recherches sur les Ruba'iyat de 'Omar Hayyam by Arthur Christensen;
  • “Reste von Manu-Legenden in der iranischen Sagenwelt,” by Arthur Christensen, Festschrift Friedrich Carl Andreas;
  • “De religiose Administration in sasanidischer Zeit: Ein Uberblick,” by Phillipe Gignoux, Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran;
  • Summa theologiae by Thomas Aquinas;
  • Patrology by Otto Bardenhewer;
  • The Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin;
  • Cambridge Medieval History (1911-1936);
  • Cambridge Modern History (1902-1912);
  • Dictionnaire de theologie catholique;
  • Histoire de l'eglise depuis les origines jusqu'a nos jours by Augustine Fliche, etc.;
  • Epistolographi Graeci by Rudolf Hercher;
  • On the Orthodox Faith by John of Damascus;
  • L'Afrique chretienne by Henri Leclercq;
  • Sentences by Peter Lombard;
  • Realenzyklopadie fur protestantische Theologie und Kirche;
  • The Christian Faith by Friedrich Schleiermacher;
  • Letters and Hymns by Synesius;
  • Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy;
  • “Szientismus,” by Karl Holl, Gessamelte Aufsatze zur Kirchengeschichte, Vol. 3;
  • The Sacramentary by Ildephonso Schuster;
  • Das Weinachtsfest by Hermann Usener;
  • Opera by John Chrysostom;
  • Patrologia Graeca 47-64;
  • Materialy k ob'iaseniiu staroi chuvashskoi very by Vasilii Konstantinovich Magnitskii;
  • Csuvas nepkoltesi gyujtemeny by Gyula Meszaros;
  • Khristianstvo sredi chuvash srednego Povolsh'ia u XVI-XVIII vekakh by Nikolai Vasil'evich Nikol'skii;
  • De divinatione by Cicero, commentary by Arthur Stanley Pease;
  • De fato by Cicero, commentary by Arthur Stanley Pease;
  • Die italischen Rundbauten by Walter Altmann;
  • The Cheyenne Indians by George Bird Grinnell;
  • Aramaic Incantation Texts from Nippur by James A. Montgomery;
  • L'Ordre de Citeaux by Anselme Le Bail;
  • The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. Du Bois;
  • The Ancient City by Fustel de Coulanges;
  • The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau;
  • Democracy in America by Alexis de Toucqueville;
  • Walker's Appeal in Four Articles by David Walker;
  • L'etude comparee des religions by Henri Pinard de la Boullaye;
  • Manual of the Science of Religion by P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye;
  • The Study of Religion by Morris Jastrow;
  • Introduction to the Science of Religion by F. Max Muller;
  • Elements of the Science of Religion by C. P. Tiele;
  • The Classification of Religions by Duren J. H. Ward;
  • Die apostolischen Vater by Franz X. Funk;
  • The Religious System of China by J. J. M. de Groot;
  • Saint Clotilda by Godefroi Kurth;
  • A Glossary of Greek Birds by D'arcy W. Thompson;
  • Das Stadtrecht von Gortyn und seine Beziehungen zun gemeingriechischen Rechte by Joseph Kohler and Erich Ziebarth;
  • Ancient Law by Henry Sumner Maine;
  • Obituary by Sidney Ray, Man 97 (1922);
  • Judische Schriften by Hermann Cohen;
  • Religion of Reason out of the Sources of Judaism by Hermann Cohen;
  • Introduction to the Science of Religion by F. Max Muller;
  • The Question of Right between England and the Transvaal by F. Max Muller;
  • Primitive Culture by E. B. Tylor;
  • “Mr. Warner's Notes,” by J. C. Warner, in A Compendium of Kafir Laws and Customs;
  • The Social Teaching of the Christian Churches by Ernst Troeltsch;
  • Die Flutsagen by Richard Andree;
  • “Comparative Mythology” by F. Max Muller, Chips from a German Workshop;
  • Arische Religion by Leopold Von Schroeder;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • Comparative Religion by Louis Henry Jordan;
  • Lectures on the Science of Religion by F. Max Muller;
  • The Catechism of Positive Religion by Auguste Comte;
  • The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte by August Comte;
  • The System of Positive Polity by August Comte;
  • Precis de la vie et des ecrits d'Auguste Comte by Joseph Lonchampt;
  • Die irische Helden- und Konigage bis zum siebehnten Jahrhundert by Rudolf Thurneysen;
  • “Confession des peches,” Dictionnaire de theologie catholique;
  • Die Beicht im Zusammenhange mit der sakralen Rechtspflege in der Antike by Franz Steinleitner;
  • Myonamjip by Ch'oe Ikhyon;
  • Confucius Sinarum philosophus, sive Scientia Sinensis by Philippe Couplet;
  • Zengbu Song-Yuan xue'an by Huang Zongxi and Quan Zuwang;
  • Historia de las cosas by Juan Gonzalez Mendoza;
  • De l'esprit des lois by Montesquieu;
  • Lettres Persones by Montesquieu;
  • The Morals of Confucius: A Chinese Philosopher;
  • Da Qong tongli by Wang Tingzhen Mukedeng'e;
  • Recherches philosophiques sur les Egypties et le Chinois by Cornelius de Pauw;
  • “Despotisme de la Chine,” by Francois Quesnay;
  • Sabyonnok by Pak Sedang;
  • Relations du divers voyages curieux by Melchisedec Thevenot;
  • De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas ab Societate Iesu Suscepta by Nicola Trigault and Matteo Ricci;
  • Historical essay endeavouring a probability that the language of the Empire of China is like Primitive Language by John Webb;
  • De Sinarum Philosophia Practica by Christian Wolff;
  • Shisan jing zhushu by Ruan Yuan;
  • Zhusi kaoxin lu by Ciu Shu;
  • Analects by Confucius, trans. James Legge;
  • Creeds and Platforms of Congregationalism by Williston Walker;
  • Cosmic Consciousness by Richard Maurice Bucke;
  • Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection by E. A. Wallis Budge;
  • The Philadelphia Negro by W. E. B. DuBois;
  • Spiritism and Psychology by Theodore Flournoy;
  • “The Unconscious” by Sigmund Freud, Collected Papers of Sigmund Freud, Vol. 4;
  • The Principles of Psychology by William James;
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James;
  • Opera of Gasparo Contarini;
  • Gasparo Contarini by Franz Dittrich;
  • The Myths of the New World by Daniel G. Brinton;
  • The Legends of Genesis by Hermann Gunkel;
  • Saddharma-Pundarika by Hendrick Kern;
  • Die Cosmographie der Inder by Willibald Kirfel;
  • Abhidharmakosa de Vasubandhu by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • “Cosmogony and Cosmology (Buddhist)” by Louis de La Vallee Poussin, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Sukhavativyuha Sutra by F. Max Muller (Sacred Texts of the East vol. 49);
  • The Zuni Indians by Matilda Coxe Stevenson;
  • “The Buddhist Councils” by Louis de La Vallee Poussin, Indian Antiquary 37 (1908);
  • A History of the Christian Councils by William R. Clark;
  • Geschichte des Vatikanischen Konzils by Theodor Granderath and Konrad Kirch;
  • Conciliengeschichte by Josef Hergenrother;
  • Histoire des conciles d'apres les documents originaux by Henri Leclerq;
  • Sacrum conciliorum nova, by Giovanni Domenico Mansi, et. al.
  • Lectures on the Religion of the Semites by William Robertson Smith;
  • Die Wirtschaftsethik der Weltreligionen by Max Weber;
  • Miscellaneous Writings and Letters of Thomas Cranmer by John Edmond Cox;
  • Writings and Disputations of Thomas Cranmer by John Edmond Cox;
  • The Remains of Thomas Cranmer ed. Henry Jenkyns;
  • “Creeds and Articles”, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Thoughts on the Present Position of Protestantism by Adolf Harnack;
  • Development of Muslim Theology by D. B. Macdonald;
  • Baptist Confessions of Faith by W. J. McGlothin;
  • The Acts and Decrees of the Synod of Jerusalem by J. N. W. B. Robertson;
  • The Creeds of Christendom by Philip Schaff;
  • Religions de l'antiquite ... by G. F. Creuzer;
  • Symbolik by G. F. Creuzer;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • “Crossroads,” by J. A. MacCulloch and Richard Wunsch, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Crown” by G. F. Hill, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Future of Africa by Alexander Crummell;
  • The Greatness of Christ and Other Sermons by Alexander Crummell;
  • The Relations and Duties of Free Colored Men in American to Africa by Alexander Crummell;
  • The Shades and the Lights of a Fifty Years' Ministry by Alexander Crummell;
  • Primitive Culture by Edward D. Tylor;
  • The Australian Aboriginal by H. Basedow;
  • The Melanesians by R. H. Codrington;
  • “Cursing and Blessing” by Ernest Crawley, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Mystic Rose by Ernest Crawley;
  • “Cursing as a Fine Art,” by W. Sherwood Fox, Sewanee Review 27 (1919);
  • “Old Testament Parallels to Tabellae Defiionum,” by W. Sherwood Fox, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature, 30.2 (1914);
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • “The Cursing of the Fig Tree,” by W. H. P. Hatch, Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society III (1923);
  • Manners and Customs of the New Zealanders by J. S. Polack;
  • “Cursing,” by Isidore Singer et. al, The Jewish Encyclopedia;
  • Anthropological Essays Presented to Edward Burnett Tylor by Edward Westermarck;
  • The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas by Edward Westermarck;
  • Le culte de Cybele by Giovanni Cerii;
  • Attis, seine Mythen and sein Kult by Hugo Hepding;
  • Cypriannus opera by Johannes Andreae;
  • Sancti Caecilii Cypriani by Etienne Baluze and S. Mauri;
  • Cyprian: His Life, His Times, His Work by Edward White Benson;
  • La theologie de S. Cyprien by Adehemar d'Ales;
  • S. Thasci Caecilii Cypriani by Wilhelm Hertel et al.;
  • Patrologia Latina 4;
  • Histoire litterature de l'Afrique chretienne by Paul Monceaux;
  • Saint Cyprian: Writings by Robert E. Wallis;

Cyril I

  • Monumens authentiques de la religion des Grecs by Jean Aymon;
  • Monumenta fidei ecclesiae orientalis by Ernest Julius Kimmel;
  • Bibliographie hellenique by Emile Legrand;
  • The Acts and Decrees of the Synod of Jerusalem by James N. W. B. Robertson;
  • Collectanea de Cyrillo Lucario by Thomas Smith;
  • The Negotiations of Sir Thomas Roe by Thomas Smith;
  • Catecheses by Cyril of Jerusalem, ed. Dionysius Kleopas;
  • Procatecheses by Cyril of Jerusalem, ed. Dionysius Kleopas;
  • Die Logosidee des hl. Cyrillus von Jerusalem by Basilius Niederberger;


  • Latwju dainas by Krisjanis Barons;
  • “Der Weisse Dēv von Māzandarān, Archiv für Religionswissenschaft 18 (1915);
  • Patrologia Latina V. 144-145;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • The Sacred Dance by W. O. E. Oesterley;
  • Le jet de dragons by Edouard Chavannes;
  • Sectarianism and Religious Persecution in China by J. J. M. de Groot;
  • Safinat al-Awliya by Muhammad Dara Shukoh;
  • “Dara Shukoh as an Author,” by Sheo Narain, Journal of the Punjab Historical Society 2 (1913-1914).
  • autobiographical statement in three parts in The Theosophist, 1879-1880;
  • Heorotology by Karl Adam Heinrich Kellner;
  • The Religious Experience of the Roman People by William W. Fowler;
  • Acta Fratrum Arvalium ed. by Wilhelm Henzen;
  • Acta Fratrum Arvalium quae supersunt by Wilhelm Henzen;
  • Romische Mythologie by Ludwig Preller and Heinrich Jordan;
  • Religion and Kultus der Romer, by Georg Wissowa;
  • Versuch uber Grabersymbolik der Alten by Johann Jakob Bachofen;
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life by Emile Durkheim;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • Totem and Taboo by Sigmund Freud;
  • Themis by Jane Harrison;
  • Principles of Sociology by Herbert Spencer;
  • Primitive Culture by Edward B. Tylor;
  • Eine Mithrasliturgie by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • Chief Works of Barukh Spinoza, Vol. 1, trans. by R. H. M. Elwes;
  • Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone by Immanuel Kant;
  • Tractatus theologico-politicus by Barukh Spinoza;
  • History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century by Leslie Stephen;
  • Der Ursprung der Gottesidee by Wilhelm Schmidt;
  • Babel und Bibel by Friedrich Delitzsch, trans. as Babel and Bible;
  • Die grosse Tauschung by Friedrich Delitzsch;
  • Orphicorum Fragmenta by Otto Kern;
  • Les versions chinoises du Milindapanha by Paul Demieville;
  • “Daimon” by Andres, Pauly's real-encyclopadie der classischen Altertumwissenschaft, Supp. 3;
  • Demonology and Demon-lore, 3rd ed., by Moncure D. Conway;
  • “Demons and Spirits” in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Demons and Spirits (Classical” (2));
  • De antiquorum daemonismo, “Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten”;
  • Die daemonistischen Krankheiten im finnischen Volksaberglauben by Ilmari Manninen;
  • De Antiquorum daemonismo by Julius Tambornino, “Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten”;
  • The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia by Reginald Thompson;
  • Primitive Culture by E. B. Tylor;
  • La doctrine cartesienne de la liberte et la theologie by Etienne Gilson;
  • La pensee religieuse de Descartes by Henri Gouthier;
  • “Nekyia” by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • “Katabasis” by Ryszard Ganshinietz, Pauly's Real-Encyclopadie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Vol. 20;
  • “Descent to Hades (Christ's),” by J. A. MacCulloch, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Allah und die Gotzen, der Ursprung dans l'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament,” by Carl Brockelmann, Archive fur Religionswissenschaft 21 (1922);
  • “Demons and Spirits” in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, (“Celtic” (2), “Chinese” (2), “Indian” (2), “Jain” (2), “Japanese” (2), “Persian” (2), “Slavic” (2), “Teutonic” (2), “Tibetan” (2));
  • The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the Word 'Dharma'” by Theodore Stcherbatsky;
  • L'Abhidharmakosa de Vasubandhu, trans. Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • A Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics by C. A. F. Rhys Davids;
  • The Diamond by Berthold Laufer;
  • Abraxas by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • Die Grabinschrfit des Aberkios by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • De hymnis orphicis capitula quinque by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • Kleine Schriften by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • Die Mithrasliturgie by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • Mutter Erde by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • Nekyia by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • Pulcinella pompjanische Wandbilder und romische Satyrspiele by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • Patrologia Graeca Vol. 3;
  • The Cults of the Greek States by Lewis R. Farnell;
  • A Comprehensive History of the Disciples of Christ by William T. Moore;
  • Histoire de la divination dans l'antiquite by Auguste Bouche-Leclerq (2);
  • '”Astrology and Religion among the Greeks and Romans by Franz Cumont;
  • “Divination,” Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Sun, Moon, and Stars,” Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • A History of Magic and Experimental Science by Lynn Thorndike;
  • Dictionnaire de theologie catholique,;
  • History of Dogma by Adolf von Harnack;
  • Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies by Jean Antoine Dubois, trans. by Henry K. Beauchamp;
  • Lion and Dragon in Northern China by Reginald F. Johnston;
  • Rites of the Twice Born by Margaret S. Stevenson;
  • Histoire litteraire de l'Afrique chretienne by Paul Monceaux;
  • St. Augustine and African Church Divisions by W. J. Sparrow Simpson;
  • A Samoyede Epic by Kai Donner;
  • “Doubles” by A. E. Crawley, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Discourse on Method by Rene Descartes;
  • '”Critique of Judgment by Immanuel Kant;
  • “The Refutation of Idealism” by G. E. Moore, Philosophical Studies (1922);
  • An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent by John Henry Newman;
  • Apologia pro vita sua by John Henry Newman;
  • Pensees by Blaise Pascal;
  • The Dragon, Image, and Demon, or The Three Religions of China by Hampden C. Du Bose;
  • The Evolution of the Dragon by G. Elliot Smith;
  • '”The Dragon in China and Japan by Willem de Visser;
  • “The Ikhernofret Stela in Ancient Religions of Egypt Vol. 1 by James Henry Breasted;
  • The Mediaeval Stage by E. K. Chambers (2);
  • “The Modern Carnival in Thrace and the Cult of Dionysos” by R. M. Dawkins, Journal of Hellenic Studies 26 (1906);
  • Chippewa Music by Frances Densmore;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • Muslim Studies by Ignac Goldhizer;
  • Ancient Art and Ritual by Jane Ellen Harrison;
  • Ancient Mysteries Described by William Hone;
  • Het Javaansche tooneel by J. Kats;
  • Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazkoi (1921-1990);
  • “Excursus on the Ritual Forms Preserved in Greek Tragedy” by Gilbert Murray in Harrison's Themis;
  • The Elder Edda and Ancient Scandinavian Drama by Bertha S. Phillpotts;
  • The Origin of Tragedy by William Ridgeway;
  • The Mummers' Play by R. J. E. Tiddy, ed. by Rupert S. Thompson;
  • “North Greek Festivals” by A. J. B. Wace, Annals of the British School of Athens 16 (1910);
  • From Ritual to Romance by Jesse L. Weston;
  • The Chinese Theatre by A. G. Zucker;
  • The Elementary Form of the Religious Life by Emile Durkheim;
  • The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud in Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud;
  • “On the Origin of the So-Called Dream Dance of the Central Algonkian” by Truman Michaelson, American Anthropologist 25 (1923);
  • “Anthropology and Psychology: A Study of Some Points of Contact” by Charles G. Seligman, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 54 (1924);
  • “Type Dreams: A Request” by Charles G. Seligman, Folklore 34 (1923);
  • “Drums and Cymbals” by A. E. Crawley, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Dictionnaire historique et critique by Pierre Bayle;
  • Natursagen, Eine Sammlung Naturdeutender Sagen, Marchen, Fabeln und Legende 1: Sagen zum Alten Testament by Oscar Dahnhardt;
  • “De quelques formes primitives de classification” by Emile Durkheim and Marcel Mauss, Annee sociologique 6 (1903);
  • “Dualism” by Rudolf Eucken, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Historia religionis veterum Persarum eorumque Magoram by Thomas Hyde;
  • Dualismus oder Monismus by Ludwig Stein;
  • The Geography of Strabo by Strabo, ed. H. J. Jones;
  • Psychologia rationalis by Christian Wolffe;
  • “Le jet des dragons” by Edouard Chavannes, Memoires concernant l'Asie Orientale 3 (1919);
  • “Le festin d'immortalite by Georges Dumezil;
  • The Epic of Creation by Stephen Herbert Langdon;
  • John Duns Scotus: Opera omnia by Duns Scotus;
  • “Concerning the Definition of Religious Phenomena” by Emile Durkheim;
  • “The Dualism of Human Nature and Its Social Conditions” by Emile Durkheim;
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life by Emile Durkheim, trans. by J. W. Swain;
  • The Evolution of Educational Thought by Emile Durkheim;
  • “Individual and Collective Representations” by Emile Durkheim;
  • “Individuals and the Intellectuals” by Emile Durkheim;
  • Moral Education by Emile Durkheim;
  • “The Problem of Religion and the Duality of Human Nature” by Emile Durkheim;
  • Suicide by Emile Durkheim;
  • “Sociologie et religion” by Alfred Loisy, Revue d'histoire et de litterature religieuses 4 (1913);
  • The Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa and Their Historical Development in Ceylon by William Geiger;
  • The Madhavamsa trans. by William Geiger;
  • Theology Explained and Defended in a Series of Sermons by Timothy Dwight;
  • Travels in New England and New York by Timothy Dwight;
  • Adonis und Esmun by W. W. Baudissin;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • Attis: Seine Mythen und sein Kulte by Hugo Hepding;
  • The Babylonian Epic of Creation by Stephen H. Langdon;
  • “Religion” by Franz Boas, Handbook of American Indians, Part 2;
  • The Melanesians by R. H. Codrington;
  • “A Study of Siouan Cults” by J. Owen Dorsey, Bureau of American Ethnology, Annual Report 11 (1889-1890);
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life by Emile Durkheim, trans. Joseph Ward Swain;
  • “Wakonda” by Alice C. Fletcher, Handbook of American Indians Part 2;
  • Ritual and Belief by E. Sidney Hartland;
  • “Orenda and a Definition of Religion” by J. N. B. Hewitt, American Anthropologist n.s. 4 (1902);
  • “Mana” by Arthur M. Hocart, Man 14 (1914);
  • Primitive Ritual and Belief by E. O. James;
  • “The Algonkin Manitou” by William Jones, Journal of American Folk-Lore 18 (1905);
  • The Supernatural by John H. King;
  • Mana by F. R. Lehmann;
  • Primitive Religion by Lucien Levy-Bruhl, trans. Lilian A. Clare;
  • Argonauts of the Western Pacific by Bronislaw Malinowski;
  • “Magic, Science, and Religion” by Bronislaw Malinowski;
  • The Threshold of Religion by R. R. Marett;
  • “Der Ursprung der Religion und Kunst” by Konrad T. Preuss, Globus 86 (1904), 87 (1905);
  • The Andaman Islanders by A. R. Radcliffe-Brown;
  • “Religion of the North American Indians” by Paul Radin, Journal of American Folk-Lore 27 (1914);
  • “Das Wesen des Mana,” by Julius Rohr, Anthropos 14/15 (1919-1920);
  • '”Social Conditions, Belief, and Linguistic Relationship of the Tlingit Indians,” by John R. Swanton, Bureau of American Ethnology, Annual Report 26 (1907);
  • “Die Anfange der Religion und Zauberei” by Alfred Vierkandt, Globus 92 (1907);


  • Indian Myths by Ellen R. Emerson;
  • The Mythology of All Races by Louis H. Gray;
  • Epic Mythology by E. Washburn Hopkins;
  • Adonis und Esmun by Wolf Wilhelm Baudissin;
  • Mutter Erde by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • '”The Worship of Nature by James G. Frazer;
  • “Mutter-Erde und Verwandes bei dem Semiten,” by Theodor Noldeke, Archive fur Religionswissenschaft 8 (1905);
  • Geburt, Hochzeit und Tod by Ernst Samter;
  • The Sacramentary by Ildephonso Schuster;
  • Dr. Johann Eck by Theodor Wiedemann;
  • The World Conception of the Chinese by Alfred Forke;
  • God-Nature by Ernest Haeckel;
  • The Riddle of the Universe by Ernest Haeckel;
  • The Wonders of Life by Ernest Haeckel;
  • The Outlines of Jainism by Jagmanderlal Jaini;
  • The Origin of Civilization and the Primitive Condition of man by John Lubbock;
  • Introduction to the Science of Religion by F. Max Muller;
  • Primitive Culture by Edward Burnett Tylor;
  • The Elementary Forms of Religious Life by Emile Durkheim, trans. by Joseph Ward Swain;
  • “Ecstasy” by W. R. Inge, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Documents on Christian Unity by G. K. A. Bell;
  • Manual of the Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy;
  • Miscellaneous Writings by Mary Baker Eddy;
  • Prose Works by Mary Baker Eddy;
  • '”Retrospection and Introspection by Mary Baker Eddy;
  • Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy;
  • Unity of Good by Mary Baker Eddy;
  • The Life of President Edwards by Sereno E. Dwight;
  • The Works of Jonathan Edwards, by Jonathan Edwards, 1829-1830;
  • The Life and Character of the Late Revered Mr. Jonathan Edwards by Samuel Hopkins;
  • The Mythology and Fables of the Ancients, Explain'd from History, by Antoine Banier;
  • Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries within the Pyramids, by Giovanni Battista Belzoni;
  • The Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt by James H. Breasted (2);
  • The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day by E. A. Wallis Budge;
  • The Gods of the Egyptians by E. A. Wallis Budge;
  • L'Egypte sous les Pharaohs by Jean-Francois Champollion;
  • Monuments de L'Egypte et de la Nubie by Jean-Francois Champollion;
  • Le Mammisi de'edfou by Emile Chassinat;
  • Le temple d'Edfou by Emile Chassinat, et. al.;
  • Views and Engravings in Greece and Egypt by Richard Dalton;
  • Egypte, documents d'art egyptien... by Dominique Vivant Denon;
  • Die Tempel der Satet by Gunter Dreyer;
  • Die Aegyptische Religion by Adolf Erman;
  • Relation d'un voyage fait En Egypte en l'annee 1730 by N. Granger;
  • Pyramidographia by John Greaves;
  • Commentario de diebus Aegyptiacis by Paul Ernst Jablonski, Miscellanea Berolinensia Ad Incremetum Scientariarum Vol. 7;
  • Oedipus aegyptiacus hoc est vniuersalis hieroglyphicae by Athanasius Kircher;
  • Das Todtenbuch der Agypter by Richard Karl Lepsius;
  • Denkmaler aus Aegypten und Athiopien by Richard Karl Lepsius;
  • Dendarah by Auguste Mariette;
  • Recueil des travaux relatifs a la philologie et l'archeologie egyptiennes et assyriennes by Gaston Maspero;
  • Le rituel du culte divin journalier en Egypte... by Alexandre Moret;
  • Das Aegyptische Totenbuch der XVII. bis XX. Dynastie by Edouard Naville;
  • Priester und Tempel in hellenistischen Agypten by Walter Gustav Albrecht Otto;
  • A Description of the East by Richard Pococke;
  • Urkunden zur Religion des alten Agypten by Gunther Roeder;
  • A Relation of a Journey begun An: Dom: 1610” by George Sandys;
  • Die altaegyptischen Pyramidentexte by Kurt Sethe;
  • Les Textes des Pyramides egyptiennes by Louis Speelers;
  • Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea, Abyssinia, and Egypt, by George, Viscount Valentia;
  • Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians by John Gardner Wilkinson;
  • Materia Hieroglyphica by John Gardner Wilkinson;
  • A Popular Account of the Ancient Egyptians by John Gardner Wilkinson;
  • Topography of Thebes by John Gardner Wilkinson;
  • “Eleazar ben Padat, Jewish Encyclopedia;
  • Toledot tanna'im ve-amora'im by Aaron Hyman;
  • The Historic Church by J. C. V. Durrell;
  • The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg;
  • Ohel Elimelekh by A. H. Michelson;
  • Toledot tanna'im ve-amora'im by Aaron Hyman;
  • The Count of Saint-Germain by Isabel Cooper-Oakley;
  • The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna by Swami Nikhalananda;
  • Studies in Judaism Vol. 1 by Solomon Schechter;
  • Natural Theology by William Paley;
  • Das Heilige by Friedrich Schleiermacher;
  • An Alphabetical Index to the Chinese Encyclopedia by Lionel Giles;
  • Christianity and the Social Crisis by Walter Rauschenbusch;
  • Buddhism in Translations by Henry Clark Warren;
  • The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg;
  • A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards;
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James;
  • The Nature of Enthusiasm by John Wesley;
  • '”Berossos und die babylonish-hellenistiche Litteratur by Paul Schnabel;
  • A Treatise concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge by George Berkeley;
  • Meditations by Rene Descartes;
  • The Phenomenology of Mind by G. W. F Hegel;
  • An Essay concerning Human Understanding by John Locke;
  • “Monasticism, Buddhist” by A. S. Geden, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Monasticism, Hindu” by A. S. Geden, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Proben der Volkslitteratur der turkischen Stamme by V. V. Radlov;
  • Eschatology by R. H. Charles;
  • “Zur Characteristik Gelal ud-dun...,” Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien 69 (1871);
  • Schopfung und Chaos in Urzeit und Endzeit by Hermann Gunkel;
  • The Doctrine of the Last Things by W. O. E. Oesterley;
  • Adonis und Esmun by W. Baudissin;
  • Histoire critique du Gnosticisme et de son influence by Jacques Matter;
  • The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg;
  • Histoire de la conquete de l'Abyssinie by Rene Basset;
  • The Portuguese Expedition to Abyssinia...;
  • An Inquiry into the Animism and Folklore of the Guiana Indians, by Walter E. Roth, Thirtieth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology;
  • Die etruskische Disciplin by Carl Olof Thulin;
  • Heredity in Relation to Eugenics by Charles Davenport;
  • Essays in Eugenics by Francis Galton;
  • Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development, by Francis Galton;
  • Memories of My Life by Francis Galton;
  • Eusebius Werke ed. by Ivar A. Heikel; '
  • 'Kirchengeschichte ed. by Eduard Schwartz;
  • Nilus Ancyranus by Hugo Gressman;
  • Patrologia Graeca Vols. 40 and 79;
  • The Ecclesiastical History by Socrates Scholasticus;
  • The Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult and Its Mediterranean Relations by Arthur Evans;
  • The Palace of Minos by Arthur Evans;
  • The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg;
  • “Eve” by Eugene Mangenot, Dictionnaire de theologie catholique.
  • Mara and Buddha by Ernst W. Windisch;
  • The Descent of Man by Charles Darwin;
  • Letter to Asa Gray by Charles Darwin;
  • The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • Totemism and Exogamy by James G. Frazer;
  • Totem and Taboo by Sigmund Freud;
  • Myth, Ritual, and Religion by Andrew Lang;
  • “Mana” by R. R. Marett, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Preanimistic Religion” by R. R. Marett, Folklore (1900);
  • Principia Ethica by G. E. Moore;
  • Natural Theology by William Paley;
  • The Methods of Ethics by Henry Sidgwick;
  • Essays, Scientific, Political, and Speculative by Herbert Spencer;
  • Principles of Ethics by Herbert Spencer;
  • Social Statics by Herbert Spencer;
  • Primitive Religion by E. B. Tylor;
  • “The Religion of Savages” by E. B. Tylor, Fortnightly Review (1866);
  • '”Classical Approaches to the Study of Religion Vol. 1 by Jacques Waardenburg;
  • A Review of the Systems of Ethics Founded on the Theory of Evolution by Cora M. Williams;
  • The Golden Bough Part 6 by James G. Frazer;
  • Der bose Blick by Siegfried Seligman;
  • Ezekiel, ubersetzt und erklart by Johannes Hermann;


  • Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland by Thomas Crofton Croker;
  • Popular Romances of the West of England by Robert Hunt;
  • The Fairy Mythology by Thomas Keightley;
  • British Goblins by Wirt Sikes;
  • The Essence of Christianity by Ludwig Feuerbach;
  • The Future as an Illusion by Sigmund Freud;
  • '”The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James;
  • Paradies und Sundenfall by Joseph Feldmann;
  • Folklore in the Old Testament by James G. Frazer;
  • La vie future d'apres le madeisme a la lumiere des croyances paralleles dans les autres relgiions by Nathan Soderblom;
  • La cite antique by N. D. Fustel de Coulanges;
  • Institutes of Hindu Law by William Jones;
  • Journal of Family History, 1796-.
  • William Farel, by Frances A. Bevans, 5th ed.;
  • The Life of William Farel by Melchior Kirchhofer;
  • History of the Christian Church Vol. 7 by Philip Schaff;
  • John Calvin: The Organizere of Reformed Calvinism by Williston Walker;
  • “Fasting” by J. A. MacCulloch and A. J. Maclean, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Travels of Fa-hsien, 399-414 A.D., by H. A. Giles;
  • A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms by James Legge;
  • The Pilgrimage of Ha Hian by J. W. Laidley;
  • Foe Koue Ki by Faxian, trans. by Jean Pierre Abel Remusat;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • Feet-Washing, by G. A. Frank Knight, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Ghost Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890” by James Mooney;
  • Die Magie des Webens und des Webstuhls im Schwedischen Volksglauben by K. R. V. Wikman;
  • Œuvres completes by Francois Fenelon;
  • Fenelon by Paul Janet;
  • “Fenelon” by A. Largent, Dictionnaire de theologie catholique.
  • Die irische Helden- und Konigsage bis zum siebzehnten Jahrhundert by Rudolf Thurneysen;
  • Anthropological Essays Presented to Edward Burnett Tylor...” ed. by Henry Balfour et al.;
  • Commentationes philologae in honorem Theodori Mommseni scripserunt amici;
  • Essays, Philosophical and Psychological, in Honor of William James...”;
  • Loyalitatskonflikte in der Religionsgeschichte ed. by Christoph Elias and Hans G. Kippenberg;
  • Hauptprobleme der Soziologie, Erinnerunggabe fur Max Weber ed. by Melchior Palyi;
  • “La fetichisme dans l'amour by Alfred Binet, Revue philosophique de la France et de l'etranger 24 (1887);
  • A New and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guiana by Willem Bosman;
  • Du culte des dieux fetiches by Charles de Brosses;
  • The Positive Philosophy by Auguste Comte;
  • The Essence of Christianity by Ludwig Feuerbach;
  • Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality by Sigmund Freud;
  • Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion by G. W. F. Hegel;
  • Lectures on the Philosophy of World History by G. W. F. Hegel;
  • Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone by Immanuel Kant;
  • The Origin of Civilization and the Primitive Conditions of Man by John Lubbock;
  • A Critique of Political Economy Vol. 1 by Karl Marx;
  • “L'art et le myth d'apres M. Wundt,” by Marcel Mauss,
  • Revue philosophique de la France et de l'etranger 66 (1908);
  • Review of “At the Back of the Black Man's Mind” by Marcel Mauss, L'annee sociologique 10 (1905-1906);
  • The Essence of Religion by Ludwig Feuerbach, trans. by Alexander Loos;
  • Samtliche Werke by Ludwig Feuerbach (1903-1911);
  • Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation by Johann Gottlieb Fichte, trans. Garrett Green;
  • Johann Gottlieb Fichte' sammtliche Werke, by Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1845-1846);
  • Opera omnia by Marsilio Ficino;
  • Der griechische Roman und seine Vorlaufer by Erwin Rohde;
  • A Dark Night's Passing (An'ya koro) by Akutagawa Ryunosuke;
  • At Kinosaki (Kinosaki ni te) by Akutagawa Ryunosuke;
  • Death of a Martyr (Hokyojin no shi) by Akutagawa Ryunosuke;
  • And Then by Natsume Soseki;
  • Ten Nights of Dream by Natsume Soseki;
  • Geschichte der indischen Literatur, by Moritz Winternitz;
  • The Doctrine of the Russian Church by Filaret of Moscow, trans. by R. W. Blackmore;
  • Select Sermons of the Late Metropolitan of Moscow, Filaret;
  • Slova i rechi by Filaret of Moscow;
  • Choix de sermons et discours de son Eminence Mgr Philarete trans. by A. Serpinet;
  • Folklore Fellows' Communications;
  • Die Wassergottheiten der finnisch-ugrischen Volker by Uno Hava;
  • Uber die Jagdriten der Nordlichen Volker Asiens und Europas by Uno Harva;
  • The Fire of Love by Richard Rolle de Hampole, trans. by Richard Misyn and F. M. M. Comper, 2nd ed;
  • The Letters of Saint Teresa trans. by the Benedictines of Stanbrook Abbey;
  • Matthias Flacius Illyricus und seine Zeit by Wilhelm Preger;

Flavius Josephus

  • Religion und Kultus der Romer by Georg Wissowa;
  • Acta Sanctorum by Johannes Bollandus et al;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • “Uber des Ardas Viraf nameh” by Martin Haug;
  • “Flying through the Air,” by Arthur Maurice Hocart, Indian Quarterly (1923);
  • “Seele als Vogel” by Julius von Negelin, Globus 74 (1901);
  • Der Mythus der Sintflut by Georg Gerland;
  • The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg;
  • Die Sintflutsagen by Hermann Usener;
  • Stolp i untverzhdenie isitiny by Pavel Florenskii;
  • The Floral Apostles by Andrew Joseph Ambauen;
  • Das altjudische Zauberwesen by Ludwig Blau;
  • Das Transcendentale, Magie, und magische Heilarten im Talmud by Gideon Brecher;
  • Babylonian Oil Magic in the Talmud and Later Jewish Literature by Samuel Daiches;
  • Folk-Lore in the Old Testament by James G. Frazer;
  • Studies and Texts in Folklore by Moses Gaster;
  • The Sword of Moses ed. Moses Gaster;
  • Book of the Key of Solomon by Hermann Gollancz;
  • Jahrbuch fur judische Volkskunde by Max Grunwald;
  • Mitteilungen ur judischen Volkskunde by Max Grunwald;
  • History of Amulets, Charms, and Talismans by Michael L. Rodkinson;
  • Semitic Magic by Reginald C. Thompson;
  • “Fortuna” by Walter F. Otto, in Real-Encyclopadie der classischen Altertumwissenschaft;
  • The Beginnings of Buddhist Art and Other Essays by Alfred Foucher;
  • “The Fountain of Youth” by E. W. Hopkins, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 26 (1905);
  • Samyutta Nikaya trans. C. A. F. Rhys Davids;
  • The Beginnings of Quakerism by William C. Braithwaite;
  • The Second Period of Quakerism by William C. Braithwaite;
  • A Battle-Dor for Teachers and Professors to Learn Singular and Plural by George Fox and John Stubs and Benjamin Furly;
  • '”Catechism by George Fox;
  • Doctrinals by George Fox;
  • '”Epistles by George Fox;
  • George Fox's Book of Miracles by George Fox;
  • '”The Great Mistery of the Great Whore Unfolded by George Fox;
  • Journal ed. by Thomas Ellwood;
  • '”The Works of George Fox;
  • “The Fox and the Badger in Japanese Folklore” by Marinus W. de Visser,
  • Transactions of Asiatic Society of Japan 26 (1908);
  • St. Francis of Assisi by G. K. Chesterton;
  • Life of St. Francis of Assisi by Father Cuthbert of Brighton;
  • Life of St. Francis of Assisi by Paul Sabatier;
  • August Hermann Francke by D. Gustav Kramer;
  • Ars Quatuor Coronatorum 1888-;
  • The History of Freemasonry by Albert G. Mackey;
  • Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike;
  • The Will to Believe by Henry James;
  • The Idea of the Holy by Rudolf Otto;
  • 'Deutsche Mythologie by Jakob Grimm;
  • Histoire des institutions politiques de l'ancienne France by N. D. Fustel de Coulanges;
  • Nouvelles recherches sur quelques problemes de l'histoire by N. D. Fustel de Coulanges;


  • Native Tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia by Baldwin Spencer;
  • History of Woman Suffrage Vols. 1-3, ed. by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Matilda Joslyn Gage;
  • “The Church, Science, and Woman,” by Matilda Joslyn Gage, “The Foundation of Sovereignty,” by Matilda Joslyn Gage, The Woman's Tribune, April 1887;
  • The Index, April 29, 1886;
  • National Citizen and Ballot Box, 1878-1881;
  • The Revolution, 1868-1871;
  • “Woman in the early Christian Church,” by Matilda Joslyn Gage, Report on the International Council of Women, 1888;
  • Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia by Galen, ed. C. G. Kuhn;
  • The Assayer by Galileo Galilei;
  • Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina by Galileo Galilei;
  • “Games of the North American Indian” by Robert Stewart Culin, “Bureau of American Ethnology Report,” No. 24 (1907);
  • “Games” by E. Sidney Hartland, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Games (Hebrew and Jewish)” by G. Margoulith, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Gambling” by J. L. Paton, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Gambling” by T. Slater, Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 6, 1909;
  • Primitive Culture by Edward Burnett Tylor;
  • “The Qur'ān,” trans. by E. H. Palmer,
  • Sacred Books of the East Vol. 6;
  • The Buddhism of Tibet, or Lamaism by L. Austune Waddell;
  • Griechische Kulturgeschichte, by Jakob Burckhardt, trans. by Palmer Hilty as History of Greek Culture;
  • '”Games of the North American Indian by Stewart Culin;
  • Toledot tanna'im veamora'im by Aaron Hyman;
  • The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ, 175 B.C.-A.D. 135 by Emil Schurer;
  • Judaism and Its History by Charles Newburgh;
  • “Kalpasutra” trans. by May S. Burgess, Indian Antiquary 39 (1910);
  • The Negro Church, by W. E. B. Du Bois;
  • The Elementary Form of the Religious Life by Emile Durkheim;
  • Woman, Church and State by Matilda Joslyn Geiger;
  • The Religious System of China by Jan Jakob Marie De Groot;
  • “Lagendes mythologiques dans la Chou King” by Henri Maspero, Journal Asiatique, 214 (1924);
  • India's Cries to British Humanity by James Peggs;
  • The Social Organization and the Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl Indians by Franz Boas;
  • Le Tai Chan by Edouard Chavannes;
  • Les temples imperiaux de la Chine by Gisbert Combaz;
  • The Ethnogeography of the Tewa Indians by John Peabody Harrington;
  • Jewish Self-Government in the Middle Ages by Louis Finkelstein;
  • “The Heterodoxies of the Shiites in the Presentation of Ibn Hazm” by Israel Friedlaender, Journal of the American Oriental Society,” 28 (1907) and 29 (1908);
  • Worship in Islam Book 4 by E. E. Calverley;
  • Al-Ghazzali's Mishkat al-anwar by William H. T. Gairdner;
  • “Emotional Religion in Islam as Affected by Music and Singing” by D. B. Macdonald, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1901);
  • The Ghost Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890 by James Mooney;
  • The Rites of the Twice-Born by Margaret S. Stevenson;
  • A Retrospect of Fifty Years by James Gibbons;
  • Native Tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia by Baldwin Spencer;
  • Report on the Work of the Horn Scientific Expedition to Central Australia by Baldwin Spencer;
  • The Native Tribes of Central Australia by Baldwin Spencer and F. J. Gillen;
  • The Northern Tribes of Central Australia by Baldwin Spencer and F. J. Gillen;
  • Ginza: Der Schatz, oder, Das grosse Buch der Mandaer by Mark Lidzbarski;
  • Das Christentum und die christliche irche der dri erstein Jahrhunderte by Ferdinand Christian Baur;
  • Die Christliche Gnosis by Ferdinand Christian Baur;
  • Hauptprobleme der Gnosis by Wilhelm Bousset (2);
  • “Die Bedeutung der neuerschlossenen mandaischen und mannichaischen Quellen fur das Verstondnis des Johannesevangelium,” by Rudolf Bultmann, Zeitschrfift fur die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 24 (1925);
  • Gnostiques et gnosticisme by Eugene De Faye;
  • Gnostizismus and Judentum by Heinrich Graetz;
  • '”Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur bis Eusebius by Adolf von Harnack;
  • Markion by Adolf von Harnack;
  • Werke, III by Hippolytus, ed. by Paul Wendland;
  • Uber die biblische Gnosis by J. Horn;
  • Blicke in die Religionsgeschichte zu Anfang des zweiten christlichen Jahrhunderts by Manuel Joel;
  • Die Gnosis by Hans Leisegang (2);
  • Commentario ad historiam religionum veterum illustrandam pertinens de doctrina gnostica by Ernest Anton Lewald;
  • “Gnostizismus,” by Richard Adelbert Lipsius, Algemeine Enzyklopaedie Vol. 21, 1860;
  • Histoire critique du Gnosticisme by Jacques Marter;
  • Genetische Entwicklung der vornehmsten gnostische Systeme by Johann August Neander;
  • Agnostos Theos by Eduard Norden;
  • Das iranische Erlosungsmysterien by Richard Reitzenstein;
  • Die hellenistischen Mysterienreligionen or Hellenistic Mystery-Religions: Their Basic Ideas and Significance by Richard Reitzenstein;
  • Poimandres by Richard Reitzenstein;
  • Konkordanz zu den Pseudoklementinem ed. Georg Strucker;
  • Contemporary Evolution of Religious Thought in England, America, and India by Eugene Goblet d'Alviella;
  • Croyances, rites, institutions by Eugene Goblet d'Alviella;
  • Lectures on the Origin and Growth of the Conception of God as Illustrated by Anthropology and History by Eugene Goblet d'Alviella;
  • The Yoruba-Speaking Peoples by Alfred Bourdon Ellis;
  • The Voice of Africa Vol. 1 by Leo Frobenius;
  • A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy by Isaac Husik;
  • Jewish Theology Systematically and Historically Considered by Kaufmann Kohler;
  • Arabic-English Lexicon by Edward William Lane;
  • The Ashanti by R. S. Rattray;
  • Les religions orientales dans le paganisme romain by Franz Cumont;
  • The Mythology of All Races by Louis H. Gray;
  • Aus der religionen Reformbewegung in der Turkei by August Fischer;
  • “The Principle of Limited Possibilities in the Development of Culture by Alexander Goldenweiser, Journal of American Folk-Lore 26 (1913);
  • “Totemism: An Analytical Study” by Alexander Goldenweiser, Journal of American Folk-Lore 23 (1910);
  • Die Richtungen der islamischen Koranauslegung by Ignacz Goldziher;
  • Die Zahriten, trans. as The Zahiris by Ignacz Goldziher;
  • Muhammedanische Studien, trans. as Muslim Studies by Ignacz Goldziher;
  • Vorlesungen uber den Islam by Ignacz Goldziher;
  • Principia Ethica by G. E. Moore;
  • The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas by Edvard A. Westermarck;
  • Die Mythologie in der deutschen Literatur von Klopstock bis Wagner by Fritz Strich;
  • Gesammelte Schriften by Joseph von Gorres;
  • '”Ajivikas” by A. F. R. Hoernle, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;

Grail, The

  • “The Fisher King in the Grail Romances” by William A. Nitze, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 24 (1909);
  • “Grail, the Holy” by Jessie L. Weston, Encyclopædia Britannica 11th ed. (1910);
  • The Quest of the Holy Grail by Jessie L. Weston;
  • La religion des Chinois by Marcel Granet;
  • Histoire de la divination dans l'antiquite by Auguste Bouche-Leclercq;
  • Den grekiska religionens historia, trans. as A History of Greek Religion, by Martin P. Nilsson;
  • Griechische Feste von religioser Bedeutung: Mit Ausschlus der Attischen by Martin P. Nilsson;
  • Gregory the Great by F. H. Dudden;
  • “Die Gregorbiographie des Paulus Diaconus in ihrer ursprunglichen Gestalt, nach italienischen Handschriften” by H. Grisar, Zeitschrift fur katholische Theologie 11 (1887);
  • Gregorii I Papae registrum epistolarum,” Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Epistolae, Vol. 1-2;
  • '”Gregorii Magni dialogi (bad translation);
  • Patrologia Latina Vols. 75-79;
  • “Das Register Gregors VII,” Monumenta Germaniae historica, Epistole selectae Vol. 2;
  • Patrologia Graeca Vol. 142;
  • Girk' Hartsmants by Gregory of Datev.
  • Karozgirk' by Gregory of Datev;
  • Azgapatowm by Mal'achia Ormanian;
  • Patrologia Graeca Vols. 35-38;
  • “Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Saint Gregory Nazianzus,” Vol. 7 of A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, ed. Charles Gordon Browne and James Edward Swallow;
  • Gregoriou archepiskopou Thessalonikos tou Palama, Homiliai KB ed. by Sophokles Oikonomos;
  • Patrologia Graeca Vol. 150;
  • Le code du Mahayana en Chine by J. J. M. De Groot;
  • The Religion of the Chinese by J. J. M. De Groot;
  • Sectarianism and Religious Persecution in China by J. J. M. De Groot;
  • Christeliege Praedikener eller Sandags-Bog by N. F. S. Grudtvig;
  • Christenhedens Syvstjerne by N. F. S. Grudtvig;
  • Den christelige Barnelaerdom by N. F. S. Grudtvig;
  • '”Det handlende ord. N. F. S. Grundtivgs digtning, litterature-kritik og poetik, 1798-1819 by Flemming Lundgreen-Nilesen;
  • Haandbog i Verdens-Historiens by N. F. S. Grudtvig;
  • Kirkens Gienmaele by N. F. S. Grudtvig;
  • Kort Begreb af Verdens Kronike by N. F. S. Grudtvig;
  • N. F. S. Grundtvigs Udvalgte Skrifter ed. H. Begtrup;
  • Nordens Mythologi eller Sind-billed Sprog by N. F. S. Grudtvig;
  • Nyaars-Morgen by N. F. S. Grudtvig;
  • '”Sang-Vaerk til den Danske Kirke by N. F. S. Grudtvig;
  • Skolen for Livet og Akademiet i Soer by N. F. S. Grudtvig;
  • The Sikh Religion by Max Arthur Macauliffe;
  • Yinxue wushu by Gu Yanwu;


  • Tsimshian Texts by Franz Boas;
  • Haida Songs by John R. Swanton;
  • Dor dor ve-dorshav by Isaac Hirsch Weiss;
  • “Hair and Nails” by E. E. Sikes and Louis H. Gray, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • '”Criminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient Hebrews by Samuel Mendelsohn;
  • “Law, Codification of” by Louis Ginsberg, Jewish Encyclopedia;
  • Adolescence by G. Stanley Hall;
  • Kitab al-tawasin by Louis Massignon;
  • The Passion of al-Hallaj by Louis Massignon;
  • Mukhtasar Tabaqat al-Hanabilah by Jamil ibn 'Umar al-Shatti;
  • “Hand” by J. A. MacCulloch, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Esquisse d'une liturgie indo-ernienne by Victor Henry, L'Agnistoma;
  • '”Reden und Aufsatze by Adolf von Harnack;
  • Epilegomena by Jane E. Harrison;
  • Prolegomena by Jane E. Harrison;
  • Themis by Jane E. Harrison;
  • The Legend of Perseus by E. Sidney Hartland;
  • Ritual and Belief by E. Sidney Hartland;
  • The Science of Fairy Tales by E. Sidney Hartland;
  • “Uber die Jagdriten der nordlichen Volker Asiens und Europas” by Uno Harva, Journal de la Societe finno-ougrienne 41 (1925);
  • Biographien Muhammads ed. by Edward Sachau;
  • '”Essai sur les origines du lexique technique de la mystique musulmane by Louis Massignon;
  • A Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels ed. James Hastings;
  • '”Dictionary of the Apostolic Church ed. James Hastings;
  • A Dictionary of the Bible ed. James Hastings;
  • Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics ed. James Hastings;
  • The Great Texts of the Bible by James Hastings;
  • Fornander Collection of Hawaiian Antiquities and Folklore, comp. Abraham Fornander;
  • Aathar al-Hujjah by Muhammad Sharif Razi;
  • “From Comparative Religion to History of Religions” by A. Eustace Haydon, Journal of Religion 2 (1922);
  • “Les tetes coupees et les trophees en Gaule” by Adolphe Reinach, Revue celtique 34 (1913);
  • Counterfeit Miracles by Benjamin W. Warfield;
  • Der Papyrus Ebers by Walter Wrezinski;
  • Hieratic papyri from Kahun and Gurob by Gustave Lefebvre;
  • The Native Tribes of Central Australia by Baldwin Spencer and F. J. Gillen;
  • The Queensland Aborigines Vol. 2 North Queensland Ethnography by W. E. Rowe;
  • “Blest, Abode of the” by J. A. MacCulloch, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Buriats: Worship of Animals” by Demetrius Klementz, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • '”Das Gebet by Friedrich Heiler;
  • '”Chips from a German Workshop by F. Max Muller;
  • “Henotheism, Polytheism, Monotheism, Atheism” by F. Max Muller, in Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion;
  • India: What Can It Teach Us? by F. Max Muller;
  • Introduction to the Science of Religion by F. Max Muller;
  • “Monolatry and Henotheism” by Robert Mackintosh, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Selected Essays on Language, Mythology and Religion by F. Max Muller;
  • The Cults of the Greek States by Lewis Richard Farrell;
  • '”Griechische Mythologie und Religionsgeschichte by O. Gruppe;
  • “Der Flammentod des Herakles auf dem Oite” by Martin P. Nilsson, '”Archiv für Wissenschaft 21 (1922);
  • Herder nach seinem Leben und seinen Werken by Rudolf Haym;
  • Herder's Sammtliche Werke by Johann Gottfried Herder;
  • Hermes und die Toten by Samson Eitrem;
  • Hermetica by Walter Scott;
  • Hermetica by Walter Scott;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • '”Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortality by Lewis Richard Farnell;
  • '”The Myth of the Birth of the Hero by Otto Rank;
  • On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History by Thomas Carlyle;
  • Primitive Culture by E. B. Tylor;
  • The Study of Sociology by Herbert Spencer;
  • The Cults of the Greek States by Lewis Richard Farrell;
  • A Literary History of Persia by Edward G. Browne;
  • Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Poetae Vol. 3;
  • Patrologia Latina Vols. 125-126;
  • Epic Mythology by E. Washburn Hopkins;
  • A History of Indian Philosophy by Surendranath Dasgupta;
  • Modern Religious Movements in India by John N. Farquhar;
  • Vaisnavism, Saivism and Minor Religious Systems by R. G. Bhandarkar;
  • Vedic Mythology by Arthur A. Macdonnell;
  • Hippocrates by W. H. S. Jones and E. T. Withington;
  • Les oeuvres completes d'Hippocrate by Emile Littre;
  • '”Comparative Religion: Its Genesis and Growth by Louis Henry Jordan;
  • '”Geschichte der klassischen Mythologie und Religionsgeschichte by Otto Gruppe;
  • L'Etude comparee des religions by Henri Pinard de la Boullaye;
  • Svolgimento e carattere della storia delle religioni by Raffaele Pettazzoni (2);
  • The Making of Religion by Andrew Lang;
  • Human Nature and Its Remaking by William Ernest Hocking;
  • The Making of God in Human Experience by William Ernest Hocking

Holy, idea of the

  • Das Heilige by Rudolf Otto, trans. as The Idea of the Holy;
  • “Das Heilige by Wilhelm Windelband in his Praludien;
  • Hagios by Eduard Williger;
  • “Holiness (General and Primitive)' by Nathan Soderblom, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • A Treatise on Domestic Economy by Catherine E. Beecher;
  • La cite antique by Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges;
  • Studies in the Psychology of Sex by Havelock Ellis;
  • The Works of that Learned and Judicious Devine, Mr. Richard Hooker by John Keble;
  • Horns of Honour by Frederic T. Ellworthy;
  • The Gift by Marcel Mauss;
  • The Native Tribes of South-East Australia by A. W. Howitt;
  • Patrologia Latina Vols. 175-177;
  • Symbolism of the Huichol Indians by Carl Lumholtz;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • Religion in Primitive Culture by E. B. Tylor;
  • “Sacrifice” by W. Robertson Smith, Encyclopædia Britannica 9th ed., 1886;
  • Dialogues concerning Natural Religion by David Hume;
  • History of Great Britain from the Invasion by Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688 by David Hume;
  • Hume on Religion, by David Hume, ed. by Richard Wollheim;
  • Hume's Enquiries by David Hume, ed. by L. A. Selby-Bigge;
  • Hume's Philosophical Works by David Hume, ed. by Thomas H. Green and Thomas S. Grose;
  • A Treatise on Human Nature by David Hume, ed. by L. A. Selby-Bigge;
  • Le Rire, by Henri Bergson, trans. as Laughter by C. Brereton and F. Rothwell;
  • Phenomenology of Spirit by G. W. F. Hegel;
  • Human Nature, in The English Works of Thomas Hobbes, Vol. 4, by Thomas Hobbes;
  • The World as Will and Idea by Arthur Schopenhauer, trans. by R. B. Haldane and J. Kemp;
  • Der Hodscha Nasruddin Weimar by Albert Wesselski;
  • The Gothic History of Jordanes, by Jordanes, trans. by Charles Christopher Mierow;
  • Wiclif and Hus, by Johann Loserth, trans. by Maurice John Evans – also Hus and Wiclif, 2nd edition of the same work;
  • De Ecclesia: The Church, by Jan Hus, trans. by David S. Schaff;
  • Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy, by Edmund Husserl;
  • Logical Investigations by Edmund Husserl;
  • Antinomianism in the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, ed. by Charles Francis Adams;
  • Three Episodes of Massachusetts History, by Charles Francis Adams;
  • Winthrop's Journal, 'History of New England,' ed. by James K. Hosmer;
  • “Does 'Substantia' Mean 'Realization' or 'Foundation' in Hebr. 11:1?, by M. A. Mathis, Biblica 3 (1922);
  • The Pauline Pistis-Hypostasis according to Hb 11:1, by M. A. Mathis;
  • “Hypostase” by Adolphe Michel, Dictionnaire de theologie catholique, Vol. 7 (1922);


  • The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East, by Baird Spaulding;
  • Kitab unwan al-majd fi ta'rikh Najd by 'Uthman ibn Bishr;
  • Rawdat al-afkar by Husayn ibn Ghannam;
  • The Tarjuman al-ashwaq by Ibn al-'Arabi, trans. by Reynold Nicholson;
  • Studies in Islamic Mysticism, by Reynold Nicholson;
  • “Abraham ibn Daud als Geschichtsschreiber,” by Ismar Elbogen, in Festschrift zum Siebzigsten Geburtstage Jakob Guttmanns.
  • Ibn Gabriol and His Influence upon Scholastic Philosophy, by Herman N. Adler;
  • The Fountain of Life by Shelomoh Ibn Gabriol, trans. as Avencebrolis fons vitae, by Clemens Baumker;
  • Melanges de philosophie juive et arabe, by Saloman Munk;
  • The Improvement of the Moral Qualities by Stephen S. Wise;
  • Die Stellung des Heiligen Thomas von Aquin u Avencebrol by Michael Wittmann;
  • Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory, by D. B. Macdonald;
  • Siger de Brabant et l'averroisme latin and XIIIme siecle by Pierre Mandonnet;
  • Averroes et l'averroisme by Ernest Renan;
  • Agyptische Religion by Hans Bonnet;
  • Dictionnaire d'archeologie chretienne et de liturgie, ed. by Fernand Cabrol et. al.;
  • The Dance of Shiva by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy;
  • Christian Iconography, or The History of Christian Art in the Middle Ages, by Adolphe Napoleon Didron;
  • Studies in Biblical and Semitic Symbolism by Maurice H. Farbridge;
  • The Cults of the Greek States by Lewis R. Farnell;
  • Ueber Alte Kuntusgegenstande in Synagoge und Haus by Heinrich Frauberger;
  • Antike Synagogen in Galilaea by Heinrich Kohl;
  • A History of Greek Religion by Martin P. Nilsson;
  • Elements of Hindu Iconography by T. A. Gopinatha Rao;
  • Die Haggadah von Sarajevo, by J. Von Schlosser and D. H. Muller;
  • Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, by G. W. F. Hegel, trans. by E. B. Spiers and J. B. Sanderson;
  • The Meaning of God in Human Experience, by William Ernest Hocking;
  • Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone by Immanuel Kant;
  • Dialogues of Plato;
  • Enneads by Plotinus;
  • The Problem of Christianity, by Josiah Royce;
  • Commentary on the Brahma Sutra by Sankara;
  • History of Philosophy, by Wilhelm Windelband, trans. by James H. Tufts;
  • Les theories relatives au culte des images chez les auteurs grecs du deuxieme siecle apres by Charly Clerc;
  • “Les origines de l'idolatrie, by Eugene Goblet d'Alviella, in Croyances, rites institutions, Vol. 2, 1911;
  • “Idolatrie, idole,” by A. Michel, Dictionnaire de theologie catholique, Vol. 7, 1921;
  • “Idolatrie, idole,” by Ferdinand Prat, Dictionnaire de la Bible, Vol. 3, 1912;
  • Le culte: Etude d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses by Robert Will;
  • The Autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyola, with related Documents, by Ignatius Loyola, trans. by Joseph F. O'Callaghan, edit by John C. Olin;
  • Ikkyu osho zenshu, ed. by Mori Taikyo;
  • The Caliphate by Thomas W. Arnold;
  • Nawawi, Minhaj et Talibin, trans. by E. C. Howard;
  • Das Staatsrecht der Zaiditen by Rudolf Strothmann;
  • Musnad by Ibn Hanbal;
  • Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Religions-soziologie by Max Weber;
  • Hymns of the Atharva-Veda, trans. by Maurice Bloomfield (Sacred Books of the East Vol. 42);
  • Shaman, Saiva and Sufi, by R. O. Winstedt;
  • A History of the Use of Incense in Divine Worship, by E. G. C. F. Archley;
  • “Aloes,” by Wilfred H. Schoff, Journal of the American Oriental Society 42 (1922);
  • “Incense and Libations,” by G. Elliot Smith, Bulletin of John Rylands Library 4 (197-1918);
  • A History of Indian Philosophy, by Surendranath Dasgupta;
  • Agnipuranam, trans. by M. N. Dutt;
  • Garudapuranam, trans. by M. D. Dutt;
  • “The Satapatha Brahmana” by Julius Eggeling, Sacred Books of the East vols. 12, 26, 41, 43;
  • Dravidian Gods in Modern Hinduism by W. T. Elmore;
  • Papers Relating to the Aboriginal Tribes of the Central Provinces, by Stephen Hislop;
  • Aitareya and Kausitaki Brahmanas by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • “Indian Mythology, by Arthur Berriedale Keith, Vol. 1 of Mythology of All Races;
  • The Brhaddevata Attributed to Saunaka by A. A. Macdonnell;
  • Vedic Mythology by A. A. Macdonnell;
  • Matsya Puranam, trans. by a taluqdar of Oudh;
  • Mahabharata, trans. by Pratap Chandra Roy and K. M. Ganguli;
  • Markandeya Purana, by F. Eden Pargiter;
  • Brahma-vaivarta Puranam, trans. by Rajendra Nath Sen;
  • An Index to the Names in the Mahabharata by Soren Sorenson;
  • Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, trans. by Swami Vijnanananda;
  • Geschichte der Sanskrit-Philologie und indischen Altertumskunde by Ernst Windisch;
  • Der arische Weltkonig und Heiland, by Hermann Guntert;
  • Kalypso, by Hermann Guntert;
  • “Le dieu indo-iranien Mitra, by Antoine Meillet, Journal asiatique 9 (1907);
  • “Der irische Totengott und die Toteninsel, by Kuno Meyer, Sitzungberichte der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1919;
  • “Les correspondances de vocabulaire entre l'indo-iranien et l'italo-celtique,” by Joseph Vendryes, Memoires de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris 20 (1914);
  • Les rites de passage, by Arnold van Gennep;
  • Primitive Secret Societies, by Hutton Webster;
  • The Arab Conquests in Central Asia, by H. A. R. Gibb;
  • Scythians and Greeks, by Ellis H. Minn;
  • Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vol. 56, ed. Isidor Hilberg;
  • Patrologia Latina Vol. 20;
  • Innokentii Mitropolit Moskovskii i Kolomenskii, Tvoreniia, by Innokenti Veniaminov, ed. by I. P. Barsukov;
  • Pisma, by Innokenti Veniaminov, ed. by I. P. Barsukov;
  • History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, by Henry Charles Lea;
  • The Inquisition in the Spanish Dependencies, by Henry Charles Lea;
  • Historia del Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion de Cartagena de las Indias by Jose Toribo Medina;
  • Historia del Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion de Lima by Jose Toribo Medina;
  • Historia del Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion en Chile by Jose Toribo Medina;
  • Historia del Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion en Mexico by Jose Toribo Medina;
  • Historia del Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion en la provincias del Plata by Jose Toribo Medina;
  • La primitiva inquisicion americana, 1493-1569, by Jose Toribo Medina;
  • The Constitution and Law of the Church in the First Two Centuries, by Adolf von Harnack;
  • Natural Theology by William Paley;
  • Introduction a la metaphysique by Henri Bergson;
  • Intuition et reflexion by Jacques Palliard;
  • “Inference,” by D. G. Thompson, Mind 3 (1878);
  • “Intuition,” by D. G. Thompson, Mind 3 (1878);
  • Moia zhizn' vo kriste, by Ioann of Kronstadt, trans. as My Life in Christ, trans. by Ernest E. Goulaeff;
  • Irenaeus of Lugdunum by F. R. M. Hitchcock;
  • Against Heresies, by Irenaeus, trans. by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 1;
  • The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching, by Irenaeus, trans. by J. Armitage Robinson;
  • Sancti Irenaei libros quinque adverses haereses, by Irenaeus, ed. W. W. Harvey;
  • “Iroquois Cosmology,” by J. N. B. Hewitt, Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology 21 (1899-1900), and 43 (1925-1926);
  • The League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois, by Lewis H. Morgan;
  • The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, ed. Reuben Gold Thwaites;
  • The Collected Writings of Edward Irving, by Edward Irving, ed. Gavin Carlyle;
  • The Life of Edward Irving, by Margaret Oliphant;
  • The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg;
  • Mar Isaacus Ninivita de perfectione freligiosa, by Isaac the Syrian, ed. by Paul Bejan;
  • Mystic Treatises of Isaac of Nineveh, by Isaac the Syrian, ed. by A. J. Wensinck;
  • Islam and the Foundations of Political Power, by A. Abderraziq;
  • Abenmasarra y su escuela, by Miguel Asin Palacios;
  • Islam in China: A Neglected Problem, by Marshall Broomhall;
  • The Traditions of Islam, by Alfred Guillaume;
  • The Acehnese, by Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, trans. by A. W. S. O'Sullivan;
  • Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory, by D. B. Macdonald;
  • Mustafadh ul-akhbar fi abvali Qazan ve Boghar, by Shihabeddin Marjani;
  • The Mystics of Islam, by Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • Studies in Islamic Mysticism, by Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • '”Tadhkirat al-Nisayn, trans. by O. Houdas;
  • Ta'rikh al-Sudan, trans. by O. Houdas;
  • Ta'rikh al-Fattash, trans. by O. Houdas and M. Delafosse;
  • The Shaikhs of Morocco in the Sixteenth Century, by T. H. Weir;
  • Muhammadan Theories of Finance, by Nicolas P. Aghnides; The Encyclopedia of Islam, 1913-1938;
  • Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law, by Ignacz Goldziher;
  • Al-mughni, by Muwaffaq al-Din ibn Qudamah;
  • Instituzioni del diritto musulmano malichita, by David Santillana;
  • Kojiki, trans. by Basil Hall Chamberlain; Nihongi, trans. by W. G. Aston;


  • The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg;
  • Jade: A Study in Chinese Archeology and Religion, by Berthold Laufer;
  • '”Tadhkirat al-awliya, by Farid al-Din 'Attar, ed. by Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • Ta'rikh al-rusul wa-al-muluk, by Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, ed. by M. J. de Goeje;
  • Jaina Sutras, by Hermann Jacobi;
  • The Correspondence of William James, by William James, ed. by Ignas K. Skrupskelis and Elizabeth M. Berkeley;
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James;
  • The Works of William James by William James;
  • Religion und Kultus der Romer, by Georg Wissowa;
  • Nihongi, trans. by W. G. Aston;
  • The Invention of a New Religion, by Basil Hall Chamberlain;
  • Kojiki, trans. by Basil Hall Chamberlain;
  • Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan by Lafcadio Hearn;
  • Allgemeine Psychopathologie, by Karl Jaspers;
  • De Javaansche Geestenwereld en de Betrekking, by Hendrik A. Van Hien;
  • “Bijdragen tot de Kennis van den Godsdien-stigen en Zedelikjen Toestand des Javaans, by Carl Poensen, Mededeelingen Vanwege het Nederlandsche Zendeling Genootschap 7 (1863);
  • Miqra' ki-feshuto, by Arnold B. Ehrlich;
  • Palestine under the Moslems, trans. by Guy Le Strange;
  • An Introduction to the Study of Comparative Religions, by F. B. Jevons;
  • Religion in Evolution, by F. B. Jevons;
  • Vsemirnaia istoriia evreiskogo naroda, by Simon Dubnow;

Geschichte der Juden von den altesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart by Heinrich Graetz, trans. by Bella Lowy and Philipp Block as History of the Jews;

  • “Calendar,”
  • Jewish Encyclopedia;
  • '”Calendar, History of,” Jewish Encyclopedia;
  • Religion of Reason out of the Sources of Judaism by Hermann Cohen;
  • Kuzari, by Hartwig Hirschfeld;
  • A History of Medieval Jewish Philosophy, by Isaac Husik;
  • Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone by Immanuel Kant;
  • Saadia Gaon: His Life and Work, by Henry Malter;
  • Jerusalem, or on Religion and Power in Judaism, by Moses Mendelssohn;
  • Melanges de philosophie juive et arabe by Solomon Munk;
  • Stern der Erlosung by Franz Rosenzweig;
  • “The Ethics of Solomon Ibn Gabriol,” by David Rosin, Jewish Quarterly Review 3 (1891);
  • Offenbarung nach dem Lehrbegriff der Synagoge by Solomon Ludwig Steinheim;
  • Le Jet des Dragons, by Edouard Chavannes;
  • Les fetes annuellemment celebrees a Emoui (Amoy) by J. J. M. De Groot;
  • Kojiki trans. by Basil Hall Chamberlain;
  • Nihongi trans. by W. G. Aston;
  • Nihongi trans. by W. G. Aston;
  • Die historischen Quellen der Shinto-Religion aus dem Altjapanischen und Chinesischen ubersetzt und erklart by Karl Florenz;
  • A History of Indian Philosophy, by Surendranath Dasgupta;
  • Proces de condamnation et de rehabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc by Jules Quicherat;
  • Patrologia Graeca Vol. 94;
  • Church History by Eusebius;
  • Annals of the First African Church in the United States of America, by William Douglass;
  • A Thanksgiving Sermon, Preached January 1, 1808, in St. Thomas's (or the African Episcopal) Church, Philadelphia, by Absalom Jones;
  • The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg, trans. by Henrietta Szold;
  • Prosvetitel' by Joseph of Volokolamsk, ed. by Ivan I. Porfir'ev;
  • Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann;
  • Essai sur l'histoire des Israelites de l'Empire Ottoman depuis les origines jusqu'a nos jours by Moise Franco;
  • Te'ezaza Sanbat: Commandents du Sabbat by Joseph Halevy;
  • Jewish Encyclopedia;
  • The Jews in Egypt and in Palestine under the Fatimid Caliphs by Jacob Mann;
  • Mizrah u-ma'arav (1919-1932);
  • “Safad in the Sixteenth Century,” by Solomon Schechter, in Studies in Judaism by Solomon Schechter;
  • “The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to William Q. Judge,” by Michael Gomes, Theosophical History 6 (1890);
  • The Bhagavad-Gita by William Q. Judge;
  • Echoes of the Orient by William Q. Judge;
  • Letters That Have Helped Me by William Q. Judge;
  • The Ocean of Theosophy by William Q. Judge;
  • The Path (1886-1896);
  • Reply by Mr. Judge on Charges of Misuse of Mahhatmas' Names and Handwritings, by William Q. Judge;
  • The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali by William Q. Judge;
  • Julien d'Halicarnasse et sa controverse avec Severe d'Antioche sur l'incorruptibilite du corps du Christ, by Rene Draguet;
  • “Julien d'Halicarnasse et Severe d'Antioche,” by Martin Jugie, Échos d'Orient 24 (1925);
  • Anecdota Syriaca, Vol. 3, ed. by J. P. N. Land;
  • Spicilegium Romanum by Julian of Halicarnassus, Synodus Cpolitana, ed. by Angelo Mai;
  • Religion und Kultus der Romer, by Georg Wissowa;
  • “Juppiter and the Triumphator,” by W. Warde Fowler, Classical Review 30 (1916);
  • Religion und Kultus der Romer, by Georg Wissowa;
  • The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 1;
  • The Theology of Justin Martyr, by Erwin R. Goodenough;
  • Justini philosophi et martyris opera, by Justin Martyr, ed. J. C. T. S. Otto;


  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life by Emile Durkheim;
  • The Family among the Australian Aborigines, by Bronislaw Malinowski;
  • Ekken zenshu by Kaibara Ekken;
  • The Spirit of Islam by Syed Ameer Ali;
  • Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence, and Constitutional Theory by D. B. Macdonald;
  • Die philosophischen Systeme der spekulativen Theologen im Islam by Max Horten;
  • Derishat Tsiyyon, by Tsevi Hirsch Kalischer;
  • “The Karaite Literary Opponents of Saadiah Gaon,” by Samuel Poznanski, Jewish Quarterly Review, 18-20 (1906-1908);
  • Buddhism in Translations, by Henry Clarke Warren;
  • “The Doctrine of Karma,” by Haridas Bhattacharayya, Visva-Bharati Quarterly 3 (1925-1926);
  • Der inidischer Seelungswanderungsglaube by D. Dilger;
  • Die Seelenwanderung by Robert Falke;
  • “Karma: Its Value as a Doctrine for Life,” by J. N. Farquahar, Hibbert Journal 20 (1921-1922);
  • “The Larger Sukhavati-vyuha,” ed. by E. B. Cowell, in Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 49;
  • The Mysteries of Mithra, by Franz Cumont, trans. by Thomas J. McCormack;
  • “Locks and Keys,” by J. A. MacCulloch, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Sledy iazychestva u inorodtsev Zapadnoi Sibiri, by N. L. Gondatti;
  • Die Religion der Jugra-Volker, by K. F. Karjalainen;
  • Vogul nepkoltesi gyujtemeny by B. Munkacsi;
  • Kratkoe opisanie o narode ostiatskom by G. Novitskii;
  • Osztjak nepkoltesi gyujtemeny, by J. Papay;
  • Moslem Schisms and Sects, by 'Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi, trans. by Kate Chambers Seelye;
  • Le bouddhisme au Cambodge by Adhemard Leclere;
  • Russia and the English Church during the Last Fifty Years, by William J. Birbeck;
  • Die Einheit in der Kirche by J. A. Mohler;
  • Textes et monuments figures relatifs aux mysteres de Mithra by Franz Cumont;
  • Soren Kierkegaards Papirer ed. P. A. Heiberg;
  • The Words of Jesus Considered in the Light of Post-Biblical Jewish Writings and the Aramaic Language, by Gustaf H. Dalman;
  • The Quest of the Historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer;
  • Kommentar zum neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrash, by Hermann L. Strack and Paul Billerbeck;
  • Les rois thaumaturges by Marc Bloch;
  • “The Symbolic Mechanisms of Sacred Kingship: Rediscovering Frazer,” by Luc de Heusch, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 3, 2 (1887);
  • Critique de la raison politique by Regis Debray;
  • The Golden Bough, by James G. Frazer (1890);
  • The Golden Bough, by James G. Frazer, 1 vol. Ed, 1922;
  • The Golden Bough, by James G. Frazer, 3rd ed.;
  • La religion des Chinois, by Marcel Granet;
  • La religione di Zarathustra nella storia religiosa dell'Iran by Raffaele Pettazzoni;
  • The Bakitara or Banyoro by John Roscoe;
  • Polnoe sobranie sochinenii I. V. Kireevskago, ed. by M. O. Gershenzon;
  • “Kneeling,” by A. E. Crawley, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Knots,” by Walter J. DIlling, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Golden Bough, 3rd ed., by James G. Frazer;
  • Primitive Time-Reckoning, by Martin P. Nilsson;
  • Das Schlingen- und Netzmotiv im Glauben und Brauch der Volker, by Isidor Scheftelowitz;
  • Heaven and Hell in Comparative Religion, by Kaufmann Kohler;
  • Hebrew Union College and Other Addresses, by Kaufmann Kohler;
  • Jewish Theology Systematically and Historically Considered, by Kaufmann Kohler;
  • “The Permians: Everyday and Ethnographic Sketch,” by N. Dobrotvorsky, Bulletin of Europe, 11, book 3 (1883);
  • Life of Saint Stefan, the Bishop of Perm, by Epiphany the Wise;
  • “Die Wassergottenheiter der finnischugrischen Volker,” by Uno Holmberg, Suomalais-ugnischen seran toimitska, 32 (1913);
  • The Zyryans and Saint Stefan of Perm, by Aleksandr V. Krasov;
  • “The Next World in the Beliefs of the Zyryans,” by V. P. Nalimov, Ethnographic Review, 1-2 (1907);
  • “Some Traits from the Pagan World Outlook of the Zyryans,” by V. P. Nalimov, Ethnographic Review, 2 (1903);
  • “Zur Frage nach der ursprunglichen Bezichungen der Gesclehter bei den Syrjanen,” by V. P. Nalimov, Journal de la Societe/Finno-ougriene 25 (1908);
  • “The Zyryans and the Zyryan Land,” by K. A. Popov, Transactions of the Society of Natural Sciences, Anthropology, and Ethnography Lovers, 13, book 3, no. 2 (1874);
  • “Materials for Describing the Permians' Everyday Life,” by N. A. Rogov, Journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 4 (1858);
  • “Traces of Totemic Ideas in the World Outlook of the Zyryans,” by Aleksi S. Sidorov, Komi Mu, 1-2 (1924);
  • “The Permians,” by I. N. Smirnov, Transactions of the Kazan Society of Archaeology, History, and Ethnography 9, no. 2 (1891);
  • “The Present Zyryans,” by Pitirim A. Sorokin, Transactions of Arkhangelsk Society on the Study of the Russian North 18 (1911), 22 (1911), 23 (1911), 24 (1911);
  • “Survivals of Animism in the Zyryans,” by Pitirim A. Sorokin, Transactions of Arkhangelsk Society on the Study of the Russian North 20 (1910);
  • “To the Problem of Primitive Beliefs of the Zyryans,” by Pitirim A. Sorokin, Transactions of Vologda Society on the Study of the Northern Land IV (1917);
  • “The Permians: Ethnographic Sketch,” by V. M. Yanovich, Living Antique 1 (1903);
  • “Pagan World Outlook of the Zyryans,” by Kallistrat F. Zhakov, Scientific Review 3 (1901);
  • Een Javaansche Primbon uit de estiende eeuw by Henrick Kraemer;
  • Kitvei RaNaK ed. by Simon Rawidowicz;
  • The Bodhisattva Dizang (Jizo) in China and Japan, by M. W. de Visser;
  • Dasheng fayuan yilin zhang by Kuiji;
  • “Review of Graebner's Methode der Ethnologie,” by Franz Boas, Science 34, no. 884 (1911);
  • “Volker und Kulturen,” vol. 1, by Wilhelm Schmidt and Wilhelm Koppers;
  • Primitive Culture by Edward Burnett Tylor;
  • Report of a Tour in the Punjab in 1878-79, vol. 14, by Alexander Cunningham;


  • Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion, by Jane E. Harrison;
  • Der Jainismus, eine indische Erlosungsreligion, by Helmuth von Glasenapp;
  • “Laity, Laymen,” by A. J. Maclean, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Islands of Titicaca and Koati, by Adolph F. Bandelier;
  • Suma y narracion de los Incos, by Juan de Betanzos, ed. by Marcos Jimenez de la Espada;
  • Segunda parte de la cronica del Peru, by Pedro de Cieza de Leon, ed. by Marcos Jimenez de la Espada;
  • Historia del Nuevo Mundo, by Bernabe Cobo, ed. by Marcos Jimenez de la Espada;
  • '”Teton Sioux Music, by Frances Densmore;
  • The Sun Dance and Other Ceremonies of the Oglala Division of the Teton Dakota, by James R. Walker;
  • Societies and Ceremonial Associations in the Oglala Division of the Teon Dakota, by Clark Wissler;
  • The Book of Dreams and Ghosts, by Andrew Lang;
  • Cock Lane and Common Sense, by Andrew Lang;
  • Custom and Myth, by Andrew Lang;
  • Magic and Religion, by Andrew Lang;
  • Modern Mythology, by Andrew Lang;
  • Myth, Ritual, and Religion, by Andrew Lang;
  • The Cruise of the Little Dipper and Other Fairy Tales by Susanne Langer;
  • “'Dharani,' or Indian Buddhist Protective Spells,” by L. Austine Waddell, Indian Antiquary 43 (1914);
  • “The Dharani Cult in Buddhism, Its Origin, Deified Literature and Images, by L. Austine Waddell, Ostasiatische Zeitschrift 1 (1912);
  • Il culto privato di Roma antica by Attilio De Marchi;
  • Familienfeste der Griechen und Romer, by Ernst Samter;
  • Religion und Kultus der Romer, by Georg Wissowa;
  • Abhidharmakosa by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • Adikarmapradipa by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • articles in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Indo-Europeens et Indo-Iraniens, by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • Madhyamikasutras by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • “Notes boudhhiques,” 'by Louis de Vallee Poussin, *Bulletin de la classe des lettres, 1921-1929;
  • Pancakrama by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • Vijnaptimatratasiddhi, by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • The Works of the Reverend William Law, M. A., by William Law;
  • William Law: Nonjuror and Mystic, by John H. Overton;
  • '”A Fragment on Government, by Jeremy Bentham;
  • An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legistlation, by Jeremy Bentham;
  • Comment on the Commentaries, by Jeremy Bentham;
  • Works by Jeremy Bentham, ed. by John Bowring;
  • Direction or Preparative to the Study of Law, by William Fulbecke;
  • “Yajnavalka smrti, or the Institutes of Yajnavalka, Together with the Commentary Called the Mitaksara by Sri Vijnanesvara, Book the Second: And English Translation,” by Jagannatha Raghunatha Gharpure, in Collections of Hindu Law Texts, Vol. 2, 1914;
  • Leviathan, by Thomas Hobbes;
  • Anti-Tribonian, by Francois Horman;
  • An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, by David Hume;
  • The Metaphysics of Morals, by Immanuel Kant;
  • Superstition and Force, by Henry C. Lea;
  • History of Rome, by Livy, 14 Vols, Cambridge, MA, 1919-1959;
  • Two Treatises on Government, by John Locke;
  • Ancient Law: Its Connection with Early History of Society and its Relation to Modern Ideas, by Henry Sumner Maine;
  • On Liberty, by John Stuart Mill;
  • Codex Theodosianus: Theodosiani libri XVI cum Constitutionibus Sirmondianis et Leges novellae ad Theodosianum pertienentes, ed. by Theodor Mommsen and Paulus M. Meyer;
  • “Religionsfevrel nach romischen Recht,” by Theodor Mommsen, Gesammelte Schriften, (Berlin) 3 (1905);
  • The Dialogues of the Buddha (Digha Nikaya) by T. W. Rhys-Davids and C. A. F. Rhys-Davids;
  • Democracy in America, by Alexis de Tocqueville;
  • The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber;
  • The Golden Bough by James G. Frazer;
  • Kirchenrecht by Rudolf Sohm;
  • Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, by Max Weber, trans. as Economy and Society, by Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich;
  • Testimonies of the Life, Character, Revelations, and Doctrine of Our Ever Blessed Mother Ann Lee and the Elders with Her, ed. by Rufus Bishop and Seth Y. Wells;
  • Shakerism: Its Meaning and Message, by Anna White and Leila S. Taylor;
  • Eminent Israelites of the Nineteenth Century, by Henry Samuel Morais;
  • articles by Edvard Lehmann, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • articles in Textbuch zur Religionsgeschichte;
  • Die Religion der primitiven Volker, by Edvard Lehmann, in Die Kultur der Gegenwart;
  • Erscheinungswelt der Religion, by Edvard Lehmann, in Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart;
  • Illusteret Religionshistorie by Edvard Lehmann;
  • Mysticism in Heathendom and Christendom by Edvard Lehmann;
  • Der Briefwechsel des Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, by Eduard Bodemann;
  • Die Leibniz: Handschriften, by Eduard Bodemann;
  • Die philosophischen Schriften von G. W. Leibniz, by Charles James Gerhardt;
  • “Lemminkainens Tod 'Christi' Balders Tod,” by Kaarle Krohn,
  • Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen 5 (1905-1906);
  • Regesta pontificum Romanorum, Vol. 1, 2nd ed., by Phillip Jaffe;
  • A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, Vol. 12, by Charles Lett Feltoe;
  • Leontius von Byzanz und die gleichmamigen Schritsteller der griechischen Kirche, by Frederich Loofs;
  • A Psychological Study of Religion, by James H. Leuba;
  • The Belief in God and Immortality, by James H. Leuba;
  • Asanga; Mahayana-sutralamkara by Sylvain Levi;
  • La doctrine du sacrifice dans les Brahmanas by Sylvain Levi;
  • Le Nepal: Etude historique d'un royaume hindou, by Sylvain Levi;
  • Le theatre indien by Sylvain Levi;
  • L'Inde et le monde, by Sylvain Levi;
  • Un systeme de philosophique bouddhique by Sylvain Levi;
  • The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, by R. H. Charles;
  • Sacrifice in the Old Testament by G. B. Gray;
  • Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel, by Julius Wellhausen;
  • Les fonctiones mentales dans les societes inferieures by Lucien Levi-Bruel;
  • Primitive Mentality by Lucien Levi-Bruel;
  • Lectures on the Religion of the Semites, by W. Robertson Smith;
  • Die griechischen Kultusaltertumer, by Paul Stengel;
  • Opferbrauche der Griechen by Paul Stengel;
  • Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Religionssoziologie by Max Weber;
  • George Liele and Andrew Bryon, Pioneer Negro Baptist Preachers, by John W. Davis, Journal of Negro History 2 (1918);
  • “Light and Darkness,” by J. A. MacCulloch, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Phos by G. P. Wetter;
  • Aramaic Incantation Texts from Nippur, by James Montgomery;
  • The Life of a South African Tribe, Vol. 1, by Henri A. Junod;
  • The Rites of Passage, by Arnold Van Gennep;
  • Specimens of Bushman Folklore, by W. H. I. Bleek and L. C. Lloyd;
  • The Mythology of All Races, by Louis H. Gray;
  • “The Lion, the Tiger, the Leopard, the Panther, and the Chameleon,” by Angelo de Gubernatis,
  • Zoological Mythology, Vol. 2;
  • Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortality, by L. R. Farnell;
  • Psyche by Erwin Rohde;
  • Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein;
  • The Influence of Greek Ideas on Christianity, by Edwin Hatch;
  • “Athena, Sophia, and the Logos,” by Harris J. Rendel, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 7 (July 1922);
  • The Gospel and the Church, by Alfred Loisy, trans. by Christopher Home;
  • My Duel with the Vatican, by Alfred Loisy, trans. by Richard W. Boynton;
  • Les Baluba, by R. P. Colle;
  • Sociologie descriptive, by Cyrille van Overbergh;
  • Church History, by Eusebius;
  • Raymundus Lullus und seine Stellung zur arabischen Philosophie, by Otto Keicher;
  • Obres: Edicio original, by Ramon Lull;
  • Blanquerna, by Ramon Lull, trans. by E. Allison Peers;
  • The Book of the Lover and the Beloved, by Ramon Lull, trans. by E. Allison Peers;
  • “La mystique de Ramon Lull et l'arte de contemplacio by Jean Henri Probst;
  • Religion und Kultus der Romer by Georg Wissowa;
  • The Religious Experience of the Roman People from the Earliest Times to the Age of Aquarius by W. Warde Fowler;
  • Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte;
  • D. Martin Luthers Werke, by Martin Luther, ed. by J. K. F. Knaake et al;
  • Luther-Jahrbuch, 1919-;


  • Muhammadan Theories of Finance, by Nicolas P. Aghnides;
  • '”Early Zoroastrianism: The Origins, the Prophet, the Magi, by James Hope Moulton;
  • Die Apologie des Apuleius von Madaura und die antike Zauberei, by Adam Abt;
  • Shams al-ma' arif wa-lata'if al-awarif, by Ahmad ibn 'Ali al-Buni;
  • Altindisches Zauberritual, by Willem Caland;
  • Magie et religion dans l'Afrique du Nord, by Edmond Doutte;
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, by Emile Durkheim (2);
  • The Golden Bough, by James G. Frazer, 2 vols, 1890;
  • The Golden Bough, abbreviated ed., 1922, by James G. Frazer;
  • The Religious System of China, by J. J. M. De Groot;
  • La magie dans l'inde antique, by Victor Henry;
  • Griechische-agyptischer Offenbarungzauber, by Theodor Hopfner;
  • “Esquisse d'une theorie generale de la magie,” by Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss, Annee sociologique 7 (1904) (2);
  • Al-muqaddimah, by Ibn Khaldun;
  • Slavische Volksforschungen, by Friedrich S. Krauss;
  • Les fonctiones mentales dans les societes inferieures by Lucien Levy-Bruhl (2);
  • '”The Andaman Islanders, by A. R. Radcliffe-Brown;
  • A History of Magic and Experimental Science, Vols. 1-2, by Lynn Thorndike (2);
  • Epic Mythology, by E. Washburn Hopkins;
  • The Great Epic of India, by E. Washburn Hopkins;
  • The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipana, ed. by P. C. Roy and K. M. Ganguli;
  • Points of Controversy, trans. by Shwe Zan Aung and C. A. F. Rhys Davids;
  • Early History of the Spread of Buddhism and the Buddhist Schools, by Nalinaksha Dutt;
  • “Mahavastu,” by Louis de La Vallee Poussin, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Origins and Doctrines of Early Indian Buddhist Schools,” by Masuda Jiryo, Asia Minor 2 (1925);
  • “Sects (Buddhist),” by T. W. Rhys Davids, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Buddhist Cosmotheism and the Symbolism of Its Art,” by Masaharu Anesaki, in Buddhist Art in Its Relation to Buddhist Ideals, by Masahar Anesaki;
  • Acaranga Sutra, ed. by Hermann Jacobi, in Sacred Books of the East Vol. 22;
  • Jinacarita, ed. by Hermann Jacobi, in Sacred Books of the East Vol. 22;
  • Sutrakrtsnga, ed. by Hermann Jacobi, in Sacred Books of the East Vol. 45;
  • Uttaradhyayana, ed. by Hermann Jacobi, in Sacred Books of the East Vol. 45;
  • Buddha und Mahavira, by Ernst Leumann;
  • “Ludmirirskaya Dyeva (Di Ludmirer Moyd),” by Shmuel Abba Horodetzky, Eveiskaya Starina 1, no. 2 (1909);
  • Moses ben Maimon, ed. Wilhelm Bacher, Marcus Brann, and David Jacob Simonsen;
  • The Anagata-vamsa, ed. by J. Minayeff, Journal of the Pali Text Society, (1886);
  • Digha Nikaya, ed. by T. W. Rhys-Davids and J. Estlin Carpenter. “Digha Nikaya, trans. by T. W. Rhys-Davids and C. A. F. Rhys-Davids as “Dialogues of the Buddha, in Sacred Books of the Buddhists, Vols. 2-4;
  • Divyavadana, ed. by E. B. Cowell and R. A Neill;
  • Le Mahavastu, ed. by Emile Senart;
  • Saddharmapundraikasutra, ed. by Hendrik Kern and Bunyiu Nanjio, trans. by Hendrik Kern as Saddharma-Pundarika; or, The Lotus of the Good Law, “Sacred Books of the Buddhists, Vol. 21;
  • Sukhavativyuhasutra, ed. by F. Max Muller and Bunyiu Nanjio, trans. by F. Max Muller in Buddhist Mahayana Texts, ed. by E. B. Cowell et. al., Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 49;
  • Patrologia Graeca Vol. 34;
  • Das Johannesbuch der Mandaer, by Mark Lidzbarski;
  • Ginza: Der Schatz, by Mark Lidzbarski;
  • Das Johannesbuch der Mandaer, by Mark Lidzbarski;
  • Ginza: Der Schatz, by Mark Lidzbarski;
  • “Das Apastamba-Sulva Sutra,” by Albert Burk, Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 56 (1902);
  • Das manichaische religionssystem nach den Quellen neu untersucht und entwickelt, by F. C. Baur;
  • Histoire critique de Manichee et du manischeisme, by Isaac de Beausobre;
  • The Religion of the Manichees by F. C. Burkitt;
  • “Compendium de la religion du Buddha de Lumiere, Mani, by Edouard Chavannes and Paul Pelliot, Journal asiatique (1913);
  • “Un traite manicheen retrouve en Chine,” by Edouard Chavannes and Paul Pelliot, Journal asiatique (1911);
  • Essai sur la diffusion du manicheisme dans l'Empire romain, by E. de Stoop;
  • Mani, seine Lehre und seine Schriften, by G. Flugel;
  • Mani: Forschungen uber die manichaische Religion, by K. Kessler;
  • “Les traditions manicheennes au Fou-kien,” by Paul Pelliot, T'oung pao 22 (1923);
  • The Tiruvacagan or 'Sacred Utterances' of the Tamil Poet, Saint and Sage Manikkavacakar, by G. U. Pope;
  • L'Etude comparee das religions, by Henri Pinard de la Boullaye;
  • “Ancestor-Worship and Cult of the Dead,” by William Crooke and others, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Principles of Sociology, by Herbert Spencer;
  • introduction to “The Laws of Manu,” by Georg Buhler, '”Sacred Books of the East Vol. 25;
  • Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand, by George French Angas;
  • Maori Religion and Mythology, by Elsdon Best;
  • Some Aspects of Maori Myth and Religion, by Elsdon Best;
  • Spiritual and Mental Concepts of the Maori, by Elsdon Best;
  • '”Tuhoe: The Children of the Mist, by Elsdon Best;
  • The New Zealand Wars, Vol. 1, 1845-64, by James Cowan;
  • Travels in New Zealand, by Ernest Dieffenbach;
  • Polynesian Mythology, by George Grey;
  • Traditions and Superstitions of the New Zealanders, by Edward Shortland;
  • Te Ika a Maui, or, New Zealand and Its Inhabitants, by Richard Taylor;
  • Folklore araucano, by Tomas Guevara;
  • Historia de Chile: Chile prehispanico, by Tomas Guevara;
  • La organizacion social y las creencias religiosas de los antiguos araucanos, by Ricardo E. Latcham;
  • “Mara in the Guise of the Buddha,” by Edmund Hardy, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1901);
  • “Mara,” by Louis de Vallee Poussin, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Book of Kindred Sayings, by C. A. F. Rhys Davids;
  • Mara und Buddha, by Ernst Windisch;
  • The Folklore of Bombay, by R. E. Ethnoven;
  • Marcion: Das Evangelium vom fremden Gott, by Adolf von Harnack;
  • Marcion: Das Evangelium vom fremden Gott, by Adolf von Harnack;
  • Anthropology, by R. R. Marett;
  • The Threshold of Religion, by R. R. Marett;
  • Tseremissien uhritapoja, by A. Hamalainen;
  • “Mordvins,” by Heikki Paasonen, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Mordovskii etnograficheskii sbornik, by A. A. Shakhmanov;
  • Church History by Eusebius;
  • Historia dos cristaos novos portugueses, by Joao Lucio d'Azevedo;
  • Ancient Society, by Lewis Henry Morgan;
  • The History of Human Marriage, by Edward A. Westermarck;
  • Religion und Kultus der Romer by Georg Wissowa;
  • The Life and Letters of James Martineau, by James Drummond and C. B. Upton;
  • Essays, Reviews, and Addresses, by James Martineau;
  • Uber den Ursprung des armenischen Alphabets, in Verbindung mit der Biographie das heil. Mast'oc, by Josef Marquart;
  • “Die Masken in der Volkerkunde, by Richard Andree, Archiv für Anthropologie 16 (1886);
  • “Masken und Maskereien,” by Adolf Bastian, Zeitschrift fur Volkerpsychologie 14 (1883);
  • Die Masken und Geheimbunde Afrikas, by Leo Frobenius;
  • Ethnographische Materielien aus dem Neuen Hebriden und den Banks-Inseln, by Felix Speiser;
  • Muhammadan Theories of Finance, by Nicolas P. Aghnides;
  • “Communautes et moines bouddhistes chinois au deuxieme et troisieme siecles, by Henri Maspero, Bulletin l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient (Hanoi) 10 (1910);
  • La Chine antique, by Henri Maspero;
  • “Le songe et l'ambassade de l'empereur Ming,” by Henri Maspero, Bulletin l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient (Hanoi) 10 (1910);
  • “Legendes mythologiques dans le Chou king,” by Henri Maspero, Journal asiatique, 204 (1924);
  • Annuaire du monde musulman, 1st edition, by Louis Massignon;
  • Mission et Mesopotamie, 1907-1908, by Louis Massignon;
  • Geschichte des Materialismus, by Friedrich Lange, trans. by E. C. Thomas as The History of Materialism;
  • The Idea of the Holy, by Rudolf Otto;
  • Church History, by Eusebius;
  • The Gospel According to St. Matthew, ed. A. H. McNeile;
  • The Kingdom of Christ, by Frederick Denison Maurice;
  • Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy, by Frederick Denison Maurice;
  • Politics for the People, by Frederick Denison Maurice;
  • A Sequel to the Inquiry, What Is Revelation? by Frederick Denison Maurice;
  • Tracts on Christian Socialism, by Frederick Denison Maurice;
  • '”What Is Revelation? A Series of Sermons on the Epiphany, by Frederick Denison Maurice;
  • The Life of Frederick Denison Maurice Chiefly Told in His Own Letters, ed. by Frederick Maurice;
  • “Esquisse d'une theorie generale de la magie, by Marcel Mauss, L'Annee Sociologique (1904);
  • “Essai sur la nature et la fonctiondu sacrifice, by Marcel Mauss, L'Annee sociologique (1899);
  • “Essai sur le don,” by Marcel Mauss, L'Annee sociologique (1925);
  • “Observations sur la violence,” by Marcel Mauss, Vie socialiste;
  • “Rapports reels et pratiques de psychologie ete de la sociologie, by Marcel Mauss, Journal de Psychologie (1924);
  • “Sociologie,” by Marcel Mauss and Paul Fauconnet, La Grande Encyclopedie, 1901;
  • Al-ahkam al-sultaniyah, by al-Mawardi, trans. by Edmond Fagnan as Les statuts gouvernementaux;
  • An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, by Edward W. Lane;
  • Patrologia Graeca Vols. 4, 90-91;
  • al-Athar al-baqiya, by Abu Raihan Biruni, trans. by Eduard Sachau as The Chronology of Ancient Nations;
  • Le regne du roi Kawadh I et le communisme mazdakite, by A. Christensen;
  • Chronographia, by Malalas of Antioch, in Patrologia Graeca XCVII;
  • Geschichte der Perser und Araber, by Th. Noldeke;
  • Chronicle by Pseudo-Joshua the Stylite;
  • al-Milal wa'l-nihal, by Muhammad Shahrastani, ed. by William Cureton;
  • Ghurar akhbar muluk al-Fars, by Abu Mansur Tha'alibi;
  • This Is That, by Aimee Semple McPherson;
  • Nias: Ethnographische, Geographische, en Historische Aantekeningen, by E. E. W. G. Schroder;
  • Rabbi Me'ir: Leben und Wirken eines Judischen Weisen, by Adolf Blumenthal;
  • The Melanesians, by R. H. Codrington;
  • The Folk-Tales of the Kiwai Papuans, by Gunnar Landtmann;
  • Die Marind-Anim von Hollandisch-Siid-Neu-Guinea, by Paul Witz;
  • The Ancient Quipu or Peruvian Knot-Record, by M L. Locke;
  • “A Dictionary of Islam, by Thomas P. Hughes;
  • see index under “mendicant orders” in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • La correspondance de S. E. cardinal Mercier avec le gouvernement general allemand pendant l'occupation, 1914-1918, ed. by Fernand Mayence, trans. as Cardinal Mercier's Own Story;
  • Cours de philosophie, by Desire Joseph Mercier;
  • Œeuvres pastorales, by Desire Joseph Mercier;
  • Death of the Gods, by Dmitrii Merezhkovskii;
  • The Menace of the Mob, by Dmitrii Merezhkovskii;
  • Peter and Alexis, by Dmitrii Merezhkovskii;
  • The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci, by Dmitrii Merezhkovskii;
  • Tolstoi as Man and Artist, by Dmitrii Merezhkovskii;
  • The Jataka, ed. by E. B. Cowell;
  • Quellen zur Geschichte und des romischen Katholizismus, by Cyprian, ed. by Carl Mirbt;
  • Avadna-cataka, by Leon Feer;
  • The Doctrine of Merits in Old Rabbinical Literature, by Arthur Marmorstein;
  • Codez Meggliabecchianus, XIII: Manuscrit mexicain post-Columbien de la Bibliotheque Nationale de Florence;
  • Codex Matritense;
  • El calendario, by Diego Duran;
  • Los dioses y ritos, by Diego Duran;
  • Historia de los cosas de la Nueva Espana, by Bernardino de Sahagun (2);
  • “The Wall Paintings of Mitla, by Eduard Seler, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., Bureau of American Ethology Bulletin 28 (1904);
  • Babylonien und Assyrien, Vol. 2, by Bruno Meissner;
  • “Pseudo-Messiahs,” by H. G. Friedmann, Jewish Encyclopedia;
  • Die Metalle bei den Naturvolkern mit Berucksichtigung prahistorischer Verhaltnisse, by Richard Andree;
  • “L'or, son origine et ses pouvoirs magiques,” by Jean Przyluski, Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient 14 (1914);
  • Les travaux publics et les mines dans les traditions et les superstitions de tous les pays, by Paul Sebillot;
  • The Thunderweapon in Religion and Folklore, by C. Blinkenberg;
  • The Dragon in China and Japan, by M. W. de Visser;
  • Boanerges, by Rendel Harris;
  • The Cult of the Heavenly Twins, by Rendel Harris;
  • Picus Who Is Also Zeus, by Rendel Harris;
  • '”Der Caiva-Siddhanta: Eine Mystik Indiens, by H. W. Schomerus;
  • The Caroline Islands, by Frederick William Christian;
  • Die Marshall-Insulaner: Leben und Sitte, Sinn und Religion eines Sudsee-Volkes, by August Erdland (2);
  • The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Vol. 3, The Belief among the Micronesians, by James G. Frazer;
  • Sudseemarchen aus Australien, New-Guinea, Fidji, Karolinen, Samoa, Tonga, Hawaii, New-Seeland, by Paul Hambruch;
  • “Die Religion de Palauer,” by Jan S. Kubary, Allerlei aus Volks- und Menschenkunde, ed. by Adolf Bastian;
  • Yap, by Wilhelm Muller (2);
  • “Kosrae: Results of the South Sea Expedition,” by Ernst G. Sarfert, in Kusae, by Ernst G. Sarfert;
  • Die Agada der palastinischen Amoraer, by Wilhelm Bacher;
  • Die Agada der Tannaiten, by Wilhelm Bacher;
  • Legends of the Jews, by Louis Ginzberg;
  • Some Aspects of Rabbinic Theology, by Solomon Schechter, reprinted as Aspects of Rabbinic Theology;
  • Die gottesdiehnstlichen Vortrage der Juden by Leopold Zunz;
  • Sectarianism and Religious Persecution in China, by J. J. M. de Groot;
  • Prabhakara School of Purva-mimamsa, by Ganganath Jha;
  • Tantra-rahasya, by Ramanujacarya, ed. by Rudrapatha Shamasastry and K. S. Ramaswami Sastri;
  • Introduction to Purva Mimamsa, by Pashupatianth Shastri, ed. by Gaurinath Sastri;
  • Judische Wundergeschichten des neutestamentlichen Zeitalters, by Paul Fiebig;
  • The Mystics of Islam, by Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • Antike Heilungswunder, by Otto Weinreich;
  • L'ascension au ciel du prophete Mohammed, by Edgar Blochet, Revue de l'histoire des religions 40 (1899);
  • Die Himmelstreise der Seele, by D. W. Bousset, Archiv für Religionswissenschaft 4 (1901);
  • La escatologia musulmana en la Divina comedia, by Miguel Asin Palacios;
  • The Legends of the Jews, by Louis Ginzberg;
  • A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Numbers, by G. B. Gray;
  • The Golden Bough, Vol. 3, Taboo and the Perils of the Soul, by James G. Frazer, 3rd ed.;
  • Tosefta' by M. S. Zuckermandel;
  • “Examination of the Pali Buddhistical Annals,” by George Turnour, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 7 (1838);
  • On Mission: A Lectur Delivered in Westminster Abbey, on December 3, 1873, by F. Max Muller;
  • The Book of Kindred Sayings (Samyutta-nikaya) Vol. 1, trans. by C. A. F. Rhys Davids;
  • “Le dieu indo-iranien Mitra,” by Antoine Meller, Journal asiatique, 10 (1907);
  • Mithra: Ein Beitrag zur Mythengeschichte des Orients, by Friedrich Windischmann;
  • Textes et monuments relatif aux Mysteres de Mithra, by Franz Cumont, trans. by T. J. McCormack as The Mysteries of Mithra;
  • Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum 24 (1896);
  • Liberalism, Modernism, and Tradition, by Oliver Chase Quick;
  • The Mahavamsa, trans. and ed. by Wilhelm Geiger;
  • Der Gegensatz des Katholicismus und Protestantismus nach den Principien und Hauptdogmen der beiden Lehrbegriffe mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Herrn Dr. Mohlers Symbolik, 2nd ed., by Ferdinand Christian Baur;
  • L'Allemagne religieuse: Le catholicisme by George Goyau;
  • Jean-Adam Mohler et l'ecole catholique de Tubingue, 1815-1840, by Edmond Vermeil;
  • Mahabharata, trans. by Pratap Chandra Roy and K. M. Ganguli;
  • Five Centuries of Religion, by George G. Coulton;
  • Gesammelte Aufsatze zure Religionssociologie, by Max Weber;
  • “On the Religious Character of Greek Coins,” by Ernst Curtius, Numismatic Chronicle 10 (1870);
  • Heiliges Geld, by Bernhard Laum;
  • 'Chernaia vera, ili Shamanstvo un Mongolov' i drugie stat'i, by Dorzi Banzarov, ed. by G. N. Potanin;
  • “Zum Feuerkultus bei den Mongolen,” by Nicholas N. Poppe, Asia Minor, 2 (1925);
  • Appearance and Reality, by Francis H. Bradley;
  • Gifford Lecture” 1900-1901 by Edward Caird;
  • The Phenomenology of Mind, by G. W. F. Hegel, trans. by J. B. Baillie;
  • The World and the Individual, by Josiah Royce;
  • Julie d'Halicarnasse et sa controverse avec Severe d'Antioche sur l'incorruptibilite du corps de Christ, by Rene Draguet;
  • L'eglise au sixieme siecle, by Louis Duchesne;
  • Le monophysisme severien, by Joseph Lebon;
  • Christianity and Nationalism in the Later Roman Empire, by E. I. Woodward;
  • Der Ursprung der Gottesidee, by Wilhelm Schmidt;
  • Ethnographische Parallelen und Vergleiche, by Richard Andree;
  • Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, by Sabine Baring-Gould;
  • Mythical Monsters, by Charles Gould;
  • Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion, by John Cuthbert Lawson;
  • Rustic Speech and Folklore, by Elizabeth M. Wright;
  • Les sources de l'histoire du montanisme, by Pierre de Labriolle;
  • L'astrologie grecque, by Auguste Bouche-Leclerq;
  • Sacred Books of the East, ed. by F. Max Muller;
  • The Mythology of All Races, ed. by Louis Herbert Gray;
  • Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der griechischen und romischen Mythologie, ed. by W. H. Roscher;
  • The Birth and Growth of Religion, by George Foot Moore;
  • A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Judges, by George Foot Moore;
  • History of Religion, by George Foot Moore;
  • The Literature of the Old Testament, by George Foot Moore;
  • “The Rise of Normative Judaism: To the Close of the Mishnah,” by George Foot Moore, Harvard Theological Review 18 (1925);
  • Summa theologiae, 2.7.90-97, by Thomas Aquinas;
  • Critique of Pure Reason, by Immanuel Kant;
  • '”Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone, by Immanuel Kant;
  • Fear and Trembling, by Soren Kierkegaard;
  • Three Essays on Religion, by John Stuart Mill;
  • Euthyphro, by Plato;
  • Ancient Judaism, by Max Weber;
  • The Religion of China, by Max Weber;
  • The Religion of India, by Max Weber;
  • The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas, by Edward A. Westermarck;
  • History of the Church Known as the Unitas Fratrum or the Unity of the Brethren, 2nd ed., by Edmund A. De Schweintiz;
  • Robert Morrison: A Master-Builder, by Marshall Broomhall;
  • Memoirs of the Life and Labours of Robert Morrison, ed. by Eliza Morrison;
  • Robert Morrison, the Pioneer of Chinese Missions, by William Townsend;
  • The Legends of the Jews, by Louis Ginzberg;
  • Mose und seine Zeit: Ein Kommentar zu den Mose-sagen, by Hugo Gressman;
  • “Masdjid,” by Johannes Pedersen, The Encyclopedia of Islam, (1913);
  • Das philosophische System von Schirazi, by Max Horten;
  • Comparative Mythology, by F. Max Muller;
  • Comparative Religion: Its Genesis and Growth, by Louis Henry Jordan;
  • '”Chips from a German Workshop, by F. Max Muller;
  • Contributions to the Science of Mythology, by F. Max Muller;
  • My Autobiography: A Fragment,” by F. Max Muller;
  • The Science of Thought, by F. Max Muller;
  • '”Three Lectures on the Science of Language, etc., with a Supplement, My Predecessors, by F. Max Muller;
  • The Life and Letters of the Right Honorable Friedrich Max Muller, ed. by Georgina Max Muller;
  • Max Muller and the Philosophy of Language, by Ludwig Noire;
  • L'etude comparee des religions, Vol. 1, by Henri Pinard de la Boullaye;
  • Geschichte der klassischen Mythologie und religionsgeschichte, by Otto Gruppe;
  • Geschichte der griechischen Literatur bis auf das Zeitalter Alexanders, by Karl O. Muller, trans. as A History of the Literature of Ancient Greece;
  • Geschichten hellenischer Stamme und Stadte, by Karl O. Muller, trans. as The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race;
  • Prolegomena zu einer wissenschaftlichen Mythologie, by Karl O. Muller, trans. as Introduction to a Scientific System of Mythology;
  • Elements of Hindu Iconography, by T. A. Gopinatha Rao;
  • “Muses,” by A. C. Pearson, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Aztec Music,” by Hilborne T. Cressen, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, (1883);
  • La musica de los incas y sus supervivencias, by R. D'Harcourt and M. D'Harcourt;
  • articles on Music, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Festivals and Songs of Ancient China, by Marcel Granet;
  • “Altmexikanische Knochentasseln,” by Eduard Seler,
  • Globus 74, no. 6 (1898);
  • “Die holzgeschnitzte Pauke von Malinalco und das Zeichen atl-tlachinolli,” by Eduard Seler, Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 34 (1904);
  • Chinese Music, by J. A. Van Aalst;
  • Les mysteres d'Eleusis by Paul-Francois Foucart;
  • Fontes historiae mysteriorum aevi hellenistici by Nicola Turchi;
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James;
  • Mysticism, by Evelyn Underhill;
  • Mythology of All Races, by Louis H. Gray;
  • Die alteste Geschichsschreibung und Propheteie Israels, ed. by Hugo Gressman;
  • Religionswissenschaft, by Joachim Wach;
  • The Hellenistic Mystery Religions, by Richard Reitzenstein;


  • “Names,” articles in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Names (Chinese),” by J. Dyer Ball, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • “Names (Primitive),” by George B. Foucart, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Native Tribes of Central Australia, by Baldwin Spencer and F. J. Gillen;
  • “Names (Indo-European),” by Louis H. Gray, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Religious System of China, by J. J. M. De Groot;
  • “Names: Arabic,” by David S. Margoliouth, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Nanjo Bunyu jijoden, by Nanjo Bunyu;
  • “The Taungbyon Festival,” by R. Grant Brown, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 45 (1915);
  • The Thirty-seven Nats: A Phase of Spirit-Worship Prevailing in Burma, by R. C. Temple;
  • “Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft,” by Edmund Husserl, Logos 1 (1910);
  • The Life of Reason, or the Phases of Human Progress, by George Santayana;
  • Der Ursprung der Naturphilosophie aus dem Geiste der Mystik, by Karl Joel;
  • Natural Religion, by F. Max Muller;
  • Primitive Culture, by E. B. Tylor;
  • The Religious System of the Amazulu in the Zulu Language with Translation into English and Notes in Four Parts, by Henry Callaway;
  • Lives of the Necromancers, by William Godwin;
  • The Life of a South African Tribe, by Henri A. Junod;
  • History, Manners and Customs of the Indian Nations, by John Heckewelder;
  • Algic Researches, by Henry R. Schoolcraft;
  • Buzandaran patmut'iwnk' by P'awstos Buzand;
  • Collections des historiens anciens et modernes de l'Armenie, Vol. 1, by Victor Langlois;
  • Des Faustus von Byzanz Geschichte Armeniens, trans. by Max Lauer;
  • Bibliotheca Orientalis, Vol. 3, part 2, ed. by Giuseppe Simone Assemani;
  • The Nestorians and Their Rituals, by George Percy Badger;
  • Chronicon ecclesiasticum, by Bar Hebraeus, ed. by J. B. Abbeloos and T. J. Lamy;
  • The Nestorian Monument, ed. by Paul Carus;
  • Chronique de Michel le Syrien, ed. by Jean-Baptiste Chabot;
  • Bazaar of Heracleides, trans. by Godfrey R. Driver and Leonard Hodgson;
  • The Lesser Eastern Churches, by Adrian Fortesque;
  • History of the Nestorians, by Asahel Grant;
  • The Nestorians, or The Lost Tribes, by Asahel Grant;
  • The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries, Vol. 2, 2nd ed., by Adolf von Harnack;
  • The Oldest Christian Church, by Henry Holme;
  • Le christianisme dans l'empire perse sous la dynastie sassanide, 224-632, by Jerome Labourt;
  • Die Fragmente des Nestorius, by Friedrich Loofs;
  • Nestorius and His Place in the History of Christian Doctrine, by Freidrich Loofs;
  • The Syrian Church in India, by John D. Macbride;
  • History of the Syrian Nation and the Old Evangelical-Apostolic Church of the East, by George David Malech;
  • “Acts of the Council of Ephesus,” in Sacrorum counciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, ed. by Giovanni Domenico Mansi;
  • Patrologia Graeca Vols. 126-127 by Migne;
  • The Chronicle of Mshika Zkha, ed. by Alphonse Mingana;
  • “The Early Spread of Christianity in Central Asia and the Far East,” by Alphone Mingana, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 9 (1925);
  • The Indian Christians of St. Thomas, Otherwise Called the Syrian Christians of Malabar, by William J. Richards; Chronique de Seert, histoire nestorienne, ed. by Addai Scher, in Patrologia Orientalis Vol. 4;
  • An Introduction to the History of the Assyrian Church, by William A. Wigram;
  • Nestorius: The Bazaar of Heracleides, ed. and trans. by G. R. Driver and Leonard Hodgson;
  • Nestoriana by Friedrich Loofs;
  • Etude ethnologique sur la religion des Neo-caledoniens by R. P. Gagnere;
  • Moeurs et superstitions des Neo-caledoniens by Pierre Lambert;
  • “Neman,” by Henry Tristam and F. Bacchus, Dictionnaire de theologie catholique, 1903-1950;
  • The Book of Mormon;
  • Science and Health with Keys to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy;
  • The Holy Piby, by Shepherd Robert Athlyi Rogers;
  • A History of the New Thought Movement, by Horatio W. Dresser;
  • “Feasting (Introductory),” by J. A. MacCulloch, in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Primitive Time-Reckoning, by Martin P. Nilsson; “Festivals and feasts,” by L. A. Waddell, et. al., in Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Amitayur-dhyana Sutra, trans. Takakasu Junjiro, Sacred Books of the East Vol. 49;
  • Nichiren, the Buddhist Prophet, by Anesaki Masaharu;
  • Nichirenshu zensho;
  • The Life of Florence Nightingale, by Sir Edward T. Cook;
  • Spicilegium Romanum, Vol. 10, ed. by Angelo Mai;
  • Patrologia Graeca, Vol. 100, ed. by J.-P. Migne;
  • Spicelegium complectens sanctorum patrum scriptorumque anecdota hactenus opera, ed. by Jean-Baptiste Pitra;
  • Geschichte der byzantischen Literatur von Justinian bis zum Ende des ostromischen Reiches, by Karl Krumbacher;
  • Patrologia Graeca, Vol. 145-147, ed. by J.-P. Migne;
  • Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos, by A. Papadopoulos-Kerameus;
  • The Patriarch and the Tsar, by William Palmer;
  • Pantheon Babylonicum: Nomina deorum textibus cuneiformibus excerpta et ordine alphabetico distributa, by Anton Deimel;
  • The Samyutta-Nikaya of the Sutta Pitaka, ed. by Leon Freer;
  • Nirvana, by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • The Book of Kindred Springs, ed. by C. A. F. Rhys Davids and F. L. Woodward;
  • Mahaparinibbana Suttanta, trans. by T. W. Rhys Davids as Buddhist Suttas, in Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 11;
  • Majjhima-Nikaya, ed. by Vilhelm Trenckner, et. al.;
  • Itivuttaka, ed. by Ernst Windisch;
  • Tarikhi Firuz Shahi, by Ziya al-Din Barani;
  • Durar-i Nizami by 'Ali Jandar;
  • Siyar al-awliya, by Mir Khurd;
  • Fawa'id al-fu'ad by Hasan Sijzi;
  • Der Nominalismus in der Fruhscholastik, by Joseph Reiners;
  • The Concept of the Guardian Spirit in North America, by Ruth Fulton Benedict;
  • The Black Hawk War, by Frank Stevens;
  • Anthropological Papers, 1907-.
  • The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and the Region of the Great Lakes, ed. by Emma Blair et. al.;
  • O-kee-pa: A Religious Ceremony and Other Customs of the Mandan, by George Carlin;
  • The Omaha Tribe, by Alice C. Fletcher and Francis La Flesche;
  • “The Beaver Indians,” by Pliny Earle Goddard, Anthropological Report of the American Museum of Natural History, 10, no. 4, 1917;
  • “Beaver Texts,” by Pliny Earle Goddard, 'Anthropological Report of the American Museum of Natural History, 10, no. 5, 1917;
  • The Cheyenne Indians: Their History and Ways of Life, by George Bird Grinnell;
  • The Idea of Fertilization in the Culture of the Pueblo Indians, by H. K. Haeberlin;
  • Religion and Ceremonies of the Lenape, by Mark R. Harrington;
  • “Iroquois Cosmology, Part 1” and “Part 2” ed. by J. N. B. Hewitt, Bureau of American Ethnology Forty-third Annual Report, 1925-1926;
  • “The Menomini Indians,” by Walter J. Hoffman, Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology 14 (1892-1893);
  • “The Midewiwin or 'Grand Medicine Society' of the Ojibwa,” by Walter J. Hoffman, Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology 7 (1885-1886);
  • “On the Medicine-Men of the Ten'a,” by Julius Jette, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 37 (1907);
  • Handbook of the Indians of California, by A. L. Kroeber;
  • “The Owl Sacred Pack of the Fox Indians,” by Trumen Michelson, Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology 72 (1921);
  • The Ghost Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890, by James Mooney;
  • “The Ghost Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890,” by James Mooney,
  • U. S. Bureau of Ethnology Annual Report, 14, pt. 2 (1896);
  • “Myths of the Cherokees,” by James Mooney, Nineteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1897-1898, 1900;
  • “Sacred Ceremonies of the Cherokees,” by James Mooney, Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1885-1886, 1891;
  • Myths of the Cherokee and Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees, by James Mooney;
  • Traditions indiennes du Canada nord-ouest, by Emile Petitot;
  • “The Winnebago Tribe,” by Paul Radin, Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology 37 (1915-1916);
  • “Folklore of the Menomini Indians,” by Alanson Skinner, Anthropological Papers, Vol. 13, part 3 (1915);
  • “Social Life and Ceremonial Bundles of the Menomini Indians,” by Alanson Skinner, Anthropological Papers, Vol. 13, part 1 (1915);
  • The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents... 1610-1791,” ed. by Reuben Gold Thwaites;
  • Sasanidskie etiudy, by Konstantin Inostrantsev (Inostrancev);
  • The Circular 1851-1864;
  • The Communistic Societies of the United States, by Charles Nordhoff;
  • The Religious Experience of John Humphrey Noyes, by George Wallingford Noyes;
  • History of American Socialisms, by John Humphrey Noyes;
  • Die person Muhammeds in lehre und glauben seiner gemeinde by Tor Andrae;
  • ”Leibniz's 'Image of Creation'” by Florian Cajori, The Monist 26 (Oct. 1916);
  • Deutsche Schriften, Vol. 1, by G. B. Leibniz, ed. G. E. Guhrauer;
  • ”Numbers,” Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics”;
  • ”Die Religion der Jugra-Volker” by K. J. Karkalainen, in Folklore Fellow Communications 41 & 44;
  • Die Weltgottheiten der wogulischen Mythologie, Vol. 3., “Koleti Szemle,” by Bernhard Mankacsi;
  • Die person Muhammeds in lehre und glauben seiner gemeinde by Tor Andrae;


  • Die philosophischen Systeme der spekulativen Theologen by Max Horten;
  • ”A Few Questions to 'Hiraf,” by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Spiritual Scientist July 15, 1875;
  • The History of the Melanesian Mission, by E. S. Armstrong;
  • The Melanesians by Robert H. Codrington;
  • Conference sur la loi naturelle;
  • Polynesian Researches... by William Ellis;
  • The Threshold of the Pacific, by Charles Elliott Fox;
  • Etude ethnologique sur la religion des Neo-Caledoniens, by R. P. M. Gagnere;
  • Sociology, Magic, and Religion of the Eastern Islanders, by Alfred C. Haddon, as Reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits” Vol. 6;
  • La grande terre, by Maurice Leenhardt;
  • Wonders of the Western Isles, by Archibald Wright Murray;
  • A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands, by John Williams;
  • Fiji and the Fijians, by Thomas Williams and James Calvert;
  • Mythology of All Races, ed. Louis H. Gray and George Foot Moore;
  • The King's Mirror, by Laurence Larson;
  • Die Bedetung des Wassers im Kult und Leben der Alten, by Martin Ninck;
  • The Mythology of the British Islands, by Charles Squire;
  • Odensheite, by Hjalmar Falle;
  • A Buddhist Catechism, by Henry Steel Olcott;
  • Ancient India, by Hermann Oldenberg;
  • The Buddha: His Life, His Doctrine, His Order by Hermann Oldernberg, trans. William Hoeg;
  • The Dipavamsa, by Hermann Oldenberg;
  • The Grhyasutras by Hermann Oldenberg;
  • Vedic Hymns, Vol. 2, by Hermann Oldenberg;
  • Vinaya Texts, by Hermann Oldenberg;
  • The Golden Bough (1911-1915) by James G. Frazer;
  • Ocho jidai no onmyodo, by Saito Tsutomu;
  • The Religious System of China, by J. J. M. de Groot;
  • Greek Divination, by W. R. Halliday;
  • Die Russischen Sekten, by Karl Grass;
  • The Witch-Cult in Western Europe, by Margaret Murray;
  • Psyche, by Erwin Rohde;
  • Orientation, by Heinrich Nissen;
  • Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhundert;
  • Patrologia Graeca (Origen texts);
  • Nekyia, by Albrecht Dieterich;
  • Orpheus the Fischer, by Robert Eisler;
  • Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion, by Jane Ellen Harrison;
  • Orpheus, by Otto Kern;
  • Orphicorum fragmenta, by Otto Kern;
  • Psyche, by Erwin Rohde;
  • History of Indian Philosophy, by Surendranath Dasgupta;
  • ”Orthodoxy,” by William Curtis, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • An Account of the War Customs of the Osages, by James Owen Dorsey;
  • Osage Traditions, by James Owen Dorsey;
  • Siouan Sociology, by James Owen Dorsey;
  • The Osage Tribe: Rite of the Chiefs, by Francis La Flesche;
  • The Osage Tribe: The Rite of Vigil, by Francis La Flesche;
  • ”State of the Dead,” and others, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Idea of the Holy, by Rudolf Otto, trans. John W. Harvey;
  • Kantisch-Friessche religionsphilosophie und ihre Anwedung auf die Theologie, by Rudolf Otto;
  • Naturalism and Religion, by Rudolf Otto, trans. by J. Arthur Thomson and Margaret R. Thomson;
  • Fleckeisens Jahrbucher, by Walter F. Otto;
  • Der Geist der Antike und die Christlichen Welt, by Walter F. Otto;
  • Die Manen oder von den Urformen des Totenglaubens, by Walter F. Otto;
  • Religiose Stimmen der Volker, by Walter F. Otto;
  • Real-Encyclopadie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, by August Pauly & Georg Wissowa, Vols. 6-8;
  • Metamorphoses, by Ovid, Vol., 2, trans. Frank Justus Miller;


  • Le prehistorique, by Gabriel de Mortillet;
  • Pre-Historic Times, by John Lubbock;
  • Les religions de la prehistoire, by Thomas Lucien Mainage;
  • ”L'art et la magie,” by Salomon Reinach, L'anthropologie 14 (1903);
  • ”The Passing of the Founder,” by J. Estlin Carpenter, Journal of the Pali Text Society Vol. 7 #4;
  • ”Buddhism: Its History and Literature,” by T. W. Rhys Davids;
  • Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion...,” by T. W. Rhys Davids;
  • Pantschatantra, by Theodor Benfey;
  • The Pancatantra Reconstructed, by Franklin Edgerton;
  • Kalilah and Dimnah, by G. N. Keith-Falconer;
  • The Eariest English Version of the Fables of Bidpai,” by Joseph Jacobs;
  • Gold's Gloom,” by Arthur W. Ryder;
  • The Pancatantra, by Arthur W. Ryder;
  • The Lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages, by Horace K. Mann;
  • Quellen zur Geschichte des Papsttums und des Romischen Katholizismus, by Carl Mirbt;
  • The History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages, by Ludwig von Paastor;
  • Buddhist Parables, by Eugene Watson Burlingame;
  • Samtliche Werke, by Paracelsus, ed. Karl Sudoff and Wilhelm Mattiessen;
  • The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Aurelius Philippus Theophrastus Bombastus, called Paracelsus the Great,” by Arthur Edward Waite;
  • Jewish Life in the Middle Ages, by Israel Abrahams;
  • Paradoxes of the Infinite, by Bernard Balzano;
  • The Book of Job, ed. G. K. Chesterton;
  • A Budget of Paradoxes,” 2nd ed, by Augustus De Morgan;
  • The Golden Bough, Vols. 3, 7, 9, (1911-1915) by James G. Frazer;
  • ”Riddle,” by James Kelso, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Riddles of Solomon in Rabbinic Literature, by Salomon Schechter, Folklore 1 (1891);
  • Science and the Modern World by Alfred North Whitehead;
  • Religion und Kultus der Romer, by Georg Wissowa;
  • Studies in Parsi History, by Shahpurshah H. Hodivala;
  • ”Gujarat Parsis from Their Earliest Settlement...,” by Khurshedji N. Seevai and Bemanji B. Patel, Gazeteer of the Bombay Presidency,” 9, no. 2 (1899);
  • La genie de Pascal, by Leon Brunschvicq;
  • Pascal et son temps, by Fortunat Strowski;
  • The Life of Saint Patrick and His Place in History, by John B. Bury;
  • A Collection of the Works of William Penn..., by Joseph Besse;
  • Ancient Art and Ritual;
  • The Origin of Attic Comedy, by Francis N. Cornford;
  • The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, by Emile Durkheim;
  • The Golden Bough (2nd ed), by James G. Frazer;
  • Themis by Jane Ellen Harrison;
  • The Rites of Passage, by Arnold von Gennep;
  • Christianity and the Roman Government, by E. G. Hardy;
  • ”The Libelli of the Decian Persecution,” by Eustace J. Kits, Harvard Theological Review, 16 (1923);
  • Pope John the Twenty-third and Master John Hus of Bohemia, by Eustace J. Kitts;
  • ”Kul't Perunau iuzhnykh slavian,” by J. Ivanov, Izvestiia 8, no. 4 (1903);
  • ”Peter Lombard,” by Joseph de Ghellinck, Dictionnaire de theologie catholique;
  • Patrologia Latina v. 171, 191-192;
  • Aethiopium Servus, by Maude Dominica Petre;
  • Autobiography and Life of George Tyrell, by Maude Dominica Petre;
  • '”Catholicism and Independence, by Maude Dominica Petre;
  • Modernism, by Maude Dominica Petre;
  • Kievskii Mitropolit Petr Moglia I egospodvihniki, by S. I. Golubev;
  • The Orthodox Confession of the Catholic and Apostolic Eastern Church, by Ioannis N. Karmiris;
  • Monumental Fidei Ecclesiae Orientalis, by Ernest Julius Kimmel;
  • ”Pierre Movila (Moglia),” by Emile Picot, Bibliographie hellenique;
  • Les idees philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d'Alexandria, by Emile Brehier;
  • Die Werke Philos von Alexandria, ed. Leopold Cohn;
  • Editio maior of Philo, ed. Leopold Cohn and Paul Wendland;
  • A Treatise on Human Nature, by David Hume;
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William Janes;
  • Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum;
  • Salammbo, by Gustave Flaubert;
  • Epistolai, ed Ioannou Balettas;
  • Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, by Joseph Hergenrother;
  • Patriarkha Fotiia XLV neizdannykh pisem, ed. Athanasius Papadopoulous-Kerameus;
  • Patrologia Graeca Vols. 101-104;
  • Opera by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola;
  • Philipp Jakob Spener, by Paul Grunberg;
  • Geschichte der Pietismus, by Albrecht Ritschl;
  • Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to al-Medinah and Mecca, by Richard Francis Burton;
  • ”Hadjdj,” Encyclopedia of Islam;
  • ”Ka'ba,” Encyclopedia of Islam;
  • Le pelerinage a la Mekka, by Maurice Gaudefroy;
  • A Record of Buddhist Kingdoms, by James Legge;
  • Mahaparinibbana Suttanta;
  • Palestine Pilgrims Text Society, Vols. 1, 3, 10;
  • Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 11;
  • La theorie de l'experience religieux, by Henri Pinard de la Boullaye;
  • L'etude comparee des religions, by Henri Pinard de la Boullaye;
  • Discorsi del sommo pontifice Pio IX, by Pasquale de Franciscis;
  • La parole de Pie IX, by Abbe Marcone;
  • Laughter, by Henri Bergson;
  • Plutarch, by Rudolf Herzl;
  • The Ojibway Conquest, by George Copway;
  • The Path on the Rainbow, by George W. Cronyn;
  • Flint and Feather, by E. Pauline Johnson;
  • The White Wampum, by E. Pauline Johnson;
  • The Poems of Alexander Lawrence Posey, by Alexander Lawrence Posey;
  • Poems, by John Rollin Ridge;
  • Kitab al-fisal wa-al-hihal, by Ibn Hazm;
  • Das Leben Jesu nach judischen Quellen, by Samuel Krauss;
  • The Fifty-third Chapter of Isaiah according to the Jewish Interpreters, by Adolf Neubauer and Samuel R. Drive;
  • ”Un tratado morisso de polemica contra los Judos, by Miguel Asin Palacios, in Mrlanges Hartwid Dermbourg;
  • R. Salomo ben Abraham ben Adereth, by Joseph Perles;
  • Schiloh, by Adolf Posnanski;
  • Polemische und apologetische Literatur in orabischer Sprache...,” by Moritz Steinschneider;
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, by Emile Durkheim;
  • The Prince, by Niccolo Macchiavelli;
  • The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels;
  • Die Revolution, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels;
  • ”Politics as a Vocation,” by Max Weber;
  • The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, by Max Weber;
  • ”Maori Religion and Mythology, by Elsdon Best;
  • The Native Culture in the Marquesas, by E. S. Craighill Handy;
  • Collection of Hawaiian Antiquities and Folklore, by Abraham Fornander;
  • Tongan Myths and Tales, by Edward W. Gifford;
  • Polynesian Mythology, by George Grey;
  • An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, by William Mariner;
  • Old Samoa, by John B. Stair;
  • The Natural History of Religion, by David Hume;
  • ”Polytheism,” Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwarts;
  • Les pontifices de l'ancienne Rome, by Auguste Bouche-Leclerq;
  • Religion und Kultus der Romer, by Georg Wissowa;
  • Culture and Anarchy, by Matthew Arnold;
  • Jacob Grimm, by William Patonker;
  • Folkways, by William Graham Sumner;
  • ”Door,” by J. A. MacCullough, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Threshold Covenant, by H. Clay Trumbull;
  • L'astrologie grecque, by Auguste Bouche-Leclerq;
  • Die ertuskische Disciplin, by Carl O. Thulin;
  • The Cults of the Greek States, Vol. 4, by Lewis R. Furnell;
  • Essai sur la religion d'apres Auguste Comte, by Walter Dussauze;
  • ”Orenda and a Definition of Religion, by J. N. B. Hewitt, American Anthropologist 4 (1902);
  • Pre-animistic religion, by R. R. Marett, Folklore 11 (1900);
  • The Threshold of Religion, by R. R. Marett;
  • The Idea of the Holy, by Rudolf Otto;
  • Primitive Culture, by E. B. Tylor;
  • The Rites of Passage, by Arnold von Gennep;
  • Rreligionssoiologie, by Max Weber;
  • L'Abhidharmakosa de Vasubandhu, by Vasubandhu, trans. Louis de la Vallee Poussin;
  • ”Ages of the World,” by Hermann Jacob, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • ”The Hindu Conception of the Functions of the Breath,” Journal of the American Oriental Society 22 (1901);
  • ”Prana and Apana,” by George William Brown, Journal of the American Oriental Society 39 (1919);
  • Mulamadhyamakakarikas de Nagarjuna avec la Prasannapada commentaire de Candrakirti, by Louis de la Vallee Poussin;
  • The Realm of Prayer, by R. H. Coats;
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James;
  • ”Prayer,” Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Primitive Culture, by E. B. Tylor;
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, by Emile Durkheim, trans. Joseph Ward Swan;
  • Mana, by F. R. Lehmann;
  • The Threshold of Religion, 3rd ed., by R. R. Marett;
  • Exploration in Turkestan, by Raphael Dumpelly;
  • ”Priest, Priesthood (Hindu),” by Arthur Berriedal Keith, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • La buddhisme au Cambodge, by Adhemard Leclerc;
  • '”The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, by Emile Durkheim;
  • The Golden Bough, (1890-1915) by James G. Frazer;
  • '”Totem and Taboo, by Sigmund Freud;
  • '”The Idea of the Holy, by Rudolf Otto;
  • ”Processions and Dances,” by A. E. Crawley, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Ghost-Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890, by James Mooney;
  • Prophecy and the Prophets in Ancient Israel, by Theodore H. Robinson;
  • Ancient Judaism, by Max Weber;
  • The Sociology of Religion, by Max Weber;
  • La legende de l'empereur Acoka (Acokavadana) dans les textes indiens et chinois, by Jean Przyluski;
  • La parinirvana et les funderalles du Buddha, by Jean Przyluski;
  • ”La princesse a l'odeur de poisson et la nagi dansies traditions de l'Asie orientale, by Jean Przyluski, Etudes asiatiques 2(1925);
  • ”Le Nord-ouest de l'Inde dans le Vinaya des Mulasarvastivadin et les textes apparente,” by Jean Przyluski, Journal asiatique 4 (1914);
  • Patrologia graeca vol. 122;
  • Un philosophe neoplatonicien de l'onieme siecle, by Christos Zervos;
  • Cosmic Consciousness, by R. C. Bucke;
  • Totem and Taboo, by Sigmund Freud;
  • Jesus, the Christ, in the Light of Psychology, by G. Stanley Hall;
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James;
  • The Psychology of Religious Mysticism, by James Leuba;
  • Ancient Society, by Lewis H. Morgan;
  • The Psychology of Religion, by E. D. Starbuck;
  • Ancient Indian Historical Tradition, by F. E. Pargiter;
  • ”The Development of the Pure Land Doctrine in Buddhism,” by D. T. Suzuki, Eastern Buddhist 3 (1925);
  • Tiferet MattaR'el by Yehudah Rosenberg;
  • Life of Pusey, by Henry P. Liddon;
  • Spiritual Letters, by Edward Bouverie Pusey;
  • Die Stellung der Pygmaenvolker in der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen, by Wilhelm Schmidt;
  • ”Mysticism and Science in the Pythagorean Tradition,” by Francis N. Cornford, Classical Quarterly 16 (1922);


  • Muhammadan Theories of Finance, by Nicolas P. Aghnides;
  • Al-ikham fiusul al-ahkam, by Sayf al-Din al-Amidi;
  • Apology, by Robert Barclay;
  • The Beginnings of Quakerism, by William C. Braithwaite;
  • The Second Period of Quakerism, by William C. Braithwaite;
  • The Quakers, by A. Neave Brayshaw;
  • Journal, by George Fox;
  • The Works of George Fox, by George Fox;
  • The Later Periods of Quakerism, by Rufus M. Jones;
  • The Quakers in the American Colonies, by Rufus M. Jones;
  • A Collection of the Works of William Penn, by William Penn;
  • No Cross, No Crown, by William Penn;
  • Descriptive Catalogue of Friends Books, by Joseph Smith;
  • Journal, by John Woolman;

Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism, by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy;

  • Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists, by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy and Margaret E. Noble;
  • The Waste Lands, by T. S. Eliot;
  • Apologie pour Fenelon, by Henri Bremond;
  • Le quietiste espagnol, by Michel Molinos, 1628-1696, by Paul Didion;
  • Madame Guyon, by Louis Gourrier;
  • Religion und Kultus der Romer, by Georg Wissowa;
  • Tafsir al-bahr al-muhit, by Abu Hayyan al-Gharnati;
  • Tafsir al-Qur'an al'azim, by Sahl ibn 'Abd Allah al-Tustari;
  • Materials for the Study of the Babi Religion, by Edward G. Browne;
  • A Traveller's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Bab, by Edward G. Browne;


  • Some Aspects of Rabbinic Theology, by Solomon Schechter;
  • The Autobiography of a Winnebago Indian, by Sam Blowsnake, ed. Paul Radin;
  • The Genetic Relationship of the North American Indian Languages, by Paul Radin;
  • Dio, by Rafaele Pettazzoni;
  • Le folklore de France, by Paul Sobillot;
  • The High Caste Hindu Woman, by Pandita Ramabai;
  • A Testimony of Our Own Inexhaustible Treasure, by Pandita Ramabai;
  • United Stateschi Lokasthiti ani Pravasavritta, by Pandita Ramabai;
  • Ramakrishna, by F. Max Muller;
  • Das Ramayana, by Hermann Jacobi;
  • Rashi, by Maurice Liber, trans. Adele Szold;
  • A Theology for the Social Gospel, by Walter Rauschenbusch
  • Rav, by Jacob Samuel Zuri;
  • ”L'idee religieuse de la redemption,” by Jules Touruin, Annuaires de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes (Sciences Religieuses) Section 5;
  • Dictionnaire de la Bible;
  • The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge;
  • Paulys Real-Encyclopaedie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft;
  • Realencycklopadie fur Protestantische Theologie und Kirche;
  • Ethnographisch-geographische Karte des nordlichen Ural Gebietes, by Antal Reguly;
  • Osztjak nepkoltesi gyujtemeny, by Antal Reguly;
  • Sciences Research Diary, by Antal Reguly;
  • Vogul nepkoltesi gyujtemeny, by Antal Reguly;
  • Reguly Antal emlekezerte;
  • Hermann Samuel Reimarus und seine Schutschrift fur die vernunftigen Vereher Gottes, by David F. Strauss;
  • Apollo, by Salomon Reinach, trans. Florence Simmonds;
  • Bibliographie de Salomon Reinach, 1874-1922;
  • Cultes, mythes et religions, by Salomon Reinach, trans. Elizabeth Frost;
  • Manuel de philologie classique, by Salomon Reinach;
  • Minerva, by Salomon Reinach;
  • Orpheus, by Salomon Reinach, trans. Florence Simmonds;
  • ”Transmigration,” by N. W. Thomas et al, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Mythology of All Races, by Lewis Herbert Gray;
  • ”The Fountain of Youth,” by E. Washburn Hopkins, Journal of the American Oriental Society 26 (1905);
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James;
  • Science, Religion, and Reality, by Joseph Needham;
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James;
  • The Idea of the Holy, by Otto Rudolf;
  • '”Die religiongeschichtliche Methode in der Theologie, by Carl Clemen;
  • Albert Eichhorn und die religionsgeschichtliche Schule, by Hugo Grossman;
  • Theologie und Religionsgeschichte, by Max Reischle;
  • Religion fur Geschichte und Gegenwarts;
  • ”Die 'kleine Gottinger Fakultat' von 1890,” by Ernest Troeltsch, Christliche Welt 18 (1920);
  • Annuario Pontifco 716-;
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, by Emile Durkheim;
  • Community and Society, by Ferdinand Tonnies;
  • The Sociology of Religion, by Max Weber;
  • ”Experience (Religious), by H. Maldwyn Hughes, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James;
  • The Idea of the Holy, by Rudolf Otto;
  • Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism, by D. T. Suzuki;
  • The Life of Ernest Renan, by Francis Espinasse;
  • The Future of Science, by Ernest Renan;
  • History of the People of Israel, by Ernest Renan;
  • The Life of Jesus, by Ernest Renan;
  • Studies in Religious History, by Ernest Renan;
  • ”Schuld und Sunde in der griechischen Religion,” by Kurt Latte, Archiv für Religionswissenschaft 20 (1920-1921);
  • Die Bricht im Zussamenhange mit der sakralen Rechtspflege in der Antike, by Franz Steinleitner;
  • '”Taufe und Sunde im altesten Christentum, by Hans Windisch;
  • Die letzten Dirge, by Paul Althaus;
  • A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel, by R. H. Charles;
  • The Golden Bough, 3rd ed., Vol. 4, by James G. Frazer;
  • La vie future d'apres le Mazdeisme, by Nathan Soderblom;
  • Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, by E. A. Wallis Budge;
  • Shakespeare vor dem Forum der Jurispurudenz, by Josef Kohler;
  • Zur Lehre der Blutrache, by Josef Kohler;
  • ”Blutrache,” by Richard Thurnwald, Reallexicon der Vorgeschichte;
  • Die Blutrache nach altem Russischem Recht, by E. S. Toblen;
  • ”Five New Cults in British New Guiana, by E. W. P. Chinnery and A. C Haddon, Hibert Journal 15 (1917);
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, by Emile Durkheim;
  • The Social Teachings of the Christian Churches, by Ernst Troeltsch;
  • Opera storiche del P. Matteo Ricci, by Pietro Tacchi Venturi;
  • relevant articles in The Encyclopedia of Islam;
  • Adolescence, by G. Stanley Hall;
  • Mekka in the Latter Part of the Nineteenth Century, by Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje;
  • Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia, by W. Robertson Smith;
  • The Rites of the Twice-Born, by Margaret S. Stevenson;
  • The Rites of Passage, by Arnold van Gennep (4);
  • Marriage Ceremonies in Mexico, by Edward A. Westermarck;
  • The Ritschlian Theology, Critical and Constructive, 2nd ed., by A. E. Garvie;
  • The Christian Doctrine of Justification and Reconciliation, by Albrecht Ritschl, trans. H. R. Mackintosh and A. B. Macaulay;
  • A Critical History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification and Reconciliation, by Albrecht Ritschl, trans. John S. Black;
  • ”Festival Address on the Four Hundredth Anniversay of the Birth of Martin Luther, by Albrecht Ritschl, in Ritschl and Luther;
  • Gesammelte Aufsatze, by Albrecht Ritschl;
  • Albrecht Ritschls Leben, by Otto Ritschl;
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, by Emile Durkheim;
  • Totem and Taboo, by Sigmund Freud;
  • Karma-Mimamsa, by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • Li Ji, trans. James Legge, Sacred Books of the East Vols. 27 & 28;
  • Introduction to the History of Religions, by Crawford Howell Toy;
  • ”The Sacred Rivers of India,” by E. Washburn Hopkins, in Studies in the History of Religions Presented to Crawford Howell Toy;
  • Ein bibliographie Versuch, by Otto Crusius;
  • Friedrich Nietzsches Briefwechsel mit Erwin Rohde, ed. Elizabeth Forster-Nietzsche and Fritz Schell;
  • Der griechische Roman und seine Vorlaufer, by Erwin Rohde;
  • Kleine Schriften, by Erwin Rohde;
  • Psyche, by Erwin Rohde;
  • Australian Totemism, by Geza Roheim;
  • Das Wesen des Katholizismus, by Karl Adam;
  • Studien und Andeutungen im Gebiet des altromischen Bodens und Cultus, by Julius Athanasius Ambrosch;
  • De formulis et solennibus populi Romani verbis libri VIII,” by Barnabe Brissonius;
  • '”After Life in Roman Paganism, by Franz Cumont;
  • Astrology and Religion among the Greeks and Romans, by Franz Cumont;
  • '”Religious Experience of the Roman People, by W. Warde Fowler;
  • Die Religion der Romer nach den Quellen dargstelle, by J. A. Hartung;
  • Aeneas und die Penaten, by Rudolph H. Klausen;
  • Le cultechez les Romains, by Joachim Marquarelt;
  • Religion und Kultus der Romer, by Georg Wissowa (2);
  • The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians, by Magus Incognito;
  • Real History of the Rosicrucians, by Arthur E. Waite;
  • Emile, by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, trans. Barbara Foxley;
  • La Religion de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, by Pierre Maurice Masson;
  • '”Ethics of India, by Edward Washburn Hopkins;
  • Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, by F. Max Muller;
  • Das Religion des Veda, by Hermann Oldenberg;
  • Les saints des derviches tourneurs, by Clement Huart;
  • The Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi, by Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • Selected Poems from the Divan-i Shams-i Tabriz, by Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • The Mesnevi, by James W. Redhouse;
  • Masnavi I ma'navi, by E. W. Whinfield;


  • Saadia Gaon: His Life and Work, by Henry Melter;
  • Les rites de passage, by Arnold van Gennep;
  • The Idea of the Holy, by Rudolf Otto;
  • Time and Free Will, by Henri Bergson;
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religions Life, by Emile Durkheim;
  • Etude sommaire de la representation du temps dans la religion, by Henri Hubert;
  • Begriff der Zeit, by Edmund Husserl;
  • The Idea of the Holy, by Rudolf Otto;
  • Remembrance of Things Past, by Marcel Proust, trans. C. K. Scott Moncrieff;
  • ”Expiation and Atonement,” by Louis H. Gray, Encyclopaedia of Religiion and Ethics;
  • ”Essai historique sur la nature et la fonction du sacrifice,” by Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss, L'annee sociologique 2 (1899);
  • ”Sacrifice,” by E. O. James et al, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Propitiation, by C. M. Kerr et al. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • ”Die du-ot-des-Formal in der Ofertheorie,” by Gerardus van der Leeuw, Archiv für Religionswissenschaft 20 (1920-1921);
  • Essai historique sur le sacrifice, by Alfred Loisy;
  • ”Ethnologische Bemerkungen zu theologischen Opfertheorien, by Wilhelm Schmidt, Jahrbuch des Missionshausens St. Gabriel 1 (1922);
  • Der Ursprung der Gottesidre, by Wilhelm Schmidt;
  • Lectures on the Religion of the Semites, by W. Robertson Smith;
  • Primitive Culture, by E. B. Tylor;
  • The Guide for the Perplexed, by Moses Maimonides;
  • Essai sur la poete Saadi, by Henri Masse;
  • The Gulistan or Rose Garden of Sa'di, by Edward Rehatsek;
  • ”The Armenian Canons of Saint Sahak Catholicos of Armenia,” by F. C. Conybeare, American Journal of Theology 2 (1898);
  • Patmut'iwm Hayots, by Lazar of P'arpi;
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James;
  • The Religion and Philosophy...,” by R. G. Bandarkar;
  • Vaishnavism, Saivism, and Minor Religious Systems, by R. G. Bandarkar;
  • Saivism, by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • Hymns of the Tamil Saivite Saints, by Godfrey E. Phillips;
  • Der Caiva-Siddhant, eine Mystik Indiens, by H. W. Schomerus;
  • Saivitische Heiligenlegenden, Periyapurana, and Tiruvatavaurar Purana, by H. W. Schomerus;
  • The Covenant of Salt as Based on the Significance and Symbolism of Salt in Primitive Thought, by H. Clay Trumbull;
  • The Social Life of the Chinese, by Justus Doolittle;
  • The Golden Bough, 3rd ed., Vol. 3, by James G. Frazer;
  • Li Chi, trans. James Legge;
  • '”Sacred Books of the East, Vols. 2, 13, 14, 17, 20, 27, 28;
  • The I-Li, trans. John Steele;
  • '”Salvation Army Yearbook (1903-);
  • War Cry (1879-);
  • ”Emotional Religion in Islam as Affected by Music and Singing,” by D. B. Macdonald, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1901, 1902;
  • Kitab al-lumafi al-tasawwuf, by Abu Nasr al-Sarraj, trans. Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • The Story of Patanjali, by Surendranath Dasgupta;
  • Early Buddhist Monachism, by Sukumar Dutt;
  • The Vinaya Pitakam, by Hermann Oldenberg;
  • Worterbuch der Kolalappischen Dialektenbst Sprachproben, by Arvid Genetz;
  • Beschreibungdes der crone Schuweden gehorenden Lapplanders, by Pehr Hogstrom;
  • Lappalaisten uskonto, by Una Holmberg;
  • Russkie Lopari, by Nickolai Kharuzin;
  • A Description of the Finnmark Lapps, by Knud Leem;
  • The History of Lapland, by Johannes Scheffer;
  • A History of Indian Philosophy, by Surendranath Dasgupta;
  • Aboriginal Siberia, by Marie A. Czaplicka;
  • ”Samoyed,” by Marie A. Czaplicka, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Entwurf einer Mythologie der Jurak-Samojeden, by Teivo Lehtisalo;
  • The Samson-Saga and Its Place in Comparative Religion, by Abram Smythe Palmer;
  • Sanctuaries and Sanctuary Seekers of Medieval England, by John Charles Coe;
  • ”Asylum,” by Edward A. Westermarck, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Siksa Samucaya, by Santideva, trans. Cecil Bendall and W. H. D. Rouse;
  • The Legends of the Jews, by Lewis Ginzberg;
  • Elements of Hindu Iconography, by Nalini Kanta Bhattasali;
  • Iranians and Greeks in South Russia, by Mikhail Rostoftzdf;
  • Points of Controversy, by Shwe Zan Aung and C. A. F. Rhys Davis;
  • '”Early History of the Spread of Buddhism and the Buddhist Schools, by Nalinaksha Dutt;
  • ”La contoverse du temps et du Pudgala dans le Vijnanakaya, by Louis de la Vallee Poussin, Etudes asiatiques publiees a l'occasion du vingt-cinquieme anniversaire de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient';
  • L'Abhidharmkosa de Vasubandhu, trans. Louis de la Vallee Poussin;
  • ”Sautrantikas,” by Louis de la Vallee Poussin, '”Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Central Conception of Buddhism and the Meaning of the Word “Dharma”, by Theodore Stcherbatsky;
  • ”On the Abhidharma Literature of the Sarvastivedins, by Janjiro Takakusu, Journal of the Pali Text Society 14 (1904-1905);
  • ”Sarvastivadins,” by Takakusu Junjiro, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • ”Origins and Doctrines of Early Buddhist Schools,” by Vasumitra, trans. Masuda Jiryo, Asia Minor 2 (1925);
  • Sacred Books of the East, Vols. 7, 25, 33;
  • ”Demons and Spirits (Hebrew),” by George A. Burton, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • ”Die lettischen sonnenmyhon, Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie 7 (1875);
  • ”Die Religion der Jugra-Volker I,” by K. F. Karjalainen, Folklore Fellows Communications, V8#41;
  • Si-yu-ki, by Samuel Beal;
  • Vedic Mythology, by A. A. Macdonnel;
  • ”Origins and Doctrines of Early Buddhist Schools,” by Jiryo Masuda, Asia Minor 2 (1925);
  • Savonarola, by Joeph Schnitzer;
  • '”Der christliche Glaube, by Friedrich Schleiermacher;
  • Friedrich Schleiermacher's sammtliche Werke, by Friedrich Schleiermacher;
  • Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums, by Freidrich Schleiermacher;
  • Der Christus des Glaubens, und der Jesus der Geschichte, by David Friecrich Strauss;
  • Puluga,” by Andrew Lang, Man 30 (1910);
  • ”Puluga: A Reply to Father Schmidt,” by Alfred R. Radcliffe-Brown, Man 17 (1910);
  • ”Puluga, the Supreme Being of the Andamanese,” by Wilhlem Schmidt, Man 38 (1910);
  • Die Geschichte der scholastischen Methode, by Martin Grabmann;
  • A Manual of Modern Scholastic Philosophy, by Desire Mercier;
  • Die Scholastik des spateren Mittelalters, by Karl Werner;
  • The Quest of the Historical Jesus, by Albert Schweitzer;
  • History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science, by John W. Draper;
  • A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, by A. D. White;
  • ”Bible in the Church,” by Ernst von Dobschutz, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • '”Scythians and Greeks, by Ellis H. Minns;
  • Iranians and Greeks in South Russia, by Mikhail I. Rostovtsev;
  • '”The Book of Days, by Robert Chambers;
  • The Golden Bough, 3rd ed., by James G. Frazer;
  • Sitte und Brauch, by Paul Sartori;
  • '”Festivals, Holy Days and Saints' Days, by Ethel L. Urlin;
  • Curiosities of Popular Customs, by William S. Walsh;
  • The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries, by Charles William Heckethorn;
  • The Central Eskimo, by Franz Boaz;
  • ”Notes on the Eskimo of Port Clarence, Alaska,” by Franz Boaz, Journal of American Folklore 7 (1894);
  • Los shelknam, by Jose M. Beauvoir;
  • '”Analytical and Critical Bibliography of the Tribes of Tierra del Fuego and Adjacent Territory, by John M. Cooper;
  • Tiera del Fuego, by Carlos R. Gallardo;
  • Lectures and Tracts, by Keshab Chandra Sen, trans. Sophia Dobson Collett;
  • Prepodobnyi Sergii Radonezhskii I sozdannaia im Truitkaia Lavra, by Evgenii E. Golubinskii;
  • The History of Mother Seton's Daughters, by Sister Mary Agnes McCann;
  • Memoirs, Letters, and Journals of Elizabeth Seton;
  • Life of Mrs. Eliza A. Seton, by Charles I. White;
  • History of the Origins and Programs of Seventh-day Adventists, by M. Ellsworth Oben;
  • '”Seberos, by Ioannou Eustratiou;
  • Le monophysisme severien, by Joseph Lebon;
  • Patrologia Orientalis, Vols, 6, 7, 12, 14;
  • '”Severus von Antiochen, by M. Preisker;
  • Gnostische Mysterien, by Leonhard Fendt;
  • Mahmud Schebisteri's Rosenflor des Getieimnisses, by J. F. von Hammer-Purgstell;
  • Gulshan i Raz, trans. E. H. Whinfield;
  • Kitab al-umm, ed. Ibn Jama'ah;
  • '”Tableau general de l'empire othoman, by Ignatius Mouradgea d'Ohsson;
  • Les penseurs de Islam, Vol. 3, by Bernard Carra de Vaux;
  • Kitab al-milal wa-al nihal, by al-Shahrastani, ed. William Cureton;
  • Schahrastani's Religionspatheien und Philosophen Schulen, trans. T. Haarbrucker;
  • '”Testimonies of the Life, Character, Revelations, and Doctrines of Our Ever Blessed Mother Ann Lee and the Elders with Her, by Rufus Bishop and Seth Y. Wells;
  • An Account of the People Called Shakers, by Thomas Brown;
  • A Summary View of the Millenial Church or United Society of Believers, by Calvin Green and Seth Y. Wells;
  • Shakerism: Its Meaning and Message, by Anna White and Leila S. Taylor;
  • The Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing, by Benjamin Seth Young;
  • Materialy po shamanstvu u altaitsev, by A. V. Anokhin;
  • Chernaia vera, by Dorzhi Banzarov;
  • The Jesup North Pacific Expedition, ed. Franz Boaz;
  • Aboriginal Siberia, by M. A. Czaplicka;
  • An Account of the Abipones, by Martin Dobrithofer, trans. Sara Coleridge;
  • The Shaman Costume and Its Significance, by Uno Holmberg, Keleti Szemle1 (1913-1914);
  • Jurgalaisten uskonto, by K. F. Karjalainen;
  • Vom Roroima um Orinoco, Vol. 3, by Theodor Koch-Grunberg;
  • Origin of the Word Shaman, by Berthold Laufer, American Anthropologist 19 (1917);
  • Entwurf einer Mythologie der Jurak-Samojeden, by Toivo Lehtisala, Memoires de la Societe Finno-ougrienne 3 (1924);
  • ”Uber den Ursprung des Wortes Saman...,” by Julius Nemeth, Keleti Szemle 1 (1913-1914);
  • Der Schmanismus bei den sibirischen Volkern, by G. K. Nioradze;
  • Sbornik Muzeia antropologii I etnografi (1900-);
  • '”Der Ursprung der Gottesidee, by Wilhelm Schmidt;
  • Materialy dlia izucheniia shamanstva u gol'dov, by P. P. Shimkevich, Zapiski priamurskogo otdela Russkago geografischeskuyo obschehestal (1896);
  • Turun suomalaisen yliopiston julkaisuja, series B, vol. 1 (1922);
  • The Chinese Classics, by James Legge;
  • ”Shaikh al-Islam,” by J. H. Kramers, The Encyclopedia of Islam;
  • Essai sur le cheikisme, by A. L. M. Nicolas;
  • Jawami al-kalim, by Shaykh Ahmad;
  • Sharh el-Ziyarah al-Jami'ah al-Kebirsh, by Shaykh Ahmad;
  • Zoological Mythology, Vol. 1, by Angelo de Gubernatis;
  • The Golden Bough, 3rd ed., Vol, 9, by James G. Frazer;
  • Die antike Tierwelt, by Otto Keller;
  • Schenute von Atripe und die Entstehung des nacional agyptischen Christentums, by Johannes Leipoldt;
  • Dor dor ve-dorshov, by Isaac Hirsch Weiss;
  • Memoire sur les Carmathes du Bahrain et les Fatimides, by M. J. de Goeje;
  • Les religions et philosophies dans l'Asie centrale, by Joseph Arthur Gabineau;
  • De Opkomst van het Zaidietische Imamaat in Yemen, by Carnelis van Arendonk;
  • Die religios-politischen Oppositionspartien im alten Islam, by Julius Wellhausen;
  • Toledot tanna'im ve amora'im, by Aaron Hyman;
  • Japanese Things, by Basil Hall Chamberlain;
  • Bet Rabbi, by Hayyim Meir Heilman;
  • Ha-rav mi-Liadi u-mif leget HaBeD, by Mordecai Teitelbaum;
  • Oracula sibyllina, by Charles Alexandre;
  • Sibyllinische Blatter, by Hermann Diels;
  • Komposition und Entstehungszeit der Oracula Sibyllina, by Johannes Geffocken;
  • Oracula sibyllina, by Johannes Geffocken;
  • Oracula sibyllina, by Aloisius Rzach;
  • ”Sibyllen” and ”Sibyllinische Orakel,” by Aloisius Rzach, Real-encyclopadie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft;
  • Sibyliinische Texte und Forschungen Pseudomethodius, by Ernst Sackur;
  • Geonica, Volume 1, by Louis Ginzberg;
  • ”The Prayer Book according to the Ritual of England before 1290,” by D. Kaufman, Jewish Quarterly Review 4 (1892);
  • The Reform Movement in Judaism. by David Philipson;
  • ”The Happy Otherworld, by Alfred Nott in The Voyage of Bran, Son of Febal, to the Land of the Living, by Kuno Meyer and Alfred Nott;
  • The Sikh Religion, by Max Arthur Macauliffe;
  • Si-yu-ki, by Samuel Beal;
  • The Life of Xuanzang, trans. Samuel Beal;
  • A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practiced in India and the Malay Archipelago (A.D. 671-695),” trans. Takakusu Junjiro;
  • ”On Demonology and Witchcraft in Ceylon,” by Dandris Da Silva Gooneratne, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Ceylon Branch 4 (1865-1866);
  • Maktubat-i imam-i rabbani, by Ahmad Sirhindi;
  • Elements of Hindu Iconography, by T. A. Gopinatha Rao;
  • Der Skeptizismus in der Philosophie, by Raoul Richter;
  • Scepticism and Animal Faith, by George Santayana;
  • Weltenmantel und Himmelszeit, by Robert Eisler;
  • Der Baum des Lebens, by Una Harva Holmberg;
  • Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babel, Volume 2, by Franz Xavier Kugler;
  • ”Sky and Sky Gods,” by George M. Foucart, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Worship of Nature, by James G. Frazer;
  • Mitologia slowianska I polska, by Alexander Bruckner;
  • Volksglaube und religioser Brauch der Sudslaven, by K. F. Krauss;
  • Dier Religion der Ostslaven, by Viljo Johannes Mansikka;
  • Ocherki slaviamskoi mifologii, by Dimitri K. Zelenin;
  • De incubatione, by Ludwig Deubner;
  • The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life, by Hannah Whitall Smith;
  • Living in the Sunshine, by Hannah Whitall Smith;
  • The Unselfishness of God and How I Discovered It, by Hannah Whitall Smith;
  • Mormonism Unveiled, by Philastrus Harlbut;
  • Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet, by Lucky Mack Smith;
  • The Founder of Mormonism, by I. Woodbridge Riley;
  • The Life of William Robertson Smith, by John Sutherland Black and George Chrystal;
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, by Emile Durkheim;
  • ”Bible,” by W. Robertson Smith, Encyclopaedia Britannica 9th ed., Vol. 3;
  • Lectures on the Religion of the Semites, by W. Robertson Smith;
  • The Old Testament in the Jewish Church, by W. Robertson Smith;
  • The Prophets of Israel and Their Place in History to the Close of the Eighth Century, by W. Robertson Smith;
  • El calendario, by Diego Duran;
  • Los dioses y ritos, by Diego Duran;
  • Tratado de las supersticiones de naturales de esta Nueva Espana, by Hernando Ruiz de Alarcon;
  • Historia general de las coses de la Nueva Espana, by Bernardino de Sahagun;
  • The Sun and the Serpent, by C. F. Oldham;
  • The Acehnese, by Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje;
  • '”Social Organization, by Charles H. Cooley;
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, by Emile Durkheim (2);
  • Community and Society, by Ferdinand Tonnies;
  • Politics as a Vocation, by Max Weber;
  • The Theory of Social and Economic Organization, by Max Weber;
  • Greek Philosophy from Thales to Plato, by John Burnet;
  • Platonis Opera, by John Burnet;
  • ”The Socratic Doctrine of the Soul,” by John Burnet, Proceedings of the British Academy 7 (1915-1916);
  • Greek Religious Thought, by Frances M. Cornford;
  • Socrates and Plato, by Guy C. Field;
  • Life, Teachings, and Death of Socrates, by George Grote;
  • Lectures on the History of Philosophy, by G. W. F. Hegel;
  • Der echte und der Xenophontische Socrates, by Karl Joel;
  • The Concept of Irony, by Soren Kierkegaard;
  • Socrates, by Heinrich Meier;
  • The Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music, by Friedrich Nietzsche;
  • ”The Worth of Socrates as a Philosopher, by Friedrich Schleiermacher, The Philological Museum 2 (1833);
  • Varia Socratica, by Alfred E. Taylor;
  • Socrates and Christ, by Robert M. Wenley;
  • Socrates and the Socratic Schools, by Eduard Zeller;
  • Outlines of Church History, by Rudolf Sohm;
  • The Threshold of the Pacific, by Charles E. Fox;
  • Pis'ma Vladimira Sergeevicha Solov'eva, by E. L. Radkov;
  • Sobranie sochinenii Vladimira Sergeevicha Solov'ev, ed. S. M. Solov'ev and E. L. Radkov;
  • Stikhotvoreniia S. Solov'eva, by Vladimir Solov'ev;
  • Die Suparnasage, by Jarl Charpentier;
  • L'Agnistoma, by Willem Caland and Victor Henry;
  • The Sociology of Revolution, by Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin;
  • ”Nila Sorskago predanie I ustav,” by Mariia S. Maikova, Pomiatniki drevnei pis'mennosti 179 (1912);
  • The Idea of the Soul, by A. E. Crawley;
  • The Golden Bough, 3rd ed., by James G. Frazer;
  • The Legends of the Jews, by Lewis Ginzberg;
  • A History of Medieval Jewish Philosophy, by Isaac Husik;
  • The Threshold of Religion, by R. R. Marett;
  • '”Studies in Islamic Mysticism, by Reynold A. Nicolson;
  • Psyche, by Erwin Rohde;
  • Primitive Culture, by E. B. Tylor;
  • Studies in the History of Natural Philosophy, by Clement C. J. Webb;
  • Indianermarchen aus Sudamerika, by Theodor Koch-Grunberg;
  • Von Roroima zum Orinoco, by Theodor Koch-Grunberg;
  • Die sagen von der Erschauffung und Verruchtsung der Welt als Grundlagen der Religion der Apopocuva-Guarani, by Curt Nimuendaju (2);
  • Revista do Museo Paulista (1895-);
  • An Inquiry to the Animism and Folk-Lore of the Guiana Indians, by Walter E. Roth;
  • ”Wallallo,” by Julio C. Tello and Prospero Miranda, Inca 1 (1923);
  • ”Wira Kocha,” by Julio C. Tello, Inca 1 (1923) (2);
  • ”Relacion y declaracion del mudo que este valle de Chinca y sus comarcanos se governavan,” by Cristobal Castro and Diego de Ortega Morejon, in Quellen Kulturgeschichte des praklombischen Amerika;
  • De Procuranda Indorum Salute, by Jose de Acosta, in Historia natural moral de las Indias, by Jose de Acosta;
  • The Extirpation of Idolatry in Peru, by Pablo Joseph de Arriaga, trans. Horacio Urteaga;
  • ”Noticia del Peru,” by Miguel de Estete, in Coleccion de libros y ciocumentos referentes a la historia del Peru;
  • Coronica moralizada del Orden de San Agustin en el Peru, by Antonio de la Calancha;
  • Commentarios reales de los Incas, by El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega;
  • Cronica del Peru, by Pedo de Cieza de Leon;
  • Ethnografia Chiriguano, by Bernardino de Nino;
  • Relacio del viaje de Fray Diego de Ocana por el Nuevo Mundo (1599-1605, by Diego de Ocana;
  • La persecucion del demonio, by Juan de San Pedro;
  • ”Relacion del origin, descendencia, politica y govierno de los Incas,” by Hernando de Santillan, in Cronicas peruanas interes indigena;
  • Historia del santuario de Nuestra Senora de Copacabana, by Alonso Ramos Gavilan;
  • La medicine popular peruana, by Hermilio Valdizan and Angel Maldonado;
  • La religion del imperio de los Incas, by Jacinto Jijon y Caamano;
  • The Life or Legend of Gaudama, the Buddha of the Burmese, by Paul Bigandet;
  • History of the Indian Archipelago, by John Crawford;
  • The Soul of a People, by Harold Fielding-Hall;
  • Het animisme in den Indischen archipel, by A. C. Kruijt;
  • The History of Java, by Stamford Raffles;
  • Gazeteer of Upper Burma and the Shan States, by James Scott;
  • Der Religion der Batak, by Johannes G. Warneck;
  • The Religious System of the Amazulu, by Henry Callaway;
  • The Baganda, by John Roscoe;
  • The Ila-Speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia, by Edwin W. Smith and Andrew Murray Dale;
  • Among the Samoyed in Siberia, by Kai Donner;
  • Socini opera, Vols. 1-2;
  • Manual de Ministros de Indios para el conocimento de sus idolatrias y extirpacion de ellas, by Jacinto de la Serna;
  • An Autobiography, by Herbert Spencer;
  • The Man Versus the State, by Herbert Spencer;
  • Social States, by Herbert Spencer;
  • The Study of Sociology, by Herbert Spencer;
  • Philipp Jakob Spener, by Paul Grunberg;
  • Hauptschriften, by Philipp Jakob Spener;
  • Letzte theologische Bedencken, by Philipp Jakob Spener, ed. Karl Hildebrand von Constein;
  • '”Theologische Bedencken, by Philipp Jakob Spener;
  • Spinoza uber Statt und Religion, by Hermann Cohen;
  • Spinoza opera, by Baruch Spinoza;
  • The Ban of the Bori, by A. J. N. Tremearne;
  • The Concept of the Guardian Spirit in North America, by Ruth Benedict;
  • ”The Vision in Plains Culture, by Ruth Benedict, American Anthropologist 24;
  • '”Bhagavad Gita, trans. Franklin Edgerton;
  • '”Rigveda Brahmanas, by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • The Rule of St. Benedict, by Justin McCann;
  • Studies in Islamic Mysticism, by Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • Sacred Books of the East, vols. 12, 26, 41, 43, 44;
  • The Yoga System of Patanjali, trans. James Houghton Woods;
  • Studies in Islamic Mysticism, by Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • Modern American Spiritualism, by Emma Hardinge Britten;
  • The Golden Bough, 3rd ed., by James G. Frazer;
  • ”Ceremonial Spitting,” by A. H. Godbey, The Monist 24 (1914);
  • The Mythology of All Races;
  • ”Saliva,” in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • The Life and Work of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, by G. H. Pike;
  • Autobiography, by Charles Haddon Spurgeon;
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton as Revealed in Her Letters, Diary, and Reminiscences, by Elizabeth Cady Stanton;
  • The Psychology of Religion, by E. D. Starbuck;
  • Star Names, by Richard Hinckley Allen;
  • Researches into the Origin of the Primitive Constellations of the Greeks, Phoenicians, and Babylonians, by Robert Brown;
  • The Dawn of Astronomy, by Joseph Norman Lockyer;
  • Tetrabiblos, by Ptolemy;
  • A History of Magic and Experimental Science, by Lynn Thorndike;
  • Teoria poznaniia I logika po ucheniiu pozdneishikh buddistov, by Theodore Stcherbatsky;
  • Stoicorum veterum fragmenta, by Hans Friedrich August von Arnim;
  • Chrysippe et l'ancien stoicisme, by Emile Brehier;
  • Theologiae graccae compendium, by Lucius Annaeus Cornutus;
  • Philosophie de mittleren Stoa, by August Schmekel;
  • ”Stones,” by E. Sidney Hartland, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • ”Ancestres et dieux,” by Charles Renel, Bulletin de l'Academie Malgache (tananarive), n.s. 5 (1923);
  • Gesammelte Schriften, by David Friedrich Strauss;
  • The Life of Jesus Critically Examined, by David Friedrich Strauss;
  • A New Life of Jesus, by David Friedrich Strauss;
  • The Old and the New, by David Friedrich Strauss;
  • '”The Quest of the Historical Jesus, by David Friedrich Strauss;
  • Cours de linguistique generale, by Ferdinand de Soussure;
  • '”The Rites of Passage, by Arnold von Gennep;
  • Al Mawuiz wa al-I'tibarfi dhikar al-khitate wa al-athar, by Ahmad b. 'Abd al-Qadir al-Maqriz;
  • Ta'rikh al-rusul wa al-muluk, by Muhammad bin Jarir al-Tabari;
  • Comparative Religion, by Louis Henry Jordan;
  • Buddhist Art and Its Relation to Buddhist Ideals, by Anesaki Masaharu;
  • Fukkatsuno Shoko, by Anesaki Masaharu;
  • Shukyogaku gairon, by Anesaki Masaharu;
  • Al-Burundi's India, by Eduard Sachau;
  • The Chronology of Ancient Nations, by Eduard Sachau;
  • The Sacred Books of the East;
  • Mahaparinibbana Suttanta, in Sacred Books of the Buddhists, volume 4;
  • Francois Suarez de la compagnie de Jesus, by Raoul de Scorraille;
  • The Mathnawi of Jalalu'ddin Rumi, by Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • The Mystics of Islam, by Reynold A. Nicholson;
  • '”Studies in Islamic Mysticism, by Reynold A. Nicholson (2);
  • 'Uyun al-anba'fi tabaqat al-atibha', ed. August Muller;
  • ”Christmas,” Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • ”Helios,” Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der griechischen und romischen Mythologie;
  • Mythology of All Races;
  • Sacred Books of the East, volumes on India and Persia;
  • ”Sol,” Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der griechischen und romischen Mythologie;
  • ”Sol,” by Franz Cumont, Dictionnaire des antiquities grecques et romaines;
  • ”Sonnenkulten,” Ausfuhrliches Lexikon der griechischen und romischen Mythologie;
  • The Aropaho Sun Dance, by George A. Dorsey;
  • The Cheyenne, Vol. 2, The Sun Dance, by George A. Dorsey;
  • '”The Sun Dance of the Crow Indians, by Robert H. Lowie;
  • ”The Sun Dance of the Plains Indians,” by Leslie Spier, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History 16 (1921);
  • The Sun Dance and Other Ceremonies of the Oglala Division of the Teton Dakota, by James R. Walker;
  • A History of Magic and Experimental Science, by Lynn Thorndike;
  • Dio, by Raffaele Pettazzoni;
  • Monotheism among Primitive Peoples, by Paul Radin;
  • Der Ursprung der Gottesidee, by Wilhelm Schmidt;
  • Nihongi, by W. G. Aston;
  • Shinto, by W. G. Aston;
  • Kojiki, by Basil Hall Chamberlain;
  • Sacred Books of the East, vol. 2, 14, 19, 30;
  • Mythology of All Races, vol. 3;
  • Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, by Reginald Herber;
  • Sanskrit Text of the Siksha-Patri of the Swaminarayan Sect, by Monier Monier-Williams, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland ns. 14 (1882);
  • ”The Vaishnava Religion,” by Monier Monier-Williams, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland ns. 14 (1882);
  • Swedenborg, by Martin Lamra;
  • '”Rise and Progress of the New Jerusalem Church in England, America, and Other Parts, by Robert Hindmarsh;
  • The Lost Language of Symbolism, by Harold Bayley;
  • Geschichte der klassischen Mythologie und Religionsgeschichte wahrend des Mittlealters in Abenolland und wahrend der Neuzeit, by Otto Gruppe;
  • Melanges d'histoire des religions, by Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss;
  • The Rites of Passage, by Arnold von Gennep;


  • Jami al-bayan 'an ta'wil ay al-Qur'an, by al-Tabari;
  • Annales quos scripsit Abu Djafar Moham med ibn Djarir al-Tabari, ed. M. J. de Goeje;
  • ”Tabari's Korancommentar,” by Otto Loth, Zeitschrift der Deutsche morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 35 (1889);
  • ”The Lore of the Whare-Kohanga, by Elsdon Best, Journal of the Polynesian Society 15 (1906);
  • Geschichte des Qorans, vol. 2;
  • Die Richtungen der islamischen Koran aus legung, by Ignacz Goldziher;
  • Die Sammlung des Qorans, by Theodor Noldeke;
  • Maqasid al-talibin fi usul al-din, by Mas'ud ibn 'Umar al-Taftazani;
  • Sharh al-Maqasid, by Mas'ud ibn 'Umar al-Taftazani;
  • ”al-Taftazani,” by C. A. Storey, The Encyclopedia of Islam (1913-1934);
  • Rabindranath Tagore: His Life and Work, by Edward John Thompson;
  • Die irische Helden- und Konigsage bis zum siebenzehnten Jahruhundert, by Rudolf Thurneysen;
  • A Year Amongst the Persians, by Edward Granville Browne;
  • Les religions et les philosophies dans l'Asie centrale, 2nd ed., by Comte de Gabineau;
  • Materiau pour Servie a l'Histoire de la Dresse Buddhique Tara, by Godefroy de Blonay;
  • Relacion de las ceremonias y ritos y poblacion y gobierno de los Indios de la provincia de Michoacan;
  • Patrologia Graece, vol. 98;
  • Asvaghosa's Discourse on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana, by D. T. Suzuki;
  • Sermons de Tauler, ed. A. L. Corin;
  • ”Die Predigten Taulers,” by Georg Hofmann, Deutsche Tete des Mittelalters vol. 11;
  • The Miracle Play of Hasan and Husain, by Lewis Pelly;
  • The Elementary Form of the Religious Life, by Emile Durkheim;
  • The Andaman Islanders, by A. R. Radcliffe-Brown;
  • The Rites of Passage, by Arnold van Gennep;
  • Le T'ai chan, by Edouard Chavannes;
  • The Religious System of China, by J. J. M. de Groot;
  • Church Ornaments and Their Antecedents, by J. Wickham Legg;
  • ”Notes on the History of Liturgical Colors,” by J. Wickham Legg, Transactions of the St. Paul's Ecclesiological Society;
  • Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha, by Richard A. Lipsius and Max Bonnet;
  • The City of God, by Augustine;
  • Confessions, by Augustine;
  • Enchiridion, by Augustine;
  • Institutes of the Christian Religion, by John Calvin;
  • Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, by David Hume;
  • Essais de theodicre sur la bonte de Dieu, by Leibniz;
  • Guide of the Perplexed, by Moses Maimonides;
  • Three Essays on Religion, by John Stuart Mill;
  • Natural Theology, by William Paley;
  • Moral Values and the Idea of God, by William R. Sorley;
  • ”Theism,” by Alfred E. Taylor, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Summa Theologica, by Thomas Aquinas;
  • Religionssoziologich, by Max Weber;
  • In epistolas B. Pauli commentarii, by Theodore of Mopsuestia, ed. Henry B. Swete;
  • Patrologia Graeca, vol. 66;
  • Novae patrum bibliotheccae, vols. 7-8, by Giuseppe Cozza-Luizi;
  • Theodore of Studium: His Life and Times, by Alice Gardner;
  • Saint Theodore, by Eugene Marin;
  • Patrologia Graeca, vol. 99;
  • Patrologia Graeca, vols. 80-84;
  • Theodosiani Libri XVI, ed. Theodor Mommsen and Paul M. Meyer;
  • History of Protestant Theology, by Isaak Dorner;
  • Geschichte der protestantischen Dogmatik..., by William Gass;
  • Die Geschichte der scholastischen Methode, by Martin Grabmann;
  • Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, by G. W. F. Hegel;
  • The Study of Religion, by Morris Jastrow;
  • Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology, vols. 1-88;
  • articles by Aurelio Palmieri, Studi Religiosi 2#2 and 2#4;
  • The Development of Theology in Germany, by Otto Pfleiderer;
  • On Religion, by Theodore Schleiermacher;
  • The Development of English Theology in the Nineteenth Century, 1800-1860, by Vernon F. Scott;
  • Isis Unveiled, by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky;
  • The Key to Theosophy, by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky;
  • The Secret Doctrine, by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky;
  • Old Diary Leaves, by Henry Steel Olcott;
  • The Golden Bough, 3rd ed., Part 5, by James G. Frazer;
  • Griechische Feste von religioser Bedeutung, by Martin P. Nilsson;
  • History of the Christian Church, volume 5, part 2, by David S. Schaff;
  • Des ecrits authentiques de Saint Thomas d'Aquin, by Pierre Mandonnet;
  • Opera omnia, by Thomas Aquinas;
  • Thoth, the Hermes of Egypt, by Patrick Boylan;
  • Les fetes annuellement ceebrees a Emoui (Amoy), by J. J. M. de Groot;
  • The World-Conception of the Chinese, by Alfred Forke;
  • The Notions of the Chinese concerning God and Spirits, by James Legge;
  • Tendai shikyogi shinshaku, by Iaaba Enjo;
  • article by P. D. Chantepiede de la Saussaye in Portretten en kritieken;
  • Elements of the Science of Religion, by C. P. Tiele;
  • History of the Egyptian Religion, 2nd ed., by C. P. Tiele;
  • Outlines of the History of Religion, by C. P. Tiele;
  • The Bolshevik Persecution of Christianity, by Francis McCullagh;
  • Tilak: His Writings and Speeches, by Bil Gagadhar Tilak;
  • Die Rechtungender islamischen Koranauslegung, by Ignacz Goldhizer;
  • '”Geschichte des Qorans, by Theodor Noldeke;
  • The Faith of Islam, 3rd ed., by Edward Sill;
  • Patrologia Graeca, vol. 86 part 1;
  • Der Jainismus, by Helmuth von Glasenapp;
  • Jaina Sutras, by Hermann Jacobi;
  • The Kalpasutra of Bhadrabahu, by Hermann Jacobi;
  • Erstlinge und Zehnte im Alten Testament, by Otto Eissfeldt;
  • The Native Tribes of Central Australia, by Baldwin Spencer and F. J. Gillen;
  • Historia general de les cosas de la Nueva Espana, by Bernardino de Sahagun;
  • ”Seneca Fiction, Legends, and Myths,” by J. N. B. Hewett, 32nd Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology;
  • Seneca Myths and Folk Tales, by Arthur C. Parker;
  • '”Zagadka Tolstoyo, by Mark Aldanov;
  • A History of the Inquisition in Spain, by Henry C. Lea;
  • Discorso sobre el orden de procesar en los tribunales de Inquisicion, by Juan Antonio Llorente;
  • ”Die Tossafisten als Mehtodologen,” by Victor Aptowitzer, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums 38 (1894);
  • Germania Judaica, by Marcus Brann;
  • article on Tosafot by Abraham Epstein, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums 41 (1897);
  • Gallia Judaica, by Heinrich Gross;
  • Festschrift Adolf Schwarz, ed. Samuel Krauss;
  • Or ha-hayyim, by Hermann J. Michael;
  • Der dor ve-dorshav, by Isaac H. Weiss;
  • monograph on RabbenuTam by Isaac H. Weiss, Beit Talmud 3 (1883);
  • Zur Geschichte und Literatur, by Leopold Zunz;
  • The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, by Emile Durkheim;
  • '”Totemism and Exogamy, by James G. Frazer;
  • '”Totem and Taboo, by Sigmund Freud;
  • ”Totemism: An Analytical Study, by Alexander A. Goldenweiser, Journal of American Folklore 23 (1910);
  • Apologetica historia de las Indias, by Bartholome de las Casas;
  • ”Proceso segundo por Fray Andres de Olmos en contra del cacique de Marlatlan,” by Andres de Olmos, Archivo general de la nacion (Mexico) 3 (1912);
  • The Rites of the Twice-Born, by Henry van Straelen;
  • ”Tradition and the Individual Talent, by T. S. Eliot, in The Sacred Wood;
  • An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, by John Henry Newman;
  • The Vailala Madness and the Destruction of Native Ceremonies in the Gulf Division, by F. E. Williams;
  • '”Argonauts of the Western Pacific, by Bronisllaw Malinowski;
  • The Andaman Islanders, by A. R. Radcliffe-Brown;

Trent, Council of or Council of Trent

  • Canones et decreta, Concili I Trindentini;
  • Concilium Tridentinum (1901-1967);
  • La legation du Cardinal Morone pres l'empereur et le concile de Trente, by Gustave Constant;
  • Storia del Concilio de Trento, by Sforza Pallavicino;
  • L'istoria del Concilio Tridentino, by Paolo Sarpi;
  • Jamaica Anansi Stories, by Martha Warren Beckwith;
  • Myths of the New World, by Daniel G. Brinton;
  • Mythology of All Races, vol. 3;
  • Etudes de theologie positive sur la Sainte Trinite, by Theodore de Regnon;
  • Sobranie sochinenii kn. Sergeia Nikolaevicha trubetskoyo, ed. L. M. Lopatin;
  • Metafizika v drevnei Gretsii, by Sergei Trubetskoi;
  • Uchenie o logose v istorii, by Sergei Trubetskoi;
  • Ma'arekhet ha Elohut;
  • Maskilim;
  • Sha'ar haYihudim;
  • Sha'ar Maamarei Rashby;
  • Sha'ar Ruah HaQodesh;
  • Ramatayim Tsofim, by Shmuel of Shinyava;
  • Toldot Yaakov Yosef, by Rabbi Y. Y. of Polnoye;
  • Ten Years North of the Orange River, by John Mackenzie;
  • “Itkujen Tuonela,” by V. J. Mansikka, in Kieli-ja Kansatiet eclisia, by E. N. Setala;
  • Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion, by Wilhelm Barthold;
  • Life and Times of Henry M. Turner, by M. M. Ponston;
  • ”Die Dieva deli des lettischen Volksliedes, by August Bielenstein, Magazin V19#4 (1896);
  • The Cult of the Heavenly Twins, by John R. Harris;
  • Lakonische Kulte, by Sam Wide;
  • Autobiography and Life of George Tyrrell and Life of George Tyrrell, by George Tyrrell and M. D. Petre;
  • Christianity at the Cross-Roads, by George Tyrrell;
  • The Church and the Future, by George Tyrrell;
  • The Faith of the Millions, by George Tyrrell;
  • Lex Ordani, by George Tyrrell;
  • Through Scylla and Charybdis, by George Tyrrell;


  • Materialy po shamanstvu u altaisev, by A. N. Anokhin;
  • Aus Siberien, by William Radloff;
  • Probender Volksliteratur der turkischen Stamme, by William Radloff;
  • ”Ultramontanism,” by F. F. Urquhart, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • William George Ward and the Catholic Revival, 12th ed., by Wilfrid Ward;
  • The Tiruvacagam, by G. U. Pope;
  • Tattuva-kattalei..., by Henry R. Hoisington;
  • History of the Caliphs, by al-Suyuti, trans. H. S. Jarrett;
  • The Column of Dust, by Evelyn Underhill;
  • The Mystic Way, by Evelyn Underhill;
  • Mysticism, by Evelyn Underhill;
  • Practical Mysticism, by Evelyn Underhill;
  • A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life, 2nd ed., by R. H. Charles;
  • Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortality, by Alewis R. Farnell;
  • The Legends of the Jews, by Lewis Ginzberg;
  • Epic Mythology, by E. Washburn Hopkins;
  • ”Cosmology and cosmogony, by Hermann Jacobi, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • Vedic Mythology, by E. Washburn Hopkins;
  • Vedic Mythology, by A. A. Macdonell;
  • Traditional Aspects of Hell (Ancient and Modern), by James Mew;
  • Psyche, by Erwin Rohde;
  • Universalism in America, by Richard Eddy;
  • The Religious System of the Amazulu, by Henry Callaway;
  • Thirty Minor Upanishads, by K. Narayanasvami Aiyar;
  • A History of Indian Philosophy, by Surendranath Dasgupta;
  • The Philosophy of the Upanishads, by Paul Deussen;
  • Sechzig Upanishads des Veda, by Paul Deussen;
  • An Outline of the Religious LiteRature of India, by J. N. Farquhar;
  • The Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads, by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • Le lotus de la bonne loi, Vol. 2, appendi, 2nd ed., bhy Eugene Burnof;
  • '”Digha Nikaya, trans. J. E. Carpenter;
  • ”Hermann Usener,” by Albert Dieterich, Archiv für Religionswissenschaft 8 (1905);
  • History of American Socialisms, by John Humphrey Noyes;
  • Geschichte der Sozialen Frage und des Sozialismus in der antiken Welt, by Robert von Pohlmann;


  • Vaisnavism, Saivism, and Minor Religious Systems, by R. G. Bhandarkar (2);
  • An Outline of the Religious Literature of India, by J. N. Farquhar;
  • Introduction to the Pancaratra and the Ahirundhnya Samhita, by F. Otto Schrader (2);
  • Walhall, by Gustav Neckel;
  • '”Germanentum und Hellenismus, by Franz Rolf Schroder;
  • The Melanesians, by R. H. Codrington;
  • The History of Melanesian Society, by W. H. R. Rivers;
  • L'Abhidharmakosa de Vasubandhu, by Louis de La Vallee Poussin;
  • Geschichte des vatikanischen Konziis, by Johann Friedrich;
  • Geschichte des vatikanischen Konzils, by Theodor Granderath;
  • S. Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, vols. 49-53;
  • Etudes theologiques sur les constitutions de Concile du Vatican d'apres les actes du concile, by Alfred Vacant;
  • The Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads, by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • A History of Sanskrit Literature, by Arthur A. Macdonnell;
  • History of Indian Literature, by Moriz Winternitz;
  • A History of Indian Philosophy, by Surendranath Dasgupta;
  • The Religion of the Veda, by Maurice Bloomfield;
  • The Satapatha-Brahmana, by Julius Eggeling;
  • The Hymns of the Atharvaveda, by T. H. Griffith;
  • The Hymns of the Rigveda, by T. H. Griffith;
  • The Hymns of the Samaveda, by T. H. Griffith;
  • The Texts of the White Yajurveda, by T. H. Griffith;
  • The Aitreya Aranyaka, by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • The Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads, by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • Rigveda Brahmanas, by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • The Veda of the Black Yajus School Entitled the Taittiriya Samhita, by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • Atharvaveda Samhita, by C. R. Lanman and William Dwight Whitney;
  • La doctrine du sacrifice dans les brahmanas, byk Sylvain Levi;
  • Hymns from the Rigveda, trans. A. A. Macdonnell;
  • Die Religion des Veda, by Hermann Oldenberg;
  • La Religion vedique d'apres les hymnes du Rig-Veda, by Abel Henri Joseph Bergaigne;
  • Das Jaminiya-Brahmana im Auswahl, by Willem Calend;
  • Das Srautasutra des Apastamba, by Willem Calend;
  • L'Agnistoma, by Willem Calend and Victor Henry;
  • ”Satapatha-Brahmana,” by Julius Eggeling, in Sacred Books of the East vols. 12, 26, 41, 43, 44;
  • Das altindische Neu- und Vollmondsopfer in seiner einfachsten Form, by Alfred Hillebrandt;
  • ”Ritual-Literature,” by Alfred Hillebrandt, Grundriss der Indo-Arischen Philologie und Altertumskunde 3, 2, (1897);
  • ”Epic Mythology,” by E. Washburn Hopkins, '”Grundriss der indo-arischen Philologie und Altertumskunde 3.1.13 (1915);
  • The Aitreya and Kausitaki Brahmanas, by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • The Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads, by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • The Veda of the Black Yajus School Entitled the Taittiriya Samhita, by Arthur Berriedale Keith;
  • La doctrine du sacrifice dans les brahmanas, by Sylvain Levi;
  • '”Vedic Mythology, by A. A. Macdonnell;
  • ”The Gryha-Sutras,” by Hermann Oldenberg, Sacred Books of the East vols. 29-30;
  • Die Religion des Veda, by Hermann Oldenberg;
  • Die Weltanschauung der Brahmana-Texte, by Hermann Oldenberg;
  • Das altindische Thieropfer, by Julius Schwab;
  • The Golden Bough, 3rd ed., by James G. Frazer;
  • Virgilio nel medo evo,by Domenico Comparetti;
  • Virgil's Messianic Ecologue, by Joseph B. Mayer et al.;
  • Die Geburt des Kindes, by Eduard Norden;
  • Virgil and Isaiah, by Thomas Fletcher Royds;
  • Il sacredozio della Vestali Romane, by Giulio Giannelli;
  • Sexti Pompei Festi de uerborum significatu quae supersunt cum Pauli epitome, by Paulus-Festus, ed. W. M. Lindsay;
  • Religion und Kultur der Romer, by Georg Wissowa;
  • The Philosophy of Giambattista Vico, trans. R. G. Collingwood;
  • Opere di G. B. Vico;
  • '”Essai sur les Tonkinois Superstitions, by Gustave Dumotier, Revue indochinoise 9 (1908);
  • '”Das Mutterrecht, by Johann Jakob Bachofen;
  • Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion, by Jane Harrison;
  • ”Die kultische Keuschheit,” by Euge Fehrle, ReligiongeschichteVersuche und Vorarbeiten 6 (1910);
  • '”The Concept of the Guardian Spirit in North America, by Ruth Benedict;
  • ”The Vision in Plains Culture,” by Ruth Benedict, American Anthropologist 24#1 (1922);
  • The Omaha Tribe, by Alice Fletcher and Francis La Flesche;
  • '”A View of the History, Literature, and Religion of the Hindoos, by William Ward;
  • '”The Master as I Saw Him, by Sister Nivedita;
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience, by William James;
  • '”Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte, by Heinrich Brunner;
  • '”Der Gelubele nach alterer Auffassung, by Walter Gottschalk;
  • Der Eid, by Rudolf Hirzel;
  • Essai sur le don, by Marcel Mauss;
  • '”Der Eid bei den Semitenin seinem Verhaltnis..., by Johannes Pederson;
  • Geschichte des Eides, by Friedrich Thudichum;
  • ”Eid: Allgemein,” by Richard Thurnwald, Reallexicon der Vorgeschischte vol. 2;
  • '”Der Civilprozess des gemeinen Rechts in geschichtlicher Entwicklung, by Moritz August von Bethmann-Hollweg;
  • Mathurai A District Memoir, by Frederick S. Grouse;


  • Der Erlosungsgedanke, und seine Deutung, by Joachim Wach;
  • Religionswissenschaft, by Joachim Wach;
  • '”Rawdat al-afkar, by Hasan ibn Ghannam;
  • Die person Muhammeds in lehre und glauben seiner gemeinde, by To Andrae;
  • ”Wilayah,” by Willi Heffening, Encyclopedia of Islam;
  • ”The Sun Dance and Other Ceremonies of the Oglala Division of the Teton Dakota, by James R. Walker, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History V16#2 (1917);
  • Sun Dance of the Plains Indians, by Clark Wissler, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History V16 (1915-1921);
  • A Gift to Posterity on the Laws of Evqaf, by Omer Hilmi;
  • Kitab Qanun al-'Adl...,” by Muhammed Qadri Pasha;
  • ”Les Guaraunos et le Jetta de l'Orenoque,” by Louis Plassard, Bulletin de la Societe de Geographie (Paris) 15 (1868);
  • An Inquiry into the Animism and Folklore of the Guiana Indians, by Waler E. Roth, 36th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology;
  • The Life of Mary Ward, by Mary C. E. Chambers, ed. Henry Coleridge;
  • The Native Tribes of Central Australia, by Walter Baldwin Spencer and Francis J. Gillen;
  • Die Bedeutung des Wassers im Kult und Leben der Alten, by Martin Ninck;
  • bibliography in Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 27 (1914);
  • Skizzen und Vorarbeiten, by Julius Wellhausen;
  • '”Bar Hebraeus's Book of the Dove, by A. J. Wensinck;
  • Mohammed en de Joden te Medina, by A. J. Wensinck;
  • '”Treatises of Isaac of Nineveh, by A. J. Wensinck;
  • Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, by Ellen Gould White;
  • The Witch Cult in Western Europe, by Margaret A. Murray;
  • Willibrord, Missionary in the Netherlands, by Alexander J. Grieve;
  • 303 colinde cu text si melodie, by Sabin V. Dragoi;
  • Die Weischnachtsfest, by Hermann Usener;
  • ”Wisdom,” by A. R. Gordon, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics;
  • ”Babylonian Wisdom,” by Stephen H. Langdon, Babyloniaca (1923);
  • ”Das Weischeitsbuch des Amen-em-ope,” by Adolf Erman, Orientalische Literaturzeitung 27 (May 1924);
  • Reminiscences, by Isaac M. Wise;
  • Zoological Mythology, vols. 1-2, by Angelo de Gubernatis;
  • Universal Religion, by Edmund Buckley;
  • Manual of the Science of Religion, by P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye;
  • The World's Living Religions, by Robert Ernest Hume;
  • The Study of Religion, by Morris Jastrow, Jr.;
  • Natural Religions and Universal Religions, by Abraham Keunen;
  • History of Religions, by George Foot Moore;
  • Introduction to the Science of Religions, by F. Max Muller;
  • '”Religion and Historic Faiths, by Otto Pfleiderer;
  • ”Werldgodsdiensten,” by L. W. E. Rauwenhoff, Theologisch Tijdschrift 19 (1885);
  • Outlines of the History of Religion, by C. P. Tiele;
  • ”Religions,” by C. P. Tiele, Encyclopaedia Britannica 1885;
  • L'Histoire des religions, by Maurice Vernes;
  • The World's Parliament of Religions, by John Henry Darrow;
  • Worship in Islam, by Edna Eliot Calverly;
  • Jewish Liturgy, by Ismar Elbogen;
  • The Silken East, by V. C. Scott O'Connor;
  • The Hindu Religious Year, by Muriel Marion Underhill;
  • ”Description of the Kingdom of Siam,” by Jeremias van Vliet, trans. L. F. van Ravenswaay, Journal of the Siam Society 7#1 (1910);
  • The Ghost Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890, by James Mooney;


  • The Life and Letters of Saint Francis Xavier, 2nd ed., by Henry J. Coleridge;
  • La religione nella Grecia antica finoad Alessandro, by Raffaele Pettazzoni;
  • The Life of Hiuen-Tsiang, by Samuel Beal;
  • Si-yu-ki, by Samuel Beal;
  • review of “On Yang Chwang's Travels in India,” by Thomas Watter by Paul Pelliot, Bulletin de l'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient 5 (1905);
  • On Yang Chwang's Travels in India, by Thomas Watter;
  • ”Xunzi and Durkheim as Theorists of Ritual Practice, by Robert F. Campany, in Discourse and Practice, ed. Frank Reynolds and David Tracy;


  • ”Die Asccheriden, 1267-1391,” by Alfred Freimann, “Jahrbuch der judisch-literarischen Geschellschaft 13 (1920);
  • Slovar' iakutskago iazyka, by E. K. Pekarskii;
  • Die ursprungliche Gottheit des vedischen Yama, by Jacques Ehni;
  • ”Yantrasara Tantram,” by R. Chattopadhyaya, in Tantrasara;
  • Yantra Samskarapaddhiti;
  • The Kuzari, by Hartwig Hirschfeld;
  • '”Toldoht Tana'im ve Amora'im, vol. 2, by Aaron Hyman;
  • Memoire compose a l'epoque de la grande dynastic Tang, by Edouard Chavannes;
  • A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practised in India an Malay Archipelago, by Junjiro Takakusu;
  • Toledot tanna'im ve-amora'i'm, by Aaron Hyman;
  • Der Tanna Rabbi Ismael, by Marcus Petuchowski;
  • Yoga as Philosophy and Religion, by Surendranath Dasgupta;
  • Samkhya and Yoga, by Richard Garbe;
  • Patanjali's Yoga Sutras,by Rama Prasada;
  • Yoga Upanishads with the Commentary of Sri Upanisad-Brahma-Yogin, by Alladi Mahadeva Sastri;
  • Asanga, by Sylvain Levi;
  • Toledot tanna'im ve-amora'im, by Aaron Hyman;
  • ”Johanan ben Nappaha,” Jewish Encyclopedia 1906;
  • ”Remarques sur le taoisme ancien, by Marcel Granet, Asie Maijor 2 (1925);


  • Les traditiones islamiques, by A. Houdas and W. Marcais;
  • Kitab al-Kharaj, by Abu Yusuf Ya'qub ibn Ibrahim, trans. E. Fagnan;
  • Die richtungen der islamischen Koranauslegung, by Ignacz Goldziher;
  • Zoroastrian Theology, by Maneckji Nusservanji Dhalla;
  • The Teachings of Zoroaster and the Philosophy of the Parsi Religion, by Shapurji Aspandiarji Kapadia;
  • The Doctrine of Merits in Old Rabbinic Literature, by A. Marmorstein;
  • Some Aspects of Rabbinic Theology, by Solomon Schechter;
  • Zeus: A Study in Ancient Religion, by Albert B. Cook;
  • ”La legende du premier pape des taoistes et l'histoire de la familie pontificaledes Tchang,” by Camille Imbault-Hurst, Journal asiatique 2 (1894):
  • Buddhist Art in Relation to Buddhist Ideals, by Anesaki Masaharu;
  • Mikkyo hattatsushi,” by Toganao Shoun;
  • Yunqi fahui, by Zhuhong;
  • Moses ben Schem-Tob de Leon und sein Verhaltnis zum Zohar, by Adolf Jellinek;
  • Altiranisches Worterbuch, by Christian Bartholomae;
  • The Nyaishes or Zoroastrian Liturgy, by Maneckji N. Dhalla;
  • The Zend-Avesta, by James Darmesteter;
  • '”Civilization of the Eastern Iranians in Ancient Times, by Wilhelm Geiger;
  • '”Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsis, 4th ed., by Martin Haug;
  • Indo-Iranian Religion, by Shapurji K. Hodivala;
  • '”Zoroaster, by A. V. Williams Jackson;
  • The Zend-Avesta, by Lawrence H. Mills;
  • '”The Social Life of the Ancient Iranians as Presented by the Avesta, by Jivanji J. Modi;
  • Pahlavi Texts, by Edward W. West;
  • ”The Zulu Cult of the Dead,” by A. T. Bryant, Man 17 (1917);
  • The Religious System of the Amazulu, by Henry Calloway;
  • '”Corpus Reformatorum, vols. 88-101;

Religions of the World

Religions of the World,ed. J. Gordon Melton and Martin Baumann, ABC-Clio, 2nd ed., 2010, ISBN 9781598842036.

  • Journal of a Residence in China, by David Abeel;
  • The Missionary Convention at Jerusalem, by David Abeel;
  • Memoirs of the Reverend David Abeel D.D.: Late Missionary to China, by G. R. Williamson;
  • 'Advent,' by Francis Mershman, Catholic Encyclopedia (1907);
  • Collected Essays, Vol. 5 by Thomas H. Huxley;
  • Perception, Physics, and Reality, by Charles D. Broad;
  • Outlines of Missionary History, by Alfred DeWitt Mason;
  • The Story of the American Board, by William E. Strong;
  • La Religion Assyro-Babylonienne: Conferences donnees a l'Institut Catholique de Paris, by P. Dhorme;
  • Die Angelologie und Damonologie des Korans im Vergleich zu di Engel und Geisterlehre der Heiligen Schrift, by W. Eickmann;
  • Homerische Theologie, by K. F. Nagelsbach;
  • Summa Theologiae I by Thomas Aquinas;
  • A Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness, by Charles F. Parham;
  • Arminianism in History: Or the Revolt from Predestinationism, by George L. Curtiss;
  • An Impartial History of the Church and of Heresy, by Gottfried Arnold;
  • Christian Worship: Its Origin and Evolution, by Louis Duchesne;
  • 'Feast of the Ascension,' by John Wynne, in Catholic Encyclopedia (1907);
  • A Plea for Atheism, by Charles Bradlaugh;
  • Initiation, Human and Solar, by Alice Ann Bailey;
  • The Baptist Movement in the Continent of Europe, by J. H. Rushbrooke;
  • The Baptist Movement in the Continent of Europe, by J. H. Rushbrooke;
  • The Gospel in Central America, by Frederick Crowe;
  • The History of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, Vol. II, by George G. Findlay and W. W. Holdeworth;
  • Benedicinte Monachism: Studies in Benedictine Life and Rule, by Dom Cuthbert Butler;
  • The Ancient Wisdom, by A. W. Besant;
  • Esoteric Christianity, by A. W. Besant;
  • Theosophical Lectures, by A. W. Besant;
  • 'Babism,' by Edward G. Browne, in Religious Systems of the World: A Contribution to the Study of Comparative Religion, ed. William Sheowing and Conrad W. Thies;
  • Isis Unveield, by Helena P. Blavatsky;
  • '”The Sacred Doctrine, by Helena P. Blavatsky;
  • The Autobiography of Mr. Bradlaugh: A Page of His Life, by Charles Bradlaugh;
  • Charles Bradlaugh: A Record of His Life and Work, by Hypatia Bradlaugh-Bonner and John M. Robertson;
  • President Charles Bradlaugh, M. P., by David Tribe;
  • Le Bouddhisme au Cambodge, by Adhemard Leclere;
  • Memoir of William Carey, D. D.: Late Missionary to Bengal; Professor of Oriental Languages in the College of Fort William, Calcutta, by Eustace Carey;
  • Letters from the Rev. Dr. Carey, by William Carey;
  • The Life and Times of Carey, Marshman, and Ward, Embracing the History of the Serampore Mission, by John Clark Marshman;
  • 'Irvingism: The Catholic Apostolic Church,' by Edward Miller, in Religious Systems of the World, (1908 9th ed.);
  • Notes on the History of the Cayman Islands by G. S. S. Hirst;
  • 'Chile,' by Adolph Francis Bandelier, in The Catholic Encyclopedia (1909);
  • A Guide to the Formation and Conduct of Christadelphian Ecclesias, by Robert Roberts;
  • The History of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church in America, by C. H. Phillips;
  • History of Church and State in Norway from the Tenth to the Sixteenth Century, by T. B. Wilson;
  • The Divine Revelation, by F. L. Alexander Freytag;
  • The New Earth, by F. L. Alexander Freytag;
  • 'Cuba,' by Ventura Fuentes, in The Catholic Encyclopedia (1908);
  • The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, by J. G. Frazer;
  • La religion des chinois, by M. Granet;
  • The Waning of the Middle Ages, by John Huitzinga;
  • Letters from Victorian Pioneers, by H. Jameson;
  • La mentalite primitive, by L. Levy-Bruhl;
  • Primitive Culture, by E. B. Tylor;
  • A True and Faithful Relation of What Passed between Dr. John D. … and Some Spirits.
  • Dominican Revival in the Nineteenth Century, by R. Devas;
  • 'Easter,' by Frederick Holweck, in The Catholic Encyclopedia (1909);
  • 'Ecuador,' by Adolph Francis Bandelier, in The Catholic Encyclopedia (1909);
  • Christian Science, by Mark Twain;
  • The Serpent Power, by Arthur Avalon;
  • 'Epiphany,' by Cyril Charles Martindale, in The Catholic Encyclopedia (1909);
  • Memoirs of the Wesley Family, by Ada Clarke;
  • Anecdotes of the Wesleys: Illustrative of Their Character and Personal History, by J. B. Wakeley;
  • The Epworth Phenomena, by Dudley Wright;
  • Churches and Church Workers in Fiji, by C. S. Ross;
  • Devotions et pratiques ascetiques du Moyen Age, by Louis Gougaud;
  • The Missionary Life and Labours of Francis Xavier Taken from His Own Correspondence: with a sketch of the general results of Roman Catholic missions among the heathen, by Henry Venn;
  • History of the Free Methodist Church, by William T. Hogue;
  • A Short History of the Georgian Church, by S. C. Malan;
  • A Short History of the Georgian Church, by S. C. Malan;
  • The Ghost Dance Religion and Wounded Knee, by James Mooney;
  • The Diocese of Gibraltar: A Sketch of Its History, Work, and Tasks, by H. J. C. Knight;
  • Lucifer demasque, by Jean Kostka;
  • Shakti and Shakta, by Arthur Avalon;
  • Islamic Spain, 1250 to 1500, by L. P. Harvey;
  • The Age of Hildebrand, by Marvin Vincent;
  • Brevissima relacion de la destruccion de las Indias, by Bartolome de las Casas;
  • Historia del Movimiento Evangelico en Gautemala, by David Escobar;
  • 'Holy Week,' by Herbert Thurston, The Catholic Encyclopedia (1909);
  • 'Comayagua,' by Feliciano Herrera, The Catholic Encyclopedia (1909);

India, Hinduism in: Ancient Vedic Expressions or Hinduism in India:Ancient Vedic Expressions

  • Vedic Mythology,by Arthur A.Macdonell;
  • Liberal Religious Thought at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century: Addresses and Papers at the International Council of Unitarian and Other Religious Thinkers and Workers, Held at London, May 1901, by W. Copeland Bowie;
  • Honen the Buddhist Saint: His Life and Teaching, by Harper H. Coates and Ishizuka Ryugaku;
  • The Anguish of the Jews: Twenty-Three Centuries of Antisemitism, by Edward H. Flannery;
  • The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Lambeth, by Thomas Allen;
  • The History and Antiquities of the Archepiscopal Palace of Lambeth, from its Foundation to the Present Time,by Andrew Coltee Ducarel;
  • A Fountain of Gardens,by Jane Leade;
  • A Heavenly Cloud Now Breaking, by Jane Leade;
  • Wars of David, by Jane Leade;
  • 'Lent,' by Herbert Thurston, The Catholic Encyclopedia (1910);
  • Relatorio de 1914 da Egreja Lusitana Catolica Apostolica Evangelica (1915);
  • Half a Century of True Lutheranism, by A. Graebner;
  • From Far Formosa: The Island, its People and Missions, by George Leslie Mackay;
  • Les Muselmans a Madagascar et aux lies Comores, by G. Ferrand;
  • Traditions and Superstitions of the New Zealanders: With Illustrations of Their Manners and Customs, by Edward Shortland;
  • Les origins du culte des martyrs, by Hippolite Delehaye;
  • Fr. Price of Maryknoll, by Patrick Byrne;
  • Mysticism, by Evelyn Underhill;
  • The History of the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America, by H. P. Krehbiel;
  • The History of the Methodist Church in Sri Lanka, by W. J. T. Small;
  • The Call of the West Indies, by F. Deaville Walker;
  • The Origins of Wesleyan Methodism in Sierra Leone,by C. Marke;
  • Robert Morrison, a Master-builder, by Maurice Broomhall;
  • A Dictionary of the Chinese Language, by Robert Morrison;
  • A parting memorial: consisting of miscellaneous discourses, written and preached in China; at Singapore; on board ship at sea, in the Indian Ocean; at the Cape of Good Hope; and in England; with remarks on missins, &c. &c., by Robert Morrison;
  • Moscow Church Architecture, by Mikhal Krasovskii;
  • 'Peyote-Giver of Visions, by Ruth Shonle, American Anthropologist 27 (1925);
  • Nichiren, the Buddhist Prophet,by Anesaki Masaharu;
  • History of Church and State in Norway from the Tenth to the Sixteenth Century, by T. B. Wilson.
  • The Baptist Movement in the Continent of Europe, by J. H. Rushbrooke;

Old Believers (Russia)

  • Russian Dissenters, by Frederick C. Conybeare;
  • Geschichte der Entstehung der Christkatholischen Kirche der Schweiz, by Paulin Geschwind;
  • 'Republic and Diocese of Panama,' Catholic Encyclopedia(1913);
  • 'Paraguay,' by Julian Moreno-Lacalle, Catholic Encyclopedia (1911);
  • 'Reductions of Paraguay,' by Anthony Huonder, Catholic Encyclopedia (1911);
  • The Everlasting Gospel, by Charles F. Parham;
  • A Voice Crying in the Wilderness,by Charles F. Parham;
  • 'Pentecost (Whitsunday),' by Frederick Holweck, The Catholic Encyclopedia (1912);
  • 'Peru,' by Julian Moreno-Lacalle, Catholic Encyclopedia (1911);
  • The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, by Emma Blair and James Robertson;
  • Religioes da Lusitania, by Jose Leite de Vasconcellos.
  • John Morton of Trinidad, by S. E. Morton;
  • De Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk vanaf,by A. J. Rasker;
  • 'Porto Rico,' by William Jones, Catholic Encyclopedia (1911).
  • Karma, by Annie Besant;
  • 'The Tradition about the Corporeal Relics of Buddha, by J. F. Flett, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1907);
  • 'Asoka and the Buddha-Relics,' by T. W. Rhys Davids, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1901);

Ridvan, Festival of or Festival of Ridvan

  • A Study of the Religion of the Babis, or Beha'is Founded by the Persian Bab and by His Successors, Beha Ullah and Abbas Effendi, by Myron H. Phelps;
  • The Divine Plan of the Ages, by Charles Taze Russell;
  • Pastor Russell's Sermons: A Choice Collection of His Most Important Discourses on All Phases of Christian Doctrine and Practice, by Charles Taze Russell;
  • History of Salt Lake City, by Edward W. Tullidge;
  • From Darkness to Light: A Story of the Telugu Awakening, by John E. Clough;
  • A Guide to Sanchi, by John Marshall;
  • The Triumph of the Cross, by Girloamo Savonarola;
  • George Augustus Selwyn, D. D. Pioneer Bishop of New Zealand, by F. W. Boreham;
  • Memoir of the Life and Episcopate of George Augustus Selwyn, D. D. Bishop of New Zealand, 1841-1869; Bishop of Litchfield, 1867-1878, by H. W. Taylor;
  • Compendium Maleficarum, by Francesco Gauccio;
  • Christian and Missionary Alliance, Annual Report, 1912.
  • The Sulpicians in the United States, by Charles George Hebermann;
  • Life of M. Olier: Founder of the Seminary of St. Sulpice, by Edward Healy Thompson;
  • The Druid Sourcebook, ed. John Matthews;
  • The Religions of Modern Syria, by Frederick J. Bliss;
  • Tai Shan―An Account of the Sacred Eastern Peak of China, by Dwight C. Baker;
  • The Secret Doctrine, by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky;
  • The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett from the Mahatmas M. & K.H., by A. T. Barker;
  • Old Diary Leaves, by Henry Steel Olcott;
  • The Books of the Pali Canon. (Pali Text Society, 1881-).
  • Summa Theologiae by Thomas Aquinas;
  • Foreign Missions: Their Relations and Claims, by Rufus Anderson;
  • 'Historical Review of Missionary Methods―Past and Present―in China, and How Far Satisfactory,' by John L. Nevius, Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China. Held at Shanghai, May 7-20, 1890.
  • The Planting and Development of Missionary Churches,by John L. Nevius;
  • La Tunisie chretienne,by De Sainte-Marie;
  • Mysticism and Magic in Turkey,by L. M. J. Garnett;
  • La Mission du Cameroon,by E. Allegret;
  • The Baptist Movement in the Continent of Europe, by J. H. Rushbrooke;
  • Heterodox London: or, Phases of Free Thought in the Metropolis,by Charles Maurice Davies;
  • English Sects: An Historical Handbook, by Arthur Reynolds;
  • 'Venezuela,' by Nicolas Navarro, Catholic Encyclopedia(1911);
  • Early Writings of Ellen G. White, by Ellen G. White;
  • The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan, by Ellen G. White;
  • Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, by Ellen G. White;
  • The Witch Cult in Western Europe, by Margaret Murray;
  • Arabia: The Cradle of Islam, by Samuel Marinus Zwemer;
  • The Influence of Animism on Islam: An Account of Popular Superstitions, by Samuel Marinus Zwemer;