Wikipedia:WikiProject India/India Quiz/9

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Welcome to Quiz No: 9 of India Quiz
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Quiz Questions

QUESTION 1: More than a century ago, the British planted a lot of trees in a very long line (more
than a thousand km) in a roughly north-south bearing across India. What was the purpose of this project?
Hint 1: The purpose was purely administrative, very much in line with the ultimate objective of the British in India.
Hint 2: This project was called the Great Indian ________.
Hint 3: An Englishman researched the project and its implications in detail and wrote a book called, guess what, The Great _________ of India, published in 2001.
The Great Hedge of India. It was planted by the British East India Company in the first half of 19th century. It acted as a customs barrier, and thorny trees and bushes were used to make it impenetrable. All of this to collect the Salt Tax at gaps in the hedge. It extended from Multan in North India to Burhanpur, and at one stage till Sonapur in Orissa. Roy Moxham studied the history of this hedge and attempted to find its remains in modern day India. He has written about his travel experience and the history of Salt Tax in the book 'The Great Hedge of India - The living barrier that divided a nation'.
QUESTION 2: This crown was made for and worn by only one king. It was worn only once during a
historic event that witnessed an attendance of thousands of people, most of them royalty. Name the crown and the event.

QUESTION 3: Derive a common Indian connection between the following numbers: 74, 107 & 51826
ANSWER 3: The connection is Kalpana Chawla, US astronaut of Indian origin, who died in STS-107 space shuttle explosion. An asteroid has been named 51826 Kalpanachawla in her honor. Also, 74th Street in New York has been named Street Kalpana Chawla Way.

QUESTION 4: This Nobel Laureate is/was not Indian nor of Indian origin, but received the Nobel
Prize for work done in India. Who?
ANSWER 4: Ronald Ross

QUESTION 5: She was born in Hyderabad. She left for Bombay at some point in her life and joined a
record company. There she helped form the artistes management division. She managed famous Indian pop stars, among them someone whose footsteps she followed (but did not reach where the pop star reached. The pop star become a pop star after she reached where she reached). In 1997 she became the third Indian to do something. Who is being talking about?
ANSWER 5: Diana Hayden. She became runner-up to Miss India and went onto become the third Indian Miss World. Mehnaz was Miss India before her and became a pop star. She also managed Anaida.

QUESTION 6: Name the person who introduced caricature to Indian journalism.

QUESTION 7: This company is the oldest in its sector. It was actually started outside India. Name it.
Hint 1: This company has now been taken over by another company, though it operates by its original name.
Hint 2: A major city of the other country features prominently in an old Hindi song.
Hint 3: One of the cofounders was Indian, born in what is today Gujarat and was also knighted.
ANSWER 8: They are all nominated members to Rajya Sabha.

QUESTION 9: Identify the Bollywood personality who lost his/her father to World War 2.
The person was/is the only one of his/her ethnicity in Bollywood.
QUESTION 10: Which South American beverage, if launched with its current name, has the
potential to hurt the sensibilities of Hindus?
It is related to the name of a Hindu God.
QUESTION 11: This prominent Indian person wrote a short biography for an article in Time
of one of our Prime ministers. He is not a journalist by profession. Name him.
This person and the prime minister belong to the same profession (not politics).
QUESTION 12: The name of this 99 year old product roughly translates as 'enlightenment of the
soul'. What product?
It is a food product, more often ingested in summer than in winter.
Sherbet Rooh Afza from Hamdard Laboratories
QUESTION 13: Identify this person: related to a former chief minister of an Indian state, former
correspondent of a major US TV network, best selling author, TV producer. Has written mainly about Western perceptions of Indian culture.
ANSWER 13: Gita Mehta

QUESTION 14: What animal did the Aryans bring to the Indian subcontinent?
ANSWER 14: The Horse

QUESTION 15: What (somewhat dubious) record, shared by only two other players, does a player
from the Tripura cricket team hold in first class cricket?
ANSWER 15: Hemulal Yadav. He is the only cricketer to have been given out 'Timed Out' in first-class cricket.

QUESTION 16: This brand is from pre independence India. Its marketing campaign was launched
by Lintas. This was probably the first ever campaign targeted exclusively at Indians. The brand had a very strong name till the 90s. What brand is being talked about.
ANSWER 16: Dalda by HLL

QUESTION 17: One of the objectives of this organisation X (which was created by a more famous
organisation Y) is to make India an attractive place to do business in. Name X and Y.
Organisation Y is industry led and managed and very high profiled.
QUESTION 18: A number of beings belonging to class A were given punishment B for act C. The
punishment of all except one (D) of the class was very short, courtesy of E. Name A, B,C,D and E.
Hint 1: D could have been a Chiranjeevin if he wanted to.
Hint 2: E was the mother of D and is still on the earth, albeit she is not considered a Chiranjeevin.
A is Vasus, B is punishment to be born as mortals, C is stealing Vasishta's cow, D is Bhishma (Dyaus) & E is Ganga.
QUESTION 19: Derive a connection between Puneet Issar & Brad Pitt.
ANSWER 19: The characters they played (Duryodhana and Achilles) had similar weakness. Achilles's weakness was in his heel; Duryodhana's in his thigh.

QUESTION 20: Which historical Indian flag has a food item on it, and what's the story behind it?
Hint 1: It's a kind of bread
Hint 2: A railway station in one of the metros of India is named after someone in the story.
Hint 3: The person of the railway station fame is credited with a famous quote involving the said metro.
Hint 4: There is a blessing involved in the story, and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was instrumental in getting the last clause of the blessing to fruition (almost two centuries after the blessing).
Hint 5: A game played on horseback is also intimately involved with bringing the last clause of the blessing to fruition.
The Asafia flag. Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya who blessed Asif Jah I. The Nizamuddin station of Delhi is named after him. He is also famed to have said 'Dilli Door Ast' (Delhi is far) when Ghiasudddin Tughlaq was coming to Delhi to do away with him. (Tughlaq was assassinated before entering Delhi.) The last Nizam was ousted by Sardar Patel in Operation Polo, completing the prophecy.
QUESTION 21: It is said that every immigrant to this ancient city became rich within a few days of
arriving in the city. What city, and how?
Hint 1: a particular group in North India believes very strongly in this legend.
Hint 2: The above group derives its name from the legendary king of the city.
The city of Agroha. Legend has it that anyone wishing to settle in the city was given a brick and a rupee by each of the city's one lakh residents. Thus, they would have enough bricks to build a house and enough money to start a business of their own.
QUESTION 22: What do Amitabh Bachchan and Anne Bancroft have in common?
ANSWER 22: Amitabh worked in Black & Anne Bancroft worked in its English version The Miracle Worker.

QUESTION 23: What is being talked about?
Abdul Kalam was initially a 7 & will become a 5 eventually.
QUESTION 24: Name the place where Indian currency is printed.
ANSWER 24: Hoshangabad

QUESTION 25: An award was designed by a person. The first such award was given to the
person's relative. Name another person from the same state who won the award.
Hint 1: The person who designed was not Indian by birth.
Hint 2: The award is very prestigious in India.
Hint 3: The designer married an Indian.