Wikipedia:WikiProject Electronic literature/Electronic literature works that won the New Media Writing Prize

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This is a redlink list for Wikipedia:WikiProject Electronic literature that lists all works of electronic literature that have won an award from the New Media Writing Prize. The goal is to identify works that should have Wikipedia entries. Not all these works will be notable - follow links to ELMCIP or search Google Scholar for additional information about the works. Do not edit the list manually as it is automatically updated daily with new information from Wikidata. Instead, edit Wikidata to make changes - follow the QID link.

This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Article description Author Date ELMCIP ID QID
5 Haitis electronic literature work Simon Kerr 2011 6660 Q109598216
500 Apocalypses work of electronic literature Phantom Williams 2016 14227 Q109714156
88 Constellations for Wittgenstein 2011 literary work by David Clark in point in time and point in time David Clark 2011 711 Q109713775
A Dictionary of the Revolution work of electronic literature Amira Hanafi 2018 14370 Q109237961
A Dream Within electronic literature work Herm Holland 2014 9952 Q109598791
A Duck has an Adventure 2012 literary work by Daniel M Goodbrey in point in time and point in time Daniel M Goodbrey 2012 5645 Q109713774
A Nervous System work of electronic literature Jason Nelson 2016 10781 Q109713969
A Place Called Ormalcy work of electronic literature Mez Breeze 2018 13194 Q109714153
12 vignettes work of electronic literature Samantha Silver
Viccy Adams
2015 14215 Q109714158
An Untold Story electronic literature work Danielle Werner
Nia Taylor Aiken
2019 Q109600858
An/Other Time 2016 literary work by Anita Bacic in point in time and point in time Anita Bacic 2016 Q109713591
Anonymous electronic literature work Emily Hollingsworth 2010 14196 Q109600194
Backtrack electronic literature work Rebecca Boland 2014 Q109600274
Bafflement Fires work of electronic literature Jason Nelson 2015 Q109713968
Black Beaches electronic literature work Eman Mounir 2020 Q109612191
Black Room 2018 literary work by Cassie McQuater in point in time and point in time Cassie McQuater 2018 Q109713595
Breathe work of electronic literature Kate Pullinger 2018 Q109713974
Captain Geriatric electronic literature work Corrie Smith 2018 Q109598983
Chasing Pandora electronic literature work Allyson Cikor
Emily Devereux
Mathew Vickery
Trent Redmond
2011 Q109600727
Circle 2011 work of electronic literature by Caitlin Fisher Caitlin Fisher 2011 4000 Q109713594
City Links electronic literature work Annie Hitchman 2015 Q109600275
CityFish work of electronic literature J. R. Carpenter 2010 2532 Q109713966
Clutter electronic literature work Amanda Wilson 2017 14258 Q109600584
Darkhaired poetry pamphlet Olive Broderick 2011 Q112039204
Deep Breath electronic literature work Honorata Zapaśnik
Piotr Kliks
Arkadiusz Sotdon
2018 Q109612126
Escaping the Chaos electronic literature work Kenneth Sanchez 2019 Q109598802
Evidence electronic literature work Lorenza Samuels 2010 6971 Q109597633
Fake or Truth? electronic literature work Maria Stroiteleva 2019 Q109600636
Foursquare Tales 2013 literary work by Declan Dineen in point in time and point in time Declan Dineen 2013 14209 Q109713777
From Walls to Walls electronic literature work Madhushala Senaratne 2015 Q109600276
Happy Whale Fat Smile poetry pamphlet Ralph Hawkins 2011 Q112039205
He Said, She Said 2011 literary work by Alan Bigelow in point in time and point in time Alan Bigelow 2011 3999 Q109713583
Heirloom work of electronic literature Abby Sherlock
Kathryn Yu
2020 Q109713461
Playing Chinese work of electronic literature High Muck A Muck Collective 2015 13839 Q109237964
Hilda Bewildered 2017 literary work by Dan Hare and Lynley Stace in point in time and point in time Dan Hare
Lynley Stace
2017 14252 Q109713772
Hobo Lobo of Hamelin work of electronic literature Stevan Zivadinovic 2012 Q109714228
Hurst work of electronic literature Kristi Barnett 2012 Q109714145
I Work for the Web work of electronic literature Mark C. Marino
Rob Wittig
2015 10371 Q109714150
Infinite Notebook work of electronic literature Llaura McGee 2014 9927 Q109714146
Inside the Sacred Hajj Pilgrimage electronic literature work Zafirah Mohamed Zein 2020 Q109612193
Kindred electronic literature work Shaun Hickman 2015 Q109598793
Land of plenty, Land of but a Few electronic literature work Diogo Cardoso
Sofia da Palma Rodrigues
Emma Lesuis
Boaventura Monjane
2018 Q109612127
Life of Fly 2014 digital literature piece Alan Bigelow 2014
9911 Q109713585
Limmerance electronic literature work Marianna Shek 2014 9914 Q109600272
Living Will work of electronic literature Mark C. Marino
Naomi Alderman
2012 5639 Q109714151
Loss of Grasp work of electronic literature Serge Bouchardon 2011 Q109237816
Lunix IX electronic literature work Magdelena Chodownik
Arkadiusz Sotdon
Piotr Kliks
2017 Q109612125
Made in Prison electronic literature work Mahmoud el Wakea 2019 Q109612065
Magister Ludi Game 2015 literary work by Christy Dena in point in time and point in time Christy Dena 2015 Q109713771
Mary Rose electronic literature work Natasha Nunn 2017 Q109598798
Maybe Make Some Change electronic literature work Aaron A. Reed 2011 Q109600196
Meet in the Corner electronic literature work Rin Johnson 2016 Q109600582
MetaQuest electronic literature work Daniel Cockcroft 2016 Q109600278
Mo Thunder poetry pamphlet Sean Burn 2011 Q112039203
Ms. Lojka or: In Despair to Will to Be Oneself work of electronic literature Jordan Magnuson 2016 Q109713973
My Summer Vacation 2010 literary work by Alan Bigelow in point in time and point in time Alan Bigelow 2010 Q109713587
NovaCorp electronic literature work Marine Bernard 2019 Q109600637
On Lionel Kearns electronic literature work Jim Andrews 2004 Lionel Kearns On Lionel Kearns Q109600195
Opacity work of electronic literature Serge Bouchardon 2013 Q109714159
Orange Sweatshirt electronic literature work David Devanny 2013 Q109598218
PRY 2014 work of electronic literature Samantha Gorman
Danny Cannizzaro
2014 9892 Q109237965
Paranormal Interactivity electronic literature work Mark Briggs 2017 Q109600583
Pentimento work of electronic literature Jerome Fletcher 2003 Q109713970
Siri and Me work of electronic literature Esmeralda Kosmatopoulos 2013 Q109237958
Sleepless work of electronic literature Natalia Theodoridou 2017 Q109714155
Storyhaven 2020 literary work by Gareth Osbourne in point in time and point in time Gareth Osbourne 2020 Q109713779
Traversing The Past electronic literature work Berta Tilmantaite 2018 Q109612070
Tales from the Towpath 2014 literary work by Helen Varley Jamieson, Maya Chowdhry, Michelle Green, and Sarah Hymas in point in time and point in time Helen Varley Jamieson
Maya Chowdhry
Michelle Green
Sarah Hymas
2014 Q109713780
The Book You are Looking For Does Not Exist work of electronic literature Vera Sebert 2020 Q109714161
The Book of Hours work of electronic literature Lucy English 2018 Q109714147
The Boy in the Book 2020 literary work by Fernando de Jesus, Nathan Penlington, Nick Watson, and Sam Smaïl in point in time and point in time Fernando de Jesus
Nathan Penlington
Nick Watson
Sam Smaïl
2020 Q109713778
The Cartographer’s Confession work of electronic literature James Attlee 2017 13495 Q109238010
The Data Souls 2019 literary work by David Thomas Henry Wright in point in time and point in time David Thomas Henry Wright 2019 Q109713776
The Displaced electronic literature work Katie Dancey-Downs 2018 Q109600635
The Dying Mind electronic literature work Jamie Paddock 2016 Q109598795
The Engineer 2013 literary work by Ann Luce, Juan Passarelli, Mathew Charles, and Rob Mundy in point in time and point in time Ann Luce
Juan Passarelli
Mathew Charles
Rob Mundy
2013 Q109713593
The Exodus Data Project electronic literature work Carla Pedret 2016 Q109612069
The Fall 2015 literary work by Alan Bigelow in point in time and point in time Alan Bigelow 2015 Q109713586
The Gathering Cloud work of electronic literature J. R. Carpenter 2016 Q109237959
The Ghosts of Yamaraja electronic literature work Jonathan Saunder 2013 Q109600197
The Gorani electronic literature work Jakub Górnicki
Agnieszka Wanat
Piotr Kliks
Arkadiusz Sotdon
2018 Q109612128
The KO King electronic literature work Steve Kilgallon 2019 Q109612066
The Life of Grand Duchess Elizabeth work of electronic literature Maria Ivanova 2019 Q109237962
The Lobotomy electronic literature work Daniel Cockcroft 2018 Q109600586
The Memory Archivist work of electronic literature 2019 Q109714148
The O2 Tales electronic literature work Anna Pitt 2010 Q109600193
The Pleasure of the Coast work of electronic literature J. R. Carpenter 2019 Q109713964
The Unsettled Ground work of electronic literature Thomas McMullan
Rik Chilvers
2020 Q109714157
The Uyghur Women Fighting China’s Surveillance State electronic literature work Isobel Cockerell 2019 Q109612067
The Winter House work of electronic literature Jey Biddulph
Naomi Alderman
2010 Q109713971
This is a Picture of Wind 2018 literary work by J. R. Carpenter in point in time and point in time J. R. Carpenter 2018 Q109713781
To My Bones electronic literature work Mireia Reverte 2018 Q109600585
Too Young to be Old electronic literature work Sofia da Palma Rodrigues
Diogo Cardoso
José Magro
Margarida David Cardoso
2020 Q109612192
Underbelly work of electronic literature Christine Wilks 2010 Q109237591
Unravelled electronic literature work Spenser Wain
Zac Urness
Kollin Branicki
2011 Q109600667
Victoria Park Found Dead at 45 electronic literature work Dashiel Carrera
Sarah Boudreau
Annie Raab
Mirna Palacio Ornelas
2018 Q109600789
We Are Angry work of electronic literature Lyndee Prickitt 2014 Q109714149
Welcome to Pine Point work of electronic literature Michael Simons
Paul Shoebridge
2011 Q109714154
What I Am Wearing 2014 literary work by Abby Sherlock in point in time and point in time Abby Sherlock 2014 Q109713589
Will To Win electronic literature work Berta Tilmantaite 2016 Q109612074
Window work of electronic literature Katharine Norman 2012 Q109237957
Yes, Really work of electronic literature Katharine Norman 2010 Q109713976 2016 literary work by Álvaro Seiça and Sindre Sørensen in point in time and point in time Álvaro Seiça
Sindre Sørensen
2016 Q109713588
c-ya-laterrr 2017 autobiographical hypertext fiction by Dan Hett Dan Hett 2020 16722 Q109237963
nothing you have done deserves such praise work of electronic literature Jason Nelson 2014 Q109713967

∑ 105 items.

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