Wikipedia:Oral citations experiment/Workshop description

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

As a post-conference event of the 2014 Participatory Design conference in Windhoek, Namibia, a workshop on oral citations for Wikipedia was conducted. It ran from 10 to 12 October 2014, its purpose was to collect information that can only be referenced to oral sources, to use this information to expand existing (or write new) articles, and thus create a repository of oral citations to support current and future policy discussions.

This experiment was organised by Peter Gallert and funded by the Wikimedia Foundation, Wikipedia editors were supported with a maximum of 1,000 US$ per person for travel and subsistence. The workshop was open only for invited participants.

Workshop schedule

  1. Fri 10 October: Morning session in the Namibiana section of the library of the Polytechnic of Namibia. The adopted article will, if possible, be expanded using offline written sources. After this session, all existing articles that have been improved are copied into the Wikipedia: name space so that they become a subpage of this page
  2. Fri 10 October, afternoon, on the road: Travel to Otjinene
  3. Sat 11 October, Otjinene: Interviews with knowledge bearers in the rural community, and expansion of articles from the list
  4. Sun 12 October, morning, on the road: Travel back to Windhoek
  5. Sun 12 October: Wrap-up and discussion


This workshop was supported by the Wikipedia Foundation with a maximum of 10 scholarships of a maximum of 1,000 US$ each. Details on the scholarship design are outlined here on meta.