Wikipedia:Not The Wikipedia Weekly/Header

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Not The Wikipedia Weekly is a grassroots project aiming to help connect and inform all contributors to Wikimedia Foundation projects through 'real world' conversations / podcasts. We host occasional Skype conference calls which are open to all, and we discuss various wiki issues of the moment. We want you to be involved! Anyone can host a conversation, and post the recording here, or just join a scheduled chat and listen / contribute as you see fit :-)

How to take part in Not The Wikipedia Weekly
General notes How to join a NTWW discussion
Meet Samantha, executive producer and spokesmodel for NTWW. She heads our board of directors
Passive participation

You're welcome to listen to our latest recording or browse through our episode archives.

Active participation

To participate, you'll need to install the latest version of Skype onto your computer, have a Skype ID you don't mind sharing with the world, and of course you'll need a microphone and speakers, or headset.

It's not very difficult to host a Skype conference call on your own, and you're welcome to propose a dedicated episode with participants and topics of your choosing, which would also Not The Wikipedia Weekly. Consensus at this page will determine whether or not they remain officially Not The Wikipedia Weekly however! Please do get involved!

  • Probably the easiest way to be part of a recording is to join the Not The Wikipedia Weekly Skype public chat before the recorded conversation starts, which can be reached by clicking on the link: Click to join the NTWW Skype public chat.
  • People in the NTWW Skype public chat will help you join the Skype conference call.
A word of caution

Please note that Skype is not a safe environment, and it is outside WMF. If you're at all in doubt, don't use it. Some suggestions to protect yourself from hacking and outing are described here. See also NTWW Skype chat — guidelines and usage hints


The official chats are dual licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License and the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. If you are unwilling to license your voice contributions under these licenses, do not participate in an official chat.

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