Wikipedia:GLAM/NHMandSM/Science Museum images

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Images released by the Science Museum, London under and open license

  • 14-wire cable damaged by fusion at Manchester University
    14-wire cable damaged by fusion at Manchester University
  • 60-inch cyclotron, c 1930s
    60-inch cyclotron, c 1930s
  • Artificial limbs for a thalidomide child, 1961-1965
    Artificial limbs for a thalidomide child, 1961-1965
  • Artificial nose, 17th-18th century
    Artificial nose, 17th-18th century
  • Babbage's Analytical Engine, 1834-1871
    Babbage's Analytical Engine, 1834-1871
  • Babbage's Difference Engine No 1, 1824-1832
    Babbage's Difference Engine No 1, 1824-1832
  • Baby Blue - a prototype polymerase chain reaction (PCR), c 1986
    Baby Blue - a prototype polymerase chain reaction (PCR), c 1986
  • Stephen Hawking's computer and speech synthesiser housing
    Stephen Hawking's computer and speech synthesiser housing
  • Demonstration model of Babbage’s Difference Engine No 1
    Demonstration model of Babbage’s Difference Engine No 1
  • Early Geiger counter, made by Hans Geiger, 1932
    Early Geiger counter, made by Hans Geiger, 1932
  • EMG Mark Xb handmade gramophone, c 1934
    EMG Mark Xb handmade gramophone, c 1934
  • Gearwheel cut-outs for Babbages Difference Engine No 1, 1824-1832
    Gearwheel cut-outs for Babbages Difference Engine No 1, 1824-1832
  • Glass flask used by Louis Pasteur
    Glass flask used by Louis Pasteur
  • Glass flask used by Marie Curie
    Glass flask used by Marie Curie
  • Glass prism, mounted at end of a brass tube, used by Sir William Herschel
    Glass prism, mounted at end of a brass tube, used by Sir William Herschel
  • Henry Wood’s printing press, 1934
    Henry Wood’s printing press, 1934
  • Hughes printing telegraph, 1860
    Hughes printing telegraph, 1860
  • Ionisation chamber made by Pierre Curie
    Ionisation chamber made by Pierre Curie
  • Iron artificial arm, 1560-1600
    Iron artificial arm, 1560-1600
  • Items belonging to Florence Nightingale, Nelson and Livingstone
    Items belonging to Florence Nightingale, Nelson and Livingstone
  • J J Thomson's cathode ray tube with magnet coils, 1897
    J J Thomson's cathode ray tube with magnet coils, 1897
  • James Lovelocks Electron capture detector for a gas chromatograph
    James Lovelocks Electron capture detector for a gas chromatograph
  • Laennec's stethoscope, c 1820
    Laennec's stethoscope, c 1820
  • Medicine chest used by Captain Scott, 1910-1912
    Medicine chest used by Captain Scott, 1910-1912
  • Michael Faraday's chemical chest, 19th century
    Michael Faraday's chemical chest, 19th century
  • Molecular model of Penicillin by Dorothy Hodgkin
    Molecular model of Penicillin by Dorothy Hodgkin
  • Napoleon’s toothbrush
    Napoleon’s toothbrush
  • Nobel prize medal awarded to Alexander Fleming, 1945
    Nobel prize medal awarded to Alexander Fleming, 1945
  • One sample of shape-memory polymer foam, as researched for use in shape-changing aeroplanes
    One sample of shape-memory polymer foam, as researched for use in shape-changing aeroplanes
  • Original cavity magnetron, 1940
    Original cavity magnetron, 1940
  • Prototype photon counting system, c 1980
    Prototype photon counting system, c 1980
  • Punch cards in tray for Pilot ACE computer built at the National Physical Laboratory c. 1950
    Punch cards in tray for Pilot ACE computer built at the National Physical Laboratory c. 1950
  • Quadrant electrometer built by Pierre Curie, 1880-1890
    Quadrant electrometer built by Pierre Curie, 1880-1890
  • SABRE engine designed for Skylon spaceplane, 1990s
    SABRE engine designed for Skylon spaceplane, 1990s
  • Sample of Edward Jenners hair, 1823
    Sample of Edward Jenners hair, 1823
  • Sample of penicillin mould presented by Alexander Fleming to Douglas Macleod, 1935
    Sample of penicillin mould presented by Alexander Fleming to Douglas Macleod, 1935
  • Sample radio telescope receiver, 1986
    Sample radio telescope receiver, 1986
  • Scanning Tunnelling Microscope, 1986
    Scanning Tunnelling Microscope, 1986
  • Set of 16 prototype electrodes for applied potential tomography (APT), 1987
    Set of 16 prototype electrodes for applied potential tomography (APT), 1987
  • Silica Space Shuttle thermal protection (TPS) tile, c 1980
    Silica Space Shuttle thermal protection (TPS) tile, c 1980
  • Sir Ernest Rutherford's laboratory, early 20th century
    Sir Ernest Rutherford's laboratory, early 20th century
  • Skeletal arm showing diamond coated steel pins stabilising broken bones by connecting them to steel splints
    Skeletal arm showing diamond coated steel pins stabilising broken bones by connecting them to steel splints
  • Smyth's revised ozonometer, 1865
    Smyth's revised ozonometer, 1865
  • Stainless steel and ultra high molecular weight polythene hip replacement
    Stainless steel and ultra high molecular weight polythene hip replacement
  • Telstar solar cells, c 1980
    Telstar solar cells, c 1980
  • Template from Crick and Watson’s DNA molecular model, 1953
    Template from Crick and Watson’s DNA molecular model, 1953
  • The physicists Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli and Rudolf Peierls, c 1953
    The physicists Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli and Rudolf Peierls, c 1953
  • Thomson's mirror galvanometer, 1858
    Thomson's mirror galvanometer, 1858
  • Trematode cyst-infected Pacific Treefrog (Hyla regilla) with supernumerary limbs
    Trematode cyst-infected Pacific Treefrog (Hyla regilla) with supernumerary limbs
  • Two experimental models for Babbage's Analytical Engine, c 1870
    Two experimental models for Babbage's Analytical Engine, c 1870
  • Wax anatomical model of female human head showing internal structure of skull
    Wax anatomical model of female human head showing internal structure of skull
  • Williamson home constructed amplifier, c 1949
    Williamson home constructed amplifier, c 1949
  • X-ray spectrometer, 1912
    X-ray spectrometer, 1912