Wikipedia:Dyslexic readers

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The OpenDyslexic font has been specially designed for dyslexic readers to reduce the unintentional mental movement of typographical characters. (BBC News - OpenDyslexic font gains ground with help of Instapaper) To enable the OpenDyslexic font on Wikipedia:

  1. Locate the languages cogwheel icon on the page, or simply click this one: .
    • In the default Vector 2022 skin, it is accessible through the language selector dropdown menu, which appears as: XX languages, in the upper right corner of the page. The icon will be at the bottom of that dropdown menu.
    • In other skins, it can be found at the top of the "Languages" section of the page's left sidebar.
    Having located the cogwheel, click it
  2. Select "Fonts"
  3. Tick the box labelled "Download fonts when needed", if it is not already ticked
  4. Select "OpenDyslexic" from the dropdown
  5. Click "Apply settings"
  6. Refresh the page

To read the OpenDyslexic font properly, you may need to increase the zoom level in your web browser. In most browsers, this is done by pressing Ctrl+ (or ⌘ Cmd+ on Mac).

Alternatively, if that method does not work, login or create an account and add the following code to Special:MyPage/common.css:

@font-face {font-family:OpenDyslexic;src:url('');font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;}
@font-face {font-family:OpenDyslexic;src:url('');font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;}
@font-face {font-family:OpenDyslexic;src:url('');font-weight:normal;font-style:italic;}
@font-face {font-family:OpenDyslexic;src:url('');font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;}

See also