Wikipedia:Articles for creation/2006-03-30

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The Ching Wah (Kinka) Pig is a breed of swine from China. The breed is particularly well known in China and Japan for its black face and tail, its small size and for the good textured pork it yields. The famous Ching Wah ham is named after the pork and is very expensive if it is made authentically.


Japanese language wikipedia is the only source I could find. Please see 02:16, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yonkers High School


List of Canadian Natural Gas Companies

Right to Die New Zealand

This request has been accepted. Please do not modify it.

Super Aleste (called Space Megaforce in the American release) is a vertical-scrolling shooter game, part of the long-running Aleste series by Compile. In a traditional fashion, the player pilots a space ship through a variety of locales crawling with enemy squadrons to shoot down. However, Super Aleste also offers a "Short Game", where only a set of small levels are played, with the emphasis on scoring as many points as possible.


There are eight types of weapons to use, and each can be powered up by collecting chips (small spherical items). Picking up chips causes the player's current weapon to level-up, to a maximum of six. There are two types of chips to find; Orange chips contribute to a level-up, but at higher levels, more chips are required to reach the next level. Green chips make the weapon level up instantly. Each weapon has a function that can be manipulated with the Shot-Control button, changing around the weapon's abilities to suit different situations. Switching to another weapon is done by picking up a numbered item, with initials representing one of the eight weapons. The types are Multiple Shot (standard bullets, which can be set to fire in different patterns), Laser (lightning gun, which can fire homing bolts or swiveling streams), Multi-Direction Shot/All-Way (plasma balls which are aimed by pressing the control pad before holding Fire, and can be controlled to either aim freely, or strafe), Missile (shoot strong straight-firing missiles, or slightly less powerful homing missiles), Circle (small Multiple Shot, and spheres orbit the player, rapidly damaging whatever they hit, and can be set to stop moving), Power Shot (small Multiple Shot, hold Fire to charge up energy, and release to fire a continuous beam, can be set to charge quicker with no Multiple Shot), Scatter (shoot bombs that split into bullets upon impact, can be set to fire at an angle based on horizontal movement), and Sprite (small ships follow the player, all able to shoot one stream of bullets each, can be set to lock positions). In standard shooter fashion, the player is alloted a supply of smart bombs. Unlike in most games, these bombs don't render the player invincible, although they do block most enemy projectiles. Upon releasing a bomb, it creates an expanding ring of explosions that spread out, then converge.

Health and Lives

Oddly enough, the player's health is tied to the level of their weapon. When the ship is hit, the weapon loses four levels of power (but it cannot go below 0). If the weapon is already at level 0 upon getting hit, the player dies. This means the weapon must be at level 5 or 6 for the ship to survive two hits. Also, there are two types of extra lives; Normally, if the player dies, they try the level again at the last checkpoint. However, it is possible to convert lives into Special Lives with a certain power-up; These allow the player to come back at the exact place they were killed, losing no progress. If the player has enough lives that a number is used to display them, then the icon becomes red if they have at least one Special Life left.


Many different items can be picked up during levels. Weapon Switch: This item will switch your weapon to the indicated type. If you already have the shown weapon type, it will raise your power by 1. Cycling Weapon Switch: This is a different Weapon Switch item, which cycles through all eight types. You can shoot it to stop it cycling for a moment. Enemy Eraser: Shooting a Cycling Weapon Switch enough will turn it into this small ball of energy. The moment you touch it, every enemy and projectile on the screen will be destroyed. Spare Bomb: Adds a bomb to your reserve.


[[3]] Super Aleste review on SHMUPS! 03:13, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  • Created, thanks. JIP | Talk 15:47, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

|- | style="text-align:center;" | This is an archived discussion. Please do not modify it. |}

PSL Soccer League / Polesoccer

info on granular records

Headcandy is a series of DVD and VHS programs which immerse the viewer in a soothing, hypnotic and kaleidoscopic light show of music, light and sound. Each program was meticulously created and timed to work while wearing special white-light refracting prism glasses which were included with each program. In a dark room with the TV as the only light source, the glasses would "split" the screen into multiple images, oftentimes alternating from a single, large image to a wall of multiple psychedelic visuals and free-floating objects. Coupled with the eclectic and soothing music included (plus the stick of Primo brand incense which came in later packages) the effect on the viewer was nothing short of hallucinatory bliss.

Headcandy became an minor international cult phenomenon throughout the 1990's as creators Christopher Juul and Doug Jipson released five different colorful and kaleidoscopic "experiences" from 1992 through 1999.

In The Beginning

The first Headcandy title was picked up for distribution by ex-Monkee Michael Nesmith's label, Pacific Arts. "Headcandy: Aerobics For The Brain" was released on VHS and laserdisc in 1993 (initially with two pair of prism glasses included). Riding alongside the success of Miramar's "The Minds Eye" video series of computer generated images, interest was excellent, prompting Pacific Arts to order a sequel. Ted Turner wound up purchasing the PBS series Nesmith's Pacific Art's had distributed, subsequently putting Pacific Arts out of business. Volume Two of Headcandy was created, but never released. This title featured music from Tampa musician Michael Brown and was about 60 minutes in length.

Headcandy with music from Brian Eno & Robert Fripp

Headcandy teamed with Los Angeles based multi-media upstart ION in late 1993. ION had just completed a "new" technological step forward in music and album content by creating an interactive CD-ROM called "Jump" which starred David Bowie and featured his music. Headcandy, now redubbed "Headcandy with music by Brian Eno" featured a collaboration with Robert Fripp in what turned out to be their first collaboration in years. Five original pieces of music were created to accompany the mesmerizing visuals: Castro Haze, Manila Envelope, Spunk Worship, Beast, Alloy Balcony and Jets Overhead. The Headcandy CD-ROM was a finalist in the "1996 Digital Hollywood Awards" competing against other titles by Bob Dylan, Todd Rundgren, and The Cranberries in the category " BEST MUSIC CD-ROM". This title was about 45 - 50 minutes in length and is currently out of print.

Sidney's Psychedelic Adventure

"Sidney's Psychedelic Adventure" was released in 1996 / 1997 on DVD and VHS. This volume included music by then late Grateful Dead leader Jerry Garcia (with Merl Saunders) to anchor the soundtrack along with ambient electronic music from Alpha Wave Movement, Richard Bone and more. This title was packaged with two pairs of prismatic glasses and a stick of Primo incense and was roughly 60 minutes in length.

Psychedelic Headcandy

"Psychedelic Headcandy" was released in 1999. Using state-of-the-art digital technology, Headcandy again succeeded in creating a completely mind-blowing series of kaleidoscopic and trippy images set to ambient and world music. The "Psychedelic Headcandy" soundtrack included songs from Mickey Hart (of the Grateful Dead), Tom Aragon, Saul Stokes, Richard Bone, Syndrone and more. This title was roughly 60 minutes in length and was only released on VHS for a short time.

-- 01:15, 29 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

In the State of California, a "3-day Notice to Perform Covenant or Quit" is given by the residence landlord or property manager if the tenant is believed or known to be in violation of one or more of the provisions of the signed "Rental Agreement". Examples of lease violations: playing music or tv WAY too loud and disturbing other tenants, has a dog/cat/animal that is not allowed, is burning newspapers on the balcony, etc. The tenant has 3 days to stop or move out. California law provides that the tenant's breach(es) of covenant (or "Rental Agreement") must be a major violation; not nominal (e.g., a crying baby).


CCP § 1161(3). 18:46, 29 March 2006 (UTC)Jason Marshall, A-B-A Certified Paralegal.[reply]

Wild Bill Peyto

Kyle Martirez-McIntosh


Svein Heglund

Svein Heglund was Norway's topscorer during the war, Svein flew with the 331 squadron and was one of the first groups of cadets joining the Norwegian squadrons, Svein was in 331 squad at their stay at the Orkney Island, and then down at North Weald. After his first tour of duty was up, Svein joined the Transport Command flying planes over from the States via Greenland. He later joined a British nightfighter squadron 85 flying Mosquitos. According to everyone who knew him, one of Svein's biggest assets was his good eyesight. He could see enemy planes before any others. One bad incident happened when Svein thought he saw a squadron of FW190 planes on attack vector. He called the break later to find out it was British Typhoon planes. A member of Svein's flight openened fire before they could stop the attack and the Typhoon went down in flames.

Howewer, Svein Heglund was (with Rolf Arne Berg and the dane Kaj Birksted) the best fighter pilot Norway had during the whole war. His record speaks for itself. His book "Høk over Høk" is available in any book store, just ask for it. It's the best Norwegian written book about the Norwegian fighter operations during the war.

Svein Heglund died in 1995.


Book: Høk over Høk, Svein Heglund.


Sinosphere is a grouping of countries and regions that are currently inhabited with a significant number of Chinese descents or historically under Chinese cultural influence. James C. Bennett, founder of The Anglosphere Institute, sees it as a network commonwealth between Chinese people around the world. [5] Bennett envisgates the Sinosphere consisting of China proper and its overseas Chinese and disaposra in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and to some extent, Singapore. In other words, the unifying links is based on linguistics.

In Chinese commentator circles, the term Chinese cultural sphere (zh-tw:中華文化圈 zhonghua wenhua quan) is used interchangably for Sinosphere but covering a broader definition. Chinese cultural sphere denotes a grouping of countries, regions, and people with Chinese cultural legacies. This includes the Sinosphere under the Bennett definition plus countries that have extensive Chinese cultural heritage or are with significant Chinese populations in modern times, including Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Korea (South and North), and Japan. An alternative word coined is Chinese character cultural sphere (zh-tw:漢字文化圏 hanzi wenhua quan ja:漢字文化圏 kanji bunkaken).

Modern Origins: 1990s

The concept of Sinosphere predated the popularization of the modern idea of Anglosphere in the English-speaking world. In the early post-Cold War period of the 1990s, economic reforms in mainland China, coupled with recognition of the People's Republic of China as a rival government from the part of the Republic of China (Taiwan), increased economic and cultural exchanges between overseas Chinese and China itself, led to emergence of the concept of a network of Chinese people. Later on, this definition was broadened to include non-Chinese countries that had historical heritage influenced by China as countries such as Japan and South Korea have increased their economic and cultural contacts with the Chinese-speaking communities in breadth and scope.

Sometimes in East Asia the term Sinosphere is used to imply the concept of East Asian integration.

Defining characteristics

Bennett considers the Sinosphere is unified by first language ability in Chinese. Asian commentators define the unifying factor as influence of traditional Chinese cultural beliefs, marked by Confucianism, Taoism, and the East Asian take on Buddhism, and the use of Chinese characters as a major part of writing system (kanji in Japanese, hanja in Korean, and hanzi in Chinese).

Current Developments

The concept of Sinosphere seemed to undergo a setback with the Asian financial crisis and the advent of the dotcom economies in 1997 and 1998. However, with China's membership in the WTO and continuing economic development there are some repopularizations of the use of the term Sinosphere.

The development of the Anglosphere (translated into Chinese as zh-tw:英語文化圈 English language cultural sphere) provides an interesting contrast. A majority of current (as of 2006) Asian commentators supportive of the Sinosphere are not aware of the similarly defined concept of Anglosphere. Among the few who do, the common response to the concept is either derision or fear. Those who regard the Anglosphere with scorn take the route that regionalist consolidations will triumph over cultural affinities that are separated by grographical distances, and the Sinosphere is more consolidated on a geographical sense than the more dispersed Anglosphere, and also because they regard China's economic might will overtake the Anglosphere in the not too distant future. Detractors who see the Anglosphere as a threat to the Sinosphere regard the Anglosphere as a concept of Anglo-Saxon imperialism and haegemony, and translate the term into Chinese as zh-tw:盎格魯共榮圈 (literally Anglo-Saxon Co-Prosperity Sphere) in an attempt to evoke the memory over the historical Japanese concept of East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere during the World War II period [6]. Some other commentators point out India is an Anglosphere member and it has the potential to overtake China in economic developments. Some also see the Anglosphere's flexible nature and civil society base as points of strengths that the Sinosphre lack and which will guarantee it will pose a serious competition against the Sinosphere.

Currently Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan are both contested by Anglosphere and Sinosphere proponents as under each respective sphere. Singapore has 76% Chinese majority but its governmental, legal and business practice are more akin to English-speaking countries courtesy of its British colonial past. Hong Kong's position is similar to Singapore but its population is 98% Chinese and Chinese rather than English is commonly used on ths streets. Japan had ancient Chinese influence ever since the Taika Reform period, however, the Anglosphere has displaced China in influence from the time of Commodore Matthew Perry's visit in 1853.

Sinosphere: Reference

[[7]] Developments, Exchanges, and Conflicts Between Eastern and Western Civilizations, Professor Lin Binye, East China Normal University, delivered 20 February 2002 at North Point Teachers Centre, Hong Kong (primary source material for the History and Culture subject curriculum developments, Education and Manpower Bureau, Hong Kong Special Admkinistrative Region Government) (in Chinese)

[[8]] Chinese Cultural Sphere and the Use of Chinese Characters, Zhe Shiya (in Chinese)


Sources 21:52, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]



{{Infobox Single}}

Nanairo no Ashita~brand new beat~ (七色の明日~brand new beat~) / Your Color is BoA's 19th Japanese single, to be released on April 5th, 2006, as a double A side single. It will be available in CD and CD+DVD format.


Music Video

TV Performances


{{Infobox Single}}

Commercial endorsements

Your Color is used as the title song for the Xbox 360 video game Ninety-Nine Nights.

Track listing


  1. 七色の明日~brand new beat~
  2. Your Color
  3. 七色の明日~brand new beat~〈TV MIX〉
  4. Your Color〈TV MIX〉


  1. 七色の明日~brand new beat~ video clip
  2. 七色の明日~brand new beat~ video clip dance version


Category:2006 singles

Category:BoA singles

Category:J-pop (releases)

Obelisk Origins

the runte syndrome


Fred Kopietz, Animator for Ub Iwerks, Walter Lantz and Walt Disney

Rahul Bhardwaj

Israeli 2006 Election

SN330 Hardware Firewall with VPN and Bandwidth Management

synovial fluid

Dean Mardon video

star wars battlefront 3

Yoshino Yamamoto

TVR Test

Mumbai cricket association


Facts about MOD

Silent Heroes is a total conversion mod to the game Battlefield 1942. The scenario pitches the brother-countries of Sweden and Norway in a full out war against eachother, and allows the player to play with a full range of military toys from both sides.

The mod first public release was 19th of December 2003 and it soon found a large fanbase in Scandinavia. Silent Heroes was played extensivly until the release of Battlefield 2 wich left most Battlefield 1942 Mods with a drained player-base. The mod does however still have a large fanbase and is activly played.

Some of the things that sets the mod apart from others is the usage of real-world scale vehicles, focus on ground-units with support of helicopters, no parachutes for normal soldiers, sniper has a reinforce-flag to allow para-drops of team-mates, helicopters and vehicles has several custom crosshairs (no other mod managed to do this), animated HUD, unique Swedish and Norwegian voice-overs for all speech, CO-OP-support for almost all maps and all Battlefield 1942 - and it's still being updated!

The SH v1.1 content-patch is due to be released on the 22th of April 2006. It will feature new maps, units (amongst them, large sea-vessels for naval warfare), sounds and a lot of tweaks and fixes.


  • Swedish and Norwegian knifes
  • Glock 17 (as Pistol 88)
  • Mark 23 SOCOM
  • FN FNC modified (as AK5), in several different versions.
  • H&K G3 (as AG3), in several different versions.
  • H&K G3 modified (as AK4), in several different versions.
  • G36, in several different versions.
  • SFW, in several different versions.
  • MG3
  • FN Minimi (as KSP90)
  • FN MAG 58 (as KSP58)
  • H&K MSG90
  • NM149 Sniper Rifle
  • Accuracy International L96A1 AW modified (as PSG90)
  • Barrett M82A1 (as AG90)
  • Bofors AT-4 (as AT-4 and Pskott m/86)
  • SACO Defense Mark 19 Mod 3 (as Grsp)
  • HMG .50 Cal (as TKSP)
  • Handgrenades
  • Smokegrandes
  • Signal smokegrenades
  • M203 grenade-launcher and H&K HK79 grenade-launcher is used on the Assualt-class main weapon.
  • Heavy tank-mines (as Strvm 5)

Land Units

  • TGB5
  • TGB5N
  • TGB20
  • TGB1111
  • IFAV
  • SISU XA-180 (Swedish and Norwegian model)
  • CV9030
  • Strf9040
  • Strf9040 with open hatches and mounted KSP58.
  • Strf90120
  • Gepard
  • NM142
  • Grkpbv90120
  • Leo1
  • Leo2A4
  • Leo2A5S (as Strv122)


  • Bell412 (also in Swedish version as HKP11)
  • Westland Lynx
  • NH 90 (as HKP14)
  • MBB BO 105 CB-3 (as HKP9)
  • Commanche (as HKP16)
  • Tiger (two differently armed versions)

Sea Units

  • Gbat
  • Strb90E
  • Korvett Visby
  • Korvett Stockholm
  • Hauk
  • Skjold


Sources 10:52, 29 March 2006 (UTC)Zarkow[reply]

Peter Korn is Sun Microsystems'[11] Accessibility Architect [12]. Having been involved in accessibility since his work at Berkeley Systems [13] who produced an early product in the Accessibility field called outSPOKEN.

Korn has been active [14] in the OpenDocument controversy in Massachusetts. His team [15] at Sun has been active not only with OpenDocument, but also with GNOME [16].

Sources Eliot Lear

created This request for creation has been accepted. Please do not modify it.
This is an archived discussion. Please do not modify it.

Bold textT-Bone Terry & The Red Hot BluesBold text arose out of the rough streets of Park-Extension in Montreal,Canada. The band was formed in 2002 by ex-Eudoxis frontman Sotiri Papafylis and brother "Guitar" George Papafilys formerly of Payback. The band also features "Caveman" Carmine Nola and tattoed swing drummer Gino "The Gun" Beaupré. A tireless touring schedule which spanned three years established them as a premier live act. The band has now taken a break from the live scene in order to work on their debut release which is tentatively titled "Hotline". It will include "Dean (The Mean Machine) which was played live along with "Methadone Blues", "Tail Drag Shuffle",and "Lightnin'" a tribute to the late Lightnin'Hopkins. Other influences include Howling Wolf,Buddy Guy,Willie Dixon, and the J.Geils Band.


Impressions in complete dentures

  • Cairns Northern News is one of three community newspapers (The Cairns Bulletin and The Southern Herald).' It is home delivered FREE mid month to all the northern beaches suburbs of Cairns, Australia between Ellis Beach and Machans Beach with outlet distribution to Kuranda, post offices, libraries, petrol stations, supermarkets, newsagents, cnr shops etc. Population reach approx 25,000

As an independent publication, * Cairns Northern News has existed for the last ten years. The paper is very well read by the local community because of its local relevant content and direct input from community members. The newspaper is published by 'Cairns Community Newspapers' and it's printed in Mackay by the independent APN Newspapers Pty Ltd.

Readers turn to their local newspaper as one of the best sources of information about issues affecting the northern beaches community. * Cairns Northern News supports local businesses and community organisations with newsworthy editorial content through out the year. Cairns Northern News are currently working on a Cairns' first website called Cairns Newspapers due to be launched in April, and dedicated to bringing the community together.


See also

{{t1|newspaper-stub}} 15:26, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

  • Cairns Community Newspapers publishes 'The Cairns Bulletin, The Northern News and The Southern Herald.' These newspapers are delivered FREE mid month to the Cairns, Australia suburbs with outlet distribution to post offices, libraries, petrol stations, supermarkets, newsagents, cnr shops etc.

As an independent publishing company, Cairns Community Newspapers started ten years ago with its first publication The Northern News. The newspapers are very well read by the local community because of their local relevant content and direct input from community members. The newspapers are printed in Mackay by the independent APN Newspapers Pty Ltd.

Readers turn to their local newspapers as one of the best sources of information about issues affecting the Cairns community. Cairns Community Newspapers support local businesses and community organisations with newsworthy editorial content through out the year. Cairns Community Newspapers are currently working on a Cairns' first website called Cairns Newspapers due to be launched in April, and dedicated to bringing the community together.


See also

{{t1|newspaper-stub}} 15:08, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Caoch howard

  • The Southern Herald is one of three community newspapers '(The Cairns Bulletin and Cairns Northern News.)' The newspaper is home delivered FREE mid month to all the southern suburbs of Cairns, Australia from Bayview Heights to Gordonvale with outlet distribution to Yarrabah, post offices, libraries, petrol stations, supermarkets, newsagents, cnr shops etc. Population reach approx 40,000.

As an independent publication The Southern Herald is very well read by the local community because of its local relevant content and direct input from community members. The newspaper is published by Cairns Community Newspapers and printed in Mackay by the independent APN Newspapers Pty Ltd.

Readers turn to their local newspaper as one of the best sources of information about issues affecting the Cairns southside community. The Southern Herald supports local businesses and community organisations with newsworthy editorial content through out the year. The Southern Herald is currently working on Cairns' first web site called Cairns Newspapers due to be launched in April, and dedicated to bringing the community together.


See also =

Binturung - Arctitis binturong

Also known as the Bear Cat, Binturung are a member of the Viverride family.

They are found in southern Asia eg Malaysia.

They have tufted ears and prehensile tails, they live in forests on both the trees themselves and the forest floor. Binturung are omnivorus, with their diet consisting of fruit, insects and small mammals and birds. Binturung favour the night but it is not uncommon for them to be active at day either.

Binturung are endangered due to decline of their habitats, and to hunt or own as a pet or own products made fomr one a government lisensce is required.


Colchester Zoo - England 16:12, 29 March 2006 (UTC)Iralie[reply]



he ia BO BO HEAD


Low-level emulation

Low Level Emulation (LLE) is a way of emulating software using only (sometimes less) the needed parts that make the program execute and run. LLE emulates hardware from the bottom up rather then emulating only certain parts of the hardware to make the software run. LLE often runs much slower then High Level Emulation but gives a much more accurate emulation.

Pensions Act 2004

The Pension Act 2004, established the Pension Protection Fund.

Sources 17:25, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Luce Forward is a full service law firm that has offices in various locations in California, including San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Del Mar. The firm has various practices including (but not limited to) real estate, corporate law, insurance defense, intellectual property litigation, patent prosecution, and more.

Sources 00:03, 30 March 2006 (UTC)Josh Dugan[reply]


From writer/director richard kelly(Donnie Darko) comes the tale that involves "a genetically designed, upright walking cow-beast." Though this film is only in pre-pre production.

Dan Jones is a film and television composer and sound designer based in Bristol, England whose most notable scores include Shadow of the Vampire starring John Malkovich and Willem Dafoe for Nicolas Cage's Saturn Films and Menno Meyjes' Max starring John Cusack for which he recieved the Ivor Novello Award for Best Film Score 2004. His television work includes Sir David Attenborough's The Life of Mammals, the BBC series Strange, Pawel Pawlikowski's drama "Twockers" and he collaborated with Sebastião Salgado, John Berger and Paul Carlin on the BBC Arena (television) special "The Spectre of Hope"

In 1997 he teamed up with Alpha (band) producing orchestral arrangements for their albums ComeFromHeaven and The Impossible Thrill and Jarvis Cocker's cover of "This is Where I Came In" with for Massive Attack's Melankolic label.

He is also involved in producing large scale public artworks such as Sky Orchestra in which music is played from numerous hot air balloons. His music has also been used by the Rambert Dance Company, Tate Modern and The European Space Agency

He is a founder member and co-artistic director of Sound and Fury Theatre Company whose productions have pioneered the immersive use of experimental sound design.


External links 00:21, 30 March 2006 (UTC) This submission is to replace the incorrect links from Max (film), Shadow of the Vampire and List of soundtrack composers which have hitherto linked to the entry on the American painter Dan Jones. I would assert that it is only fair that he does not receive credit (or blame) for the output of the composer of the same name.[reply]

Mary Wacker

Astrobattle is a online multiplayer 2d space game made by Scott Williams, owner of LavaLord Games. Astrobattle2 is a 3d version of the same game, and is currently in alpha form. There are also many guilds of this game, like: RK (renegade Knighthood) GF (galactic Federation, Listed as UFP) BloodRaven and more.

The current release version is 1.08

Sources 00:51, 30 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Astrobattle is infact one of the most intreging ship building and fighting games on the net. You can create ships up to a 100k credit limit (Not real currency) for every ship and how you build it and how it runs is completly up to you. There are several Factions that have been set up by fans as well. the alpha demo is out and the final release will be a must for all you space pilots out there.

Astrobattle is a online multiplayer 2d space game made by Scott Williams, owner of LavaLord Games. Astrobattle2 is a 3d version of the same game, and is currently in alpha form. There are also many guilds of this game, like: RK (Renegade Knighthood) GF (Galactic Federation, Listed as UFP) Blood-Raven and more. (Lut work on grammer please) The current release version is 1.08

Sources 00:53, 30 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Clements Student Council