User talk:Shassan98/Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

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Montserrat Aguilar-Navarro's Peer Review:

Hi y’all , So far the draft is off to a great start!

Intro: Moving forward I would suggest maybe having a sub-section in the introduction that discusses who Keeanga-Yamahtaa Taylor is outside of her publications. For example, when/where was she born? What was her life like growing up? What led her to pursue/write political activism type books? I think it would be really interesting as the reader to know more about who she is as a person and how it relates to her role as an activist. Maybe y’all can look for interviews she’s done to learn more about her journey and how it led her to where she is now(that’s something that my group looked into for Alicia Garza’s and it was extremely helpful!).

Activism: Similar to what I said for the intro, I think it’d be great to show her journey as an activist, whether it started in the education setting or in her personal relationships.

Selected Publications: Capitalize Black in the second sentence of the “Racism and Criminal Justice System” section. For the "Back story to the neoliberal moment: Race taxes and the political economy of black urban housing in the 1960s,” is this an article/essay?

Books: Just wondering if ya’’ plan on including something about the text we read in class (if it’s not already on the Wikipedia page). Because we spent a few weeks with the book y’all might have more insight to contribute than what may/may not already be on the official Wikipedia page for KYT

Professor Garth's Peer Review of the KYT Page:

Hi all--I am glad to see that you are pulling this together.

You have a dangling note in there (( : mentioned in the references) ) that should be turned into a proper citation.

I see that you have not added the "Career" section to your sandbox to work on, but I think there is a lot that can be expanded there, especially in recent years and even recent months. You could really include a lot of the media interviews that she has done this year.

I also think you could add a whole awards section, but either way need to update her awards through 2021.

Here's just a few examples:

I would also find a way to add this story:

I would also suggest reading her contributions to the New Yorker to add substantive information about the kind of work she does, both academic and political:

Chloe Pearson's Peer Review :)

Hi all!

Intro: Great intro. I like your addition of a project that is still in the works. It shows currency in her work. I think maybe adding a quick statement about her education might be a good addition to general information about her. Also, I think maybe adding other things about her as an individual outside her books might be a great addition to the introduction.

Activism: I would cite the first and second sentence. I love your work on her activism. However, I would maybe change the wording a little to neutralize it a bit. Still, a great portion. Maybe also add her affiliations in relation to her activism. Like what kind of organizations is she active in? You might also not need the last bit about how she is the author of From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation since it discussed in other areas.

Selected Publications: I love the explanation of each publication. Nice touch. I would focus on what her overarching arguments are in each rather than just facts she notes in these works. Maybe a combination of both would work. Your explanation of “Black Placemaking” is great. In the second sentence I would start with something like “Taylor argues it is possible for black Americans….”

Books: I would maybe try and make a larger category that includes both the publications and books you have highlighted.

Other suggestions: I would touch on her work as an educator more. I think maybe talking about her life and experiences outside her publications would be great too. Lastly, I would try to see everything she has been active in and working on as recent as possible to keep it as current as you can since she is a figure that is still alive. 2603:8001:8D00:6361:888B:D95E:4024:D57A (talk) 18:59, 19 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Sarah Kadhium Peer Review Hi! Introduction: Although the introduction is well-written, I would include links to related topics in the post. While the material is well-organized, advocacy may benefit from more detail.

Content: After the introduction, adding more material, such as career and education, would be beneficial. The information is still current and important to the subject.

Tone and balance: overall tone is not bias.

Sources and references: paragraphs within selected publication need a secondary source citation. As well as the activism paragraph.

Organization: well structured and no grammatical errors.

Overall impression:

This is a very well article that only needs small revisions. Focus on incorporating links to important subjects. In addition, I'd add a career and education section, which I see is already present on the original Wikipedia version. The section on selected publications is solid, but it lacks citations where they are needed. This article's material is excellent in general!

Great job!Sarahkadhium (talk) 19:21, 20 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Sarah Cooper's Peer Review: I really really like how this article is organized, especially with the Activism section and her published works with brief descriptions. In my opinion, other things I would like to see is information about her early life and her connections to activism. I think a section that talks about her childhood, family, and personal life would help round out her article. I also think I'd like to see more about how she started as an activist and general movements she is involved in on top of the specific events that are in this draft and the published article. Good work! Scooper36 (talk) 03:45, 21 May 2021 (UTC)[reply]