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Human Beings Vs. Earth


EDITOR'S NOTE : The following is a hypothesis only. Timelines given are guesstimates. This, however, does not detract from the generality of the conjecture presented.


TIME : 5000,000 B.C. Earth is full of intelligent beings. None of them, however, is human.

All these pre-humans are living in perfect peace and harmony with each other, and with mother nature. The tranquility is not going to last long though, since humans are about to arrive, from dying parts of the cosmos.

Group 1 is the first to arrive. They mostly settle in what would later come to be called the African subcontinent.

Group 2 is the next. They are as peace-loving as Group 1. Quick convenient arrangements are soon worked out between the two groups. Group 2 mostly ends up 'owning' what would later come to be called South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Tibet, Afghanistan, etc.)

Group 3 follows. They are from the nearby planet of Mars. They are extremely industrious too, but are of a volatile temperament. Under non-provocative stances offered by Groups 1 and 2, they, however, start becoming 'civilized', and merge in. They settle in what would later come to be called China, Indo-China, Mongolia, parts of Tibet and Nepal, etc.

Group 4 finally arrives, from some remote corners of the galaxy.

This latest group of immigrants is Sanskrit-speaking. Speech, of course, is a metaphor only in this context, since, at that stage in pre-history, all humans were communicating telepathically and vocal sounds were neither needed nor existed.

Group 4 humans call themselves Aryans (rare ones). They have this divine belief about themselves that they are the born masters of the universe.

There is a lot of in-fighting among Aryans but, when dealing with non-Aryans or non-humans, they always present a united front.

Aryans are also the most scientifically advanced ones, at least among the four groups earth has seen so far. With typical Aryan arrogance, they start characterizing everyone and everything on earth, from their own standpoint.

They name Group 1 'neerog' because of this group's robust disease-free life style (in Sanskrit, 'neerog' means disease-free) . The word 'neerog' will slowly evolve into 'neero' and will finally become its modern form 'Negro'.

When it comes to Group 2, Aryans notice, to their own surprise, that this group is extremely proficient in liquid chemistry and that it can produce wonder drugs using what look like (at least to Aryan eyes) non-scientific methods. Aryans end up labeling this group as 'drav-vaidhyas' ('liquid experts' in Sanskrit). The word 'drav-vaidhya' will slowly evolve to its modern form 'Dravid'.

Aryans also notice that Group 2's talents peak during nights. Mockingly, they also end up calling them 'Tamil' ('tam' in Sanskrit means dark).

Aryans finally turn their attention to Group 3 whom they really find difficult to handle, since this group is very war-like by nature, especially when feeling threatened.

Because Group 3 arrived from Mars, Aryans call them 'mangals' (in Sanskrit 'mangal' means Mars). The word will slowly evolve to its modern form 'Mongols'.

Aryans also name their new home 'Dhara' (in Sanskrit, 'dhara' means place of landing). The word 'Dhara' has led to the modern Latin word 'Terra'. The same word has also been somehow reversed by Arabs and survives as Arabic word 'Erdh' (predecessor of English word 'Earth').

As alluded to above, Aryans are disliked by all non-Aryans. They are especially disliked by Mongols because of their deceit-ful ways (at least in Mongol eyes!). Frequent wars erupt between these two races. These wars go on for millions of years. Paradoxically, human nature being what it is, a lot of inter-racial friendships also develop.

Dravids and Negroes join the above wars too, but only occasionally and only when their immediate well-being is under direct threat. Needless to say, Mongols and Aryans remain major competitors for supremacy.

Aryans never win any war convincingly but still slowly become the most forceful 'culture' on earth. This happens primarily because the Aryan value system is quite compatible with humanity's base instincts (greed, material pleasure, killing and destroying for fun, etc.) .

Sanskrit becomes the accepted language of the 'civilized' world (including elite in the non-Aryan world ) and of international communication. Please remember, dear readers, that telepathy was the sole means of communication in those days. But, telepathy is not a one-language art. It permits one group to use its own distinct 'language', not understood by other telepathers unless they 'learn' it. Hence, the concept of several languages was very much in vogue in those days.

Aryans end up inhabiting most of what would come to be called Europe and West Asia (Arabia). Not fully satisfied with this, but unable to penetrate further east because of Mongols' war-like posture, they turn toward the so-called Atlantic Ocean (this name was actually given to the ocean much later, as readers will soon surmise).

A large series of islands is found and colonized. The mightiest human empire ever seen in earth's history is formed. Many in today's world remember this empire as the Atlantis Civilization. The word 'Atal' in Sanskrit means either 'indestructible' (i.e., Atlantis Empire) or 'one that is of endless depth' (i.e., Atlantic Ocean).


Atlantis civilization was extremely multi-faceted. It took baby steps around 3000,000 B.C., peaked during 2000,000 B.C.-200,000 B.C., and slowly died during 200,000 B.C. - 10,000 B.C.

Although primarily centered in the so-called Atlantic Ocean, this civilization had out-posts and colonies all around the world (including South Asia, Africa, South East Asia, and the Pacific Rim). Its most important colony was in the civilization of Mishra.

Mishra, situated in what we now call Egypt, can be rightfully described as an 'almost-Atlantis', second only to Atlantis itself in terms of economic, military, and intellectual might. Remember that, even today, Egyptians call their country 'Misr'.

Mishra was a synthetic colony. It was an island of luxury in paucity-filled Arabia. Today, Egyptian pyramids are the last visible reminders of Atlantis's legacy in the Arab world.

Mishra was responsible for supervising all the far-away Atlantean colonies. Arabic and Sanskrit were its primary languages, but other languages (Tamil, for instance) were also frequently used, especially when dealing with remote colonies. The name Mishra was given to this project because so many different races (under Atlantis rulers' visionary encouragement) had come together to form this civilization (mishra in Sanskrit means mixture).


The only part of earth which remained more or less un-Atlanticized (except for its elite) was the Mongolic part. But, even there, it became fashionable to assume Aryan-sounding titles, to ape Aryan ways of doing things, etc. An entire country ruler in that part decided to call himself 'Singh' (lion in Sanskrit). The word, due to local ways of pronunciation, soon became 'ching' and led to a ruling dynasty by the same name. The country in question came to be called 'Chin' (modern China).

Another visible reminder of Aryanic influence in the Chinese continent is the modern city/country of Singapore. It was originally called Singhpur.


In today's world, some (not all) Native American Indian tribes are the last remaining human survivors of Atlantis. Their anecdotes make veiled references (a weapon called Atlatal, for instance) to their glorious past. However, it seems almost certain that these people were at the bottom rung of the Atlantean society (so-called 'things' that Atlanteans had invented for menial work) and had very little influence in the decision-making processes.


As Atlantis grew in stature, it became more and more materialistic. There, however, always remained a vocal minority of its scientists and philosophers who opposed pursuit of physical pleasure and who wanted it to remain close to its original spiritual roots. This 'spiritual' group was called sons of the Law of One. It included a lot of Dravids who had opted to settle within Atlantis boundaries, had become its permanent citizens, and had earned powers and privileges at par with those enjoyed by Aryanic Atlanteans.

Followers of the Law of One issued continuous reminders of impending 'punishment from God' if Atlantis did not mend its ways sufficiently in time. Their adversaries, called sons of Belial and obsessed with material pleasures, always laughed such warnings off.


In parallel to all the above, another Island-based civilization, now known as Lemuria, arose in what we now call Pacific Ocean. The original founders of this civilization were Atlantean saint-cum-scientists who did not like the hum and din of the steadily-growing materialism in the Atlantic Ocean, and decided to move elsewhere to start 'fresh'.

Lemuria was based in a single island called Om. Most of its inhabitants were Sanskrit-speaking but not necessarily Aryan.

By virtue of their origins, Lemurians were very other-worldly in nature. They, of course, had weapons like Pasha (paralyzer) which could capture, maim, and even kill if necessary. But they preferred not to use them unless absolutely necessary. One legacy of this Lemurian past is the so-called 'boomerang' weapon used by Australian natives of today. The word 'boomerang' is a corrupted form of Sanskrit word 'bhramar' (wanderer).

The word 'Pasha' led to the name 'Pacific Ocean'. Modern English words like 'pacify' and 'pacifism' also originate there from.

Lemuria died when Om sank around 98,000 B.C. The survivors of the catastrophe fled around the world, on hastily-built rafts. With them, they carried cherished memories of their origins to wherever they went, be it in names like Sir Simon Ohm (inventor of the famous Ohm's law of electricity) or in the chanting of the word 'om' in India.


Atlantis, unlike Lemuria, did not die instantly. Instead, it died in a series of man-made explosions. These explosions were results of mis-guided experiments (involving crystalline energies) by Atlantean scientists. The number of explosions (major ones, at least) seems to be three. Each of these three explosions sank a large number of islands. How many islands were lost to the first explosion is unknown. It is, however, reasonably certain that only three islands (Oz, Arya, and Purushadhin) survived the second explosion.

The first Atlantean explosion, around 98,000 B.C., occurred almost simultaneously with the explosion that killed Lemuria. It is quite possible that these two explosions are somehow related (hi-tech war between Atlantis and Lemuria?)

The second Atlantean explosion happened around 28,000 B.C. By then, Atlantis was the sole superpower on earth (since Lemuria and Mu were gone), but was severely crippled by the loss of its primary energy source in the Animal Kingdom attack around 47,000 B.C.

The final explosion that sank the remaining three Atlantean islands happened around 10,000 B.C. In his writings preserved even today, Plato speaks at length about this explosion and about its catastrophic effects on world geology, on world economics, and on world politics.


One should recall that when humans (all the four groups) first arrived on earth, three dimensional hard-material bodies were non-existent. At that stage, humans were basically energy-concentrations, because that was the best way of surviving in the previous climes in which they were living. Despite this, they, however, still needed land/water/air mass to support themselves.

As a corollary to the above, there was no gender difference when humans first arrived on earth. Children were produced by thinking them hard into reality. All injuries. sicknesses, etc. were treated the same way, i.e. by thinking hard enough to make healing possible. Most of the day-to-day needs of the society were also met the same way. Also, most humans of that era were capable of telepathy and teleportation, of deciding how long they would like to live, etc.

As humans became more earth-centric, they started metamorphosizing, both out of necessity and out of a sheer sense of adventurism. Hard material bodies were the first to come by, followed by loss of telepathic communication, then loss of thought-o-centric ways of doing things, then breaking up of the human race into males and females, then continuous shortening of life-span, and so on.

By the time Atlantis met its final fall around 10,000 B.C., most humans had become similar to what we are today. But few legacies of the past were still noticeable. For instance, there still existed a few humans capable of deciding their life span (Grand-Sire Bheeshma of Mahabharata era, circa 5500 B.C., immediately comes to mind). In this context, one should also not forget that even in 2001A.D., there still exist yogis who can leave their body at will and can come back to it when they choose to. But to us in the 21st century, all this is 'exceptional' and not the norm like it was for Atlanteans in their prime days.


Tamil Speaking Dravidians (Group 2 mentioned above) ruled the entire Indian sub-continent for a very very long time, with frequent influxes from Negroid, Mongoloid, and Arab worlds. Then, as Atlantis entered its nadir, many Aryans (including fabled Manu) came to India via Egypt. Wars erupted. Dravidians were pushed back into the South. Aryan culture, including Sanskrit language and Vedic rituals, was introduced on a mass level in India.

All that, however, happened only in the last 12,000 years and is a very recent event, cosmologically speaking.


Aryans did not originate in India. They originated in some far away corners of the cosmos, The paradox, however, is that, today, India is where Aryan culture is still preserved in its most passionate form.

India is where all the Aryan history is still visible/audible to anyone who looks/listens carefully, be it in common-usage words, or in anecdotes, or in customs!


In the West, Aryan culture has been fully lost to modern religions called Christianity and Islam. India remains the last bastion of Aryanism, a sort of last-ditch attempt by Atlantis to preserve itself, however meagerly.

Atlantis will rise again. It is waiting to rise again, until human civilization becomes re-advanced enough to resonate with Atlantean ways, re-advanced enough to recognize what is latent in all of us : telepathy, teleportation, capacity to produce all our needs by thinking hard, dying when we choose to, etc.


Last, but not the least, do not forget Egypt where, Islam notwithstanding, lie most of the Atlantean/Aryan secrets, waiting to be re-discovered! Egypt is where the so-called second empire will be formed again!