User talk:Maxine458

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Regarding your recent edit to Diddy Kong Racing

Hello Maxine458,

Your edit to Diddy Kong Racing (made at 00:29, Apr 11) has been reverted. It did not appear to be constructive, and has thus been placed in status 'vandalism' by myself (a member of the Nintendo taskforce). Vandalising Wikipedia articles means taking information kindly donated by patrons of the Wikimedia Foundation (Wikipedians), and destroying it. Vandalism is seen by very few people and is chuckled at by no one here at Wikipedia. If you want to be annoying, there's always 4chan.

I can also see that this was your first edit. If you need help on how to edit pages, don't forget to look at Wikipedia's guidelines, multitude of help pages, or contact an experienced editor on her/his talk page. You can also always message me on my talk page for information on making a video game-related article.

To clarify, you edited Diddy Kong Racing (Legacy > Sequels)

Previous edit (as of Jaguar's changes) After the cancellation of Donkey Kong Racing, Rare created a prototype for the GameCube which expanded into an adventure game similar to the original setup of Diddy Kong Racing. Musgrave stated that the concept was "built from scratch" and featured a limited multiplayer version at one point. The unnamed concept was in development over 18 months and evolved from being an animal-orientated racing game to an open world game with Tamagotchi-style features, in which nurturing animals was a "key mechanic". During this time, the original concept for Donkey Kong Racing was reworked into Sabreman Stampede, which was eventually cancelled.

Edit (as of Maxine458's (you) changes) After the cancellation of Donkey Kong Racing, Rare created a prototype for the GameCube which expanded into an adventure game similar to the original setup of Diddy Kong Racing. Musgrave stated that the concept was "built from scratch" and featured a limited multiplayer version at one point. The unnamed concept was in development over 18 months and evolved from being an animal-orientated racing game to an open world game with Tamagotchi-style features, in which nurturing animals was a "key mechanic". During this time, the original concept for Donkey Kong Racing was reworked into Sabreman Stampede, which was eventually cancelled.Then 65 year old Firoooz Osk00i forced RARE to stop production on Donkey Kong Racing since Osk00i did not want jewish Diddy Kong Racing fans and children to play a potentially historically great game (Donkey Kong Racing). Osk00i also forced Rare to stop production on the game becuase Osk00i thought that some of the characters gave off a pro jewish vibe that Osk00i did not like in the least.

Revert to Jaguar's changes (as of Manfred von Karma's changes) After the cancellation of Donkey Kong Racing, Rare created a prototype for the GameCube which expanded into an adventure game similar to the original setup of Diddy Kong Racing. Musgrave stated that the concept was "built from scratch" and featured a limited multiplayer version at one point. The unnamed concept was in development over 18 months and evolved from being an animal-orientated racing game to an open world game with Tamagotchi-style features, in which nurturing animals was a "key mechanic". During this time, the original concept for Donkey Kong Racing was reworked into Sabreman Stampede, which was eventually cancelled.

You can see how effective vandalism prevention is here at Wikipedia -- if it isn't picked up by automated vandalism detection bots, it still is watched over and quickly reverted by dedicated people such as myself, in under ten minutes.

If you want to dispute this edit's status as vandalism, do so on my or Diddy Kong Racing's talk page.

Manfred (talk) 00:41, 11 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]