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Essay Sign-up Sheet

'Instructions: please sign up for TWO supplemental reading (one reading in each of two separate weeks), and identify one as the week in which you will write the critical analysis and the other in which you will write the critical response.'

Class 2 – History of Terrorism

Grob-Fitzgibbon, “From the Dagger to the Bomb”

Novak, “Anarchism and Individual Terrorism”

Jensen, “The United States, International Policing, and the War Against Anarchist Terrorism, 1900-1914”

Name CA/CR

Class 3 – Causes of Terrorism

Ehrlich and Liu, “Some Roots of Terrorism”

Blomberg, et al., “Economic Conditions and Terrorism”

Mousseau, “Market Civilization and Its Clash with Terror”

Name CA/CR

Class 4 – Domestic Terrorism in the US

Sharpe, “The Identity Christian Movement”

Leader and Probst, “The Earth Liberation Front and Environmental Terrorism”

Monaghan, “Animal Rights and Violent Protest”

Name CA/CR

Class 5 – Terrorist Organizations

Kaplan, “Leaderless Resistance”

Zirakzadeh, “From Revolutionary Dreams to Organizational Fragmentation”

Sanderson, “Transnational Terror and Organized Crime”

Horgan and Taylor, “Playing the Green Card”

Name CA/CR

Class 6 – Antiterrorism and Counterterrorism

Franck, “Terrorism and the Right of Self-Defense”

Ginges, “Deterring the Terrorist”

Pangi, “Consequence Management in the 1995 Sarin Attacks on the Japanese Subway System,”

Ross and Gurr, “Why Terrorism Subsides”

Name CA/CR

Class 7 – The US Response to 9/11

Wedgwood, “Al Qaeda, Terrorism, and Military Commissions”

Carter, “The Architecture of Government in the Face of Terrorism”

Heymann, “Dealing with Terrorism”

Durham, “The American Far Right and 9/11”

Name CA/CR

Class 8 – Democratic Challenges

Schmid, “Terrorism and Democracy”

Eubank and Weinberg, “Terrorism and Democracy”

O'Brien, “Liberty and Terrorism,”

Kingston, “Terrorism, the Media, and the Northern Ireland Conflict”

Nacos, “Accomplice or Witness?”

Name CA/CR

Class 9 – The “New” Terrorism

Israeli, “Islamikaze and their Significance”

Dale, “Religious Suicide in Islamic Asia”

Fangen, “Separate or Equal”

Jamieson, “Mafiosi and Terrorists”

Reif, “Women in Latin American Guerrilla Movements”

Name CA/CR

Class 10 – The “New” Terrorism II

Metraux, “Religious Terrorism in Japan”

Chyba, “Toward Biological Security”

Betts, “The New Threat of Mass Destruction”

Garrett, “The Nightmare of Bioterrorism”

Ostfield, “Bioterrorism as a Foreign Policy Issue”

Post, “Differentiating the Threats of Chemical and Biological Weapons” Name CA/CR