User talk:Isa976

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Jamaica is an island in the Carribbean ( Xaymaca, Santiago ) it is located 40 miles east of CubaIts 45 miles wide and 50 miles long. It is also known as Land of Wood and Water and Land of Spring. It has a very tough police called the JDF (Jamaican Defence Force) and it has a very high murder rate. Their head of state is the Queen of England also knwon as Queen of Jamaica. Its capital is Kingston, where the Kinsgston Harbour is (one of the largest harbours of the world) Its populstion is 92% Black, 6% White, and 2% Other. On 1600s it had the World Leading Sugar Export. Jamaica is famous for its Reggae Music their some of the most famous Reggae artist are Bob Marley, Shaggy, and Sean Paul. Its Most Popular Sport is Soccer but they also plat Soccer, Crcket, Track and Filed, and Horse Racing. Its Economy is based on Tourism, Banking, and Agriculture. It has 35 miles if rail track (trains) They import petreoleum because they need it for the electric energy. They have a Bob Sled Team. Usain Bolt is a Jamaican famous athlete 100m - 200m Lenox Lewis, Trevpr Berbick are two famous boxers of Jamaica. Their Motto is Out of Many One People. They have also RAP and SKA music. Their Democracy is monarchy adn democarcy. Their Athenm in Land we love, they have a tropical cliamte. You drive on the left and their official language is English.

St. Kitts and Nevis

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Motto: Country Above Self Ahthenm: O Land of Beauty Official Language: English Economy: Tourism, Clothing, Electronics Population: 42,000 Sport: Cricket Soccer Team: Sugar Boyz (Nickname) You drive on: Left Capital City: Bassetre Sport: Cricket Biggest Mountain: Mount Liamungo Government: Democracy and Monarchy

Extra information:

  • The first name of the two islands is Liamugno which means Fertile Land
  • Columbus discovered the isaland
  • The water in between the two isalnds is names The Narrows
  • 2 isalnds nation Leeward islans
  • First British and French Colonies


  • Sport: Soccer
  • Music: Creole Blues Music Festival
  • Discovered by: Columbus named it Santa Maria de Guadalupe
  • Ethnic: 35,000 population African Origin
  • Capital: Basse-terre
  • Overseas Department of France
  • It has 5 isalnds
  • It went to the CONCAF Champinship 3rd place
  • Columbus discovered the Pineapple (Pine of Indians)


*Motto: Buils and Advance as One People

  • Anthenm: Gos Save the Queen
  • Official Language: English
  • Government: Monarchy/ Democarcy
  • Population: 110,000
  • National Bird: Grenada Dove
  • Drive on: Left
  • Maurice Bishop President 1983 Oct.19
  • Oct.25 1983 U.S. invaded in 1 day JDF helped
  • They called the invasion Urgent Fury
  • Volcanic Origin
  • Tallest Mountian: St. Catherine
  • Nickname: The Spice Isalnd
  • Cinnammon, Ginger, Nutmeg are spices grpwn in Grenada
  • Most Popular Food: Oildown you cook it with Cocunut MIlk, Pig feet, and Potato Flour

Sport: Cricket

Saint Lucia

  • Motto: The Land, The People, The light
  • Capital City: Castries
  • Official Language: English and French
  • Government:Democracy/Monarchy
  • Head of State: Queen of Engalnd
  • Population: 160,000
  • Nickname: Helen of the West Indies
  • Drive on: Left
  • Tallest Mountain: Mt. Gimie
  • It has one of the 3 Drive in Volcanos of the World!
  • Economy: Tourism and Banking
  • 82% African Desent
  • Popular Dance: Quadrile
  • Famous Music: Zouk ( combination of RAP and REGGAE )
  • Jazz Festival
  • Most Popular Sport: Cricket
  • Tourist Atractions: Drive in Volcano, Rain Forest, Sulpher Springs

Cayman Islands

  • 60% population Mixed Race
  • High Standard of Liivng
  • 10% Population 1 mil. dollars, a year
  • Tourism: 7 mile beach- White Sand
  • Beach Ironshore, Landscape from hell, Marine Park Scuba Dive
  • 5th largest banking center in the whole wide world MORE!
  • Sports: Soccer, Rugby, Cricket Saling
  • Location: South of Cuba
  • It is a: Brtish Overseas Territory
  • Major Offshore Financial Center
  • Motto: He Hath Founded it Upon the Seas
  • Anthemn: God Save the Queen
  • Capital: Georgetown
  • Official Language: English
  • Drive on the: L E F T
  • Caymanian
  • It was first sighted by Columbus he named it LAS TORTUGAS
  • First Visisted by Sir Walter Drake
  • Population: 50,000
  • More registered bussinness than people

The Bahamas

  • Location: North of Cuba
  • Motto: Forward, Upward, Onward Together
  • Capital: Nassau
  • Official Language: English
  • Drive: Left
  • Low and Flat
  • Democracy
  • Anthemn: God Save the Queen
  • Sport: Soccer
  • Population: 300,000


  • Aruba is dry and flat with no rivers
  • Cactus
  • Tourist Atractions: Beach
  • Language: Dutch
  • Monarchy: Queen Beatrix
  • Amerigo Vespushi 1499
  • People also speak Papiameto: Dutch, Enlgish, French, African Dialect
  • Capital City: Oranjestad
  • Sport: Soccer

Puerto Rico

  • Self Governing Teritory of U.S.A.
  • No Army
  • Motto: John is his name
  • Capital: San Juan
  • Language: Spanish and English
  • Population 4 million
  • Land of Enchantment- called nickname
  • Drive: Right
  • Colombus 1493 San Juan Bautista
  • Ponce de Leon was its first Governer
  • Spanish American War 1898 they lost the war with U.S.A.and U.S.A. asked for Puerto Rico, Cuba, Philipnness, and Guam called Traty of Paris Ended the War
  • Puerto Rico 1917 Jones Act law U.S. Citizenship
  • 1947 Puerto Rico had its first elected governner Luis Marin
  • U.S.A. has JUrisdication and ull protection
  • The Puerto Rico Trench is 27,000
  • Coqui Frog
  • EconomyTourism Sugar and Rum
  • Ethnic. 80% White 8% Black 12% Other
  • Bomba y Plena is its Famous Dance and Music
  • Sport: Baseball( which i love!) Boxing
  • Famous Boxers: Fleix TRinidad, Miguel Cotto, Wilfredo Gomez

Dominican Republic

  • Its from Hispanola, D.R. Haiti
  • Its the second largest island
  • Its Motto is God, Fatherland, Liberty
  • The anthem is Himno Nacional
  • The capital is Santo Domingo
  • Language is Spanish
  • Government: Democratic
  • Population: 10 million
  • First People: Tainos
  • It was discovered by: Columbus
  • Economy: Tourism: Agricullture: Sugar, also Telecommunation
  • Tallest Mt.: Pico Duarte (also highest in the Caribbean)
  • Lake: Lake Enriquillo
  • Climate: Tropical
  • Drive: Right
  • Nacional Flower: West Indian Mahogany
  • Nacional Bird: Palmchat
  • Race: 73% Multi-racial, 16% White, 11% Black
  • Culture: Spanish, African, Taino
  • Food: La Bandera: Meat, Red Beans, Rice
  • Drinks: Fruit juice, Rum, Beer
  • Music: Merengue
  • Artist: Juan Luis Guerra
  • Dance: Bachata
  • Other music: Rap
  • Baseball players: Manny Ramirez, Albert Pujols, and Sammy Sosa
  • Sports: Baseball, Boxing


  • Population: 2000
  • Long: 14 miles
  • Wide: 8 miles
  • They have: White sand, and clear water
  • Tourist Sites: Martello Tower, Indian Cave, Dabby Cave
  • Wild Life: Frigate Bird, Wild Boar, Deer
  • Frigate Bird Facts:
  • Wing Span: 8 ft
  • Weight: 3 lbs
  • Speed: 22 MPH
  • Martello Tower: Willy Bob
  • Capital: Codrigton