User talk:Dreka37/Cannabis dispensaries in the United States

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     Annotated Bibliography

Research Topic Adverse Effects of Legalizing Cannabis Research Question: What are the Adverse Effects of Legalizing Cannabis?

Evans, David G. (2013). The Impact of Drug Policies on Our World. The Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice,

David G. Evans is the founder and Executive Director of the Drug Free School Coalition. Evans was also a former researcher scientist of the Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in New Jersey’s Department of Health. Evans evaluates the arguments for legalizing marijuana on an economic and social basis. The journal explains how the economy would benefit by adding taxes and the revenue that would come from cannabis dispensary operations. It also suggests that the criminal justice system will reduce spending by the millions if marijuana is legalized. The paper goes on to talk about the argumentative points of why not to legalize marijuana. The intended audience appear to be the government and voters, who are ultimately responsible for a state having cannabis dispensaries. The article also points out the harmful effect such a drug has on public health, public safety and productivity in people who use marijuana. This will be the basis for editing on the cannabis article in Wikipedia. Today’s world thinks very differently about laws concerning the legalization of marijuana. Even though the article discusses the benefits it’s clear the negative impacts outweigh the benefits of legalization. His point of view opposes legalizing marijuana and provide valid reasons. This paper is pertinent to my article because it provides detailed information on how the legalization of marijuana has more harmful than helpful effects on society. The paper has been cited by many others. The article I am editing leaves out the harmful effects of legalizing marijuana on the body and society. I will review this article to gather facts that expose why cannabis dispensaries aren’t safe. The marijuana advocates provide no clear evidence this industry is beneficial to the economy. On the other hand, there is a large amount of evidence that points out the harmful effects of marijuana on public health, safety, and productivity. The author provides great references for further elaboration into why marijuana usage or legalization is not the way to go. David is on point and appears to be very knowledgeable about this topic. Even though the paper provides an overview of what good cannabis industries does for a society, the negative points are more in depth and are supported by evidence.

Roberts B. A. (2019). Legalized Cannabis in Colorado Emergency Departments: A Cautionary Review of Negative Health and Safety Effects. The western journal of emergency medicine, 20(4), 557–572.

Dr. Brad A. Roberts is doctor wo specializes in emergency medicine in Pueblo, Colorado, who obtain his medical degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin. The article highlights the negative impacts marijuana has on the body and how this in turns create problems for emergency room. Dr. Brad A. Roberts is a medical doctor so I would consider him fit to discuss this topic. The paper too is cited multiple times by others. The review focused on how mental health concerns increased since the legalization of the substance. It explains how the use of marijuana impairs brain function and cause problems in other body systems. It shows how fatal crashes increased since Colorado decided to legalize marijuana. This paper emphasizes on the reasons why other states should reconsider making weed legal. The intended audience is voters and government entities.

I choose this article because it argues against the legalization of cannabis. It has statistical data that comes from reliable sources such as The Colorado’s Department of Health and Environment. The journal has been cited by several others. It provides a list of references to further elaboration into the subject. The article complied information from the NASEM, the WHO and the CDPHE all in which who are all reliable source to retain information from.

CDC. Increase in Availability of Cannabis Products Containing Delta-8 THC and Report Cases of Adverse Event. (2021). CDC Health Alert Network.

The CDC is the federal information agency that provides the public with information concerning health risk. The main goal of the CDC is to protect and prevent disease. I choose this article because it gives into account the adverse effects that the Delta-8 THC compound found marijuana products that are currently being sold in dispensary locations. The paper discusses how the producers are putting too much of the Delta-8 THC, that produces a more potent product, which is not good for your health. The CDC is known for supplying valid and reliable information. The intended audience is the public and is persuasive and informative.

I choose this article because it provides information concerning the adverse effects people experience when using products sold by cannabis dispensaries that are modified to product a more potent product.