User talk:Dnr0307

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Do it yourself airblown make-up look, for all ages

Ok, so we all want to look like celebritys right? Well the trick is to make it look like your not wearing any make-up. All make-up really is, is an enhancer, to make you look better, so you want to do that, without anyone even knowing

Heres what you need

1. concealer that matches your skin tone(a liquid and stick kind looks best) 2. a soft rose or soft pink eye shadow 3. a blush brush 4. a soft rose or soft pink blush 5. mascara

Heres how to do it

1. Start off with clean rinsed skin 2. First get your soft rose or soft pink eye shadow, and apply it with your finger right below where your eye brow stops 3. spread shadow all around your eye lids 4. Next, put your concealer on around the corner of your eye closest to your nose, and below your eye (with liquid), then put the stick concealer next to it, and rub it in 5.Then put your blush on the apples of your cheeks, make sure to rub in good 6. Put a fairly thick coat of mascara on, make sure it doesnt look clumpy


Concealer-concealer or colour corrector is a type of makeup used to mask pimples, dark circles and other small blemishes visible on the skin

Eye Shadow-Eye shadow is a cosmetic that is applied on the eyelids and under the eyebrows. It is commonly used to make the wearer's eyes stand out

Blush-A sort of makeup, frequently a powder

Dnr0307 (talk) 18:30, 7 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Dealing with middle school

Middle School

The change from elementary school to middle school, is one of the biggest chanegs a child will face in its life. They go from, knowing everyone, and having all their friends with them, and being head of the school, to then being at the bottom, along with having pressures to smoke, do drugs, and minor things such as blowing off their old friends to hang with the populars. They will face internal choices, such as "should I keep in touch with this person or not." Things such as this.


These are the changes that any if not almost all of new sixth graders have to face -friends going to a different middle school -new school(learning your way around a school 3 times bigger then elementary) -locker combinations(normal locker and gym locker) and having to get in them fast to get to lunch or to get home - changing to gym uniform in front of other girls -harder work

normally the heardest changes are socail related, like trying to fit in with the popular people, trying to deal with older kids making front of you, and leaving friends behind

Ways to Deal

-Keep in touch with friends, get their numbers and adresses, have sleep-overs -try to see if you can take a tour of the school before you start, and on first da, see if you can get a map of school -write your combinations down, and put on planner, and practice it with other locks -wear undershirts when you know you are going to have to change, or see if you can change in a nearby bathroom -study more, and pay more attention in classes


Middle school can be a breeze, just make the most of it

Dnr0307 (talk) 18:45, 7 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]

How to write top of the chart songs

About writing your song

Songs are mainly wrote to tell what the writer feels or thinks. It doesnt have to be a celebrity that writes a top of the line song. You can to! All you have to do is feel strongly about something

How to write your song

First, think about a topic or event going ln in your life, that you are passionate about, or feel strongly about. Way 1 Then if you want to write a really good song, write down some ideas or ideas related to that topic or feeling, and then decide if you are going to make it mainly a fast song or slow song, and mainly a high tone song or a low tone song. Then decide if you would like to make some lyrics rhyme, or make them not rhyme, either way could work. Then go to a place that is relaxing and calm, a place that you can think clearly. Them write out your song!!

Way 2 You may be in the shower, or doing chores, and be thinking about your crush at school, or how you and your best friend got into a fight, or even how your first relationship came up, and sometimes lyrics will just fly into your head, and sometimes, if your good enough a catchy beat will come along with it. When that happens, get to some paper as fast as you can, and write down the lyrics as they come. Then once you have the whole song, you can go back and change some lines to make them sound better, or go back and think of pitches and tones.

~Sometimes its better to record yourself singing it the way you want the beat to go, or record parts of other songs, that you like, and mix the backround music, to make something yours and original

Song Components

Verse 1 Refrain Chorus Verse 2 Coda


Verse-Gives listeners an insite to the main message of the song Refrain-Line repeated at the end of every verse Chorus- The main theme of the song, part of song that often sticks in your mind, and is repeated over and over Coda-Additional lines of a song, that brings it to a close Tone- pitch or change in pitch of the voice that serves to distinguish words in tonal languages Lyrics- are a set of words that accompany music, the text of a popular song or musical Beat- Sounds/music at rythmic intervals

Dnr0307 (talk) 00:27, 8 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]