User talk:CrashNwave18

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I am just checking this discussion page out to see if it works. If so then this will be much of my communication with everyone...but anyone can read it. So no gossiping....


Hi Nichelle, Hope you are having a good time. Take lots of pictures!


Oh yay you figured out how to use this discussion board. Show my mother... :) i have been having a blast. thank you so much. i get to brazil tuesday and will write about it all soon.

Nichelle 02/04/08 11:30pm



"Hi" from Mama

As I woke up to shoveling 6 inches of snow this morning I thought of you viewing a sunrise on a new continent. I look forward to hearing from you on your newest adventures in Brasil--Carnival and the countryside. When you get a chance send me an email of your computer's passowrd so I can use it. Love you, Mama

Hey Mama

So I have been in brazil for only two days and can say these people are the most beautiful people as a whole that i have ever seen. I feel as if they have such a similiar culture to the Italians. I will write a real nice email soon with so much more detail for you, but in short last night i went to carnivale and it cannot be described in words. It was the biggest party i have ever seen with the most frisky men. A bit too much kissing. Anyway i thought i would tell you that i have already been spending too much money on presents ...i have found plenty you will enjoy. Daddy will be hardest to buy for. I am going to a Brazil futbol game tomorrow... could i get anymore brazilian culture than a futbol game and carnivale? well i dont think so and it makes not going to the falls or the amazon okay with me. I miss you and love you so much. i miss being able to tell you everything. I will be able to write to you all the time now that you figure wikipedia out. yay. love you and sorry about the snow...i am beginning to look like a native with all the sun and heat out here.

xoxo Nichelle

Hi Nicki :)

I Really miss you, but i like to hear your having a good time it makes me happy. my audition for drama class went well i am going to sing I Can Hear the Bells, I'm so excited.My algebra class is diffecult but mommy's been a grat help the pass 2 nights we've stayed up tell 9:00 doing it I hope it gets a lot easier. I can type to you in my computer class on WikipediA during free time. I think it is really cool that you get to go see a soccer game in country that lives and breaths it. I miss seeing your smile and getting your hugs, and I love reading the letter you wrote me before you left when i miss you because it makes me happy that you still remeber when you first brought me home. Lot of Love,


Hey There

Just saying hello, or good night, as it is for me right now. I hope you are having the time of your life. Thinking of you...Mama

Miss you!!!

Glad to hear you are having lots of fun experiences- I'm sure you will fall in love with the culture many places. I know it's impossible to communicate all of your experiences/ impressions and I hope you try to get as many down as you can. Elias moved up to Silverthorne last weekend, and I spent three days up there, and skied two half days which was great. I'd be there now, but 1-70 is closed because of snow:( Mommy and I went to caucus together, which was a very interesting experience- it was amazing to see who had been in charge of our precinct for years just because no one else bothered to show up.

Adios, Brazil

Well, adios to Brazil and hola to Cape Town. From the looks of your calendar it will be a bit of time on the ocean (and most likely studying) before you arrive in Africa. The weather has been nice the last few days. I took Sky for two walks today because I had to drop the car off and pick it up. I have had a week! Monday my phone died, Thursday the Concorde began pouring out oil (it's fixed for now but the engine is going--your dad was right), and tonight the water heater went out! For whatever reason I decided to put a way the dufflebag you didn't use and then I walked into a bursting hot water heater. So, I am not having the fun you are. I thought, well that is three bad things...then I remembered the computer is not working and I have someone scheduled to come out and see what is wrong with it. So four had better be enough until your dad comes home or I will run away from home. I am not kidding, either! haha. Home would find me! I am looking forward to a good long work out tomorrow morning to get rid of this stress. It's good I don't stink after a work out since I have no hot water until Monday afternoon! Love you--Mama

Response to Lexi

Hi Lexi Lou Lou,

  i love knowing that you will be able to write me during free time. Please do i look forward to hearing from everyone. I am having a blast here, but i do miss you all so much and get a bit lonely at times. I am glad your singing i can hear the bells. That song is so fun. I bet your working really hard with Ingrid to get it sou nding really nice. I am studying non-stop now that i am on the boat, but i hope to write a long email shortly about Brazil. give mommy a hug and kiss for me.

Love you a lot and miss you too. Nicki

Response to Carolynn

I cannot believe your little note did not have anything about little bu bug, which i am sure is already so much bigger than when i left. thats fun you got to skiing. I don't think i could even imagine what snow is like at this point with all the heat and sun. I do wish i could have gotten some boarding days in, but i suppose bunging jumping and skydiving in south africa will have to make up for it. I wish you could be here to travel on some of the trips with me. It would make them so much more fun. how is school going for you? i'm sure keeping you really occupied as always. how is Elias enjoying the new job?

Love you and miss you Nichelle

Response to Mama

I am sorry to hear that you have been having such a chain of bad events. Wish i could be there to give you a hug. I miss talking to you everyday. i just want to call you once i experience something new and tell you all about it. i tried calling you in Brazil on your cell, but you didn't answer and then it didn't go back through. Ill try in South Africa... I have been so busy stuyding on this ship. there is such a ridiculous amount of stuff to read and its semi stressful eventhough it should be stress free. i am having such a great time and have met so many great people. after my global studies exam on the 12th i will write up a really long email about my crazy experiences in brazil. could you do me a favor while you are at work? I am trying to find out how much a flight would be from hong kong to Bejing on the 4th or 5th of april. could you look at up rela quick on expedia or something... i just want a ball aprk amount and my internet minutes are killing me. thanks mama... i'll check this tomorrow afternoon. Love you ton and miss you lots

Lots of Love Nichelle

Flight Question

I just read the email on the flight question and will try to find out tomorrow by about noon my time. I may not be able to respond until later tomorrow night because I have to get Lexi tot he dentist and then voice lessons. But I will get it to you soon. I will pretend you gave me a hug :) Agh, feel better already. Love you--Mama

Sounds like you have abusy day ahead of you...

Hi Mama,

  I know your busy so don't rush to much i just need to see if this trip to the great wall will be possible. sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you. i am currently now 5 hours ahead of you so your probably going to wake up in and hour or so. i have only one more class today so i will probably go read out on deck for the million hours of my life since my first exam is tomorrow. When does daddy get back home? I hope this week can start out all new and not be so bad like last week. hugs and kisses. i'll check this tonight and see if i get something back. i am excited it is working becasue it is entirely free for me. if we are ever on at the same time we can potentially go back and forth with a few minutes of delay. miss you.  

Flight Search: Hong Kong to Bejing on the 5th in the am Bejing to Shanghai the 7th in the am

Airline Prices

Hi Sweetie--Here is what I found out about air fares. It is $391 to go from Hong Kong to Bejing. There are a lot of flights about 1/2 hours apart (AM) about the same price. It is $182 from Bejing to Shanghai and the amount is $182 and there are a lot fo flights also (AM). Maybe you can use birthday money? I talked with Burger properties today and will send an email detailing the issue. Would you rahter I send it as an attachment or in the body of the letter?I will call Beth about what she is doing (or get her Mom's number). I am going to try to send instructions to your Grandpa and see if he can get on and write to you. He asks about a lot. So we'll see. Love you--


Thanks for looking up those flights. I really appriciate you doing that for me. I am gonna continue to look for cheaper ones because i really want to go to the great wall. I took my global studies exam today and i think it went fairly well eventhough eveeryone else was complaining about how difficult it was. i will find out in a couple of days. About whatever the information is with burger just copy and paste it. that would be easiest for me. Also, i hope you can get grandpa to figure this all out as well...i plan on sitting down tonight and tomorrow morning and typing up all my experiences in brazil to share with you and everyone else. hope your tuesday is going well. its about noon where you are at but dinnertime for me so i am gonna go munch down on some repetative food...pasta,salad, bread, yadada... miss you lots. anything else new?

Love Nichelle

Lexi and I say Hello

It is about 7:30 pm and Lexi and I are onthe compter to finish up soem of her homework-a paper on the first Congresswomen. She was from Montana and was elected before women had the right to vote. The two of us haven't felt very well the last few days so we are going to crawl into bed early. I spoke with Beth today about the house situation so I will try to get an email off to you soon about it. I can help with the ticket to China. The weather here has been nice but I think it is going to get cold again tomorrow? Lexi is off on Thursday so she is coming to work with me. I will try to remember to have her write to during your day. I am taking off on President's Day to spend it with her. Well, we have to work now so we can go to bed soon! Love you. Mama

Wednesday 02/13/08

Sounds like you both are busy as always. I might take you up on helping me book flights in china. I haven't decided if i want to plan this china trip on my own or not. There is a group of girls who are planning one that will be $700, but i am not sure if i want to go that route. It would probably end up being the same amount for me anyway... any thoughts? I am finalizing my plans in South Africa and i am pretty sure i will be skydiving, biking the winelands, a day safari, a township, operation hunger, and hiking table mountain so i am really excited. but i am not trying to make you jealous. Just letting you know. Miss you tons. Valentines Day s tomorrow hope daddy is able to send you some love from a far. Love you



Your plans in South Africa sound like a blast!! I could probably do without the skydiving part....but I am glad you have the courage to try it. I might do it holding on to someone...and with a diaper on! I am not sure what you meant by the $700. Is that the whole trip and the airfare, or just the trip? I will wirte more in an email this weekend because I want to talk about a few things that are better to write in email. I will be thinking about one of my favorite sweethearts tomorrow and relish in the fact that you are having a memorable Valentine's Day in a most unique way. Lexi will come to work with me tomorrow so we will try to write. Love you--Mama

South Africa plans

Your plans in South Africa sound perfect!!! I did pretty much the same, but shark diving instead of ski diving, and obviously no safari there. I hope you love your safari, it was definately my most amazing experience- take a lot of pictures and video if you can! Bug is doing really well, she can sit, lay down, leave it, go to bed and is learning high five and roll over. She graduates from puppy school next week :) Elias is having fun at his job so far, I think he chose the right department, they are really nice and laid back. I'm crazy busy right now, just became co-president of the Colorado Medical Society- Student Section and am trying to plan a summer project. Love you! Carolynn


I am sorry we could not talk longer. I will try to stay on this today so we can talk. Thank you for thinking of me today. Lexi has a five day weekend so she is her with me today.


Apparently the packages are forwarded to the next port or two ports away so the package may still be able to get to me. I will be looking for it. :) I have about three more days of classes left and then i will be in south africa. i pretty much have my whole schedule figured out. Tuesday the 19th i will explore the city in the am and then at 1:00 i will go on a township, then in the evening i will see a play for class. Wednesday the 20th i will go skydiving and maybe the winelands in the evening. thursday the 21st i will probably hike table mountain or go to robben island. on friday the 22nd i will be doing operation hunger. saturday and sunday i will be doing a safari and then the afternoon free. the 25th we have our sea olympics which should be fun. do you have anythign fun planned for the weekend back at home. i have classes which are my plans, but really obviously can't complain since i get to see the beautiufl ocean everyday. i can't believe how lucky i really am to be on this trip. Love you



Today is Saturday and it is about 7am. I tried to sleep in but 7am was it. So I thought I would write to you. It is supposed to be a beautiful day--about 55 degrees. Yesterday was a beautiful winter day, too. Last night I had a computer repairman here for three hours fixing up your old computer and ours. Yours was really infected but had a lot of memory and ours was a mess with no memory even in the beginning. So he moved your dad's IPOD stuff and his game over to your computer so we are okay now. Lexi was a at a skating birthday party last night and has another one on Sunday. I have to take Daisy to the vet yet again. I think one of her big teeth broke--poor little girl. Then I have to take the piece of crap Concorde back in because after they repaired it the "engine malfunction light" came on. Lexi and I are going to the adult play at her theatre tonight. Other than that I am going to work on finally stripping the wall paper in the bathroom. I finally bought a really cool stand alone sink so I am motivated to get the room cleaned up and painted. I wish you were here to help me with the paint but I think I will go with a cream color of some type. So, if you did not know you had a package they send it forward instead of collecting it for you? I sent it three days after you left. David said none of the countries where you were going were very relaible and they seemed less so as time went on. If you want something let me know soon and I will try to ship it out. How is the food anyway? Love you--Mama

Missing You

I will write an email to you once it finally will work for me, but it often won't load up, which is really annoying. I wish i were there with you so you could talk to me more about everything. I am glad you're all healthy though. I love you so much. Anyway, sounds like you have had some good time fixing everything up while I have been gone like the car. Sorry you have had to deal with so much. yeah i am not quite sure about the package but they told me i should get it at another port if it arrived in Brazil. Not sure how it works out... but puppy chow sounds soooo good i need some right now. the food here as been really good actually. ill probably be gaining weight because of the buffet style and because i cant really exercise on the boat. I have been doing my own abs and yoga classes though which have been fun. When i get back i want to get certified. I like it a lot. starting in a couple of hours i will be nine hours apart from you....It is about 9:00pm for me and only noon for you on sunday. Love you lots and hope your weekend is good. I'll be in South africa starting tuesday i am sure i will have sooo many stories for you. Umm about the deposit i think i should get it all back. it was my money and not beths own money so if Jenna pays the deposit i feel i should get it all since i didnt leave early. Also, my trip to china is going to end up being about $700 because from hong kong to bejing is 391 for the flight 200 for the tour around bejing and the great wall (along with hiking and camping on the great wall) then its a little under 200 from bejing to shanghai. I think the trip will be worth it though... don't you? I love you and miss you. I'll write tomorrow. Maybe if you get on today you can tell me a time that you will be on and i can stay up later that night so i can try and talk back and forth with you on here.

xoxo Nichelle :)


Hi--I am sure you will not have much time to check this in the next few days because you are now in South Africa! I did get on early yesterday but then spent the remainder of the day painting. You know how that is - is seems like less time until you get going. I painted the downstairs a light yellow but then with all of the walls it was way too much. So then I painted the three side walls an off white and then, of course it took two more coats of paint. So now one wall is yellow. I am going to look for an interesting border for the middle of the wall to cover up some drywall problems from the sink removal. I have a nice sink and a new light, too. so slow progress there but it should be done before you return. I also began work on Lexi's room. I painted one of the large walls. I did not have enough paint for touch up so I had to paint it twice, too. Then we painted the overhang area under the window a raspberry sherbert pink. Next week I will paint over her pink walls with Kilz and then white paint. She wants orange stripes and maybe some polka we will see... and yes, we removed the princesses so that was another 1 1/2 hours. i got a wallpaper steamer for $50 and that makes the job way easier! So I am happy to not be doing labor today!! But next weekend we will begin again with our remodeling efforts!! We spent the weekend watching two of the Die Hard movies. Love you. Mama


Lexi and I just came back from Uncle Mike's 50th birthday party. It was nice--about 35 people were there. Elias and Carolynn were there, too. The weather here has been beautiful--those days that tease you into thinking spring is here and then--boom snow will fall. I can't wait to hear about your adventures in South Africa. Mama

Hi Nichelle

I am on with your grandpa and I am chekcing to see if we can write to each other live--Here goes.

Hi Nicki - Your MOm has helped me get on - Love you

Dear Nichelle:
2/24/2008 - I just returned from a business trip to California - been quite busy.
The family and I enjoyed reading about your stay in Brazil - at least 20 of my friends

also read your lettr. The trip sounds fantastic, it is great that you are really really enjoy meeting all the folks and abosrbing so much of their culture and their customs.

Nickie, I am so very proud of you - GrandMa Barb and Melissa are doing real well and

send their love. The festivities in Brazil sure sounded great. Take good care and I hope that you continue to have a wonderful trip. I had a call from Anthony yesterday when I got home - he was in Munich, Germany and he said to wish you the very best -he said Dad I am having a wonderful time in Germany. Nickie it is late this evening - LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH GRAND DAUGHTER - YOU ARE A VERY WONDERFUL YOUNG LADY - I AM SO PROUD OF YOU - TAKE GOOD CARE - GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU SAFE AND HAPPY. ALL MY LOVE -GRANDPA (TONY) FRANCAVILLA


Thank you for calling. It is wonderful to hear the pure joy in your voice! Skydiving-wow! Now Lexi wants to do it! I will look forward to the email of your adventure in South Africa. Perhaps one day I will visit some of the places where you and Carolynn have travelled. The weather here has been great but tonight it is supposed to snow! The good news is there is no problem with water as we are at 133% of the snow cap. Also, the Bradford will remain open and the Community Center will get a new water pump. Some additional funds came in. So at least you have a job if you want it, huh? Well, gotta help Lexi with Algebra. Love you.


Hope you loved South Africa- it was one of my favorite places! Elias and I went out to dinner last night and the kid who valeted the car said he went to high school with you and was a friend of Garretts. Ryan Weaver I think? Anyway I told him I'd say hi. Elias just got a new car- 05 jeep grand cherokee, it's very nice. Bug failed puppy school graduation... so I guess she'll never get into Harvard now. She's gotten a little bigger, but the vet said she will only be 12 pounds. She is very good at rolling over now, it's pretty cute. I have finals next week and the spring break, so I'm looking forward to that. Love you lots! Carolynn

So, where are you,huh?

Just kidding. I have to talk in code now since everyone reads this chat. I mtay psetay atthay arolynCay. eshay evernay ingsbray ugbay veray. You probably will have to get someone to decipher this code. Let's hope arolynncay can't read this! Haha! Enjoy your next island. Mama

March 3, 2008

Dear Nichelle:
I just talked to your Mom & Dad - they are both so hapy that he is home. Your mom told me

about your sky diving in South Africa - sounds great- your mom said you really enjoyd it.

I read most of your emails - quite a wonderful time even with all of your school work.
Anhtony got home from his 10 day trip to Europe - it was his first trip he really was 
impressed with the people, culture, architecture, in Germany, Switzerland and Sweden. He
and his crew toured auotomobile plants etc., learning about Robotic work on producton lines
and paint lines etc. - He will be doing a lot of travel in the U.S. this year for his comapny.
His children were really happy to see him when he got home. I spent 3 1/2 days in Anaheim,
California (acoss from Disney Land)at a Floor covering show. It was fun and tiresome at the
same time - met many people and watched families all bundeled up in the wind & the rain -
all smiling especially the children - crossing the street heading for Disney land.
Anthony, Grand Ma Barbara, & missy all send their love. Thank you for being the wonderful  
grand daughter that you are - I am so very proud and happy to be able to watch you grow up
as the beautiful and bright young lady that you are. 

Debit Card-Wells Fargo

Fraud Protection was checking on five charges at the island where you are--from 03/02-03/03. I approved them as total they were less than $200.00. Only only one charge over $100 at a clothing store so I assume they are yours. If not let me know ASAP. I am sure you are still having a wonderful time. We are thinking of you! Love you lots X lots more --Mama

my debit account

Well, I had a few charges. The one for 100 at the store did not go through when i was there and i am really worried about it because they charged me when i did not end up getting what i wanted to buy. Are you allowed to talk to wells fargo for me about that? do i need to give you any passwords? Also i need help with pay pal for my flights to China. I know you are busy, but the lack of good internet makes everything awful to deal with. I love you and am going to try to call you later today.

Love Nichelle

Accounts/Pay Pal

Your account balance are as follows--2300 checking, 1005 Savings, 1900 credit card. We did not see the fuel charges you were talking about? As for Pay Pal-it is a mess on this end, too. Your dad went into your account and we could not see your bank account. We were just going to put money into your PayPal account so it would be there, but we couldn't see any account. So we added our account and it will take a few days to "test" it make sure it is valid? Your dad spoke with them on the phone but here no other way to do it. How inefficient! So we will watch the email and them we have to go onto your account and verify the two small deposits they made (3-5 days). Then we will go onto your Paypal and put in $500.00. I still am going to try to email this person at Paypal again and see if I have any luck. We think we can have this done by the middle to the end of the week. What a joke! Do you need help registering for classes with the internet so slow? Will I have to find the classes and then send the times to you? It seems like Maymester might be easier unless you can do an online course? I can't wait to hear more about your adventures! Stay safe. What size swimsuit did you say to order again-I just completely forgot it? BTW there will be no night lesson this summer-they will have one session on Sundays. Love you--Mama

Thank You So Much Mommy and Daddy

Thank You so much for all your help. I really appreciate it all because I really have been stuck without the internet. Thank you both for working on it for me. I was told another link was gonna be set up to my email so you should check for that. about registering i probably will need your help. I will send you a list of the classes i need and i was hoping to get no classes before 9 if i could because i want to be a morning nanny as my job for the year. i'll check before bed mama... its 7:00 am in colorado right now.

love you lots

Courses to enroll in...

Mama, so I am trying to figure out what courses I should take. I don’t want to cram to many difficult courses together, but I feel that now since I will be a senior that it might be inevitable to have to push some difficult ones together. I was thinking of behavioral genetics for maymester, then maybe neurophysiology for term A or instead do three online courses (UD written communication, geography, and Calculus). What do you think? Then for the fall human physiology with lab (5 hours), maybe TA human anatomy (2 hours), Physics 1 with lab (5 hours), psychopathology with lab (4 hours)….. any thoughts?? I feel like I don’t know what I should take. I know I need for the fall physiology and physics no matter what, but am not sure about what else.

i feel like i have so many more classes left to take. i would do all summer classes but i am not sure how to work around my job this summer. what do you think?

let me know

love you nichelle


Happy St. Pats. I had the luck of the Irish and won $30 in Bunko tonight!!!I also got Paypal to work so I will follow up with Peter Danford to make sure all is well tomorrow. He said he was going to reserve the ticket no matter what since we told him we were working on payment.

As for classes what is the exact list of what you still need to graduate? That will help me understand better. I get Maymester but what is Term A? Summer school in the first part of the summer? And does online go for one whole year like we orginally discussed? Because you talk about 3 classes on line? (Alot) versus one ummer class. My recommendation is go one additional year rather than burning yourself out or drop the major in psychology or drop the major in integrated physiology and make sure you have the pre recs for chiropractic school, if that is what you want to do. When do you register for fall cuz I know that date is really important. Can I look at availablity on line? so we can be ready? I will look into this since it most likely similar to our school. Do you have specific teachers in mind?

Love you--we will work on this--let me know if you need me to post on Craig's list.Love you--Mama


I will have one of my studetns(premed)spend a little bit of time looking into the classes/times and teachers unless you hae someone for me to call who os in the same major. I will also see if I can find out your registration date, which you probably know but it should be on the student info system. Love you--Mama

Summer Class Schedule

I write this at 10:15AM--this is the schedule for summer Term M (Maymester) Behavioral Genetics PSYC 3102-001 12:15pm-3:30pm M-F

Term A (June-July) Neurophysiology IPHY 4720-100 (Casagrand) M-F 11:00-12:35 enrolled 32 max 36 Lab MW 12:45-3:35 full no waitlist

   TR 12:45-3:35 open
   TR 8-10:50 open

It seems this Neurophysiology Course would not be feasible with work this summer.

I will look for this course for fall also.

love you

Fall Class Schedule

I had a student work on this for me and she did a great job. I owe her lunch. this program does not look as good as the piece we did so I will send it Gmail also so you can hoepfully get it open on line. love you--

TERM M Behavioral Genetics (3 CR) PSYC 3102-330 Professor: Casagrand Time: 1215-330 (MTWRF) Status: As of 3.18.2008, there are 24 students enrolled of the 40 spaces available.

TERM A Neurophysiology (4 CR) IPHY 4720-100 Professor: not available at this time Time: 11-1235 (MTWRF) Status: As of 3.18.2008, there are 32 students enrolled of the 36 spaces available.

Labs: (IPHY 4720-) 110 1245-335 (MW) Status: As of 3.18.2008, this section is enrolled to the max, but there is no one on the waitlist. 111 1245-335 (TR) Status: Spaces still available as of 3.18.2008. 112 8-1050 (TR) Status: Spaces still available as of 3.18.2008.


General Physics 1 (5CR) PHYS 2010-100 Professor: Nauenberg Time: 10-1050 (MWF)

Labs: (PHYS 2010-) 101 2-350 (M) 102 4-550 (M) 103 8-950 (T) 104 12-150 (T) 105 2-350 (T) 106 4-550 (T) 107 8-950 (W) 108 2-350 (W) 109 4-550 (W) 110 10-1150 (R) 111 12-150 (R) 112 2-350 (R) 113 8-950 (F) 114 2-350 (F) 120 12-150 (M) 130 12-150 (F)

PHYS 2010-200 Professor: Nauenberg Time: 12-1250 (MWF)

Labs: (PHYS 2010-) 201 2-350 (M) 202 4-550 (M) 203 8-950 (T) 204 12-150 (T) 205 2-350 (T) 206 4-550 (T) 207 8-950 (W) 208 2-350 (W) 209 4-550 (W) 210 10-1150 (R) 211 12-150 (R) 212 2-350 (R) 213 8-950 (F) 214 2-350 (F) 240 10-1150 (M) 250 10-1150 (W)

Behavioral Genetics (3CR) PSYC 3102-001 Professor: Hewitt, Chr Time: 930-1045 (TR)

PSYC 3102-002 Professor: Carey, Greg Time: 11-1215 (TR)

PSYC 3102-003 Professor: Hewitt, Chr Time: 2-250 (MWF)

Psychopathology (4 CR) PSYC 3313-100 Professor: Weatherley Time: 12-1250 (MWF)

Labs: (PSYC 3313-) 102 3-450 (M). 103 9-1050 (M)

PSYC 3313-200 Professor: Pittman-Wag Time: 11-1215 (TR)

Labs: (PSYC 3313-) 201 3-450 (M) 202 3-450 (W)

PSYC 3313-300 Professor: Miklowitz Time: 2-315 (TR)

Labs: (PSYC 3313-) 301 330-520 (R) 302 3-450 (M)

PSYC 3313-500 Professor: Pittman-Wag Time: 1230-145 (TR)

Labs: (PSYC 3313-) 501 330-520 (T) 502 3-450 (M)

PSYC 3313-600 Professor: Newell, Tan Time: 2-250 (MWF)

Labs: (PSYC 3313-) 601 3-450 (W) 602 5-650 (M)

Neurophysiology (4CR) IPHY 4720-010 Professor: Casagrand Time: 1-150 (MWF)

Labs: (IPHY 4720-) 011 8-10a (T) 012 10-12 (T) 013 12-2 (T) 014 2-4 (T) 015 4-6 (T) 016 6-8p (T) 017 8-10a (W) 018 10-12 (W)

Intro to Human Physiology (3CR+2CR for Lab) IPHY 3430-100 Professor: Carey, C Time: 8-915a (TR)

Labs: (IPHY 3430-) 001 9-1250 (W) 002 1-450 (W) 003 930-120 (R) 004 130-520 (R) 005 930-120 (T) 006 130-520 (T)

TA Human Anatomy (1-2 CR) IPHY 3010-801 Professor: Saul, Leif Time: Varies

FYI: Intro to Human Anatomy

Sections: (IPHY 3410-) 100 Professor: Saul, Leif Time: 11-1215 (TR)

200 Professor: Heisler, Ru Time: 2-315 (TR)

Labs: (IPHY 3410-) 001 8-950 (MW) 002 8-950 (MW) 003 10-1150 (MW) 004 10-1150 (MW) 005 12-150 (MW) 006 12-150 (MW) 007 2-350 (MW) 008 2-350 (MW) 009 4-550 (MW) 010 4-550 (MW) 011 6-750 (MW) 012 6-750(MW) 013 8-950 (TR) 014 8-950 (TR) 015 10-1150 (TR) 016 10-1150 (TR) 017 12-150 (TR) 018 12-150 (TR) 019 2-350 (TR) 020 2-350 (TR) 021 4-550 (TR) 022 4-550 (TR) 023 6-750 (TR) 024 6-750 (TR)

Paypal Cancellation

I got on to your email and they gave your money (229?) back due to a problem with Paypal to Peter Danford? I hope that makes sense. I have sent a followup email to peter danford to make sure you are all okay and where the tickets are going? I assume electronic? Also, I saw on email that registration opens up March 31 but in the email it said how to view your registration date (I couldn't see an updated one on the student info system, just last semester's)I need your identikey and password to do this? I hope this info is helping you. love you--mama

Response to your South Africa Post

What, stop making stuff up, there aren't penguins in Africa! Haha, thats what people told me at least. Reading your experience really reminded me of South Africa, now I want to go back! I felt the same with the constant need to sing Lion King Songs. Elias and I drove to Vegas for a few days for my Spring Break because I really wanted to go some place sunny. It was a really pretty drive and we enjoyed beautiful weather while we were there. Bug stayed at the house and your nice dog Sky attacked her and she had this puffy lip for about a week. Now mommy and daddy are copying us and driving to Vegas for Lexi's birthday. This week I'm back in class. We are studying the heart right now. For four weeks, 20 hours a week. Hard to believe there is that much to know about the heart. Glad you are having a good time!!!! Love you!

Hey It's Lexi

Hi Nicki I'm glad to hear you are having a fun time. Guess what I think I found a TV series to watch this summer, Gilmore Girls. I have watched a few episodes over spring break on ABC and it is a very good show (addicting too). Love you and miss you, Lexi! :)

Wishing I was in Vietnam

So I'm sitting here cramming for my first cardiology test that I have to take 3 days early so I can do to DC, and I'm wishing I was in Vietnam. That was one of my favorite places I visited. I hope you buy lots of cheap knock off stuff there and eat lots of yummy food. I think the vietnamese make the best food anywhere! Love you and thinking about you! <3 Carolynn


OKay so i have twomore days here... does anyone want anythign really cheap from Vietnam in terms of bags or DVDs. They have huge northface hiking backpacks all the way down in sizes to a normal backpack size and they ahve a ton of roxy stuff...let me know... they also have sooooo many good quality DVDs. i'll check this in the morning of the next two days and see if i have requests. love you guys. wish you could all be here with me. xoxo

Vietnam Gifts

I texted Carolynn (she is in D.C. this weekend). She said just to get her something cool and that she loves you. You can get me whatever you think I would like- a fun summer bag? Thanks for thinking of us but yourself some goodies! Love you-Mama —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:15, 29 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

SOS Mamasita

Hey mama, So i was unable to register because the internet here hates me. i thought i would tell you how you register for classes and stuff and tell you what i want and then call you and give you my usernames and passwords. First you need to get onto CUconnect to do so

go to find the tab on the right side that says students, then click on cuconnect on the right side then sign in with username and password. once logged on go to the tab along the top that says plus. then go to the left side and click on register and it should allow you to.

Now i dont have the course numbers, which can be found if you go to the top tabs and go to courses and down on the left side you can search through courses by major and find there course number they are usualy 6 or so numbers long...

Physiology 8-9:15 TR (3430)... i already enrolled in this one and may need ot change my lab for it to be in the behavorial gentics Physics 10-11 MWF lab M (2-4) Psychopatholgy 12-1 MWF lab 9-11 M Behavorial Genetics TR 9:30-?

okay, so thats the schedule.. maybe that amazing student you have can work on it? that would be amazing. sorry to put so much on you. anyway. i am home in a month. could you also help me get a flight from flordia? i'll have to let you know when i will be leaving miami. love you a lot... i am hoping to get on the phone with you in about 30 minutes here. xoxo Nichelle

OKAY< i figured the system out and your schedule, with one quesiton---I figured out the Physics Problem. There are two courses called Physics I--Phys 1010, which is 9-9:50 MWF and 11-11:50 MWF. Phys2010 which is 10-10:50 MWF and 12-12:50 MWF. It would seem to me you would need Phys1010 but maybe your requirement is different.

My mama's a genius

thank you so much.i am not sure which one i need to be in. whats the difference between them? i guess just give me whatever you think i should be in. i love you... i'll be on for another hour checking wikipedia... its 10:30pm there. so until 11:30 pm colorado.

quick question... someone from CU menitoned that a junior from CU was shot and killed in Puerto Villarta over spring break... do you know anything about this?

lots of love nichelle

more course stuff

i think nora made a istake> sorry i hit a key wrong and now i type kind of weird keys but i don"t want ot get off> anyway< i think you would want ot be in the lowest level WHICH IS ten ten__i can"t type numbers right now>wouldn"t twenty ten be the second level_they moth say physics one>i will set a schedule up for that and see if i can find out tomorrow> can i go online somewhere and look up your degree> anyway i will set it up for the lowest level> i will write back in ten minutes

also< if i add the credits up right then physiology is five < genetics is three< psychopathology is four and physics is five< that is seventeen credits__should you not take one or take it on line over the summer and then ta for human anatomy> didn"t you say you could take genetics on line> how about flamenco dancing__it is twelve to one on tuesday and thursday> ballet is three to four on tuesday and thursday> beg jazz is eightthirty on t and thur and conflicts with physiology> i have a handle on this so i will try to work on this tomorrow morning and see if charita can help> if the weather holds out i can get to work early> i mainly need to know if you want to drop genetics and take on line then i would get out of the late lab and be done early each day>>>or take ballet>can you get on wikipedia tomorrow so i can get this done__or call me


okay so i think the lower level physics is fine. there is someway to look up my major requirements, but they make it really hard to find... i have typed it in on the home age before under IPHY major requirements. i dont want to be in the flamingo class... i saw it last year and it looked dumb... but i could try it out i suppose... i'd rather try ballet... i wanna stay in behavioral genetics until i have the TA on my scheduel.... i can always drop it... i;ll check back in ten minutes


well i figured out why you wanted to be in the section of psychopathology because of the only morning lab> so i am trying to get you registerd for that class but they may have brought down registration early> i logged off and will try again> i will register you for all of the classes and put you in a physcis class at about hte same schedule> i fi don"t get it before yo log off i am sorry and will try to get it one for next time you look> feel free to call me and i will carry the schedule with me> i did not hear about a student death>>>

i went to sign in and i tried three times and it said i wrote it wrong> itis our nameminus the last three and what you like to do with a one five< right? now i am concerned and don:t want to log on again for fear of messing up your sign on>does it do that when the system goes down>

what else__courses

i bet the problem is the keyboard is messes up and does not read number right!!!!see_that is a one> so i will completely sign off and retry at least that class> your two choices for physics are nine to ten and eleven to twleve> you have to eleven to twelve but can you make it from physics to psychopathology in time> i think they were in two different building i recall one starting with a d and the other one was idfferent but i will have to try to sign off the computer to start over> let me know all of these answers so i can work on this>if you can"t be late and travel to the building then that psychopathology lab is then a problem>


It doesn't matter the time... 9:00 should be fine. either one works. all the science buildings are usually right by each other

I finally got on and now there is a waitlist of one for the psychopathology course so I will register you since most likely someone will drop. I will try to get you in another class if it lets me double register. otherwise I will wait to get further insturctions for you before I drop it. all of the other lab choices are later.

Yeah i'll get into the class as long as i am in the top 5 of the waitlist. it probably wont let you double register. tahnk you so much mama bear. i love you so much. i'll try and find a phone in japan. after tonight so ike 8 in the morning your time i wont be able to use ht internet or phone form the ship becasue htey turn off the connection. love you a bunch and will talk to you soon.

I did it!

Okay here is what I have--you may have to put it on a sheet of paper to see if it works--

M 9-11 Psychopathology lab -waitlist #2 (the rest of the lab hours are late in the day and you can most likely get in one of those sucky hours so should we wait and see if someone drops out?)

MWF 11-11:50 Physics 1010

MWF 12-1 Psychopathology

TR 8-9:15 Physiology

TR 9:30-10:45 Genetics

R 12-1 Physics Lab

R 1:30-5:20 Physiology Lab

Okay I am tired. That was hard-I am too old for this crap--haha! I wouldn't do this for too many people-just the ones I love! If anything is wrong tell me right away. I will keep checking. I will ask Charita to poke around for your physics requirement in case I am wrong. Love you--sorry this is such a hassle for you.

Phys 2010 not 1010

I blew it. I couldn't find the requirements on line last night but looked at the handout you gave me and you have to be in 2010 not, 1010 so I will do that as soon as I can today. I am so sorry! nora wa smost likely a stp ahead of me and looked it up.

A Note from your Professional Class Scheduler

Here is what is currently your schedule--if I can be of further assistnace please do not hesitate to let me know. I would not want to be taking these classes and hold myself harmless to the difficulty level as I only did what was asked of me...

MWF 10-11 Physics 2010

M 12-1:15 Physics Lab (79898)

M 3-5 Pscychopathology Lab (80733)

TR 8-9:15 Physiology 3430

TR 9:30-10:45 Genetics 3102

TR 11-12:15 Psychopathology 3313

T 1:30-5:30 Physiology Lab (77297)

F 2-3 Tutor

Might I also suggest...

R 10-12 for Physics lab if you drop Genetics

Note--Wednesday/Friday you only have one class, not including the time you asked me to schedule for the tutor piece

Might I also add...

Dance classes appear to conflict with your current class schedule with the exception of the following

MW 8-9:15 Modern Dance

MW 12-1:30 African-Ghanaian

MW 8:30-9:45 Intermediate Jazz

Love you--I hope this took some stress off and that youare having a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got your email and will look forward to reading it tonight. Happy almost 21 birthday. you are getting old, girlfriend!

Did you just say girlfriend? Seriously?


I found a Orbitz student site where I can get flights for 128 but at this writing there were only a few seats left. You talked about staying with brittany's family for a few days...Sunday appears to be the most expense outside of these flights and the rest are about $215. There is a direct flight at 6:40 pm and getting you in at 9pm. Love you

flights continued

Hey mamasita,

  It was nice talking to you yesterday. I am now on my second April15th. I am thinking about flights and perhaps coming home on that monday or tuesday the 12th and 13th. I'll let you know in the next couple of days. i love you

Excited for you to come home!

I put when you are coming home on my calender! I hope you have fun the rest of the time and I can't wait to see pictures!!! Just to keep you up on what's going on Bug has a little bit a of boyfriend. This girl in my class has a boy pug thats a month older and we get them together to play. Love you, Carolynn

Snots has a boy

Thats so cute that Bug has play dates. I am sure she is so big now. I am loving this trip, but crossing the entire pacific ocean is pretty boring since all we are doing is taking classes. I am excited to come home and see everyone...not excited to begin work and everything like that, but still. I miss you and can't wait to come home and celebrate birthdays. :)

The flight home :)

hi mamasita,

ill be home in a matter of weeks. the days are going by faster and faster as i type this. anyway i was going to say to just make a flight for whenever you can find the cheaper flight. also airlines have changed their policies for how many bags we can check so i need to try and get on one that has two bags. whatever flight is cheaper between the 12th and 13th works perfect for me. love you 


I could not add a page to this so I had to add to this page? We got you aflight on American Airlines and you can still check two bags. It is a studentuniverse flight which means you may have to show your student ID. It leaves at 9:50 AM on Tuesday, has a layover in Dallas and then arrives in Denver at 2:40am. I will send the details in email.

Love you--

flight on tuesday

sounds like you found a pretty good flight for me. i am so glad you found one with two bags allowed. i'll talk to you soon, but just wanted to say thank you.

love, Nichelle

Happy Birthday to You

Happy 21st to a beautiful young woman!! Love you!

Happy 21st birthday!!!!!!! I can't wait for you to come home so we can celebrate so many things with a drink together! Enjoy your last few days being surrounded by the ocean:) Love you! Carolynn

i don't know why whatever i add just joins the person before me.... Carolynn

Almost home..

thanks for the birthday wishes. it was pretty boring on the boat. britt and brigditte decorated the room and ordered me a birthday cake and cookies which was really sweet. anyway i will be in home in about 12 days now, which is exiciting. i can't wait to get back into working out and eating properly. this trip has been killer with weight gain for everybody. oh well. i am heading into my first day of finals on the 30th but i only have a paper due that i just finished. then the 1st is a study day then the 2nd i have two exams that shouldn;t be to diffcult. from there i have two days in costa rica then its the four day count down until miami. its been quite the adventure, but i am ready for it to be over and be in a stable place again. plus so many sorority girls that i am ready to leave behind. haha. love you all and miss you

see you soon

Getting Excited to See You

We are all getting excited to see you. A piece of the Francavilla family finally returns! Lexi performed last night and a gain in a little bit. She did so well and really shines on stage. I am filming it with my camera. Grandpa comes in tomorrow until Tuesday. I have to work Friday and Saturday so Lexi will be in charge of entertainment. I figured they could both use some relaxing time. Your dad's change of command is on Sunday so that should be fun. Costa Rica would be the better choice so we are envious. I am looking forward to picking you up. We don't have that court thing on Wednesday after all. Thursday is Chorus Line. Dance Ten, Looks Three and still on unemployment --that ain't it kid, that ain't it you--Mama

Hey from grandpa May 3, 2008

Dear Nichelle:

It was great hearing your voice yesterday- later in the evening your mom kept answering the phone and apparently she couldn't hear you. I had a great flight, when your Mom picked me up at the airport it was snowing. We picked up Lexi at schooland later in the evening Carolynn and Elias arrived - they sure are a happy couple.Later we went out to dinner - had a neat meal and went home. Today is Anthony's 43rd birthday - he has been staying at our home when he isn't traveling for the company - He is the project officer for the company - and will be on the road in the US most of the year and possibly a trip to China later in the year. We get to see his three children more now. I guess you are in Costa Rica now - and I hope that is a neat stop for my traveling Grand daughter. You soon will be completing your wonderful school sea journey - but it is always great to get home. Yesterday Lexi and I spent the day together - I'm not sure who was baby sitting who - we had Bagles for Bkfst - went to Noodles for lunch and Applebees for dinner. we enjoyed a movie at home, and Lexi did a lot of neat singing acoompanied by the music from the American Idol Band. She can really sing and has a very strong voice. I had the opportunity to spend a couple of weeks in 1952 in the hospital at Osaka - great care, however I never saw the beautiful white castle that you sent us a post card of; thanks for the post card. I visited Kyoto a few times in fact it was my favorite little city in Japan. I found the Japanese to be a vey clean and neat people - much different than my opinion of them during WW II.

I had my first sukiaki (spelled wrong) in Kyoto - it was great - I went to Tokyo and Kyoto earlier on R & R. I received command of my first company in Japan - and later took my unit back to Korea for my second trip - a short assignment - and then finally back to the states.

Your Dad looked great last nite when he got home from Fort Leavenworth - he had a great experience while he was there.

Take care Nicky - Love you very much - Granpa Tony

home sweet home

well if i can get my bags to weigh the proper amount i'll be home sweet home. this journey has been great. i will be home in about 5 days now. i am so excited. woot woot. love you all and i can officially begin contact tomorrow morning once we hit miami. xoxo

Welcome to the U.S. of A.

Welcome back to the best country on this earth! We are so excited to see you. Enjoy Miami! Hey, see if you can order a transcript on line to verify that you have been in school and will be in school. Remember we had to do that in order to get on medical benefits. Once we have that we can go down next week and get your ID card.

Love you--Mama