User talk:Anildz

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Hi I am a user as well as Contributor of Wikipedia since 2005. I would love to contribute more on highways and new road network for India.


You may wonder What is this all about Indianism.

Let me ask you . Why Norway is so rich and why we are poor in spite of having so much of natural resources and such a good weather and such a huge man power ? Norway has not much natural resources, not much population , no good weather but its number one place to live on earth. On the other hand Nigeria has world's largest petroleum reserve with abundant natural rich resource but due to poor governance it's at the bottom most list of good countries to live in. India is in between as of today and where do we want India to be in next 100 years ?

Let's go back and see what we have achieved and where did we made mistake.

Once upon a time when India was ruled by the kings and dynasties each of the Kingdom was prosperous. United India was with world class education system (e.g. : Nalanda university) researches and governance It was at the top position for several hundred years with GDP and any other measurement methods. Until 600 B.C The country came under influence of external cultures and religions. In between 1000-1450 B.C, Evidence in literature suggests that in 1193, the Nalanda University was ransacked by Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turk. The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri, reported that thousands of monks were burned alive and thousands beheaded as Khilji tried his best to uproot Buddhism. The great library of Nalanda was so vast that it is reported to have burned for three months after the invaders set fire to it.

In further invasion of the mughals, turks attomans lead As many as 8 million people got killed by invaders and valuable resources looted. Invasion was so intense and brutal women who lost their man had to do slavery in their entire remaining life. To get rid of such a situation women would jump into the fire of the man's funeral and end life. So many other social complication started to begin, with dowry system, child marriages, discrimination of female etc. This is the exact situation you can imagine now some of the African countries are going through in Nigeria, kenya etc.

Then came the European and British somehow the brutality stopped but the external looting isn't.

After British era things would have changed dramatically, but unfortunately power went to wrong hands , with money making and retaining political position was the main motto. Successive small states politicians never realized the far future of India. No recovery measurement nor further prevention of invasion installed. Influx of external cultures and religions further made it complex in bringing the powerful laws and distribution of the resources and a strong will to prevent further invasion. None of the leaders realized the future of India. Though they wanted to bring up some rules and laws lobby of minority minds never made it possible. I do not want to go in detail who looted how much. but just for matter of fact at max in 1000 years 1% of the resources would have been looted. But till to date we have remaining 99% resources wrongly managed.

For today's scenario we do not utilize our resources effectively not even to its 10%. Educated people like me and you like to have only white colored jobs . no one is interested in agriculture, cultivation, road infrastructure and planning or in politics. We do not use advance technology in agriculture, that’s the reason we reap the least yields and have nothing to export. We have abundant sun energy but we are still deficient in energy. We have over flooding of rivers in monsoon but we don’t have drinking water in summer. Our laws are struggling to overcome with too much of socio cultural and economic drawbacks.

World has fought several wars based on religion, None has proven themselves which gives a way to other in a peaceful way. It means to a large extent religions are the most prominent reason for wars, worries and destruction. Though every religions use the words peace, love, and brotherhood none of them follow. Regardless of any religion you believe / follow unless and until you are not good within nothing can change you and your attitudes. No religion ever changed a criminal into a good man not even 1 in a million. but on contrary most of the religions changed good men into criminals.

Do we need a religion to be followed ? Ask yourself what religion has given to you ? Where do you really use it ? No machine, No road no river no mountain ask your religion. Religion is an absolute thing. God exist and remain to exist infinitely, but has no religion, no name, no color. Instead of God Himself / Herself coming down from above and saving you, good governance of the land should protect you.

Let's live life without a religion. Let's create a religion free society. Let's decide we want to make India to a prosperous Country with vision and mission in mind, hand and deed.

In my Opinion what we should do by law… we can make India the number one once again, we have to repair the damage and at the same time build the new India.

Religious conflicts and prevention

· Uniform civil code including J&K, Arunachal , and NE states

· Law of the land is supreme to any other religious laws or beliefs which were written thousands of years back

· National culture and integrity be followed regardless of any religious basis ,

· Every citizen has the right to question, remind, realize the national code* for non-followers

· Force must not be used to implement national code* to non-followers other than law enforcement agency (Police)

· Avoid wearing extraordinary religious cloths, signs and symbols in public places.

· Any teaching of hatred considered to be anti-Nation and attracts punishment up to life imprisonment

· Every religious teaching under Government scanner, only Government approved teachers with completed training in National Integration.

· Religious integration course to every student. before 7 years primary school.

· 100% freedom to practice your existing religion privately

· 0% allowance to preach / implement / force on others except your own children / Children from same community below 18 years .

· Stress upon build a religion free society in early ages.

· Promote as much as possible Indian National culture, and Indianism

Marriages and integration

· Power to Women To uphold women's dignity and proud : In case of inter religious marriage happens Men has to converts to girls birth religion.

· In any Other means conversion not possible from any religion to any religion , Stress upon build a religion free society.

· For forceful / preach which involves conversion Man attracts punishment up to life imprisonment. Women doesn't get any punishment.

· In case of girls parents complaint against men married of to their daughter Man is fined with Rs. 1,00,000 for forcible conversion regardless of women's statement.

· There is no time limit or age limit to receive any complaint from girls parents after marriage.

· Parents with inter religious marriage Their children will also be exempted from school fees within the county until high school

· Family members of mixed marriage couples privileged access to housing, education, employment and welfare benefits

Law and Order

· Police force to be equipped with modern arms and weapons and vehicles, Independent police department under President and Judiciary departments.

· every 500 people will have 1 policeman , 1000000 new police force recruitment, Police department must earn enough fine collection for survival of employment.

· New Jails with 1 cell x 10,000 capacity. in all district HQ, inmates to be fed with own earnings.

· Cells as per international single cell design, No interactions with one to others.

· No possibilities of religious teachings or prayers, books or materials. it's not holiday home its jail.

· Inmates must work to earn the bread

· Prisons to be equipped with latest technology features.

· Shows on National code, National integration , Religious integration, family culture must be shown in prison regularly

· There shouldn't be any other entertainment.

Training Education

· 1 months Military training for boys / 2 months Civil service compulsory for girls before graduate level

· Military training school in each district

· Public service training schools in each district.

· Training fees to be borne by students similar to their college fees

· Promote Sanskrit , unite through Sanskrit

Population Control and Benefits

· 2 Children per home , any additional child attracts fine of Rs. 25000 on incremental basis each .

· free Government facilities education and others up to 2nd children only up to 10 years education · ….

Government Office efficiency

· Government employees' salaries 2x increment on existing structure

· Government working hours 5 Days a week 08:00 to 05:00

· New Government employees 100000 requirements distributed on each states size ratio

· bribing attracts punishment up to life imprisonment

· All public meeting with Government. officer only by appointments.

· Government employees must earn for govt, by collecting fees to each of their work to the public

· Nothing is free from govt office, each application form with bar code (m/c readable) has a fee

· Each document provided by govt has a fee and bar code or security code (m/c readable)

· All govt facilities documents connected to National ID, that’s again connected to Working Bank account

· Tax, property, job, connected to National ID

Transportation and Accidents prevention

· Call back license of all 18-26 years old. Issue new with security featured card type License connected to His/Parents Working Bank account.

· Every RTO police equipped with fine collection machine , to check license validity and fine collection.

· RTO officer in duty will get 1% of the fine collected legally. Possibility of promotion to higher post.

· 18 - 26 years drivers pay 5x insurance for their vehicle they drive or own.

· Vehicle registration number connected to Working Bank account.

· Direct deduction of fines from the bank with 1 notice letter.

· All new equipment's to RTO to control traffic offenders , installed cameras, mobile camera vans, speed detector etc.

· 10000 new requirements in RTO each 10 state, and 5000 in 10 states, 2000 in remaining states

· Painting and marking the roads , Traffic Symbols and signs responsible RTO with PWD

Housing and rehabilitation

· 10000 houses in each in 10 major cities to begin with

· Completely rehabilitate slum dwellers

· private partnership to convert slums into commercial residential apartments

· alternative housing must be provided by the developers to the displaced family till the settlement order

· alternative housing must be within 5 kms radius

· minimum living area 10 sqm per person

· minimum compulsory facility to builders to provide Access road, drinking water, electricity and sanitation.

Social security and pension scheme

· Every citizen with 5 years of tax payment gets into 60+ pension scheme

· Disability benefit

· Social insurance

· Promise for food and shelter at 60+

National ID and Banking

· Every citizen must have a ID with unique No

· Every citizen with 1 banking account

· ID cards connected to Working Bank account

· Children ID cards connected to Parents account

· Citizen can Max 10 Gram gold in possession remaining will be confiscated

· All Bank to allowed to buy gold from Citizens

· The amount from gold selling if kept at fixed deposit will earn 10% p.a. Interest.

· This is because Gold is the second largest commodity in import, which badly effects out Rs. Value.

Economy Infrastructure and Developments

· Tax to every working individual, starts from 1,00,000 earning per year bracket starts with 1% -30% tax slabs

· Insurance to every working citizen including immediate family members

· Smaller industries 1 crore investment approval from village panchayat.

· 1 crore and above until 100 crores district admiration

· 100 to 1000 crores State Government approval

· 1000 crores and above central Government approval

· Infrastructure projects, related to roads and railways Environment dept. approval not needed

· Objections to infra projects accepted, but development work can continue even in the disputed land.

· alternative housing must be provided by the developers to the displaced family till the settlement order

· alternative housing must be within 5 kms radius

· Each state will have 4 cities to interconnect with 4 lane roads

· No existing roads to be disturbed

· New roads approval environment clearance not required

· every acre of land utilized for new roads compensated with planting and maintaining of 1000 trees / sq. Km for 2 years

· Any new proposed road / railway must develop new routes, without disturbing the existing roads or tracks.

The above all laws have hundreds of loop holes , amendments and further refining is needed, through discussion when majority comes to an consensus this becomes a law. Everything possible when you make your contribution. Rather than saying it's not possible, say why not possible and what is alternatively possible. You may add your additional laws to bring the better result for visionary Indianism. Please add them here in different color ending with your email id. I strongly believe in years to come we see India as a Number one in progress, governance and any other measurement method. I make you strongly believe, the beginning of this changes is from me first, and then my family and then my friends and then relatives and one day the whole country. When everything goes well and other countries will too follow this.

(*National code : Complete code of conduct based manual on How to eat, drink, talk, work, earn, pay and behave in public based on countries Culture)

Please note while framing the laws, you should not use any names of the religion, name of the language, name of the tribes or community. Motto is to build a non-religious equal minded prosperous society of people. I call it as Indianism. it’s a Nationalist approach.

Good luck to Indianism.

I have started a positive approach, you have the right to question, remind, realize the national code* to others.

Long live Nationalism

Please stop adding irrelevant nicknames for Mangalore in the Infobox

It is observed that you had added nicknames for Mangalore in Telugu, Chinese etc. which are totally irrelevant for that city. It is not a right approach to use Indic script in the Infobox of the article. Please stop adding unnecessary nicknames to Mangalore in the Wikipedia Article.

2401:4900:2184:8E4D:80C4:C052:2C1F:F76A (talk) 03:26, 29 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]