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User editing two 2002/2001 in video games pages.

Who is this user? I don't know why it edited it with a summary like that until it edits it back to normal WITHOUT a single summary. Is that how a user does by forgetting a summary? Harrishomevideo (talk) 14:54, 10 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Here's this story of what I've heard of from that Johnny Test episode, 99 Deeds of Johnny Test, but with a different ending. I found this comment from Augustborn1996.
Hey everyone, I just made a brand new ending that I think should happen.
After the scene where Mr. Test says “I was so close!”, Mrs. Test, Susan and Mary come walking to the scenery, with Mary saying: Hey, what’s going on?
Johnny: I just got my 99th good deed, so now all of my detention has been reform!
Mrs. Test: That’s awesome Johnny!
Johnny: And the best part is, Dad can’t send me to Military School!
Susan: That’s very good Johnny, I am very much happy for that, however…..
Susan then gets a very angry expression as she turns to the Principal and says: That’s NOT gonna make up for what the Principal did!
The Principal gets a very scared look on his face as he gulps hard and says: What? Uh what do you mean? I gave Johnny his 99th Deed!
Susan: Well that’s true, unfairly gave Johnny detention for something that YOU didn’t tell him was against the rules!
Mary also glares at the Principal as she says: Yeah...good point….the Principal did not say anything that what Johnny did was considered “cheating”, so therefore, he failed him!
The Principal: Well I, I uh….!
Mrs. Test then also turns to the Principal as she says: And you’re most certainly right Mary. Failing Johnny and not even telling him what he did is against the law!
The Principal: But, but, but……!
Mrs. Test then angrily glares at the now frightened Principal as she says: And because of this, I feel like I should call the governors on you for failing my baby!
Dukey (In dog language): Ruff!
The Principal then starts stuttering in fear as he starts sweating as he looks at all of the cast, even the supportive cast with the dogs (as well as the dogs too) also angrily glare at him, but after a while, he takes a deep breath and looks down in shame as he says: OK, OK…..I have a confession to make.
Everyone gets confused looks as Susan says: Wait, what?
The Principal: Well the truth is, I WAS gonna tell Johnny Test that having someone else cause a Deed was against the rules, I really was, however…..I was bribed not to……
Johnny: You were? By who???
The Principal: Well...who else? (The Principal then points at Mr. Test as he says) HIM.
Mr. Test then gets a very horrified and scared look on his face, to which Susan looks back at her father, and looks back at the Principal with a very confused look as she says: Hold on…..Dad did this? He’s the one who told you to fail Johnny?? But...why???
The Principal: Well that’s a simple answer. You see (As the Principal talks, Mr. Test gets out of the car, walks up close to the Principal and does a bunch of “Please Don’t!” like expressions.) Mr. Test has been trying to figure out ways to get rid of Johnny Test for good, and he realizes that he could do so by sending Johnny Test to Military School...forever.
Everyone (including the crowd) then gets shocked expressions, to which they all glare at Mr. Test as Mary says: Oh really???
Mrs. Test: Funny that you said, my husband did say something about sending Johnny to Military School, but I thought he was doing it to make him a better person! NOT get rid of him forever!
Mr. Test swallows hard as he says: Uh, he, he, he…….
Susan: And...when was this?
The Principal: Well it all started a few days ago where (We then cut back to a flash back where we see Mr. Test in the Principal’s office as the Principal says) we were all discussing the idea, and it went as follows.
The Principal: Now here’s how it’s gonna happen Mr. Test, I’m gonna give Johnny a deal that if he makes up his 99 Deeds, I will here by free him from all of his detentions, but if he doesn't, I will give him one and will call you.
Mr. Test: Well, ok that’s fine…..altho...isn’t there like another way, like something that’s tougher that he can’t do?
The Principal: Well not really no, you see I can not make things hard for the little guy, after all he’s just a kid, it’s not like I can purposely do that…..
After the Principal says that, Mr. Test starts thinking, to which after a while he gets the idea and makes an evil grin.
Mr. Test: Hey uh Principal, is there some kind of rule in that senaryo?
The Principal stops on what he’s saying and starts thinking, to which he says: Well...uh, there is one, and that’s to not have a good deed be made by your own means, why are you asking?
Mr. Test: Well…...who says you have to tell him THAT???
The Principal gets a confused look, to which he gets the realization as he gets an angry expression and says: Uh…..NO, absolutely not!
Mr. Test gets a very confused look as he says: No? What do you mean no??
The Principal: I am NOT gonna not tell Johnny that rule just so he can get unfairly detention and get sent to Military School by you! I ain't gonna fail a student just for the sake of you not liking your own son! We all have to obey the laws of our nature.
Mr. Test then gets off the chair as he does a begging pose and says: Oh please Principal you have to do it!!! I have been planning this for days and this is my only way of being free of him for good, just please, please, please, please PLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEASSSSSSSSE!!!!
The Principal: Mr., means no! The Principal then turns around in his chair with his arms crossed as he says with an angry expression: And there is nothing that you can do to make me say otherwise.
We then cut to Mr. Test now standing with an angry expression and having both of his arms behind his back, tho after a while, he then gets an evil smile as he pulls out what appears to be a chocolate brownie on his left hand, the smoke smell goes to the Principal, he starts sniffing, he then turns around in his chair and starts sniffing some more as he sutters: Uhhh…...hey buddy, what do you have in your hand?
Mr. Test: A delitibuly homemade chocolate brownie.
We then cut to the head area of the Principal shuttering as he says: A chocolate b-b-b-b-brownie??
Mr. Test (Voice): Yep, my wife just made it today, it’s still nice and warm….and also...the chocolate is still fairly gooey…..
The Principal then starts shaking/sweating as he gulps very hard and starts smacking his lips, to which he says: Uh……..what flavor chocolate is it? Milk or Dark?
Mr. Test: Actually, it’s a special kind, it’s a combo brownie with BOTH kinds of chocolate, and I still have a batch in the car.
Just then the Principal jumps out of the chair, runs up to Mr. Test as he says: Can I have it please, please, please?!
Mr. Test then pushes the Principal away with his hand as he turns and says: Oh n-n-n-n-no, this is MY brownie, and it’s been established that Teachers can’t have sweets during school hours, after all its as you say, we have to obey the laws of our own nature.
Principal: But, but, but….
Mr. Test: Oh well, if that’s how the rule goes, I guess I just might have a bite…….
As Mr. Test places the brownie to his mouth, the Principal goes on his knees and says: Please don’t do it! I-I-I do anything, I do anything you want!
Mr. Test gets a very sarcastic grin as he looks at the Principal and says: Anything? Really?????? Even if it means breaking a rule?
The Principal: Yes! Even that! ANYTHING!!!!
Mr. Test: Hea, hea, hea….I thought so.
We then cut back to the present day as the Principal says: And that’s why I failed him.
Susan: Hmmmmm, interesting.
Mrs. Test then gets an angry look as she glares at Mr. Test and says: I was wondering why my husband wanted that batch of brownies that I was gonna give to my mother!
Mr. Test smiles very weakly.
Mary: But hold on, if you made a deal with dad, what causes you to break that deal?
The Principal: wife found out about a few hours that I failed Johnny and broke the rules, so she gave one heck of a fit and threatened to kick me out of her house if I don’t fix up for what I did, so I decided to make up for it by giving Johnny his 99th deed.
The Principal then looks at Johnny with a guilty look as he says: So Johnny, I am terribly sorry that I failed you, I really am, and I promise I will never do that again.
Johnny just stares at the Principal angry with his arms crossed, tho after a while he shrugs his shoulders and says: Well...fair enough.
The Principal smiles as he says: Thank you Johnny.
Mrs. Test starts thinking, to which after a while she says: Well….alright I guess I won’t call the governors on you.
The Principal turns to Mrs. Test as he says with a smile: And thank you to Mrs. Test.
Tho after that Mrs. Test then angry points at the Principal as she says: HOWEVER…..if you ever fail my baby again for some bakery desserts ever again, its cutants for you.
The Principal: I promise.
The Principal then looks back and says: Well on that note, I’m gonna go home and have them brownies, see you later!
After the Principal leaves, Mrs. Test turns to Johnny with a smile as she says: Well Johnny, this has quite been a day huh?
Johnny: Yeah it has.
Dukey: Ruff!
Mary: I will amend that while I don't have anything against you being sent to Military School, I’m also quite happy that you're free.
Susan: Me too.
Everyone then cheers along, to which Mrs. Test then says: Altho…...there is ONE thing that we should take care off.
After saying that, everyone then turns around and glares at Mr. Test, to which he looks around at the crowd and swallows hard with a very weak smile as he says: Uh, hea, hea, hea… Johnny has his 99th deed, that’s pretty cool….right???
Mrs. Test angery walks up to Mr. Test as she says: Well that’s true honey, but this little sinani king has gone way too far! Trying to send our baby to military school forever and BRIBING someone to fail him just so you can have an easy victory!
Mr. Test (In Fear): Well, uh, uh Honey, if Johnny was sent to Military School its not that we’ll never see him again, we can still visit Johnny at Military School once in a while, maybe uh……...once every year?
Mary walks up to Mr. Test as she angrily says: Well that’s not gonna happen, we’re not gonna get rid of Johnny test, and YOU KNOW IT!
Susan then walks up and says: Yeah! You have officially crossed the line dad!
Mr. Test: Well, what are you gonna do to me?! You not gonna kick me out of the family….are you!?
Mrs. Test then gets a little grin on her face as she says: Actually we’re not gonna do that.
Mr. Test then gets a confused look as he says: Wait….your not??????
Mary: Nope….because we have a much better idea for you……
After saying that, Susan, Mary and Mrs. Test gets very evil grins as they all stare at Mr. Test.
We then cut Mr. Test as a shadow lurks at him, to which he gulps very hard and weakly says: Oh no……..
We then cut back to inside the Tests’ house, where we see Susan and Mary testing out their food creation, we see Johnny and his mother at the couch.
Mrs. Test: Johnny, I am so sorry for what you have been put through, what with the Principal failing you and my husband trying to ship you off to Military School forever.
Johnny: Don’t worry mom, I’m ok with it, it was actually quite fun.
Mrs. Test smiled a bit as she says: Well in any case I’m glad that you're home.
Susan then walks up to Johnny as she says: She’s right Johnny, no family member of ours is gonna be sent away.
Mary: To be quite frank with all of you, I am quite surprised that the Principal has decided to help you.
Dukey then walks up to Johnny as he says with a smile: Ruff!
Johnny then smiled, to which he then says: Tho that reminds me mom, what did you do with dad?
Mrs. Test gets a little grin as she points to the left with her right hand and says: Well...I figured, that if he really wants to be away from you, that he should be sent to Military School, more piticulty, Military School: Parent Addition.
Johnny: That’s a bit harsh…..I like it.
Mary starts thinking as she says: I wonder how dad’s doing now at his month long stay at Military School: Parent Addition?
Susan gets a smile as she says: Oh….I bet yea he’s having a good time right now.
We then cut to the outside of Military School: Parent Addition, after a while we cut to the inside to see Mr. Test (In a Military School-like outfit) standing against a wall, to which he then slunks down with a very scared look on his face.
We then cut to a gang of big brutes with evil grins as one of them says: It’s been a long time since we got some friends!
Another Big Brute then mencily walks up to Mr. Test as he pounds his fists and says: Yeah! I can not wait to clobber this one into a pulp like a punching bag! Hu hu ha ha!
We then cut to a very frightened and scared Mr. Test, and as one of the big brutes grabs him by the shoulders, Mr. Test wimpers: Please… very gentle on me! I’m breakable!
Mr. Test then gets pulled in, and then we cut back to the outside of Military School: Parent Addition, as we hear Mr. Test getting brutally beaten up by the brutes.
And there you have it, the perfect ending that SHOULD happen. Harrishomevideo (talk) 21:08, 10 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]