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Paul Gregory Goerss (born August 28, 1957) is an American mathematician known for work in algebraic topology.

Goerss was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He received his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1983 under the direction of Franklin Paul Peterson with a thesis on Results on Brown-Gitler Spectra. He was at Wellesley College, a professor at the University of Washington, and a professor at Northwestern University. Goerss's main area of work is homotopy theory, including stable homotopy theory and applications, for example in algebraic geometry.

Selected publications

  • With John F. Jardine Simplicial Homotopy Theory, Birkhäuser 1999, 2010
  • On the André-Quillen cohomology of commutative -algebras, Astérisque, 186, 1990
  • With Jean Lannes, Fabien Morel Vecteurs de Witt noncommutatifs et représentabilité de l’homologie modulo p, Inventiones Mathematicae, 108, 1992, 163–227.
  • With Michael J. Hopkins Moduli spaces of commutative ring spectra, in: Structured Ring Spectra, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series, Band 315, Cambridge University Press 2008, S. 151–200, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
  • With Hans-Werner Henn, Mark Mahowald, C. Rezk A resolution of the K(2)-local sphere at the prime 3, Annals of Mathematics, Band 162, 2005, S. 777–822
  • Topological modular forms [after Hopkins, Miller, and Lurie], Astérisque, 332 (2010), 221–256 (Séminaire Nicolas Bourbaki, Nr. 1005, 2008/09)


External links