
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Founder and national coordinator for the pagan educational network (PEN)

  • Margot Adler [Born: in April 16, 1946-]Author of the popular book Drawing Down the Moon (1979, revised edition 1986).
  • Lady Amethyst: [Born: Founded Tradition Amythystian in 1968. Tradition is rooted in the Order of the Garter, Order of the Royal Oak.
  • Victor Anderson (poet) [Born ??????-]

Cofounder of the Faery Tradition of Wicca.

Magickal- Wiccan name: Rajj. Writer Poet

Arnold was a key figure in the Wicca legal battle for the decriminalzation, and wicca as a religion in Canada.

Wiccan priest, author, and educator. Founder of the Rowan Tree Church, the Mystery Scholl (teaching the Tradition of Lothiorien),

Druid Priest and Founder of the Aquarian Anti-Defamation League, Schismatic Druids of North America,

Pittsburgh Pagan Alliance ( coordinator and scribe), Fellowship of Isis, The Witch'sAnti-Defamation Laugue,

  • Raymond Buckland [Born: Auguat 31, 1934] Founder of the Seax-Wica Tradition of Witchcraft.
  • Z. Budapest (Zsuzanna Budapest: [Januaruy 30, 1940] Founder of the Feminist Dianor Wicca,
  • Joseph Campbell: [ born New York City in 1904 American author best known for his work in the field of comparative mythology.
  • Susann Cobb: [Born: January 07, 1963]
  • Aleister (Alexander Edward) Crowley: [Born:12, 1875 in Leamington Spa, England, died in 1947
  • Arnold Crowther: [Born: October 07, 1009 Died May 01,1974) Author of numerous books on the Craft.
  • Patricia Crowther: [Born: 1927 Author of numerous books on the Craft.
  • Faan Culter She was on the Board of Directors of the The Church of Wicca, as V.President and Director,
  • Scott Cunningham: [Born: June 27, 1956, in Royal Oak, Michigan, Died: March 28, 1993] Author of numerous books on the Craft.
  • A. J. Drew: book circuit, and a teacher and community witch worthy
  • Gerina Dunwich: [Born: December 27, 1959 in Illinois] founder and director of The Wheel of Wisdom School. Author of numerous books on the Craft.
  • Arthur Evans: Author of "Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture". still in print after two decades. "The God of Ecstasy" c1988
  • Jenet Farrar: [Born: June 24, 1950 in London, England] Coauthor of numerous books on the Craft with her husband Stewart Farrar
  • Stewart Farrar: [Born: 28 June 28, 1916, at 239 Winchester Road, Highams Park, Walthamstow, in what is now the London borough of Waltham Forest. Died: February 07, 2000] numerous books on the Craft.
  • Ed Fitch: Wiccan/Pagan authors and teachers, founder of Pagan Way
  • Selena Fox: [Born: October 20, 1949, in Arlington, Virginia] Psychotherapist, teacher, writer, and priestess. founder and co-executive director of Circle Sanctuary, an international Nature Spirituality resource center
  • Carolyn Frances: [Born: April 19, 1942] Artist, Poet, Composer
  • Gavin Frost: [Born in Staffordshire, England in 1930] Cofounder of the Church and School of Wicca
  • Yvonne Frost: [Born in Los Angeles, California in 1931]

Cofounder of the Church and School of Wicca [1965] Coauthor of numerous books on the Craft with her husband Gavin.

1964, on a cruise ship the coast of North Africa. founder, of Gardnerian Wicca Traditions.

  • Judy Grahn: Author of "Another Mother Tongue
  • Ellen Evert Hopman: [Born July 31, 1952] . master herbalist and vice-president of Keltria, the International Druid

Fellowship; and a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild.

  • Ralph Harvey: - known in the UK craft community but being Canadian,
  • Harry Hay: Born April 7, 1912, in England, 1912 died on Thursday October 24, 2002 at 01:42 PM at age 90. the founding, the Radical Faeries in 1979.
  • Helen Duncan: [1898-1956] British Spiritualist, in 1944 under the Witchcraft Act of 1735, Duncan was charged with witchcraft.
  • Jade: [Born July 02, 1950] Cofounder of the Re-formed Congregation og the Goddess
  • Rik Johnson: [Born: August 24, 1952] Gardnerian Wiccan and High Priest of the Desert Henge Coven.
  • Anodea Judith: [Born: December 01,1952] Founder and Director of Lifeways,
  • G.M. Kelly: [Born: March 23, 1951]
  • [Sybil Leek:]] [Born February 22, 1917 in Stoke-on Trent, England. Died October 26, 1982 in Melbourne, Florida.
  • Dr. Leo Louis Martello: [Born 1931 Died June 2000] Dr. Martello founded the "Witches Anti-Defamation League", later renamed the "Witches Anti-Discrimination Lobby" (WADL),
  • Karin Muller:[Born: December 26, 1964] ceromonialist-Shaman. Coordinator and leader of several large Pagan rituals
  • John Opsopaus: [Born:

Magical Name: Apolonius Sophistes. He maintains several Worldwide web sites devoted to Neo-Paganism, and the occult. Solitary Practitioner of the Hellenic Tradition. Member of the Church of all Worlds, Ar nDraiocht Fein, and OTO. Maintains Runs the Omphalos networking service for Neo-Pagans following Greek and Roman traditions.

  • Pete Pathfinder: [Born: Co-founder and Publisher of the journal Panegyria. .
  • John Bellham-Payne He has undertaken the task with two other British Witches to create a museum and study hall of witchcraft which will house artifacts of Doreen Valiente and several other witches.
  • Lee Prosser: [Born: December 31, 1944] Founder of the Oneness Center for Spiritual Living. Solitary practitioner of Shamanism and Vedanta legally- recognized Interfaith minister, member of the Pagan PoetsSociety.
  • Samuel Liddell Mathers [Born: January 08,1854-November 20, 1918] founder of the Heretic Order of the Golden Dawn.
  • Silver Ravenwolf: [Born: September 11, 1956] Clan Head of the Temple of the Morrighan of numerous books on the Craft
  • Alex Sanders: [1926-1988] In the 1960 Alex Sanders rose to fame in the 1960, founding a major wiccan tradition bearing his name: the Alexandrian trdition.
  • Deirdre Sargent: [Born: October 14,  ????] Co-Editor of Pagan Digest Solitary Wiccan and member of Wolf Head's Coven (formed 1993). First Officer Educational Society for Pagans, Elder-at-large Covenant of the Goddess (National Board).
  • Robert Owen Scott, Jr: [Wizard] [Born: December 17, 1952-] Friends call him Wizard, He is a writer, poet, a gifted psychic, and activist for both for Pagan Civil Rights and the Gay Rights Civil Movement,
  • Lady Sheba: [Born in the mountains of Kentucky, birthdate unknown to this Author]
  • Herman Slater: [Born: ?????? Died: July 09,1992 Wiccan High Priest and public advocate of the craft.
  • Diane Stein: one of the most recognized voices in the Women's Spirituality Movement. author of several books
  • Rev. Maria Solomon: [Born: August 11, 1950] Professional Psychic, writer, lecturer, teacher, ordained minister, occultist, hypnotherapist, parapsychologist, and Shaman. Founder of the Sylvan Society.
  • Starhawk: [Born: 1951] Given Name: Miriam Simos Author, Feminist Witch, and peace activist. Founder of the Compost and Honeysuckle Covens and Reclaiming
  • Tony Taylor:[Born: July 27, 1950] Keltrian Druid. Co-founder of the Henge of Keltria, editor-in chief of Keltria : Journal of Druidism and Celtic Magic.
  • Patricia J. Telesco: [Born: February 21, 1960 author of numerous books on the Craft
  • Lady Gwen Thomson: (1928-1986), a hereditary witch from New Haven, Connecticut (USA), Thomson was the primary teacher of The New England Coven of the Traditionalist Witches, which she founded in 1972,
  • Michael Thorn: Leader of Kathexis Coven [1982] Former president of Covenant of the Goddess, Interests include ceremonial magick, and gay spirituality.
  • Doreen Edith Valiente: [Born 4th January 1922 Died Sept 1st,1999] author of numerous books on the Craft
  • Apophis Samhain Valkyrie: [Born: September 27, 1969 Writer and Wiccan Minister. Founder of the Occulterian Life Church
  • Susun S. Weed [Born: February 08, 1946] Serenity Garden: 7 Radical Weeds for Natural Stress Relief
  • Marion Weinstein [Born: author of numerous books on the Craft
  • Carl Llewellyn Weschcke: [Born: September 10, 1930] Magickal Name: Gnosticus Book Publisher, President of Llewellyn Worldwide one of the older and largest publishers of occult, Wiccan and New Age books.
  • Morning Glory Zell [Born:May 27, 1947] Morning Glory co-founded the Ecosophical Research Association in (ERA) 1977
  • Oberon Zell [Born: November 30, 1942] Oberon was born Timothy Zell on November 30, 1942, in St Louis, Missouri.Founder of the Church of All Worlds and a leading figure in the Neo-Pagan community.

Note this is a modified, list taken from information that I have posted to a web site which I hold the copyright to.I have freely offered it here to From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,.for educational purposes. Some of the people on this list already have a biography on, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.