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Linear Algebra

List of linear algebra topics
Theorems and definitions in linear algebra
Linear equations
System of linear equations
Minor (linear algebra)
Cauchy–Binet formula
Cramer's rule
Gaussian elimination
Strassen algorithm
Linear algebra
Zero object (algebra)
Absolutely convex set
Adjugate matrix
Affine space
Amitsur–Levitzki theorem
Antilinear map
Antiunitary operator
Asymmetric norm
Backus–Gilbert method
Balanced set
Barycentric coordinate system
Basis (linear algebra)
Basis function
Bidiagonal matrix
Big M method
Binomial inverse theorem
Bra–ket notation
Bunch–Nielsen–Sorensen formula
Canonical basis
Cartesian tensor
Category of vector spaces
Cauchy–Schwarz inequality
Centrosymmetric matrix
Change of basis
Characteristic polynomial
Choi's theorem on completely positive maps
Coates graph
Coefficient matrix
Column space
Column vector
Commutation matrix
Complex conjugate vector space
Complex vector space
Compressed sensing
Computing the permanent
Cone (linear algebra)
Conformable matrix
Conjugate transpose
Controlled invariant subspace
Convex cone
Coordinate space
Coordinate vector
CSS code
Defective matrix
Definite quadratic form
Delta operator
Dependence relation
Dieudonné determinant
Dimension (vector space)
Direct sum of modules
Direction vector
Dot product
Dual basis
Dual basis in a field extension
Dual norm
Dual number
Dual space
Eigendecomposition of a matrix
Eigenvalue perturbation
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Elementary matrix
Entanglement-assisted stabilizer formalism
Euclidean space
Euclidean vector
Finite dimensional von Neumann algebra
Flag (linear algebra)
Flat (geometry)
Frame (linear algebra)
Frame of a vector space
Fredholm alternative
Fredholm's theorem
Frobenius normal form
Fusion frame
General linear group
Generalizations of Pauli matrices
Generalized eigenvector
Generalized singular value decomposition
Gershgorin circle theorem
Golden–Thompson inequality
Gram–Schmidt process
Hamming space
Haynsworth inertia additivity formula
Hermite normal form
Hilbert space
Hilbert–Poincaré series
Homogeneous coordinates
Homogeneous function
Homogeneous linear equation
Hurwitz determinant
Identity matrix
Immanant of a matrix
Independent equation
Indeterminate system
Integer points in convex polyhedra
Invariant subspace
Invariants of tensors
Invertible matrix
Joint spectral radius
Jordan normal form
Jordan–Chevalley decomposition
Kernel (algebra)
Kernel (linear algebra)
Lapped transform
Lattice reduction
Leibniz formula for determinants
Levi-Civita symbol
Line segment
Line-line intersection
Linear combination
Linear complementarity problem
Linear equation over a ring
Linear form
Linear independence
Linear inequality
Linear map
Linear span
Linear subspace
List of vector spaces in mathematics
Locally finite operator
Matrix addition
Matrix analysis
Matrix calculus
Matrix Chernoff bound
Matrix congruence
Matrix decomposition into clans
Matrix determinant lemma
Matrix difference equation
Matrix norm
Matrix pencil
Mixed linear complementarity problem
Mode of a linear field
Newton's identities
Non-negative matrix factorization
Nonlinear eigenproblem
Nonnegative rank (linear algebra)
Norm (mathematics)
Normal basis
Null vector
Numerical range
Orientation (vector space)
Orthogonal basis
Orthogonal complement
Orthogonal diagonalization
Orthogonal Procrustes problem
Orthogonal transformation
Orthographic projection (geometry)
Orthonormal basis
Orthonormal function system
Overdetermined system
Partial trace
Peetre's inequality
Polarization identity
Polynomial basis
Principal angles
3D projection
Projection (linear algebra)
Projection-valued measure
Purification of quantum state
Quadratic eigenvalue problem
Quadratic form
Quadruple product
Quaternionic matrix
Quaternionic vector space
Quotient space (linear algebra)
Rank (linear algebra)
Rank factorization
Rayleigh quotient
2 × 2 real matrices
Reality structure
Reduction (mathematics)
Relative dimension
Resolvent set
Restricted isometry property
Rota's basis conjecture
Rotation operator (vector space)
Row and column spaces
Row equivalence
Row space
Row vector
Rule of Sarrus
Scalar (mathematics)
Scalar multiplication
Schmidt decomposition
Schur complement
Schur product theorem
Segre classification
Semi-simple operator
Semilinear transformation
Sesquilinear form
Seven-dimensional cross product
Shear mapping
Shear matrix
Sherman–Morrison formula
Singular value decomposition
Skew-Hamiltonian matrix
Special linear group
Spectral theorem
Spectral theory
Spherical basis
Spinors in three dimensions
Split-complex number
Spread of a matrix
Squeeze mapping
Stabilizer code
Standard basis
Standard flag
Steinitz exchange lemma
Stokes operator
Sublinear function
Sylvester's determinant theorem
Sylvester's law of inertia
Symplectic vector space
Tapering (mathematics)
Tensor operator
Tikhonov regularization
Toeplitz matrix
Trace (linear algebra)
Trace diagram
Trace identity
Triangle inequality
Trilinear coordinates
Underdetermined system
Unit vector
Unitary transformation
Vector projection
Vector space
Vector spaces without fields
Vector-valued function
Vectorization (mathematics)
Weyl's inequality
Woodbury matrix identity
Z-order curve
Zech's logarithms
Zero mode
Matrix (mathematics)
Matrix multiplication