
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Recall Requirements

Some people consider that it is too difficult to remove the bit from Admins and Bureaucrats who have lost the community's trust. I'm not one of them - I think that Arbcom and before them Jimbo have between them desysopped scores too many admins for adminship to be seen as a sinecure. But it seems that some people like admins to have a recall criteria and so here are mine:

If any of the following editors tells me either to stop using the tools, or to logoff and not edit Wikipedia for any term up to a week then I will do so. If three or more of the following editors ask me to resign as either admin or crat or both in the same 7 day period then I will do so. I may change this list in future, but I won't remove anyone in the week after they've made such a request.

Users who may request removal of my rights

Answers to your questions

1. Hold on WereSpielChequers - aren't these just your wiki mates? They're never going to ask you to hand back the bit.

A. Yes some of them are regulars from the London Meetup, they know me best and if they told me to go I would do so. Putting them here means that if I need to go it can all be done and dusted on wiki and won't need to be mentioned in the pub. Some are people I've nominated for adminship, if I've lost their trust then I should go. But others are people who either opposed one or both of my RFAs, or who I opposed at RFA and who I turned out to have misjudged.

2. I'm not on the list but I think you should lose the tools.

A. First, please chat to me! Let's see if we can resolve matters. If that fails then by all means go talk to the editors on this list and ask them to initiate recall. Or of course you could go to Arbcom.

3. Oldtimer these electrons are looking awful dusty, it might still have been current in 2013 but you could history merge wp:RFA and WP:EFD, semiprotect the sandbox and dish out autopatroller to a newby whose only article was an obituary for their pet hamster, and we still couldn't get three of those fossils to all log on in the same week and call for your resignation.

A. You could have a point there, give me a nudge and I'll add some more.
  • This is extensively and shamelessly cribbed from User:Pedro/Recall, partly because his seemed sensible and partly because it was him putting me on his list that finally prompted me into writing this.