
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Any vibrant, lush, healthy plant with flowing, soft energy will bring you an abundant quality of energy because it replicates nature. And nature is the mother of all abundance. Growing the plant as per Vastu Shastra will allow you to gain the maximum benefits. Otherwise, it will bring financial loss and stress.

money plant can be seen in both Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra. It is a plant that attracts wealth and believed to bring long-lasting happiness in the family. The plant enhances the energy of prosperity, and it attracts wealth.

the southeast is the most suitable to keep the plant.

The northeast direction is strictly prohibited in Vastu to plant the money tree. Make sure its leaves stay in good health and don’t dry or wither. Don’t let the plant touch the floor. Keeping your money plant at the north entrance is said to invite new sources of income and multiple career opportunities. It will also bring you good luck. But in north colour of pot should be blue colour . When you’re shopping for a money plant, make sure the leaves are heart-shaped. This attracts wealth, prosperity, and fosters healthy relationships.