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History, 638

Basics, 3

History by continent and region, 8

History by country, 45

Prehistory and ancient history, 160

Basic, 8

  1. Stone Age
  2. Chalcolithic
  3. Bronze Age
  4. Iron Age
  5. Ancient history
    1. Classical antiquity
    2. Late Antiquity
    3. Hellenistic period

Prehistory, 17

  1. Prehistory
  2. Australopithecus
  3. Cro-Magnon
  4. Homo erectus
  5. Human evolution
    1. Early human migrations
  6. Neanderthal
  7. Paranthropus
Stone Age, 9
  1. Paleolithic
    1. Lower Paleolithic
    2. Middle Paleolithic
      1. Control of fire by early humans
    3. Upper Paleolithic
      Behavioral modernity
  2. Mesolithic
  3. Neolithic
    1. Neolithic Revolution
    2. Cradle of civilization

Africa, 15

  1. North Africa during Antiquity
  2. Ancient Egypt
    1. Pharaoh
    2. Ptolemaic Kingdom
    3. Old Kingdom of Egypt
    4. Middle Kingdom of Egypt
    5. New Kingdom of Egypt
    6. Naqada III
    7. Land of Punt
  3. Nok culture
  4. Nubia
    1. Kingdom of Kush
  5. Kingdom of Aksum
  6. Ancient Carthage
    1. Punic Wars

Americas, 7

  1. Mesoamerica
  2. Chavín culture
  3. Maya civilization
  4. Olmec
  5. Paleo-Indians
  6. Settlement of the Americas
  7. Zapotec civilization

Asia, 72

  1. Silk Road

Central Asia, Iran, Caucasus, 14

  1. Achaemenid Empire
  2. Atropatene
  3. Bactria
  4. Caucasian Albania
  5. Caucasian Iberia
  6. Elam
  7. Medes
  8. Parthian Empire
  9. Roman–Persian Wars
  10. Saka
  11. Sassanid Empire
  12. Sogdiana
  13. Tocharians

Eastern Asia, 15

  1. Gojoseon
  2. Jōmon period
  3. Jin Dynasty (265–420)
  4. Han Dynasty
  5. Qin Dynasty
  6. Shang Dynasty
  7. Sixteen Kingdoms
  8. Southern and Northern Dynasties
  9. Spring and Autumn period
  10. Three Kingdoms of Korea
  11. Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors
  12. Warring States period
  13. Zhou Dynasty
  14. Xia Dynasty
  15. Xiongnu
  16. Yayoi period

Southern Asia, 11

  1. Chola dynasty
  2. Gupta Empire
  3. Indus Valley Civilization
  4. Indo-Greeks
  5. Indo-Scythians
  6. Kushan Empire
  7. Magadha
  8. Maurya Empire
  9. Satavahana dynasty
  10. Vedic India

Southeastern Asia, 3

  1. Hong Bang dynasty
  2. Nanyue
  3. Pyu city-states

Western Asia, 28

  1. Fertile Crescent
  2. Mesopotamia
  3. Akkad
  4. Amorite
  5. Kingdom of Armenia (antiquity)
  6. Assyria
  7. Babylonia
    1. Chaldea
  8. History of ancient Israel and Judah
  9. Hittites
  10. Lydia
  11. Palmyra
  12. Phoenicia
  13. Phrygia
  14. Seleucid Empire
  15. Syrian Wars
  16. Sabaeans
  17. Sumer
  18. Trojan War
  19. Urartu

Europe, 36

  1. Minoan civilization
  2. Dacians
  3. Etruscan civilization
  4. Ancient Greece
    1. Greco-Persian Wars
      Magna Graecia
    2. Delian League
    3. Sparta
  5. Ancient Rome
    1. Roman Kingdom
    2. Roman Republic
    3. Roman Empire
      1. Crisis of the Third Century
      2. Julio-Claudian dynasty
      3. Nerva–Antonine dynasty
      4. Western Roman Empire
      5. Decline of the Roman Empire
      6. Fall of the Western Roman Empire
    4. Gallic Wars
      Germanic Wars
    5. Macedonian Wars
      Roman civil wars
    6. Crisis of the Roman Republic
  6. Macedonia (ancient kingdom)
  7. Celts
  8. Cimmerians
  9. Saxons
  10. Sarmatians
  11. Scythia
  12. Thrace
  13. Migration Period
    1. Alans
    2. Huns
    3. Goths
    4. Moors
    5. Rus' people
    6. Suebi
    7. Vandals

Middle Ages, 136

  1. Middle Ages
  2. Castle
  3. Feudalism
  4. Guild
  5. Nobility
    1. Boyar
    2. Knight
    3. Knyaz
    4. Samurai

Africa, 7

  1. Almoravid dynasty
  2. Ghana Empire
  3. Kanem Empire
  4. Mali Empire
  5. Songhai Empire
  6. Trans-Saharan trade

Americas, 8

  1. Aztec
  2. Inca Empire
  3. Chimú culture
  4. Mississippian culture
  5. Moche
  6. Pre-Columbian era
  7. Wari culture

Asia, 41

  1. Islamic Golden Age
  2. Mamluk

Central Asia and Iran, 8

  1. Aq Qoyunlu
  2. Göktürks
  3. Golden Horde
  4. Kara Koyunlu
  5. Muslim conquest of Persia
  6. Khwarazmian dynasty
  7. Seljuq dynasty
  8. Uyghur Khaganate

Eastern Asia, 13

  1. Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period
  2. Goryeo
  3. Heian period
  4. Jin Dynasty (1115–1234)
  5. Khitan people
  6. Liao Dynasty
  7. Ming Dynasty
  8. Mongol Empire
  9. Song Dynasty
  10. Sui Dynasty
  11. Tang Dynasty
  12. Three Kingdoms
  13. Yuan Dynasty

Southern Asia, 3

  1. Delhi Sultanate
  2. Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent
  3. Vijayanagara Empire

Southeastern Asia, 7

  1. Champa
  2. Khmer Empire
  3. Majapahit
  4. Malacca sultanate
  5. Pagan Kingdom
  6. Srivijaya
  7. Trần Dynasty

Western Asia, 8

  1. Abbasid Caliphate
  2. Crusades
    1. Crusader states
  3. Ottoman Empire
  4. Sultanate of Rum
  5. Latin Empire
  6. Umayyad Caliphate
  7. Empire of Nicaea

Europe, 72

  1. Black Death
  2. East–West Schism
  3. House of Habsburg
  4. Normans

Eastern Europe and Central, 26

  1. Avars
  2. Kingdom of Bohemia
  3. Bulgars
  4. First Bulgarian Empire
  5. Second Bulgarian Empire
  6. Byzantine Empire
    1. Arab–Byzantine wars
    2. Byzantine–Bulgarian wars
    3. Byzantine–Ottoman Wars
    4. Fall of Constantinople
  7. Cretan War (1645–69)
  8. Cuman people
  9. Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia
  10. Grand Duchy of Lithuania
  11. Grand Duchy of Moscow
  12. Kingdom of Hungary
  13. Hussite Wars
  14. Khazars
  15. Kievan Rus'
  16. Great Moravia
  17. Novgorod Republic
    Ottoman–Venetian Wars
  18. Pechenegs
  19. Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic War
  20. Rurik Dynasty
  21. Teutonic Knights
  22. Vladimir-Suzdal
  23. Volga Bulgaria

Western Europe, 42

  1. Anglo-Saxons
  2. Austrasia
  3. East Francia
  4. Franks
  5. Hanseatic League
  6. Holy Roman Empire
  7. Inquisition
  8. Investiture Controversy
  9. Kingdom of England
    1. Battle of Hastings
    2. Norman conquest of England
    3. Wars of the Roses
  10. Kingdom of Germany
  11. Knights Templar
  12. Northern Crusades
  13. Ostsiedlung
  14. House of Plantagenet
  15. Viking Age
  16. Wends
Italy, 7
  1. Gothic War (535–554)
  2. Guelphs and Ghibellines
  3. Lombards
  4. Papal States
  5. Kingdom of Sicily
  6. Republic of Genoa
  7. Republic of Venice
France, 10
  1. Capetian dynasty
  2. Carolingian dynasty
  3. Duchy of Burgundy
  4. Kingdom of France
  5. Hundred Years' War
  6. Francia
    West Francia
  7. Merovingian dynasty
  8. Neustria
  9. Salic law
Spain, 6
  1. Al-Andalus
    1. Caliphate of Córdoba
    2. Reconquista
  2. Kingdom of Aragon
  3. Kingdom of Castile
  4. Visigothic Kingdom

Early modern history, 89

Basics, 12

  1. Age of Discovery
  2. Colonialism
    1. British Empire
    2. French colonial empire
    3. Portuguese Empire
    4. Spanish Empire
  3. Early modern period
  4. Little Ice Age
  5. Renaissance
  6. Scientific revolution
  7. Seven Years' War
  8. Treaty of Zaragoza
  9. Treaty of Tordesillas

Africa, 8

  1. Slavery in Africa
  2. Bornu Empire
  3. Kingdom of Mutapa
  4. Ashanti Empire
  5. Kingdom of Kongo
  6. Oyo Empire
  7. Sennar (sultanate)
    Hausa Kingdoms

Americas, 9

  1. American Revolutionary War
  2. Atlantic slave trade
  3. European colonization of the Americas
    1. British colonization of the Americas
    2. Spanish colonization of the Americas
      1. Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire
      2. Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire
        French and Indian Wars
  4. French and Indian War

Asia, 24

  1. Ayutthaya Kingdom
  2. 1556 Shaanxi earthquake
  3. Bengal famine of 1770
    Burmese–Siamese wars
  4. Deccan sultanates
  5. Dutch East India Company
  6. East India Company
  7. Edo period
    1. Tokugawa shogunate
  8. Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–98)
  9. Joseon
  10. Kazakh Khanate
  11. Khanate of Bukhara
  12. Lan Xang
  13. Lê Dynasty
  14. Maratha Empire
  15. Mughal Empire
  16. Khanate of Sibir
  17. Safavid dynasty
  18. Sino-Burmese War (1765–69)
  19. Taungoo Dynasty
  20. Qing Dynasty
  21. Sikh Empire
  22. Zunghar Khanate

Europe, 37

Basics, 4

  1. Age of Enlightenment
  2. Protestant Reformation
  3. Thirty Years' War
  4. Counter-Reformation

Western Europe, 16

  1. 1755 Lisbon earthquake
  2. Anglo-Dutch Wars
  3. Congress of Berlin
  4. Eighty Years' War
  5. Enclosure
  6. English Civil War
  7. French Revolution
    1. French Revolutionary Wars
  8. French Wars of Religion
  9. Huguenot
  10. Italian Wars
  11. Prussia
  12. Puritan
  13. Spanish Inquisition
  14. War of the Austrian Succession
  15. War of the Spanish Succession

Eastern Europe and Central, 17

  1. Cossacks
    1. Cossack Hetmanate
  2. Crimean Khanate
  3. Great Northern War
  4. Great Turkish War
  5. House of Romanov
  6. Khanate of Kazan
  7. Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
    1. Partitions of Poland
    2. Union of Lublin
  8. Livonian War
  9. Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars
  10. Ottoman wars in Europe
    Polish–Russian War
  11. Polish–Muscovite War (1605–18)
  12. Tsardom of Russia
    1. Oprichnina
      Russo-Turkish War

Modern history, 176

Basics, 34

  1. Modern history
  2. 1973 oil crisis
  3. Abolitionism
  4. Civil Rights Movement
  5. Cold War
  6. Collective farming
  7. Decolonization
  8. Financial crisis of 2007–08
  9. Great Depression
  10. Industrial Revolution
  11. Information Age
  12. New Imperialism
  13. Space exploration
    1. Space Race
  14. 1918 flu pandemic
  15. War on Terror
  16. Women's suffrage
  17. World War I
    1. Balkans Campaign
    2. Eastern Front
    3. Italian Front (World War I)
    4. Middle Eastern theatre
    5. Western Front
    6. Paris Peace Conference, 1919
  18. World War II
    1. Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    2. Attack on Pearl Harbor
    3. Battle of the Atlantic
    4. Eastern Front
    5. Mediterranean and Middle East
    6. Pacific War
    7. Western Front
    8. Winter War
    9. Yalta Conference

Africa, 17

  1. Algerian War
  2. Angolan Civil War
  3. Anglo-Zulu War
  4. Arab Spring
  5. Apartheid in South Africa
  6. Biáfra
  7. Congo Free State
  8. Ethiopian Civil War
  9. Libyan civil war
  10. Mahdist War
  11. Nigerian Civil War
  12. Rwandan Genocide
  13. Scramble for Africa
  14. Second Boer War
  15. Second Congo War
  16. Second Italo-Ethiopian War
  17. Sokoto Caliphate

Americas, 23

  1. 2010 Haiti earthquake
  2. Civil Rights Movement
  3. American Civil War
  4. American frontier
  5. Confederate States of America
  6. Cuban missile crisis
  7. Cuban Revolution
  8. Dust Bowl
  9. Empire of Brazil
  10. Gran Colombia
  11. Haitian Revolution
  12. Manhattan Project
  13. Mexican War of Independence
  14. Mexican Revolution
  15. Mexican–American War
  16. New Deal
  17. Paraguayan War
  18. September 11 attacks
  19. Spanish–American War
  20. Wall Street Crash of 1929
  21. War of 1812
  22. War of the Pacific
  23. Wounded Knee Massacre

Asia, 52

Eastern Asia, 18

  1. 1931 China floods
  2. 1976 Tangshan earthquake
  3. 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
    1. Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
  4. Boxer Rebellion
  5. Chinese Civil War
  6. Cultural Revolution
  7. First Sino-Japanese War
  8. Great Leap Forward
  9. Korean War
  10. Meiji Restoration
  11. Opium Wars
  12. Russo-Japanese War
  13. Second Sino-Japanese War
  14. Taiping Rebellion
  15. Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
  16. Unequal treaty
  17. Xinhai Revolution

Southern Asia, 8

  1. 1970 Bhola cyclone
  2. Bangladesh Liberation War
  3. British Raj
  4. History of the Republic of India
  5. Indian independence movement
  6. Indian Rebellion of 1857
  7. Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
  8. Partition of India

Southeastern Asia, 11

  1. 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami
  2. Dutch East Indies
  3. French Indochina
  4. Indonesian National Revolution
  5. Nguyen dynasty
  6. Philippine–American War
  7. Philippine Revolution
  8. Konbaung Dynasty
  9. Vietnam War
  10. Khmer Rouge
  11. First Indochina War

Western Asia, 8

  1. Arab–Israeli conflict
  2. Armenian Genocide
  3. Israeli Declaration of Independence
  4. Gulf War
  5. Iraq War
  6. Israeli–Palestinian conflict
  7. Turkish War of Independence
  8. Young Turks

Central Asia and Iran, 7

  1. 1953 Iranian coup d'état
  2. Iran–Iraq War
  3. Iranian Revolution
  4. Persian Constitutional Revolution
  5. Soviet war in Afghanistan
  6. War in Afghanistan
  7. The Great Game

Europe, 51

Basics, 10

  1. Austrian Empire
  2. Austria-Hungary
  3. Congress of Vienna
  4. European integration
  5. History of the European Union
  6. Holocaust
  7. Iron Curtain
  8. Revolutions of 1848
  9. Treaty of Paris (1814)
  10. Treaty of Versailles

Eastern Europe, 24

Balkan Wars
  1. First Balkan War
  2. Second Balkan War
  3. Chernobyl disaster
  4. Crimean War
  5. Czechoslovakia
  6. Eastern Bloc
  7. French invasion of Russia
  8. Great Purge
  9. Greek War of Independence
  10. Hungarian Revolution of 1956
  11. Polish–Soviet War
  12. Prague Spring
  13. Revolutions of 1989
  14. Russian Civil War
  15. Russian Empire
  16. Revolution of 1905
  17. Russian Revolution
  18. Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)
  19. Solidarity (Polish trade union)
  20. Soviet Union
    1. Dissolution of the Soviet Union
    2. Population transfer in the Soviet Union
    3. Gulag
    4. Holodomor
  21. Yugoslavia

Western Europe, 17

  1. Belgian Revolution
  2. Berlin Wall
  3. Franco-Prussian War
  4. German Confederation
  5. German Empire
  6. German reunification
  7. Great Famine
  8. Italian unification
  9. July Revolution
  10. Marshall Plan
  11. Napoleonic Wars
  12. Nazi Germany
    1. Nazi concentration camps
  13. Paris Commune
  14. Prussia
  15. Spanish Civil War
  16. Unification of Germany
  17. Battle of Britain

Historic cities, 17

History of topics, 30

Auxiliary sciences of history, 12