User:Ucucha/List of mammals/Rodentia

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This is part of a list of all currently recognized species of mammals:

It is based on the third edition of Mammal Species of the World (Wilson and Reeder, 2005) and incorporates changes made since then in the systematic literature. In addition, it strives to incorporate all mammal species that are known to have existed during the Holocene, so as to give a more complete picture of Recent mammal diversity.

This document is intended primarily to gauge the completeness of our coverage of mammals. Please do not fix links or make changes in spelling and taxonomy, but let me know when you think you have discovered an error. In case of differences between this list and Wikipedia articles in spelling or taxonomy, this list is more likely to be correct. This file is generated automatically from a CSV file by a script.

Order Rodentia Bowdich, 1821

Genera: 514
Species: 2492

Family Anomaluridae Gervais, 1849

Genera: 3
Species: 7

Subfamily Anomalurinae Gervais, 1849

Genera: 1
Species: 4
Anomalurus Waterhouse, 1843
Species: 4
Original description: Thomas, O. (1887). "LXV.—Diagnoses of two new Central-African mammalia". Journal of Natural History Series 5. 20 (120): 440. doi:10.1080/00222938709460096.

Subfamily Zenkerellinae Matschie, 1898

Genera: 2
Species: 3
Idiurus Matschie, 1894
Species: 2
Zenkerella Matschie, 1898
Species: 1

Family Pedetidae Gray, 1825

Genera: 1
Species: 2
Pedetes Illiger, 1811
Species: 2

Family Castoridae Hemprich, 1825

Genera: 1
Species: 2
Castor Linnaeus, 1758
Original description: Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Classis I. Mammalia". Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. pp. 14–77.
Species: 2
Original description: Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Classis I. Mammalia". Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. pp. 14–77.

Family Geomyidae Bonaparte, 1845

Genera: 6
Species: 46
Cratogeomys Merriam, 1895
Species: 7
Comments: Split from merriami (Hafner et al., 2005){.
Comments: Includes gymnurus, neglectus, tylorhinus and zinseri (Hafner et al., 2004)[1].
Comments: Split from merriami (Hafner et al., 2005)[2].
Comments: Split from tylorhinus (=fumosus) (Hafner et al., 2004)[1].
Geomys Rafinesque, 1817
Species: 12
Comments: Split from G. bursarius (Sudman et al., 2006)[3].
Original description: Baker, R.J.; Genoways, H.H. (1975). "A new subspecies of Geomys bursarius (Mammalia: Geomyidae) from Texas and New Mexico". Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. 29: 1–18.
Comments: Split from G. bursarius (Sudman et al., 2006)[3].
Comments: Split from G. personatus (Sudman et al., 2006)[3].
Orthogeomys Merriam, 1895
Species: 11
Original description: Allen, J. A.; Cherrie, George Kruck (1893). "Description of a new species of Geomys from Costa Rica". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 5 (20). hdl:2246/794.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Original description: Goldman, E.A. (1912). "New mammals from eastern Panama". Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 60 (2): 1–18.
Pappogeomys Merriam, 1895
Species: 1
Comments: Includes P. alcorni (Demastes et al., 2003)[4].
Thomomys Wied-Neuwied, 1839
Species: 14
Comments: Split from T. bottae (Álvarez-Castañeda, 2010)[5].
Comments: Split from T. umbrinus (Álvarez-Castañeda, 2010)[5].
Comments: Split from T. umbrinus (Álvarez-Castañeda, 2010)[5].
Comments: Split from T. bottae (Álvarez-Castañeda, 2010)[5].
Original description: Merriam, C.H. (1901). "Descriptions of twenty-three new pocket gophers of the genus Thomomys". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14: 107–117.
Comments: Split from T. bottae (Álvarez-Castañeda, 2010)[5].
Original description: Allen, J. A. (1893). "Descriptions of four new species of Thomomys, with remarks on other species of the genus". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 5 (5). hdl:2246/793.
Zygogeomys Merriam, 1895
Species: 1

Family Heteromyidae Gray, 1868

Genera: 6
Species: 65

Subfamily Dipodomyinae Gervais, 1853

Genera: 2
Species: 22
Dipodomys Gray, 1841
Species: 20
Comments: Split from D. phillipsii (Fernández et al., 2012)[6].
Microdipodops Merriam, 1891
Species: 2
Original description: Merriam, C.H. (1901). "Descriptions of three new kangaroo mice of the genus Microdipodops". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14: 127–128.

Subfamily Heteromyinae Gray, 1868

Genera: 2
Species: 15
Heteromys Desmarest, 1817
Species: 10
Original description: Thomas, O. (1901). "New South-American Sciuri, Heteromys, Cavia, and Caluromys". Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 7 (38): 192–196. doi:10.1080/00222930108678457.
Original description: Anderson, R. P.; Gutiérrez, E. C. E. (2009). "Chapter 2. Taxonomy, Distribution, and Natural History of the Genus Heteromys (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) in Central and Eastern Venezuela, with the Description of a New Species from the Cordillera de la Costa". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 331: 33–93. doi:10.1206/582-2.1. S2CID 41011596.
Comments: A new species.
Original description: Allen, J. A.; Chapman, Frank M. (1897). "On mammals from Yucatan, with descriptions of new species". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 9 (1). hdl:2246/535.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Original description: Anderson, R.P.; Timm, R.M. (2006). "A New Montane Species of Spiny Pocket Mouse (Rodentia: Heteromyidae: Heteromys) from Northwestern Costa Rica". American Museum Novitates (3509): 1. doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2006)3509[1:ANMSOS]2.0.CO;2. hdl:2246/5784. S2CID 1353074.
Comments: A new species.
Original description: Anderson, R. P. (2003). "Taxonomy, Distribution, and Natural History of the Genus Heteromys (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) in Western Venezuela, with the Description of a Dwarf Species from the Península de Paraguaná". American Museum Novitates (3396): 1–0. doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2003)396<0001:TDANHO>2.0.CO;2. hdl:2246/2822. S2CID 81834110.
Original description: Harris, W.P. (1932). "Four new mammals from Costa Rica". Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. 248: 1–6.
Original description: Anderson, R. P.; Jarrín-v, P. (2002). "A New Species of Spiny Pocket Mouse (Heteromyidae: Heteromys) Endemic to Western Ecuador". American Museum Novitates (382): 1–26. doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2002)382<0001:ANSOSP>2.0.CO;2. hdl:2246/2871. S2CID 80876477.
Liomys Merriam, 1902
Species: 5
Original description: Genoways, H.H. (1971). "A new species of spiny pocket mouse (genus Liomys) from Jalisco, Mexico". Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural History, the University of Kansas. 5: 1–7.

Subfamily Perognathinae Coues, 1875

Genera: 2
Species: 28
Chaetodipus Merriam, 1889
Species: 18
Comments: Does not include C. siccus (Álvarez-Castañeda & Rios, 2011)[7].
Original description: Roth, E. L. (1976). "A New Species of Pocket Mouse (Perognathus: Heteromyidae) from the Cape Region of Baja California Sur, Mexico". Journal of Mammalogy. 57 (3): 562–566. doi:10.2307/1379302. JSTOR 1379302.
Comments: Split from C. arenarius (Álvarez-Castañeda & Rios, 2011)[7].
Perognathus Wied-Neuwied, 1839
Species: 10
Original description: Goldman, E.A. (1931). "Three new rodents from Arizona and New Mexico". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 44: 133–136.
Comments: Split from P. longimembris (McKnight, 2005)[8].

Family Ctenodactylidae Gervais, 1853

Genera: 4
Species: 5
Ctenodactylus Gray, 1830
Species: 2
Felovia Lataste, 1886
Species: 1
Massoutiera Lataste, 1885
Species: 1
Pectinator Blyth, 1856
Species: 1

Family Diatomyidae Mein & Ginsburg, 1997

Original description: Mein, P.; Ginsburg, L. (1997). "Les mammifères du gisement miocène inférieur de Li Mae Long, Thaïlande: systématique, biostratigraphie et paléoenvironnement". Geodiversitas. 19 (4): 783–844.
Comments: Described as a new family, genus and species (Jenkins et al., 2005)[9], but shown to belong in the fossil family Diatomyidae (Dawson et al., 2006)[10].
Genera: 1
Species: 1
Laonastes Jenkins, Kilpatrick, Robinson & Timmins, 2005
Original description: Jenkins, Paulina D.; Kilpatrick, C. William; Robinson, Mark F.; Timmins, Robert J. (2004). "Morphological and molecular investigations of a new family, genus and species of rodent (Mammalia: Rodentia: Hystricognatha) from Lao PDR". Systematics and Biodiversity. 2 (4): 419–454. doi:10.1017/S1477200004001549. S2CID 86411689.
Species: 1
Original description: Jenkins, Paulina D.; Kilpatrick, C. William; Robinson, Mark F.; Timmins, Robert J. (2004). "Morphological and molecular investigations of a new family, genus and species of rodent (Mammalia: Rodentia: Hystricognatha) from Lao PDR". Systematics and Biodiversity. 2 (4): 419–454. doi:10.1017/S1477200004001549. S2CID 86411689.

Family Abrocomidae Miller & Gidley, 1918

Original description: Miller, G.S.; Gidley, J.W. (1918). "Synopsis of the supergeneric groups of rodents". Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 8: 431–448. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.6490.
Genera: 2
Species: 10
Abrocoma Waterhouse, 1837
Species: 8
Original description: Glanz, William E.; Anderson, Sydney (1990). "Notes on Bolivian mammals. 7, A new species of Abrocoma (Rodentia) and relationships of the Abrocomidae". American Museum Novitates (2991). hdl:2246/5034.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Comments: Misspelled shistacea in MSW 3; see Thomas (1921)[11].
Original description: Braun, J. K.; Mares, M. A. (2002). "Systematics of the Abrocoma Cinerea Species Complex (Rodentia: Abrocomidae), with a Description of a New Species of Abrocoma". Journal of Mammalogy. 83: 1–19. doi:10.1644/1545-1542(2002)083<0001:SOTACS>2.0.CO;2. S2CID 85802055.
Original description: Thomas, O. (1921). "XXII.—On mammals from the Province of San Juan, Western Argentina". Journal of Natural History Series 9. 8 (44): 214–221. doi:10.1080/00222932108632580.
Cuscomys Emmons, 1999
Original description: Emmons, Louise (1999). "A new genus and species of abrocomid rodent from Peru (Rodentia, Abrocomidae)". American Museum Novitates (3279). hdl:2246/3027.
Species: 2
Original description: Emmons, Louise (1999). "A new genus and species of abrocomid rodent from Peru (Rodentia, Abrocomidae)". American Museum Novitates (3279). hdl:2246/3027.

Family Bathyergidae Waterhouse, 1841

Genera: 6
Species: 22

Subfamily Bathyerginae Waterhouse, 1841

Genera: 5
Species: 21
Bathyergus Illiger, 1811
Species: 2
Cryptomys Gray, 1864
Species: 4
Comments: Split from C. hottentotus (Ingram et al., 2004)[12].
Comments: Split from C. hottentotus (Ingram et al., 2004)[12].
Comments: Split from C. hottentotus (Ingram et al., 2004)[12].
Fukomys Kock, Ingram, Frabotta, Honeycutt & Burda, 2006
Original description: Kock, D.; Ingram, C.M.; Frabotta, L.J.; Honeycutt, R.L.; Burda, H. (2006). "On the nomenclature of Bathyergidae and Fukonomys n. gen. (Mammalia: Rodentia)". Zootaxa. 1142: 51–55. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.1142.1.4.
Comments: Split from Cryptomys under the name Coetomys (Ingram et al., 2004,[12], but that name is not available for this genus, so the new name Fukomys was introduced.
Species: 13
Original description: Gippoliti, S.; Amori, G. (2011). "A new species of mole-rat (Rodentia, Bathyergidae) from the Horn of Africa". Zootaxa. 2918: 39–46. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.2918.1.4.
Comments: A new species.
Comments: Split from F. damarensis (Ingram et al., 2004)[12].
Original description: Van Daele, P. A. A. G.; Blondé, P.; Stjernstedt, R.; Adriaens, D. (2013). "A new species of African Mole-rat (Fukomys, Bathyergidae, Rodentia) from the Zaire-Zambezi Watershed". Zootaxa. 3636: 171–89. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3636.1.7. PMID 26042288.
Comments: A new species.
Georychus Illiger, 1811
Species: 1
Heliophobius Peters, 1846
Species: 1
Comments: This taxon almost certainly includes more than one species, but the precise taxonomy of the group remains unresolved (Faulkes et al., 2011)[13].

Subfamily Heterocephalinae Landry, 1957

Genera: 1
Species: 1
Heterocephalus Rüppell, 1842
Species: 1

Family Capromyidae Smith, 1842

Genera: 8
Species: 28

Subfamily Capromyinae Smith, 1842

Genera: 4
Species: 21
Capromys Desmarest, 1822
Species: 3
Original description: Varona, L.S. (1983). "Nueva subespecie de jutia conga, Capromys pilorides (Rodentia: Capromyidae)". Caribbean Journal of Science. 19 (4): 77–79.
Comments: An extinct species not included in MSW 3. See Turvey (2009)[14] and MacPhee (2009)[15]. Includes the formerly recognized extinct species Capromys antiquus, C. arredondoi, and C. robustus (Borroto-Páez et al. in MacPhee, 2009)[15].
Comments: Includes the allegedly extinct species Capromys pappus (Borroto-Páez et al. in MacPhee, 2009)[15].
Geocapromys Chapman, 1901
Species: 5
Comments: An extinct species not included in MSW 3. See Turvey (2009)[14].
Original description: Allen, J. A. ; Ingraham, D. P. (1891). "Description of a new species of Capromys from the Plana Keys, Bahamas". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 3 (23). hdl:2246/839.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Comments: An extinct species not included in MSW 3. See Turvey (2009)[14].
Mesocapromys Varona, 1970
Species: 10
Comments: An extinct species not included in MSW 3, but validity uncertain. See Turvey (2009)[14] and MacPhee (2009)[15].
Comments: An extinct species not included in MSW 3, but validity uncertain. See Turvey (2009)[14] and MacPhee (2009)[15].
Comments: An extinct species not included in MSW 3, but validity uncertain. See Turvey (2009)[14] and MacPhee (2009)[15].
Comments: An extinct species not included in MSW 3, but validity uncertain. See Turvey (2009)[14] and MacPhee (2009)[15].
Comments: An extinct species not included in MSW 3, but validity uncertain. See Turvey (2009)[14] and MacPhee (2009)[15].
Comments: Includes the extinct forms Mesocapromys delicatus and M. silvai (MacPhee, 2009)[15].
Mysateles Lesson, 1842
Species: 3
Comments: Includes the extinct Mysateles jaumei (Borroto-Páez et al. in MacPhee, 2009)[15].

Subfamily Hexolobodontinae Woods, 1989

Genera: 1
Species: 1
Hexolobodon Miller, 1929
Species: 1

Subfamily Isolobodontinae Woods, 1989

Genera: 1
Species: 2
Isolobodon J.A. Allen, 1916
Original description: Allen, J.A. (1916). "An extinct octodont from the island of Porto Rico, West Indies". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 28: 17–22. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1916.tb55182.x. S2CID 128961273.
Species: 2
Original description: Allen, J.A. (1916). "An extinct octodont from the island of Porto Rico, West Indies". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 28: 17–22. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1916.tb55182.x. S2CID 128961273.

Subfamily Plagiodontinae Ellerman, 1940

Original description: Ellerman, J.R. (1940). The families and genera of living rodents. Volume I. Rodents other than Muridae. London: Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum. p. 689.
Genera: 2
Species: 4
Plagiodontia F. Cuvier, 1836
Species: 3
Original description: Ray, C.E. (1964). "A new capromyid rodent from the Quaternary of Hispaniola". Breviora. 203: 1–4.
Rhizoplagiodontia Woods, 1989
Species: 1

Family Caviidae Fischer de Waldheim, 1817

Genera: 6
Species: 20

Subfamily Caviinae Fischer de Waldheim, 1817

Genera: 3
Species: 14
Cavia Pallas, 1766
Species: 6
Original description: Cherem, J.J.; Olimpio, J.; Ximenez, A. (1999). "Descrição de uma nova espécie do gênero Cavia Pallas, 1766 (Mammalia – Caviidae) das Ilhas dos Moleques do Sul, Santa Catarina, Sul do Brasil" (PDF). Biotemas. 12 (1): 95–117.
Original description: Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Classis I. Mammalia". Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. pp. 14–77.
Galea Meyen, 1832
Species: 5
Comments: Split from G. musteloides (Dunnum & Salazar-Bravo, 2010)[16].
Comments: Split form G. musteloides (Dunnum & Salazar-Bravo, 2010)[16].
Comments: Does not include G. comes or G. leucoblephara, but includes G. monasteriensis (Dunnum & Salazar-Bravo, 2010)[16].
Microcavia H. Gervais & Ameghino, 1880
Species: 3

Subfamily Dolichotinae Pocock, 1922

Genera: 1
Species: 2
Dolichotis Desmarest, 1820
Species: 2

Subfamily Hydrochoerinae Gray, 1825

Genera: 2
Species: 4
Hydrochoerus Brisson, 1762
Species: 2
Original description: Goldman, E.A. (1912). "New mammals from eastern Panama". Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 60 (2): 1–18.
Kerodon F. Cuvier, 1825
Species: 2
Original description: Moojen, J.; Locks, M.; Langguth, A. (1997). "A new species of Kerodon Cuvier, 1825 from the state of Goiás, Brazil (Mammalia, Rodentia, Caviidae)". Boletim do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. 377: 1–10.

Family Chinchillidae Bennett, 1833

Genera: 3
Species: 8
Chinchilla Bennett, 1829
Species: 2
Lagidium Meyen, 1833
Species: 4
Original description: Ledesma, K.J.; Werner, F.A.; Spotorno, A.E.; Albuja, L.H. (2009). "A new species of mountain viscacha (Chinchillidae: Lagidium Meyen) from the Ecuadorean Andes" (PDF). Zootaxa. 2126: 41–57. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.2126.1.2.
Comments: A new species.
Lagostomus Brookes, 1828
Species: 2
Original description: Thomas, O. (1910). "XXXIII.—A collection of mammals from eastern Buenos Ayres, with descriptions of related new mammals from other localities". Journal of Natural History Series 8. 5 (27): 239–247. doi:10.1080/00222931008692761.

Family Ctenomyidae Lesson, 1842

Genera: 1
Species: 62
Ctenomys Blainville, 1826
Species: 62
Original description: Allen, J. A.; Hatcher, J. B. (1903). "Descriptions of new rodents from southern Patagonia ; with, A note on the genus Euneomys Coues ; and, An addendum to article IV, on Siberian mammals". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 19 (5). hdl:2246/709.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Original description: Kelt, D. A.; Gallardo, M. H. (1994). "A New Species of Tuco-Tuco, Genus Ctenomys (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae) from Patagonian Chile". Journal of Mammalogy. 75 (2): 338–348. doi:10.2307/1382552. JSTOR 1382552.
Original description: Thomas, O. (1910). "XXXIII.—A collection of mammals from eastern Buenos Ayres, with descriptions of related new mammals from other localities". Journal of Natural History Series 8. 5 (27): 239–247. doi:10.1080/00222931008692761.
Original description: Thomas, O. (1921). "X.—A new tuco-tuco from Bolivia". Journal of Natural History Series 9. 7 (37): 136–137. doi:10.1080/00222932108632494.
Original description: De Freitas, T. R. O.; Fernandes, F. A.; Fornel, R.; Roratto, P. A. (2012). "An endemic new species of tuco-tuco, genusCtenomys(Rodentia: Ctenomyidae), with a restricted geographic distribution in southern Brazil". Journal of Mammalogy. 93 (5): 1355. doi:10.1644/12-MAMM-A-007.1. S2CID 83779422.
Comments: A new species.
Original description: Thomas, O. (1921). "LXI.—The tuco-tuco of San Juan, Argentina". Journal of Natural History Series 9. 7 (42): 523–524. doi:10.1080/00222932108632554.
Original description: Freitas, T. R. O. (2001). "Tuco-tucos (Rodentia, Octodontidae) in Southern Brazil: Ctenomys lami spec. Nov. Separated from C. Minutus Nehring 1887". Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 36: 1–0. doi:10.1076/snfe. S2CID 83710663.
Original description: Contreras, J.R. (1995). "Ctenomys osvaldoreigi, una nueva especie de tucu-tuco procedente de las sierras de Cordoba, Republica Argentina (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae)" (PDF). Notulas Faunisticas. 84: 1–4.
Original description: Contreras, J.R. (2000). "Ctenomys paraguayensis, una nueva especie de roedor excavador procedente del Paraguay Oriental (Mammalia, Rodentia, Ctenomyidae)" (PDF). Revista del Museo Argentino des Ciencias Naturales. 2 (1): 61–68. doi:10.22179/REVMACN.2.125.
Comments: A new species (Contreras, 2000)[17]. Apparently omitted from Wilson & Reeder (2005)[18].
Original description: Allen, J. A.; Hatcher, J. B. (1903). "Descriptions of new rodents from southern Patagonia ; with, A note on the genus Euneomys Coues ; and, An addendum to article IV, on Siberian mammals". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 19 (5). hdl:2246/709.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Original description: Thomas, O. (1921). "XXII.—On mammals from the Province of San Juan, Western Argentina". Journal of Natural History Series 9. 8 (44): 214–221. doi:10.1080/00222932108632580.

Family Cuniculidae Miller & Gidley, 1918

Original description: Miller, G.S.; Gidley, J.W. (1918). "Synopsis of the supergeneric groups of rodents". Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 8: 431–448. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.6490.
Genera: 1
Species: 3
Cuniculus Brisson, 1762
Species: 3
Original description: Castro, J.J.; López, J.B.; Becerra, F. (2010). "Una nueva especie de Cuniculus (Rodentia: Cuniculidae) de la Cordillera Central de Colombia". Revista de la Asociación Colombiana de Ciencias Biológicas. 22: 122–131.
Comments: A new species.

Family Dasyproctidae Bonaparte, 1838

Genera: 2
Species: 13
Dasyprocta Illiger, 1811
Species: 11
Original description: Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Classis I. Mammalia". Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. pp. 14–77.
Original description: Thomas, O. (1901). "XXXVII.—New Insular Forms ofNasuaandDasyprocta". Journal of Natural History Series 7. 8 (46): 271–273. doi:10.1080/03745480109442923.
Myoprocta Thomas, 1903
Species: 2

Family Dinomyidae Peters, 1873

Genera: 1
Species: 1
Dinomys Peters, 1873
Species: 1

Family Echimyidae Gray, 1825

Genera: 24
Species: 104

Subfamily Dactylomyinae Tate, 1935

Original description: Tate, G. H. H. (1935). "The taxonomy of the genera of neotropical hystricoid rodents". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 68 (5). hdl:2246/1292.
Genera: 3
Species: 6
Dactylomys I. Geoffroy, 1838
Species: 3
Original description: Anthony, H. E. (1920). "New Rodents and New Bats from Neotropical Regions". Journal of Mammalogy. 1 (2): 81–86. doi:10.2307/1373748. JSTOR 1373748.
Kannabateomys Jentink, 1891
Species: 1
Olallamys Emmons, 1988
Original description: Emmons, L. H. (1988). "Replacement Name for a Genus of South American Rodent (Echimyidae)". Journal of Mammalogy. 69 (2): 421. doi:10.2307/1381405. JSTOR 1381405.
Species: 2

Subfamily Echimyinae Gray, 1825

Genera: 9
Species: 41
Callistomys Emmons & Vucetich, 1998
Original description: Emmons, Louise.; Vucetich, María Guiomar (1998). "The identity of Winge's Lasiuromys villosus and the description of a new genus of echimyid rodent (Rodentia, Echimyidae)". American Museum Novitates (3223). hdl:2246/3503.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Species: 1
Diplomys Thomas, 1916
Species: 2
Echimys G. Cuvier, 1809
Species: 4
Comments: Split from E. chrysurus (Iack-Ximenes et al., 2005a)[19].
Original description: Iack-Ximenes, G.E.; de Vivo, M.; Percequillo, A.R. (2005). "A new species of Echimys Cuvier, 1809 (Rodentia, Echimyidae) from Brazil". Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia. 45 (5): 51–60. doi:10.1590/S0031-10492005000500001.
Comments: A new species.
Isothrix Wagner, 1845
Species: 6
Original description: Patterson, B.D.; Velazco, P.M. (2006). "A distinctive new cloud-forest rodent (Hystricognathi: Echimyidae) from the Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru". Mastozoología Neotropical. 13 (2): 175–191.
Comments: A new species.
Comments: Split from I. bistriata (Emmons, 2005)[20].
Comments: No longer endemic to French Guiana (Lim et al., 2006)[21].
Makalata Husson, 1978
Species: 8
Comments: Split from M. didelphoides (Emmons, 2005)[20].
Original description: Thomas, O. (1888). "XLI.—On a new species of Loncheres from British Guiana". Journal of Natural History Series 6. 2 (10): 326. doi:10.1080/00222938809460933.
Comments: Split from M. didelphoides (Emmons, 2005)[20].
Original description: Goodwin, George Gilbert; Thurab, Franklin (1962). "Descriptions of two new rodents from Tobago, the West Indies, and of Zygodontomys brevicauda tobagi Thomas". American Museum Novitates (2096). hdl:2246/3396.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Comments: Not included in Wilson & Reeder (2005)[18]; considered a valid species of Makalata by Emmons (2005)[20].
Original description: Anthony, H. E. (1921). "New mammals from British Guiana and Colombia". American Museum Novitates (19). hdl:2246/4581.
Comments: Split from M. didelphoides (Emmons, 2005)[20].
Pattonomys Emmons, 2005
Original description: Emmons, L.H. (2005). "A revision of the genera of arboreal Echimyidae (Rodentia: Echimyidae, Echimyinae), with descriptions of two new genera". University of California Publications in Zoology. 133: 247–309.
Comments: A new genus split from Makalata (P. occasius) and Echimys (other species).
Species: 5
Comments: Split from P. semivillsosus (Emmons, 2005)[20].
Comments: Split from P. semivillsosus (Emmons, 2005)[20].
Original description: Thomas, O. (1921). "LV.—NewSigmodon, Oryzomys,andEchimysfrom Ecuador". Journal of Natural History Series 9. 7 (41): 448–450. doi:10.1080/00222932108632547.
Comments: Split from P. semivillsosus (Emmons, 2005)[20].
Phyllomys Lund, 1839
Species: 13
Original description: Leite, Y.L.R. (2003). "Evolution and systematics of the Atlantic tree rats, genus Phyllomys (Rodentia, Echymyidae), with description of two new species". University of California Publications in Zoology. 132: 1–118. ISBN 9780520098497.
Original description: Leite, Y.L.R. (2003). "Evolution and systematics of the Atlantic tree rats, genus Phyllomys (Rodentia, Echymyidae), with description of two new species". University of California Publications in Zoology. 132: 1–118. ISBN 9780520098497.
Original description: Emmons, L. H.; Leite, Y. L. R.; Kock, D.; Costa, L. P. (2002). "A Review of the Named Forms of Phyllomys (Rodentia: Echimyidae) with the Description of a New Species from Coastal Brazil". American Museum Novitates (3380): 1–40. doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2002)380<0001:AROTNF>2.0.CO;2. hdl:2246/2869. S2CID 56309113. hdl2
Original description: Leite, Yuri L. R.; Christoff, Alexandre U.; Fagundes, Valéria (2008). "A New Species of Atlantic Forest Tree Rat, Genus Phyllomys (Rodentia, Echimyidae) from Southern Brazil". Journal of Mammalogy. 89 (4): 845–851. doi:10.1644/07-MAMM-A-343.1. S2CID 86384197.
Comments: A new species.
Santamartamys Emmons, 2005
Original description: Emmons, L.H. (2005). "A revision of the genera of arboreal Echimyidae (Rodentia: Echimyidae, Echimyinae), with descriptions of two new genera". University of California Publications in Zoology. 133: 247–309.
Comments: A new genus split from Diplomys.
Species: 1
Toromys Iack-Ximenes, de Vivo & Percequillo, 2005
Original description: Iack-Ximenes, G.E.; de Vivo, M.; Percequillo, A.R. (2005). "A new genus for Loncheres grandis Wagner, 1845, with taxonomic comments on other arboreal echimyids (Rodentia, Echimyidae)" (PDF). Arquivos do Museu Nacional. 63 (1): 89–112.
Comments: A new genus split from Makalata.
Species: 1

Subfamily Eumysopinae Rusconi, 1935

Comments: The tribe Euryzygomatomyini is split off and all other genera are considered incertae sedis following Emmons (2005)[20].
Genera: 9
Species: 51
Genera: 6
Species: 46
Dicolpomys (Winge, 1888)
Comments: An extinct genus not listed in MSW 3. See Hadler et al. (2008)[22].
Species: 1
Lonchothrix Thomas, 1920
Species: 1
Mesomys Wagner, 1845
Species: 4
Original description: Patton, J. L.; Da Silva, M. N. F.; Malcolm, J. Y. R. (2000). "Mammals of the Rio Juruá and the Evolutionary and Ecological Diversification of Amazonia". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 244: 1. doi:10.1206/0003-0090(2000)244<0001:MOTRJA>2.0.CO;2. S2CID 85577629.
Proechimys J.A. Allen, 1899
Comments: Includes Hoplomys (Emmons, 2005)[20].
Species: 26
Original description: da Silva, M.N.F. (1998). "Four new species of spiny rats of the genus Proechimys (Rodentia: Echymyidae) from the western Amazon of Brazil". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 111 (2): 436–471.
Original description: da Silva, M.N.F. (1998). "Four new species of spiny rats of the genus Proechimys (Rodentia: Echymyidae) from the western Amazon of Brazil". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 111 (2): 436–471.
Original description: Thomas, O. (1901). "A new spiny rat from La Guaira, Venezuela". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14: 27–28.
Original description: Tate, G. H. H. (1939). "The mammals of the Guiana Region". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 76 (5). hdl:2246/1832.
Original description: da Silva, M.N.F. (1998). "Four new species of spiny rats of the genus Proechimys (Rodentia: Echymyidae) from the western Amazon of Brazil". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 111 (2): 436–471.
Original description: Allen, J. A. ; Chapman, Frank M.; Miller, Leo E.; Richardson, William B.; O'Connell, Geoffroy M.; Allen, Arthur A. (1913). "New mammals from Colombia and Ecuador". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 32 (29). hdl:2246/1828.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Original description: da Silva, M.N.F. (1998). "Four new species of spiny rats of the genus Proechimys (Rodentia: Echymyidae) from the western Amazon of Brazil". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 111 (2): 436–471.
Original description: Thomas, O. (1901). "LXVII.—On Mammals obtained by Mr. Alphonse Robert on the Rio Jordäo, S. W. Minas Geraes". Journal of Natural History Series 7. 8 (48): 526–536. doi:10.1080/03745480109443357.
Thrichomys Trouessart, 1880
Species: 3
Trinomys Thomas, 1921
Original description: Thomas, O. (1921). "XIII.—On spiny rats of theProechimysgroup from South-eastern Brazil". Journal of Natural History Series 9. 8 (43): 140–143. doi:10.1080/00222932108632569.
Species: 11
Original description: Lara, M.; Patton, J. L.; Hingst-Zaher, E. (2002). "Trinomys mirapitanga, a new species of spiny rat (Rodentia: Echimyidae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest". Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde. 67 (4): 233–201. doi:10.1078/1616-5047-00034.
Original description: Da Rocha, P. L. B. (1995). "Proechimys yonenagae, a new species of spiny rat (Rodentia: Echimyidae) from fossil sand dunes in the Brazilian Caatinga". Mammalia. 59 (4): 537–002. doi:10.1515/mamm.1995.59.4.537. S2CID 201093005.

Tribe Euryzygomatomyini Emmons, 2005

Original description: Emmons, L.H. (2005). "A revision of the genera of arboreal Echimyidae (Rodentia: Echimyidae, Echimyinae), with descriptions of two new genera". University of California Publications in Zoology. 133: 247–309.
Genera: 3
Species: 5
Carterodon Waterhouse, 1848
Species: 1
Clyomys Thomas, 1916
Species: 2
Comments: Includes C. bishopi (Bezerra & de Oliveira, 2010)[23].
Original description: Hadler, P. (2008). "Caviomorphs (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Holocene of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil: Systematics and paleoenvironmental context". Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 11 (2): 97–116. doi:10.4072/rbp.2008.2.03.
Comments: A new, extinct species.
Euryzygomatomys Goeldi, 1901
Species: 2
Comments: An extinct species not listed in MSW 3. See Hadler et al. (2008)[22].

Subfamily Heteropsomyinae Anthony, 1917

Genera: 3
Species: 6
Boromys Miller, 1916
Species: 2
Brotomys Miller, 1916
Species: 2
Heteropsomys Anthony, 1916
Original description: Anthony, H.E. (1916). "Preliminary report on fossil mammals from Porto Rico, with descriptions of a new genus of ground sloth and two new genera of hystricomorph rodents". Annals of the New York Academy of Science. 27: 193–203. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1916.tb55186.x. hdl:2027/hvd.32044107315418. S2CID 85851542.
Species: 2
Original description: Anthony, H.E. (1916). "Preliminary report on fossil mammals from Porto Rico, with descriptions of a new genus of ground sloth and two new genera of hystricomorph rodents". Annals of the New York Academy of Science. 27: 193–203. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1916.tb55186.x. hdl:2027/hvd.32044107315418. S2CID 85851542.

Family Erethizontidae Bonaparte, 1845

Genera: 3
Species: 16

Subfamily Chaetomyinae Thomas, 1897

Genera: 1
Species: 1
Chaetomys Gray, 1843
Species: 1

Subfamily Erethizontinae Bonaparte, 1845

Genera: 2
Species: 15
Coendou Lacépède, 1799
Comments: Includes Echinoprocta and Sphiggurus (Voss, 2011)[24].
Species: 14
Comments: Does not include C. quichua (Voss, 2011)[24].
Original description: Voss, R. S.; Da Silva, M. N. F. (2001). "Revisionary Notes on Neotropical Porcupines (Rodentia: Erethizontidae). 2. A Review of the Coendou vestitus Group with Descriptions of Two New Species from Amazonia". American Museum Novitates (351): 1–36. doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2001)351<0001:RNONPR>2.0.CO;2. hdl:2246/2904. S2CID 86322331.
Original description: Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Classis I. Mammalia". Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. pp. 14–77.
Comments: Split from C. bicolor to include C. rothschildi (Voss, 2011)[24].
Original description: Voss, R. S.; Da Silva, M. N. F. (2001). "Revisionary Notes on Neotropical Porcupines (Rodentia: Erethizontidae). 2. A Review of the Coendou vestitus Group with Descriptions of Two New Species from Amazonia". American Museum Novitates (351): 1–36. doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2001)351<0001:RNONPR>2.0.CO;2. hdl:2246/2904. S2CID 86322331.
Original description: Pontes, A. R. M.; Gadelha, J. R.; Melo, É. R. A.; De Sá, F. C. B.; Loss, A. A. C.; Junior, V. C.; Costa, L. P.; Leite, Y. L. R. (2013). "A new species of porcupine, genus Coendou (Rodentia: Erethizontidae) from the Atlantic forest of northeastern Brazil". Zootaxa. 3636 (3): 421–438. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3636.3.2. PMID 26042302.
Comments: A new species.
Erethizon F. Cuvier, 1823
Species: 1
Original description: Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Classis I. Mammalia". Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. pp. 14–77.

Family Hystricidae G. Fischer, 1817

Genera: 3
Species: 11
Atherurus F. Cuvier, 1829
Species: 2
Original description: Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Classis I. Mammalia". Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. pp. 14–77.
Hystrix Linnaeus, 1758
Original description: Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Classis I. Mammalia". Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. pp. 14–77.
Species: 8
Original description: Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Classis I. Mammalia". Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. pp. 14–77.
Original description: Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Classis I. Mammalia". Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. pp. 14–77.
Trichys Günther, 1877
Species: 1
Comments: Recognized as a family (Heptaxodontidae Anthony, 1917) in MSW 3, but it is not clear that these animals are in fact closely related (Turvey et al., 2006)[25].
Genera: 5
Species: 5

Subfamily Clidomyinae Woods, 1989

Genera: 1
Species: 1
Clidomys Anthony, 1920
Original description: Anthony, H. E.; Falkenbach, Charles H. (1920). "New mammals from Jamaica". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 42 (12). hdl:2246/1817.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
Species: 1
Original description: Anthony, H. E.; Falkenbach, Charles H. (1920). "New mammals from Jamaica". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 42 (12). hdl:2246/1817.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

Subfamily Heptaxodontinae Anthony, 1917

Comments: The extinct Jamaican form Xaymaca fulvopulvis, which may belong in this subfamily, is known from the latest Pleistocene and may have survived into the Holocene (MacPhee & Flemming, 2003;[26] Turvey, 2009)[14].
Genera: 3
Species: 3
Amblyrhiza Cope, 1868
Species: 1
Elasmodontomys Anthony, 1916
Original description: Anthony, H.E. (1916). "Preliminary report on fossil mammals from Porto Rico, with descriptions of a new genus of ground sloth and two new genera of hystricomorph rodents". Annals of the New York Academy of Science. 27: 193–203. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1916.tb55186.x. hdl:2027/hvd.32044107315418. S2CID 85851542.
Species: 1
Original description: Anthony, H.E. (1916). "Preliminary report on fossil mammals from Porto Rico, with descriptions of a new genus of ground sloth and two new genera of hystricomorph rodents". Annals of the New York Academy of Science. 27: 193–203. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1916.tb55186.x. hdl:2027/hvd.32044107315418. S2CID 85851542.
Quemisia Miller, 1929
Species: 1
Tainotherium Turvey, Grady & Rye, 2006
Original description: Turvey, S. T.; Grady, F. V.; Rye, P. (2006). "A new genus and species of 'giant hutia' (Tainotherium valei) from the Quaternary of Puerto Rico: An extinct arboreal quadruped?". Journal of Zoology. 270 (4): 585–594. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2006.00170.x.
Comments: A new, extinct genus and species.
Species: 1
Original description: Turvey, S. T.; Grady, F. V.; Rye, P. (2006). "A new genus and species of 'giant hutia' (Tainotherium valei) from the Quaternary of Puerto Rico: An extinct arboreal quadruped?". Journal of Zoology. 270 (4): 585–594. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2006.00170.x.

Family Myocastoridae Ameghino, 1904

Genera: 1
Species: 1
Myocastor Kerr, 1792
Species: 1

Family Octodontidae Waterhouse, 1840

Genera: 8
Species: 13
Aconaemys Ameghino, 1891
Species: 3
Octodon Bennett, 1832
Species: 4
Original description: Osgood, W.H. (1943). "The mammals of Chile". Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological Series. 30: 1–268.
Octodontomys Palmer, 1903
Species: 1
Octomys Thomas, 1920
Species: 1
Pipanacoctomys Mares, Braun, Barquez & Díaz, 2000
Original description: Mares, M.A.; Braun, J.K.; Barquez, R.M.; Díaz, M.M. (2000). "Two new genera and species of halophytic desert mammals from isolated salt flats in Argentina" (PDF). Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University. 203: 1–27.
Species: 1
Original description: Mares, M.A.; Braun, J.K.; Barquez, R.M.; Díaz, M.M. (2000). "Two new genera and species of halophytic desert mammals from isolated salt flats in Argentina" (PDF). Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University. 203: 1–27.
Salinoctomys Mares, Braun, Barquez & Díaz, 2000
Original description: Mares, M.A.; Braun, J.K.; Barquez, R.M.; Díaz, M.M. (2000). "Two new genera and species of halophytic desert mammals from isolated salt flats in Argentina" (PDF). Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University. 203: 1–27.
Species: 1
Original description: Mares, M.A.; Braun, J.K.; Barquez, R.M.; Díaz, M.M. (2000). "Two new genera and species of halophytic desert mammals from isolated salt flats in Argentina" (PDF). Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University. 203: 1–27.
Spalacopus Wagler, 1832
Species: 1
Tympanoctomys Yepes, 1941
Species: 1

Family Petromuridae Wood, 1955

Original description: Wood, A. E. (1955). "A Revised Classification of the Rodents". Journal of Mammalogy. 36 (2): 165–187. doi:10.2307/1375874. JSTOR 1375874.
Genera: 1
Species: 1
Petromus A. Smith, 1831
Species: 1

Family Thryonomyidae Pocock, 1922

Genera: 1
Species: 2
Thryonomys Fitzinger, 1867
Species: 2

Family Dipodidae Fischer, 1817

Genera: 16
Species: 52

Subfamily Allactaginae Vinogradov, 1925

Genera: 3
Species: 16
Allactaga F. Cuvier, 1837
Species: 12
Original description: Allen, Glover M. (1925). "Jerboas from Mongolia". American Museum Novitates (161). hdl:2246/4384.
Comments: Includes A. firouzi (Shenbrot, 2009)[27].
Original description: Darvish, J.; Hajjar, T.; Moghadam Matin, M.; Haddad, F.; Akbary rad, S. (2008). "New species of five-toed jerboa (Rodentia: Dipodidae, Allactaginae) from North-East Iran". Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran. 19 (2): 103–109.
Comments: A new species.
Allactodipus Kolesnikov, 1937
Species: 1
Pygeretmus Gloger, 1841
Species: 3

Subfamily Cardiocraniinae Vinogradov, 1925

Genera: 3
Species: 7
Cardiocranius Satunin, 1903
Species: 1
Salpingotulus Pavlinov, 1980
Species: 1
Original description: Fitzgibbon, J. (1966). "On a new species of Salpingotus (Dipodidae, Rodentia) from North-Western Baluchistan". Mammalia. 30 (3): 431–002. doi:10.1515/mamm.1966.30.3.431. S2CID 84893382.
Salpingotus Vinogradov, 1923
Species: 5

Subfamily Dipodinae Fischer, 1817

Genera: 5
Species: 10
Dipus E.A.W. von Zimmermann, 1780
Species: 1
Eremodipus Vinogradov, 1930
Species: 1
Jaculus Erxleben, 1777
Species: 4
Original description: Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Classis I. Mammalia". Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. pp. 14–77.
Original description: Darvish, J.; Hosseinie, F. (2005). "New species of three-toed jerboa Jaculus thaleri sp. nov. (Dipodidae, Rodentia) from the deserts of Khorasan Province, Iran". Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics. 1 (1): 21–27.
Comments: A new species.
Paradipus Vinogradov, 1930
Species: 1
Stylodipus G.M. Allen, 1925
Original description: Allen, Glover M. (1925). "Jerboas from Mongolia". American Museum Novitates (161). hdl:2246/4384.
Species: 3
Original description: Allen, Glover M. (1925). "Jerboas from Mongolia". American Museum Novitates (161). hdl:2246/4384.

Subfamily Euchoreutinae Lyon, 1901

Genera: 1
Species: 1
Euchoreutes Sclater, 1891
Species: 1

Subfamily Sicistinae J.A. Allen, 1901

Original description: Allen, J.A. (1901). "Note on the names of a few South American mammals". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 14: 183–185.
Genera: 1
Species: 13
Sicista Gray, 1827
Species: 13
Original description: Hollister, N. (1912). "New mammals from the highlands of Siberia". Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 60 (14): 1–6.

Subfamily Zapodinae Coues, 1875

Genera: 3
Species: 5
Eozapus Preble, 1899
Species: 1
Napaeozapus Preble, 1899
Species: 1
Zapus Coues, 1875
Species: 3
Original description: Allen, J. A.; Rowley, Charles P. (1893). "List of mammals collected by Mr. Charles P. Rowley in the San Juan region of Colorado, New Mexico and Utah, with descriptions of new species". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 5 (6). hdl:2246/847.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

Family Calomyscidae Vorontsov & Potapova, 1979

Genera: 1
Species: 8
Calomyscus Thomas, 1905
Species: 8
Original description: Schlitter, D.; Setzer, H.W. (1973). "New rodents (Mammalia: Cricetidae, Muridae) from Iran and Pakistan". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 86: 163–174.
Original description: Peshev, D. (1991). "On the systematic position of the mouse-like hamsterCalomyscus bailwardiThomas, 1905 (Cricetidae, Rodentia) from the Near East and Middle Asia". Mammalia. 55: 107–002. doi:10.1515/mamm.1991.55.1.107. S2CID 85630149.

Family Cricetidae Fischer, 1817

See /Cricetidae for this large family.

Family Muridae Illiger, 1811

See /Muridae for this large family.

Family Nesomyidae Major, 1897

Genera: 21
Species: 70

Subfamily Cricetomyinae Roberts, 1951

Genera: 3
Species: 8

Tribe Cricetomyini Roberts, 1951

Genera: 2
Species: 6
Beamys Thomas, 1909
Species: 2
Cricetomys Waterhouse, 1840
Species: 4
Original description: Wroughton, R. C. (1910). "XIII.—New African mammals of the generaCricetomysandProcavia". Journal of Natural History Series 8. 5 (25): 106–110. doi:10.1080/00222931008692731.

Tribe Saccostomurini Roberts, 1951

Genera: 1
Species: 2
Saccostomus Peters, 1846
Species: 2

Subfamily Delanymyinae Musser & Carleton, 2005

Original description: Musser, G.G.; Carleton, M.D. (2005). "Superfamily Muroidea". In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 894–1531. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
Genera: 1
Species: 1
Delanymys Hayman, 1962
Species: 1

Subfamily Dendromurinae G.M. Allen, 1939

Original description: Allen, G.M. (1939). "A checklist of African mammals". Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 83: 1–763.
Genera: 6
Species: 26
Dendromus Smith, 1829
Species: 14
Original description: Denys, C.; Aniskine, V. (2012). "On a new species of Dendromus (Rodentia, Nesomyidae) from Mount Nimba, Guinea". Mammalia. 76 (3). doi:10.1515/mammalia-2011-0012. S2CID 85204369.
Comments: A new species.
Original description: Dieterlen, F. (2009). "Climbing mice of the genus Dendromus (Nesomyidae, Dendromurinae) in Sudan and Ethiopia, with the description of a new species". Bonner zoologische Beiträge. 56 (3): 185–200.
Comments: A new species.
Dendroprionomys F. Petter, 1966
Original description: Petter, F. (1966). "Dendroprionomys Rousselotigen. Nov., Sp. Nov., Rongeur Nouveau Du Congo(Cricetidae, Dendromurinae)". Mammalia. 30: 129–002. doi:10.1515/mamm.1966.30.1.129. S2CID 84777664.
Species: 1
Original description: Petter, F. (1966). "Dendroprionomys Rousselotigen. Nov., Sp. Nov., Rongeur Nouveau Du Congo(Cricetidae, Dendromurinae)". Mammalia. 30: 129–002. doi:10.1515/mamm.1966.30.1.129. S2CID 84777664.
Malacothrix Wagner, 1843
Species: 1
Megadendromus Dieterlen & Rupp, 1978
Species: 1
Prionomys Dollman, 1910
Species: 1
Steatomys Peters, 1846
Species: 8

Subfamily Mystromyinae Vorontsov, 1966

Genera: 1
Species: 1
Mystromys Wagner, 1841
Species: 1

Subfamily Nesomyinae Major, 1897

Genera: 9
Species: 30
Brachytarsomys Günther, 1875
Species: 3
Original description: Mein, P.; Sénégas, F.; Gommery, D.; Ramanivosoa, B.; Randrianantenaina, H.; Kerloc'h, P. (2010). "Nouvelles espèces subfossiles de rongeurs du Nord-Ouest de Madagascar". Comptes Rendus Palevol (in French). 9 (3): 101–112. doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2010.03.002.
Comments: A new, extinct species.
Brachyuromys Major, 1896
Species: 2
Eliurus Milne-Edwards, 1885
Species: 12
Original description: Carleton, M.D.; Goodman, S.M.; Rakotondravony, D. (2001). "A new species of tufted-tailed rat, genus Eliurus (Muridae: Nesomyinae), from western Madagascar, with notes on the distribution of E. myoxinus". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 114 (4): 972–987.
Original description: Goodman, S.M.; Raheriarisena, M.; Jansa, S.A. (2009). "A new species of Eliurus Milne Edwards, 1885 (Rodentia: Nesomyinae) from the Réserve Spéciale d'Ankarana, northern Madagascar" (PDF). Bonner zoologische Beiträge. 56 (3): 133–149.
Comments: A new species.
Original description: Carleton, M.D.; Goodman, S.M. (2007). "A new species of the Eliurus majori complex (Rodentia: Muroidea: Nesomyidae) from south-central Madagascar, with remarks on emergent species groupings in the genus Eliurus". American Museum Novitates (3547): 1–21. doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2007)3547[1:ANSOTE]2.0.CO;2. hdl:2246/5834. S2CID 83860204.
Comments: A new species.
Original description: Carleton, M.D. (1994). "Systematic studies of Madagascar's endemic rodents (Muroidea: Nesomyinae): revision of the genus Eliurus". American Museum Novitates (3087): 1–55. hdl:2246/4984.
Original description: Carleton, M.D.; Goodman, S.M. (1998). "New taxa of nesomyine rodents (Muroidea: Muridae) from Madagascar's northern highlands, with taxonomic comments on previously described forms". Fieldiana Zoology. 90: 163–200.
Original description: Carleton, M.D. (1994). "Systematic studies of Madagascar's endemic rodents (Muroidea: Nesomyinae): revision of the genus Eliurus". American Museum Novitates (3087): 1–55. hdl:2246/4984.
Gymnuromys Major, 1896
Species: 1
Hypogeomys A. Grandidier, 1869
Species: 2
Original description: Grandidier, G. (1903). "Description de l'Hypogeomys australis, nouvelle espèce de Rongeur sub-fossile de Madagascar". Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. 9: 13–15.
Comments: An extinct species not included in MSW 3. See Goodman & Rakotondravony (1996)[28].
Macrotarsomys Milne-Edwards & G. Grandidier, 1898
Species: 3
Original description: Petter, F. (1959). "Un Nouveau Rongeur De Madagascar (Nesomyinae) :macrotarsomys Ingensnov. Sp". Mammalia. 23 (2): 139–002. doi:10.1515/mamm.1959.23.2.139. S2CID 84475523.
Original description: Goodman, S. M.; Soarimalala, V. (2005). "A new species of Macrotarsomys (Rodentia: Muridae: Nesomyinae) from southwestern Madagascar". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 118 (2): 450. doi:10.2988/0006-324X(2005)118[450:ANSOMR]2.0.CO;2. S2CID 86070739.
Comments: A new species.
Monticolomys Carleton & Goodman, 1996
Original description: Carleton, M.D.; Goodman, S.M. (1996). "Systematic studies of Madagascar's endemic rodents (Muroidea: Nesomyinae): a new genus and species from the central highlands". Fieldiana Zoology. 85: 231–256.
Species: 1
Original description: Carleton, M.D.; Goodman, S.M. (1996). "Systematic studies of Madagascar's endemic rodents (Muroidea: Nesomyinae): a new genus and species from the central highlands". Fieldiana Zoology. 85: 231–256.
Nesomys Peters, 1870
Species: 4
Original description: Mein, P.; Sénégas, F.; Gommery, D.; Ramanivosoa, B.; Randrianantenaina, H.; Kerloc'h, P. (2010). "Nouvelles espèces subfossiles de rongeurs du Nord-Ouest de Madagascar". Comptes Rendus Palevol (in French). 9 (3): 101–112. doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2010.03.002.
Comments: A new, extinct species.
Voalavo Carleton & Goodman, 1998
Original description: Carleton, M.D.; Goodman, S.M. (1998). "New taxa of nesomyine rodents (Muroidea: Muridae) from Madagascar's northern highlands, with taxonomic comments on previously described forms". Fieldiana Zoology. 90: 163–200.
Species: 2
Original description: Goodman, S.M.; Rakotondravony, D.; Randriamanantsoa, H.N.; Rakotomalala-Razanahoera, M. (2005). "A new species of rodent from the montane forest of central eastern Madagascar (Muridae: Nesomyinae: Voalavo)". Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 118 (4): 863–873. doi:10.2988/0006-324X(2005)118[863:ANSORF]2.0.CO;2. S2CID 85727603.
Comments: A new species.
Original description: Carleton, M.D.; Goodman, S.M. (1998). "New taxa of nesomyine rodents (Muroidea: Muridae) from Madagascar's northern highlands, with taxonomic comments on previously described forms". Fieldiana Zoology. 90: 163–200.

Subfamily Petromyscinae Roberts, 1951

Genera: 1
Species: 4
Petromyscus Thomas, 1926
Species: 4

Family Platacanthomyidae Alston, 1876

Genera: 2
Species: 2
Platacanthomys Blyth, 1859
Species: 1
Typhlomys Milne-Edwards, 1877
Species: 1

Family Spalacidae Gray, 1821

Original description: Gray, J.E. (1821). "On the natural arrangement of vertebrose animals". London Medical Repository. 15: 296–310.
Genera: 6
Species: 41

Subfamily Myospalacinae Lilljeborg, 1866

Genera: 2
Species: 9
Eospalax G.M. Allen, 1938
Original description: Allen, G.M. (1938). "The mammals of China and Mongolia. Part 1". Natural History of Central Asia. 11 (1): 1–620.
Species: 6
Comments: Split from E. fontanierii (Zhou & Zhou, 2008)[29].
Comments: Split from E. fontanierii (Zhou & Zhou, 2008)[29].
Comments: Split from E. fontanierii (Zhou & Zhou, 2008)[29].
Myospalax Laxmann, 1769
Species: 3

Subfamily Rhizomyinae Winge, 1887

Original description: Winge, H. (1887). "Jordfundne og nulevende Gnavere (Rodentia) fra Lagoa Santa, Minas Geraes, Brasilian. Med Udsigt over Gnavernes indbyrdes Slægtskab". E Museo Lundii. 1 (3): 1–200.
Genera: 2
Species: 4
Cannomys Thomas, 1915
Species: 1
Rhizomys Gray, 1831
Species: 3

Subfamily Spalacinae Gray, 1821

Original description: Gray, J.E. (1821). "On the natural arrangement of vertebrose animals". London Medical Repository. 15: 296–310.
Genera: 1
Species: 15
Spalax Güldenstädt, 1770
Species: 15
Original description: Coşkun, Y. (2004). "A new species of mole rat, Nannospalax munzuri sp. n., and karyotype of Nannospalax tuncelicus (Coşkun, 1996) (Rodentia: Spalacidae) in eastern Anatolia". Zoology in the Middle East. 33: 153–162. doi:10.1080/09397140.2004.10638074. S2CID 85251322.
Comments: A new species. Described as a species of Nannospalax, but that is a synonym of Spalax.
Comments: Split from S. ehrenbergi (Coşkun, 2004)[30].

Subfamily Tachyoryctinae Miller & Gidley, 1918

Original description: Miller, G.S.; Gidley, J.W. (1918). "Synopsis of the supergeneric groups of rodents". Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 8: 431–448. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.6490.
Genera: 1
Species: 13
Tachyoryctes Rüppell, 1835
Species: 13
Original description: Thomas, O. (1910). "LX.—Three new African Rodents". Journal of Natural History Series 8. 5 (29): 419–422. doi:10.1080/00222931008692796.

Family Aplodontiidae Brandt, 1855

Genera: 1
Species: 1
Aplodontia Richardson, 1829
Species: 1

Family Gliridae Muirhead, 1819

Genera: 9
Species: 30

Subfamily Glirinae Muirhead, 1819

Genera: 2
Species: 2
Glirulus Thomas, 1906
Species: 1
Glis Brisson, 1762
Species: 1

Subfamily Graphiurinae Winge, 1887

Original description: Winge, H. (1887). "Jordfundne og nulevende Gnavere (Rodentia) fra Lagoa Santa, Minas Geraes, Brasilian. Med Udsigt over Gnavernes indbyrdes Slægtskab". E Museo Lundii. 1 (3): 1–200.
Genera: 1
Species: 15
Graphiurus Smuts, 1832
Species: 15
Original description: Dollman, G. (1910). "XL.—Two new species of African Dormice belonging to the genus Graphiurus". Journal of Natural History Series 8. 5 (27): 285–288. doi:10.1080/00222931008692768.
Original description: Holden, M. E.; Levine, R. S. (2009). "Chapter 9. Systematic Revision of Sub-Saharan African Dormice (Rodentia: Gliridae: Graphiurus) Part II: Description of a New Species of Graphiurus from the Central Congo Basin, Including Morphological and Ecological Niche Comparisons with G. Crassicaudatus and G. Lorraineus1". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 331: 314–355. doi:10.1206/582-9.1. S2CID 85409018.
Comments: A new species.

Subfamily Leithiinae Lydekker, 1896

Genera: 6
Species: 13
Chaetocauda Wang, 1985
Species: 1
Dryomys Thomas, 1906
Species: 3
Original description: Holden, M.E. (1996). "Description of a new species of Dryomys (Rodentia, Myoxidae) from Balochistan, Pakistan, including morphological comparisons with Dryomys laniger Felten & Storch, 1968, and D. nitedula (Pallas, 1778)". Bonner zoologische Beiträge. 46 (1–4): 111–131.
Eliomys Wagner, 1840
Species: 4
Comments: An extinct species not included in MSW 3. See Turvey (2009)[14]. Sometimes included in a separate genus, Hypnomys (Daams & De Bruijn, 1995)[31].
Muscardinus Kaup, 1829
Species: 1
Original description: Linnaeus, C. (1758). "Classis I. Mammalia". Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. pp. 14–77.
Myomimus Ognev, 1924
Species: 3
Selevinia Belosludov & Bazhanov, 1939
Species: 1

Family Sciuridae Fischer de Waldheim, 1817

See /Sciuridae for this large family.


  1. ^ a b Hafner, Mark S.; Spradling, Theresa A.; Light, Jessica E.; Hafner, David J.; Demboski, John R. (2004). "Systematic Revision of Pocket Gophers of the Cratogeomys gymnurus Species Group". Journal of Mammalogy. 85 (6): 1170–1183. doi:10.1644/BER-122.1. S2CID 55692933.
  2. ^ Hafner, M. S.; Light, J. E.; Hafner, D. J.; Brant, S. V.; Spradling, T. A.; Demastes, J. W. (2005). "Cryptic species in the Mexican pocket gopher Cratogeomys merriami". Journal of Mammalogy. 86 (6): 1095–1108. doi:10.1644/05-MAMM-A-064R1.1. S2CID 53473729.
  3. ^ a b c Sudman, P. D.; Wickliffe, J. K.; Horner, P.; Smolen, M. J.; Bickham, J. W.; Bradley, R. D. (2006). "Molecular systematics of pocket gophers of the genus Geomys". Journal of Mammalogy. 87 (4): 668–676. doi:10.1644/05-MAMM-A-349R2.1. S2CID 86680333.
  4. ^ Demastes, J. W.; Butt, A. L.; Hafner, M. S.; Light, J. E. (2003). "Systematics of a rare species of pocket gopher, Pappogeomys alcorni". Journal of Mammalogy. 84 (2): 753–761. doi:10.1644/1545-1542(2003)084.3C0753:SOARSO.3E2.0.CO;2 (inactive 2022-06-26).{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of June 2022 (link)
  5. ^ a b c d e Álvarez-Castañeda, Sergio Ticul (2010). "Phylogenetic structure of the Thomomys bottae–umbrinus complex in North America". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 54 (3): 671–679. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2009.11.012. PMID 19931621.
  6. ^ Fernández, J. S. A.; Cervantes, F. A.; Hafner, M. S. (2012). "Molecular systematics and biogeography of the Mexican endemic kangaroo rat, Dipodomys phillipsii (Rodentia: Heteromyidae)". Journal of Mammalogy. 93 (2): 560. doi:10.1644/11-MAMM-A-224.1. S2CID 83992578.
  7. ^ a b Álvarez-Castañeda, S.T.; Rios, E. (2011). "Revision of Chaetodipus arenarius (Rodentia: Heteromyidae)". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 161: 213–228. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2009.00630.x.
  8. ^ McKnight, M.L. (2005). "Phylogeny of the Perognathus longimembris species group based on mitochondrial cytochrome-b: how many species?". Journal of Mammalogy. 86 (4): 826–823. doi:10.1644/1545-1542(2005)086[0826:POTPLS]2.0.CO;2. ISSN 1545-1542. S2CID 86196048.
  9. ^ Jenkins, Paulina D.; Kilpatrick, C. William; Robinson, Mark F.; Timmins, Robert J. (2004). "Morphological and molecular investigations of a new family, genus and species of rodent (Mammalia: Rodentia: Hystricognatha) from Lao PDR". Systematics and Biodiversity. 2 (4): 419–454. doi:10.1017/S1477200004001549. S2CID 86411689.
  10. ^ Dawson, M. R.; Marivaux, L; Li, CK; Beard, KC; Métais, G (2006). "Laonastes and the 'Lazarus Effect' in Recent Mammals". Science. 311 (5766): 1456–1458. Bibcode:2006Sci...311.1456D. doi:10.1126/science.1124187. PMID 16527978. S2CID 25506765.
  11. ^ Thomas, O. (1921). "XXII.—On mammals from the Province of San Juan, Western Argentina". Journal of Natural History Series 9. 8 (44): 214–221. doi:10.1080/00222932108632580.
  12. ^ a b c d e Ingram, C; Burda, H; Honeycutt, RL (2004). "Molecular phylogenetics and taxonomy of the African mole-rats, genus Cryptomys and the new genus Coetomys Gray, 1864". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 31 (3): 997–1014. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2003.11.004. PMID 15120397.
  13. ^ Faulkes, C. G.; Bennett, N. C.; Cotterill, F. P. D.; Stanley, W.; Mgode, G. F.; Verheyen, E. (2011). Kitchener, Andrew (ed.). "Phylogeography and cryptic diversity of the solitary-dwelling silvery mole-rat, genus Heliophobius (family: Bathyergidae)". Journal of Zoology. 285 (4): 324–338. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2011.00863.x. hdl:2263/19341.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Turvey, S.T. (2009). "Holocene mammal extinctions". Holocene Extinctions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 41–61. ISBN 978-0-19-953509-5.
  15. ^ a b c d e f g h i j MacPhee, R. D. E. (2009). "Insulae infortunatae: Establishing a Chronology for Late Quaternary Mammal Extinctions in the West Indies". American Megafaunal Extinctions at the End of the Pleistocene. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology. pp. 169–193. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-8793-6_9. ISBN 978-1-4020-8792-9.
  16. ^ a b c Dunnum, Jonathan L.; Salazar-Bravo, Jorge (2010). "Phylogeny, evolution, and systematics of the Galea musteloides complex (Rodentia: Caviidae)". Journal of Mammalogy. 91: 243–259. doi:10.1644/08-MAMM-A-214R1.1. S2CID 86422386.
  17. ^ Contreras, J.R. (2000). "Ctenomys paraguayensis, una nueva especie de roedor excavador procedente del Paraguay Oriental (Mammalia, Rodentia, Ctenomyidae)" (PDF). Revista del Museo Argentino des Ciencias Naturales. 2 (1): 61–68. doi:10.22179/REVMACN.2.125.
  18. ^ a b Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 2142. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
  19. ^ Iack-Ximenes, G.E.; de Vivo, M.; Percequillo, A.R. (2005). "A new species of Echimys Cuvier, 1809 (Rodentia, Echimyidae) from Brazil". Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia. 45 (5): 51–60. doi:10.1590/S0031-10492005000500001.
  20. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Emmons, L.H. (2005). "A revision of the genera of arboreal Echimyidae (Rodentia: Echimyidae, Echimyinae), with descriptions of two new genera". University of California Publications in Zoology. 133: 247–309.
  21. ^ Lim, Burton K.; Engstrom, Mark D.; Patton, John C.; Bickham, John W. (2006). "Systematic relationships of the Guianan brush-tailed rat (Isothrix sinnamariensis) and its first occurrence in Guyana / Systématique du rat à queue en brosse de Guyane (Isothrix sinnamariensis) et première découverte en Guyane". Mammalia. 70 (1–2): 120–125. doi:10.1515/MAMM.2006.007. S2CID 84266207.
  22. ^ a b Hadler, P. (2008). "Caviomorphs (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the Holocene of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil: Systematics and paleoenvironmental context". Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 11 (2): 97–116. doi:10.4072/rbp.2008.2.03.
  23. ^ Bezerra, Alexandra M. R.; De Oliveira, João A. (2010). "Taxonomic implications of cranial morphometric variation in the genus Clyomys Thomas, 1916 (Rodentia: Echimyidae)". Journal of Mammalogy. 91: 260–272. doi:10.1644/08-MAMM-A-320R1.1. S2CID 86188722.
  24. ^ a b c Voss, R. S. (2011). "Revisionary Notes on Neotropical Porcupines (Rodentia: Erethizontidae) 3. An Annotated Checklist of the Species of Coendou Lacépède, 1799". American Museum Novitates (3720): 1–36. doi:10.1206/3720.2. hdl:2246/6121. S2CID 84077388.
  25. ^ Turvey, S. T.; Grady, F. V.; Rye, P. (2006). "A new genus and species of 'giant hutia' (Tainotherium valei) from the Quaternary of Puerto Rico: An extinct arboreal quadruped?". Journal of Zoology. 270 (4): 585–594. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2006.00170.x.
  26. ^ MacPhee, R.; Flemming, C. (2003). "A possible heptaxodontine and other caviidan rodents from the Quaternary of Jamaica". American Museum Novitates (1): 1–42. doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2003)422.3C0001:APHAOC.3E2.0.CO;2 (inactive 2022-06-26). hdl:2246/2851.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of June 2022 (link)
  27. ^ Shenbrot, Georgy (2009). "On the conspecifity ofAllactaga hotsoniThomas, 1920 andAllactaga firouziWomochel, 1978 (Rodentia: Dipodoidea)". Mammalia. 73 (3): 231–237. doi:10.1515/MAMM.2009.043. S2CID 84309707.
  28. ^ Goodman, S.M.; Rakotondravony, D. (1996). "The Holocene distribution of Hypogeomys (Rodentia: Muridae: Nesomyinae) in Madagascar" (PDF). Biogéographie de Madagascar. 1996: 283–293.
  29. ^ a b c Zhou, C.; Zhou, K. (2008). "The validity of different zokor species and the genus Eospalax inferred from mitochondrial gene sequences". Integrative Zoology. 3 (4): 290–298. doi:10.1111/j.1749-4877.2008.00108.x. PMID 21396079.
  30. ^ Coşkun, Y. (2004). "A new species of mole rat, Nannospalax munzuri sp. n., and karyotype of Nannospalax tuncelicus (Coşkun, 1996) (Rodentia: Spalacidae) in eastern Anatolia". Zoology in the Middle East. 33: 153–162. doi:10.1080/09397140.2004.10638074. S2CID 85251322.
  31. ^ Daams, R.; Bruijn, H. de (1995). "A classification of the Gliridae (Rodentia) on the basis of dental morphology". Hystrix. 6 (1–2): 3–50.