User:Trh50/Feature (archaeology)/MikeJiang131 Peer Review

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User Trh50

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Feature (archaeology)
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Feature (archaeology)

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A feature in archaeology, specifically excavation, is a collection of one or more contexts representing some human non-portable activity. Features are an indication that the area in which it was found has been interfered with in the past, usually by humans.

Concise. Does provides definition of article subject, explanation of technical terms. Could omit "... representing some human non-portable activity."

Content- Effective, up to date. Article is short- examples are provided, but neither context nor explanation are given for each example, and how they fit in to the article topic. Mostly contains links to other articles which cover the examples of features. Article could use some content covering the utilization of archaeological features, and brief descriptions of the examples contained within.

Tone and Balance- The article maintains a consistently impartial tone in its entirety. Due to the nature of the topic, there are not many arguments inherent in the writing. The article consists mostly of definitions.

Sources and References- The writer provides effective and plentiful sources to support their writing. Sources vary in how current they were, but the nature of the topic allows some room for older articles to remain relevant in this case. The content adequately reflects the materials presented within articles. Links work.

Organization- Article contains several grammatical errors. Writing throughout article's main body could be written in more concise fashion, and over-usage of punctuation combined with poor choice in diction within main body may detract from professional writing style. Several examples do not contain hyperlinks, and could use further explanation within the article. Example of some grammatical errors below. Tense and plural contradictions within the below section, missing definitions.

In relation to site stratigraphy, features generally have a vertical characteristic(S), such as pits, walls, or ditches. On the contrary, elements that have horizontal characteristic(S), such as a layer(S), dump(S), or surface(S), is (are) not a feature(S). General horizontal elements are part of the stratigraphic sequence (insert definition of stratigraphic sequence here).

Images and Media- The writer uses effective images in their article. They are properly captioned. Images are not properly cited.

New Article Review- Article uses effective sources, but could use more variation in sources (Article contains 5 citations, 4 sources). Article is much shorter than similar submissions covering the same topic: most significant criticism for this submission is its length. Should further specify on each example provided.

Overall Impressions- Submission contains concise skeleton of topic, extensive list of examples, and relevant images. However, several features of the article ought to be amended to increase its effectiveness.

  1. Primarily, there needs to be more content surrounding the examples provided. In similar articles on Wikipedia, each example has its own subparagraph containing definitions and links to relevant articles pertaining to the subject.
  2. Additionally, the main body of the article contains several grammatical errors (example provided above)- low hanging fruit, can be amended quickly and easily.
  3. Further, the images contained in the article are not properly cited.
  4. Finally, the submission could use many more citations if definitions are provided for each example. Would provide a more expedient experience for article viewers and contribute to the wholeness and reliability of the article.

Again, the work provided serves as a strong foundation to cover the topic archaeological features. With a few amendments, this would be a complete and effective submission.