
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Who am i? Depending on the circumstances i can be a Mathematician, Male, Caucasian, Programmer, Pure Philomath, Quantum Chromotographer, Physicist, Writer, Electronics Engineer, Biomedical Engineer, Technophile, Dreamer, Neuro-linguistic Programmer, Reverse Engineer, Hacker are but 15 occupations i can retain for you people..

I Am currently in my last year of school, before i plan to undertake a degree in Physics and Biomedical Engineering..... But who really knows what i will do? Or what anyone will do for that matter, maybe i will do a double degree in Physics and Professional Writing... maybe not.. Who really knows, but whatever the case, Physics will be adjacent to that other x degree..

In my own mind, my own perception, my own definition, Physics embraces everything i see that is dynamic and static alike... From the obscure physics of semiconductors to the classic 'classical' elementary newtonian physics... It is the greatest subject in this finite Universe....

Software Engineering is generally considered distinct from physics, something that kind of bugs me really.. Yes its true that when writing code with your keyboard, you are not performing an empirical act of physics, however, behind the scenes lay fundemental algorithms that are converting your code into a physical phenonema... Be it a charge contained in a microscopic capacitor inside a RAM IC... Or the alignment of a metal oxide particle in your hard drive...

My personality type is INTJ... [ Mastermind ] .. Which has a 1% distribution among the entire human population. I Have taken about 4 tests however, as a result I can conclude that a 1:2 ratio exists representative of me, that ratio is INTP/INTJ ... INTP is [ Architect ] and also has a 1% distribution rate among the population...


Genealogy is a fun and informative subject.... My family immigrated to Australia some 60 years ago from England.... However my anthropological makeup can be summarized by the following percentiles:

English 60% Irish 20% Scottish 20%


Reccomended Books....

Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep ? "
The nothing that is, the semantics of zero
Electricity, the force that shaped our world
The Mathematical World
Fractals Everywhere
Hacking Exposed All Editions
Billions & Billions - Carl Sagan
Bioelectromagnetism ( BIO-ELECTRO-MAGNETISM ) - Jaakko Malmivuo & Robert Plonsey ( Highly Reccomended )


Classical Physics
Quantum Physics
Computer Programming, C++, PHP
Computational Neuroscience
Quantum Economics
Quantum Psychology
Theory Of Consciousness
Artificial Intelligence
Distributed Computing
Dynamical Systems
Social Engineering
Theoretical Computer Science
Complexity Theory
Theory of everything
Computational biology
String Theory
Chaos Theory
Autonomous robotics
Genetic Algorithms
Digital Logic
Mathematics ( Even if i cant comprehend 60% of it )
History of mathematics
Russel's Paradox
Mind/Body Problem
Systems Theory
Theoretical Physics
Lithographic Engineering( Dont Know much about this, i am going to start reading more... - : )
Reverse Engineering Software and Hardware
Converting the analog into the digital
Seeing creations of the brain unfould
Neuro-linguistic programming
Cognitive Science

Really, if you were to sit down and have a cofee with me, i would be delighted to hear whatever you know, i strive for knowledge... And today, the commodity of the kings is clearly Specialized Knowledge...

Some Awesome Physics Principles/Articles

Peltier Effect
fMRI ( Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging )
Raymond Scattering
Quantum Field Theory

Some Awesome Mathematics Principles/Articles

Abstract Algebra
Discrete Geometry
Computational Geometry
Axiom of choice