
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia., commonly known as TFS to it's users, is a large English speaking multi-genre forum site. It currently has 45,642 members with hundreds more joining every month. The site is heavily moderated for content against the sites terms of service, which include explicit sexual content, and excessive trolling/flamming. Nearly 1% of all searches of the word forum end up at TFS[1]


All members have to be over the age of 13 when joining TFS. The members come from all over the world with the majority coming from the UK and North America (USA and Canada)


There is a large variety of threads containing discussions of many subjects. By posting on a thread you can earn points. The longer the post, potentially the more point you earn. These threads are all moderated. Recently there has been the addition of TFS+ which allows members who join this service, more room for debate that includes baiting, name-calling and flaming.


Journals are thread that members can start, they are used to express personal feelings and can be kept private from the rest of the site. You can get points by posting in a journal.


Points are awarded based on the members activity on the site. The member can earn points by visiting the site regularly and by making posts in the forums. The member doesn't get points every time they do these things, only some of the time. Having a certain number of points gives certain privileges, such as the amount of pictures allowed to be posted and your signature etc. As the member increase the number of point they have, their rank also increase. The current ranks are: - TFS Llama - Pickle - Twinky - Abominable Snowman - Bogey Man - Points Whore Master - Uber-Monkey - TFS Monkey - Monk - Ogler - Uber-Minister - Minister - Cunning Linguist - Uber Master Debater - Debater - Mega Uber-Meister - Uber-Meister - Meister - Points Whore - Satan - Uber-General - General - Uber-Commander - Commander - Apprentice - Recruit - Infidel - Outcast


These are the tools that the moderators use to police the site. A blessing is at the moderators discretion and adds points. A punch subtracts points and may lead to loss of certain privileges (such as use of TFS+), punches occur when there is a breach of TOS. The moderators are also able to ban individual members for a specified amount of time, according to the severity of the 'crime'.


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