User:Thipacu/Books/Computer Sceince Patterns and Principles

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Computer Science Patterns and Principles

Software design pattern
Design Patterns
Creational Design Patterns
Creational pattern
Abstract factory pattern
Builder pattern
Factory method pattern
Prototype pattern
Singleton pattern
Structural Design Patterns
Decorator pattern
Adapter pattern
Bridge pattern
Composite pattern
Facade pattern
Flyweight pattern
Proxy pattern
Behavioral Design Patterns
Chain-of-responsibility pattern
Command pattern
Interpreter pattern
Iterator pattern
Mediator pattern
Memento pattern
Observer pattern
State pattern
Strategy pattern
Template method pattern
Visitor pattern
Object Design
Object (computer science)
Polymorphism (computer science)
Inheritance (object-oriented programming)
GRASP (object-oriented design)
SOLID (object-oriented design)
Anemic domain model
Package principles
Don't repeat yourself
KISS principle
You aren't gonna need it
Agile Developement
Agile software development
Agile methods
Adaptive software development
Agile modeling
Agile Unified Process
Crystal Clear (software development)
Disciplined agile delivery
Dynamic systems development method
Extreme programming
Feature-driven development
Lean software development
Kanban (development)
Scrum (software development)
Agile practices
Acceptance test-driven development
Behavior-driven development
Cross-functional team
Continuous integration
Domain-driven design
Burn down chart
Iterative and incremental development
Pair programming
Planning poker
Code refactoring
Test-driven development
Agile testing
Use case
User story
Story-driven modeling
Velocity (software development)