
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Invasion of Earth
Part of Human-Tripate War
Date12th of December 2015 - 22nd of December 2015
Earth (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Oceania)
  • Tripate Military Victory
  • Destruction of major Earth cities and capitals
  • [Occupation of Earth] by Tripate forces
  • Many major world leaders killed
  • Millions of military and civilian casualties
United Nations
Various Human National Militaries
Various Human Resistance Movements
Military Forces of the Tripates
Commanders and leaders
United States Ashton Carter (Until March 2016)
United Kingdom Nick Houghton (British Army)
United Kingdom Thomas Bricken (Royal Navy)
Russia Sergey Shoygu
Russia Valentina Matviyenko

ЩЉҖЦП Ӥ (Translation: Yurark Kuhn)(Leader of Tripatia)

ҬҔФфЊЙ Ґ (Translation: Thusse Eoi)(Leader of Tripate Military Forces)
Combined Human Forces: 3 billion males aged 18-55 Tripate Forces: Unknown
Casualties and losses
79 million (Military Casualities: 18 million) (August 2016 estimate) Unknown

The Invasion of Earth or 'Doomsday', is a Global war that began on the 12th of December 2015, after Tripate Space Cruisers [Orbitally bombarded] or 'glassed' major human cities. The cruisers were first seen six days prior, moving in to the [Milky way galaxy]. One day later a demand for total and unconditional surrender was issued in broken English over AM radio across the world. The United Nations held an emergency meeting, where it voted 101-92 to refuse the surrender offer. Virtually every Army, Navy and Air force were mobilised along with millions of reserves being called up. Weapons were distributed by many states to civilians to support resistance should an invasion occur (which it eventually did.). The refusal of surrender (known as the ['Honour doctrine'] was broadcast over every form of communication channel known. Three days later the Space cruisers moved to orbit the Earth, before releasing [energy pulses] into major Earth cities, leaving them obliterated and millions of casualties.

On the 22nd of December, 10 days after the [Orbital bombardment] suffered by Earth cities, Tripate [Orbital Shock Troopers] invaded and occupied major settlements and strategic points. Resistance was encountered from national militaries, paramilitaries and citizens alike, but superior weaponry and sheer numbers overwhelmed many defense forces. Today most [Human resistance campaigns] have retreated underground, and resorted to guerrilla tactics to oust the invaders. This led to the [Occupation of Earth].