
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A few notes that may be of help. My name is Ian Cameron and I am south London based, now a pensioner. Since the early sixties onwards I was imvolved in various ongoing counter culture campaigns and initiatives. From the early seventies (among others) these increasingly included campaigns around the operation of the criminal justice and penal systems. I was involved in RADICAL ALTERNATIVES TO PRISON, PRESERVATION OF THE RIGHTS OF PRISONERS (P.R.O.P.), the London based FREE GEORGE DAVIS CAMPAIGN (see Wikipedia article), was the secretary of a national take-up organisation J.A.I.L. (JUSTICE AGAINST THE IDENTIFICATION LAWS) established in the George Davis campaign period to challenge the wrongful use of identification evidence and police procedures in criminal investigations and prosecutions, was a full time 1970's member of two (London based) political "collectives" - UP AGAINST THE LAW (UPAL) and subsequently RELEASE. And for 9 years - until retirement in late 1992 - worked in (London) Greenwich Borough Council's (then newly established) "Community Affairs Department" in a small unit specifically tasked with improving the level of democratic police accountability on behalf of the people of Greenwich together with the wider London community including other London local authorities and their communities.

In some of the above periods I also separately wrote for various community based media initiatives (including "PEACE NEWS" and South London Brixton based mid-seventies established PEOPLE'S NEWS SERVICE - "PNS") and on a number of occasions was also invited to give talks at universities on the subject of police and/or media strategies - covert and/or otherwise - in relation to crime reporting.