
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Hi. I am Dolly, called "Tchula65" because I had to come up with a username and I was reminded of a former co-worker who assigned me the nickname 'Tchula' because of my Native American (Indigenous American) DNA then the number because, well, that's how old I feel.

I am a Wikipedia newbie, inspired by another project that revealed a 'void' of information about authors. Not a writer by profession or hobby, I hope to be able to do these subjects justice and honor their contributions as well as achieve the high standards of Wikipedia. It is a daunting undertaking and I'm sure it'll be a steep learning curve but I've begun this journey with a few small steps but too many now to turn back. Right now, Orange Mike has me scared.

I hail from Missouri but call Central Illinois my home. My background had been in Health Insurance and Managed Care, where a portion of my responsibilities were creating and delivering technical training materials. BORING!!! Now that I am 'pretired', I try to find ways to be a contributor for the betterment of society. I am a passionate advocate for education though my own path in life did not allow me to continue beyond that of an associates' degree. Life didn't deal me a direct path to education but I persevered and in 20 years walked across the stage and received that certificate with great pride. I navigated my way through the corporate world by way of a knack for identifying issues then crafting solutions, then, writing instructions about them so no one after me would have to re-invent these wheels. This wasn't something that education could prepare me for but once I recognized it as my particular super-power, I seized on it. Some thirty-years later here I am having identified a need and trying to provide the solution.

I hope to be able to add to this profile to celebrate my contributions and share more about myself with time. Until then, Happy writing.