User:Sum.H.2013/European Parliament Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims Group

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The ‘Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims group’ is a group that highlights the notion that the cause of peace is at the heart of the Muslim faith. The Ahmadiyya Muslims group promotes a common vision of human rights and freedom of religion for all, and it seeks to promote respect between followers of different faiths. The UK chapter was formed in 1913 and it now has 100 or so branches. The headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK is the Baitul Futuh Mosque – the largest Mosque in Western Europe[1].

Dr Charles Tannock, Conservative MEP for London, is the new Chairman of the friendship group. Tunne Kelam MEP Estonia is the Vice-Chair of the group and Claude Moraes MEP is the group's Vice-Chair.

Event Inauguration

On 3rd and 4th December 2012 the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at and Fifth Khalifa (/Caliph in English), Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad held a series of meetings with political leaders and dignitaries from across Europe at the European Parliament. These meetings along with a keynote address at the European Parliament in Brussels were the events symbolic of the inauguration of this friends group.

Speaking at the inaugural event, Dr Charles Tannock said:

We, in Europe, believe democracy generally as a rule goes hand in hand with respect for fundamental human rights. But the fact remains that religious extremism and violence represents a clear and present danger to both peace and respect for human rights which ultimately underpins our democratic ideals.
This religious extremism sadly can also be closely linked to a brand of international terrorism that is a threat precisely because it is not limited by borders or nationality. These hardline islamist jihadi sects do not represent in any way either Islam as a whole, nor the wider Muslim world, but sadly is the one movement today where violent words diffused across the internet and satellite TV can literally lead to violent actions – worldwide. Ahmadiyya know this only too well as their communities have suffered in countries as disparate as Pakistan and Indonesia and from Nigeria to Kirgizstan.
I have developed over some years good links to the Ahmadiyyah Muslim community in London which I represent. It is a prosperous, courageous and determined community. Its slogan ‘Love for all, hatred for none’, is the welcome antithesis of the hatred and violence perpetrated by a minority of jihadi radicals.
So what is the message of peace that should come out of this conference? Firstly, the answer to Islamist extremism needs to come from within moderate and reformist Muslim currents such as the Ahmadiyyah Muslims if it is to be credible and lasting. Second, Europe needs to face up to the unprecedented nature of this threat.

Meetings with Political Leaders and Dignitaries from across Europe at the European Parliament

On 3rd and 4th December 2012 the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and Fifth Khalifa, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad held a series of meetings with political leaders and dignitaries from across Europe at the European Parliament. In each meeting Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad conveyed Islam’s teachings of peace, mutual respect and tolerance. Below are brief summaries of some of the meetings that took place[2].

Dr Charles Tannock MEP (UK) - (Member of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, Member of the Sub-Committee on Human Rights, Vice-Chair of the Parliamentary Delegation for relations with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and Chair of the European Parliament Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims Group). Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad spoke about the persecution faced by Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan. the Khalifa said that each month Ahmadi Muslims were being brutally martyred in Pakistan. Charles Tannock MEP said he would continue to support the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at in all respects. He said that earlier in the day he had met with the Pakistani Foreign Minister and questioned her directly about the persecution faced by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. His Holiness said that a key principle of humanity was that human beings should always be willing to help all those who are deprived.

Tunne Kelam MEP (Estonia) - (Member of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, the Sub-Committee on Security and Defence and Vice-Chair of the European Parliament Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims Group). He said that the visit of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad to the European Parliament was “very important because it will enrich our understanding”. Tunne Kelam MEP briefed the Khalifa about the political situation in his native Estonia. The Khalifa said he was pleased to learn that Estonia had emerged from the difficulties of its past and now had a stable Government.

Claude Moraes MEP (UK) - (Vice-Chair of the Delegation for Relations with the Arab Peninsula, Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Deputy Leader of the European Parliamentary Labour Party and Vice-Chair of the European Parliament Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims Group). Claude Moraes MEP, who hosted a lunch for the Khalifa, spoke of his honour at meeting Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. He said that the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at was a “great leader who stood out from other religious leaders.” Claude Moraes said that the Khalifa was particularly welcome at the European Parliament because he brought with him a message of peace and tolerance.

Barbara Lochbihler MEP (Germany) - (Chair of the European Parliament Sub-Committee on Human Rights). She expressed concern at the persecution of Ahmadi Muslims internationally and offered to relay the message of the Khalifa to the sub-committee as well.

Jean Lambert MEP (UK) - (Chair of the European Parliament South Asia Delegation) and Phil Bennion MEP (UK) (Member of the European Parliament South Asia Delegation and Chairman of the LibDem European Group). Both MEPs briefed the Khalifa about their recent official visit to Pakistan. They pledged to help Ahmadi Muslims who were being persecuted. The Khalifa said an effort should be made to stop innocent children being radicalised in Pakistan and that many of the so‐called Madrassa's were not fulfilling their roles to provide religious education; rather they were indoctrinating children with extremist ideologies. The Khalifa said, “Without a proper education people can be easily influenced and indoctrinated.”

Marina Yannakoudakis MEP (UK) said she had always admired the Ahmadiyya Jama’ats motto of “Love for All, Hatred for None.” In reply, the Khalifa said, “This is a message for the entire world.”

Billy Taranger (CF Party), Ann Katherine Skgorshammer (MP – CF Party) - Billy Taranger spoke of his admiration for Ahmadi Muslims. In response Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said that all good and sensible people would support the Jamaat’s message of love, peace and harmony.The politicians said they had visited the new Ahmadiyya Mosque in Oslo and that it was a source of pride to the Norwegian people.

Ingrid Norstein (Labour Party Norway) - Ingrid Norstein spoke of her ‘delight’ at meeting Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. She said she had very good relations with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Norway and had read a lot about the Jamaat recently. Ingrid Norstein asked Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad how the Government of Norway could help the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. The Khalifa responded by saying that Ahmadi Muslims believed that all citizens should have equal rights. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said Ahmadi Muslims were denied the right to vote in Pakistan due to unjust legislation and thus the Norwegian Government should work towards making sure all groups have the right to vote.

Spanish delegation - Jose Maria Alonso Ruiz, (MP), Pedro Carlavilla (Mayor of Meco) and Augustina Rubio (Barrister and Professor) Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad was briefed upon the current economic situation in Spain. The Khalifa counselled that any money received as part of a bailout settlement from the European Union should be spent wisely and for the betterment of the Spanish people. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said that he hoped that Spain’s economic situation would improve and that the country would progress. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad also spoke about his fondness for Spain. He said that he enjoyed both Spain’s climate and its people.

Garry O’Halloran (Barrister from Ireland) - Garry O’Halloran, a Barrister from Ireland, was introduced to Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad and spoke about he had given up a political career to pursue a legal one. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad prayed for his future success.

European Parliament Address

On 4 December 2012, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat and Fifth Khalifa, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered an historic keynote address at the European Parliament in Brussels to a packed audience of more than 350 guests representing 30 countries. The event was hosted by the newly launched ‘European Parliament Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims Group’, whose Chair and Vice-Chairs all took to the stage to welcome Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. Martin Schulz MEP and President of the European Parliament also came to meet with His Holiness.

During his thirty-five minute address, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad called on the European Union to preserve its unity; addressed the issue of increased immigration to Western countries; advocated for equality in international relations and spoke at length about Islam’s key teachings in relation to developing world peace.

Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said that in the modern world many people viewed Islam as a religion that promoted violence and extremism and blamed it for many of the conflicts taking place in various parts of the world. He said that such allegations were particularly unjust given that “the very meanings of the word Islam are ‘peace’ and ‘security’.”

The Khalifa spoke about widespread concerns over increasing levels of immigration to Western countries. In a detailed analysis, His Holiness said the issue was leading to the spread of ‘restlessness and anxiety’. His Holiness blamed both the immigrants and the indigenous people for the state of conflict, whereby many immigrants provoked locals by refusing to integrate, whilst certain segments of the local society were intolerant to outsiders. He said the consequences of such division were far reaching and so he called on all parties to work together to resolve the issues.

Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

Governments need to make policies that establish and protect mutual respect, through which hurting the sentiments of others or causing them any type of harm should be outlawed. With regard the immigrants, they must enter with a willingness to integrate with the local people, whilst the locals should be ready to open their hearts and display tolerance.”

About the European Union, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

The formation of the European Union has been a great achievement on the part of the European countries, for it has been a means of uniting this Continent. And so you should make all possible efforts to preserve this unity… Remember that the strength of Europe lies in it remaining united and together as one. Such unity will not only benefit you here in Europe but at a global level will be the means for this Continent to maintain its strength and influence.”

The Khalifa spoke of the need not just for co-operation within Europe, but called for global unity. He said:

Speaking from an Islamic perspective, we should strive for the entire world to unite together. In terms of currency the world should be united. In terms of business and trade the world should be united. And in terms of freedom of movement and immigration, cohesive and practical policies should be developed, so that the world can become united.”

The Khalifa said that in the modern world countries could no longer afford to remain isolated and even global powers like the United States were dependent on international trade and foreign relations. He said developed countries ought not to exploit weaker nations but should seek to help them develop and succeed.

Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad also spoke about conflicts in the Arab World and Middle East. He said that whilst the Western world had openly expressed ‘outrage and concern’ at the situations in Syria and Libya, they did not seem as concerned about the plight of the Palestinian people.

Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

This perceived double standard is causing grievances and malice to increase in the hearts of people from Muslim countries against the major powers of the world. This anger and animosity is extremely dangerous and could boil over and explode at any time…
Let it be clear that I am not speaking in support or favour of any particular individual country. What I wish to say is that all forms of cruelty, wherever they exist, must be eradicated and stopped, regardless of whether they are perpetrated by the people of Palestine, the people of Israel or the people of any other country.”

The Khalifa also criticised the principle of veto power within international institutions. He said that the voting history of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council showed that on certain occasions veto powers had been misused to assist cruelty, rather than to prevent it.

Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad concluded by calling for justice and equality. He said:

Always remember that peace can only be established by helping both the oppressed and the oppressor in a manner that is completely impartial, free from vested interests and devoid of all enmity. Peace is made by giving all parties an equal platform and playing field.”

Before the keynote address a number of MEPs took to the stage and spoke of their admiration of peaceful Islam as advocated by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.

Dr Charles Tannock MEP, Chair of the European Parliament Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims Group, said ‘Ahmadi Muslims are a welcome example of tolerance in the world.’ He condemned the persecution of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan and said ‘the Ahmadi motto of Love for All, Hatred for None is a welcome antidote to the extremist Jihadists’.

Tunne Kelam MEP, Vice-Chair of the European Parliament Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims Group, said he was attending the event because it was an opportunity to ‘join in an aspiration for peace’. He praised the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat for ‘rejecting all violence and terrorism’ and pledged to support the Jamaat globally.

Baroness Sarah Ludford MEP, Vice-Chair of the European Parliament Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims Group, spoke of her long term relationship with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in the United Kingdom. She said that the Jamaat’s motto was ‘an inspiration which we desperately need in the modern world.’

Claude Moraes MEP, Vice-Chair of the European Parliament Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims Group, said the event had ‘attracted a bigger turnout than we get to any meetings at the European Parliament’.

Jean Lambert MEP, Chair of European Parliament’s South Asia Delegation, said that she would pursue with the Pakistani Government the issue of Ahmadi Muslim voting rights. She said it was necessary that all parties had the right to vote freely and without discrimination.

The President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat (community) in the United Kingdom, Rafiq Hayat, also took to the stage to express his pleasure that the ‘European Parliament Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims Group’ had been launched.

The historic event concluded at 4.35pm with a silent prayer led by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad[3].

See Also


see: Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/European Parliament Friends of Ahmadiyya Muslims Group