
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Hi, I'm Squish, Chet, and Rif, or anything you like to call me. Chet is as close to a real life name most people will ever get, Squish is my comedian alias everturning more fabricated, and Rif is my singer-songwriter stagename. This here is my Encyclopedia Galactica--err sorry, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy--errrr, sorry, "Wikipedia", user page. I expect Wikipedia to become any of the former three publications (an expectation already met intrinsically as Wikipedia is already Wikipedia), and go to space someday with the human race and survive the collapse of our sun, Sol. Hence, I consider this job especially--wait, this isn't a job, or at least so I assume from the TLD of the domain and my total lack of checks in the mail. Alright, fine, I'll accept the consolation prize of a few shameless plugs.

External projects that may or may not have anything to do with me .. Homepage (updated little)

squish 7 Rif .. YouTube & Google+ (music, humor, and fun)

Frangles .. Fractal nonlinear humor saga

Xangles .. Fractals, fiction, and everything

Blorkk .. The 2nd Known Universe

TurboFrisbee .. A tougher way to play ultimate

A random list of junk thrown in purely for the purpose of separating the above line from the line 3 lines down from this one ("This user is eclectic"), because they're almost precisely the same length and get a bit confusing if you think they're paired for some reason.
Junk item #1
Junk item #2

This user is eclectic.
This user sits and hits "refresh" for hours after every discussion post in the way that Mark Zuckerburg does at the end of The Social Network.
This user decapitates people who revert his edits without even reading his talk/discussion page arguments.