User:Soupoftheday7/Coffee ground vomiting/Lightfixture13 Peer Review

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

General info

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Link to draft you're reviewing
User:Soupoftheday7/Coffee ground vomiting
Link to the current version of the article (if it exists)
Coffee ground vomiting

Evaluate the drafted changes


Lead has been improved to reflect content changes. I think it's good as is, but you could consider clarifying that most cases are caused by slow upper GI bleeds. I think a picture somewhere in the article would be helpful.


The Causes section is significantly improved from the original. There's a typo, "Duoenal." At the end of this section, you mention "Non-gastrointestinal causes have also been documented." Consider including some examples.

I would rename the Diagnosis section to Evaluation and highlight at the beginning that coffee ground emesis isn't a medical emergency by itself. Then I would state that the initial workup is aimed at assessing clinical stability to determine acuity of next steps. I would also reiterate something like "since most cases of coffee ground emesis are signs of GI bleeding, it is important to localize the source" before your discussion of endoscopy. There's a typo "a camera ins inserted."

I would rename the Treatment section to Management and mention the most important aspect is identifying the source and stopping the bleed. You could also mention symptomatic treatment e.g. PPIs, diet, anemia or hemodynamic instability precautions if endoscopy is deferred.

Consider adding an Epidemiology section where you can discuss prevalence and risk factors for upper GI bleeds. What percentage of UGI bleeds present with coffee ground emesis? I'd also be curious to know the most common cause by %.

Tone and balance

Neutral and balanced.

Sources and references

Credible sources used.


Well written with only the typos listed above. Suggestions on section renaming as above.

Images and media

None added but I think the article would benefit from an example picture.