
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Discrete distributions
With finite support
Bernoulli distribution
Beta-binomial distribution
Binomial distribution
Degenerate distribution
Poisson binomial distribution
Rademacher distribution
Uniform distribution (discrete)
Wallenius' noncentral hypergeometric distribution
With infinite support
Beta negative binomial distribution
Boltzmann distribution
Conway–Maxwell–Poisson distribution
Extended negative binomial distribution
Fisher's noncentral hypergeometric distribution
Generalized normal distribution
Geometric distribution
Gibbs measure
Hypergeometric distribution
Logarithmic distribution
Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution
Negative binomial distribution
Parabolic fractal distribution
Poisson distribution
Skellam distribution
Skew normal distribution
Yule–Simon distribution
Zeta distribution
Zipf's law
Zipf–Mandelbrot law
Continuous distributions
Supported on a bounded interval
Arcsine distribution
Beta distribution
Dirac delta function
Irwin–Hall distribution
Kent distribution
Kumaraswamy distribution
Logit-normal distribution
Raised cosine distribution
Reciprocal distribution
Triangular distribution
Truncated normal distribution
U-quadratic distribution
Uniform distribution (continuous)
Von Mises distribution
Von Mises–Fisher distribution
Wigner semicircle distribution
Supported on semi-infinite intervals, usually [0,∞)
Beta prime distribution
Birnbaum–Saunders distribution
Chi distribution
Chi-squared distribution
Dagum distribution
Erlang distribution
Exponential distribution
Fisher's z-distribution
Folded normal distribution
Fréchet distribution
Gamma distribution
Gamma/Gompertz distribution
Generalized Pareto distribution
Geometric stable distribution
Gompertz distribution
Half-normal distribution
Hotelling's T-squared distribution
Inverse Gaussian distribution
Inverse-chi-squared distribution
Inverse-gamma distribution
Log-Cauchy distribution
Log-Laplace distribution
Log-logistic distribution
Log-normal distribution
Lévy distribution
Nakagami distribution
Noncentral chi distribution
Noncentral chi-squared distribution
Noncentral F-distribution
Pareto distribution
Pearson distribution
Rayleigh distribution
Rayleigh mixture distribution
Rice distribution
Scaled inverse chi-squared distribution
Shifted Gompertz distribution
Type-2 Gumbel distribution
Weibull distribution
Supported on the whole real line
Behrens–Fisher distribution
Cauchy distribution
Chernoff's distribution
Exponentially modified Gaussian distribution
Generalized extreme value distribution
Generalized logistic distribution
Gumbel distribution
Holtsmark distribution
Hyperbolic distribution
Hyperbolic secant distribution
Johnson SU distribution
Landau distribution
Laplace distribution
List of probability distributions
Logistic distribution
Noncentral t-distribution
Normal distribution
Normal-exponential-gamma distribution
Stable distribution
Student's t-distribution
Type-1 Gumbel distribution
Voigt profile
With variable support
Tukey lambda distribution
Mixed discrete/continuous distributions
Rectified Gaussian distribution
Joint distributions
Two or more random variables on the same sample space
Balding–Nichols model
Dirichlet distribution
Ewens's sampling formula
Generalized multivariate log-gamma distribution
Multinomial distribution
Multivariate normal distribution
Negative multinomial distribution
Matrix-valued distributions
Inverse-Wishart distribution
Matrix normal distribution
Matrix t-distribution
Wishart distribution
Non-numeric distributions
Categorical distribution
Miscellaneous distributions
Cantor distribution
Mixture distribution
Phase-type distribution
Truncated distribution