
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Ahoy there cap'n!

Uhm... yes. My name is Nich, I'm 16 years old, and I reside in Durban, South Africa.

I am mostly interested in making and editing articles having to do with South-African music, and not much else. I come across as incredibly vain, and this is probably the truth. (I am also extremely satirical, although some people have MASSIVE problems picking that up.)

My main pre-occupation is music. How original. Mostly grunge, classic rock, metal, alternative rock, that sort of thing. I want to kill 50 Cent for what he is doing to the world with his "music." I play in a band, Evangelica Chapter, which is sort of a hardcore/progressive rock type thing. It's very cute. If you have a MySpace, please, don't hesitate to add us, we NEED exposure. =] On that same note, if you have a MySpace, and would like to know me better (God knows why) just go to my own page. By this point, you should be completely infatuated with me and will now stalk me. I understand your situation, but please, keep your obsession to yourself, don't make it my problem.

I believe that this world is not powered by petroleum or solar power, but rather by greed. For a while, it seemed to run on love, but that utopia has long gone to the shitter, and now we live in a world where money controls everything, and human beings are forever forced to live in a cage, so to speak, trapped in a world where they need money and need to be greedy in order to survive. It's mankind's greatest downfall, in my opinion.

I tend to correct grammatical errors, as it really tickles my fanny when someone doesn't know their own language. I, strangely, find the AfD fun... How masochistic. Whatever, if you have something to bring up with me, please do not hesitate to put it on my talk page.
Thanks anyway.

God bless.

(you'll need it)
