
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Hi! I'm from Ukraine. Created a "Dmytro Sergienko Digital Museum of ukrainian history":

  • Anatra Anade. Post-Volynski airfield, Kiev, March-April 1918.[1]
    Anatra Anade. Post-Volynski airfield, Kiev, March-April 1918.[1]
  • Nieuport-17C Ukrainian Galician Army
    Nieuport-17C Ukrainian Galician Army
  • L-39M1
  • MIG-29
  • Ukraine Air Force Tu-22M3 57 RED. 185th GvTBAP
    Ukraine Air Force Tu-22M3 57 RED. 185th GvTBAP
  • 185th GvTBAP. Tu-22M3 (57 red)
    185th GvTBAP. Tu-22M3 (57 red)
  • 185th GvTBAP. Tu-22M3 (80 blue)
    185th GvTBAP. Tu-22M3 (80 blue)
  • 185th GvTBAP. Another version
    185th GvTBAP. Another version
  • Emblem on Tu-160 (17 red). 184th GvTBAP
    Emblem on Tu-160 (17 red). 184th GvTBAP
  • Emblem on Tu-22М3 from the 2 squadron of the 185th GvTBAP. Marie-2 Airport, December 1988
    Emblem on Tu-22М3 from the 2 squadron of the 185th GvTBAP. Marie-2 Airport, December 1988
  • SKR-112
  • U130
  • U-402 Kostiantyn Olshansky.png
    U-402 Kostiantyn Olshansky.png
  • Chevron 185th GvTBAP
    Chevron 185th GvTBAP
  • Chevron 185th GvTBAP
    Chevron 185th GvTBAP
  • Medal 55 years 185th GvTBAP
    Medal 55 years 185th GvTBAP
  • Medal 13 Heavy Bomber Aviation Division
    Medal 13 Heavy Bomber Aviation Division
  • Medal Ukraine Aviation Group Tu-22M
    Medal Ukraine Aviation Group Tu-22M
  • Emblem on the helicopters of the National Guard of Ukraine in 90s
    Emblem on the helicopters of the National Guard of Ukraine in 90s
This user is a member of the Ukraine WikiProject.