
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
HeadquartersNo. 108 B2 St. 315 Sangkat Boeung Kak II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh Map

The Attitude Center for Education or ACE; (Khmer: អង្កការអប់រំឥរិយាបថ)The Attitude Centre for Education (ACE) is a local NGO founded in Phnom Penh in February 2009 and registered with the Ministry of Interior in May 2011. ACE was founded by Mr. Saing Sokchea, an experienced leadership trainer.

Sokchea spent several years providing leadership training to youth and adults in slum areas such as Dey Krahorm, Beoung Kak Lake and Andong in Phnom Penh, as well as in many remote areas across Cambodia. After many years of dreaming about establishing a leadership training centre, he was finally able to establish ACE with the financial support of the Cambodian Kids Foundation in 2009.

ACE became an independent NGO in January 2011, in the first step towards becoming a sustainable, local organization managed entirely by ACE's own residents. Attitude Centre for Education currently runs five projects with 16 staffs and 25 volunteers to serve hundreds of children and adults across Cambodia, especially in the slums communities in Phnom Penh.

ACE Leadership Training Center

The LTC is a unique facility that is currently home to 13 students. The Centre provides the opportunity for marginalized Cambodian youth from remote provinces and urban slum communities to attend university through the provision of housing, scholarships, leadership training, and a wide variety of programs and life skills activities.

Bridging the gap between a theoretical university education and the daunting task of obtaining gainful employment, the LTC is providing its residents with critical life skills and applicable educational experiences in order for the students to enter the workforce with confidence.


ACE RudiBoa Center

Rudi Boa Centre is a learning Centre 22 km from Phnom Penh providing an array of grass roots level education classes and services for children 5-18 years of age. RBC is situated in a slum ‘relocation’ community, meaning nearly all of its 1500 impoverished families were forcibly evicted from their homes in downtown Phnom Penh in order to allow for commercial development. Relocation communities are notoriously poor, and lack schools, health services, access to employment, and general infrastructure of any kind. RBC provides grass roots level education classes, critical life skills, and opportunities to 300 children in the relocation site.

Classes and programs are run from 8:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m., with a daily attendance of approximately 300 children. Programs and classes at RBC:

•Leadership skills, positive attitudes and child protection. •Job seeking skills •Sanitation & basic health (hygiene, de-worming, first aid, dental care) •English and Khmer classes •Prevention of domestic violence, mental health and counselling sessions •Child rights and welfare •Sports and recreation •Khmer Music and Dance

Porridge for Hope Program

Established in May 2011, the SCPHP provides bowls of porridge to more than 200 extremely impoverished children, ages 5-16 years, who live in a ‘relocation’ community (slum) and in Phnom Penh. The porridge is served twice monthly, with the purpose of alleviating the burden of keeping the children fed for parents who work tirelessly to try to provide for their children. The program is provided at the Rudi Boa Centre and at Wat Than (slum). Our slogan is “Encouraging Children Forward, a Brighter Future".

  • Caption1

ACE Weekend Training Program

The aim of the eight mechanisms is to reduce, limit, and monitor the power of governments at all levels, whereby the citizens, through unity, maintain control of the governments. The proposed transformational results would help solve social and economic injustice in Cambodia.

  1. The term of office of the Prime Minister shall be limited by 2 terms (5years per term) : This prevent authoritarianism, despotism, or totalitarianism government that gives to exploitation, corruption, and nepotism that greatly affects society and ultimately lead to a failed state.
  2. Prime Minister or any high ranking government officials shall not be allowed to form his/her own security team or bodyguards: The personal formation of security team can be assimilate to the formation of ambitious self-serving arm-force that can lead to an authoritarian power struggle. Therefore, does not serve the interest of the citizens.
  3. The Prime Minister shall temporarily make residency, during his/her terms in the executive office, provided by the government of the people: This is a security measure to safeguard the Prime Minister and immediate family while serving the nation.
  4. Create an administration court.
  5. The role and function as well as the promotion of general of military and police should be approved by the Parliament.
  6. The Government Official should be neutral.
  7. There must be people's representation or elected representative at all levels of governments (Commune/Sangkat, District/Khan and Province/City) The representation is to serve the people's voices.
  8. Using of uni-nominal system to elect the members of Parliament.[2]

LDP radio programs

File:Khem Veasna RFA.jpg
Khem Veasna RFA
No. Location Radio MHz Time
1 Phnom Penh Beehive FM 105.0 2-3 PM
2 Siem Reap Mohanokor_khemara FM 88.25 2-3 PM
3 Siem Reap Mohanokor_khemara FM 88.25 6-7 PM
4 Battambang Sangke FM104.5 5-6 AM
5 Battambang Sovann Angkor FM 106.0 2-3 PM
6 Banteay Meanchey My FM FM 99.5 1-2 PM
7 Oddor Meanchey Kiri Dongrek FM 90.20 5.30-6.30 AM
8 Oddor Meanchey Kiri Dongrek FM 90.20 10-11 AM
9 Kampot Sweet FM FM 93.25 2-3 PM
10 Preah Sihanouk Sweet FM FM 100.50 12-1 PM
11 Pursat Bopha pursat FM 96.75 5-6 AM

General election results

Election Total seats won Total votes Share of votes Outcome of election Election leader
00 / 123
68,389 1.03% Increase00 seats; non-government party Khem Veasna
00 / 123
68,909 1.15% Increase00 seats; non-government party Khem Veasna

LDP offices

  • Phnom Penh LDP office
  • Location: No. 108 B2 St. 315 Sangkat Boeung Kak II, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
  • see: Map
  • Call: (010,011,012,013,015,067)53 2003

  • Battambang LDP office
  • Location: No. 249, National highway 5, Beng Village, Anlong Vil Commune, Sangke district, Battambang province.
  • see: Map
  • Call: 092 53 2003

  • Takeo LDP office
  • Location: Phsaar takao village, r kar knong commune, Krong Doun Kaev, Takeo province.
  • see: Map
  • Call: 016 932 608

  • Kampong Chhnag LDP office
  • Location: ភូមិត្រពាំងអញ្ខាញ, Svay chroum commune, ស្រុករលាប្អៀរ, Kampong Chhnag province.
  • see:
  • Call: 015 446 744

  • Siem Reap LDP office
  • Location: No. 0058, Tavean village, Sala korek district, Siem Reap city.
  • see: Map
  • Call: 011 732003[3]

See also


Social Networks

Category:Political parties established in 2006 Category:Politics of Cambodia Category:Political parties in Cambodia Category:2006 establishments in Cambodia Category:Cambodian democracy movements