User:SGSmith5972/Books/The History Of Computers

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The History Of Computers

Research Material

1970s in science and technology
Actor model later history
Actor model middle history
Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs
Ancient Egyptian technology
Ancient Greek technology
Ancient technology
Antique Telescope Society
Aperture card
As We May Think
Aspen Movie Map
Bare machine
Barsanti-Matteucci engine
Baseball telecasts technology
Bill Gates
Boss key
Boston CitiNet
Calculus ratiocinator
Charles Babbage Institute
Colossal Typewriter
Computer Conservation Society
Computer hardware
Computer magazine
Computer Press Association
Computer programming in the punched card era
Computer: A History of the Information Machine
Connections (TV series)
Considered harmful
Context MBA
Data Base Task Group
DeCSS haiku
Delete character
Delphi (online service)
Democratic Rationalization
Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology
Distributed operating system
Drexler–Smalley debate on molecular nanotechnology
E (text editor)
Efficiency Movement
Environmental revolution
Expensive Desk Calculator
Expensive Tape Recorder
Expensive Typewriter
Frog battery
Golden Era of Spanish Software
Growth of wind power in the United States
Harmony Compiler
History and Technology
History of agricultural science
History of artificial intelligence
History of artificial life
History of biotechnology
History of calendars
History of compiler construction
History of computing
History of computing hardware
History of computing hardware (1960s–present)
History of CP/CMS
History of email spam
History of free and open-source software
History of Haiku (operating system)
History of IBM mainframe operating systems
History of information technology auditing
History of laptops
History of Linux
History of Mac OS
History of machine translation
History of Microsoft Windows
History of military technology
History of Mozilla Thunderbird
History of multitrack recording
History of nanotechnology
History of natural language processing
History of numerical solution of differential equations using computers
History of operating systems
History of OS X
History of perpetual motion machines
History of personal computers
History of programming languages
History of Programming Languages
History of Python
History of RISC OS
History of science and technology
History of Sinhala software
History of software
History of software configuration management
History of software engineering
History of technology
History of Technology (book series)
History of the Actor model
History of the camera
History of the Church–Turing thesis
History of the Dylan programming language
History of the floppy disk
History of the graphical user interface
History of the Internet
History of the web browser
History of the World Wide Web
History of timekeeping devices
History of timekeeping devices in Egypt
History of video games
Hockney–Falco thesis
Human computer
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
Index of history of computing articles
Instrumental conception of technology
Integrated Publishing System
International Committee for the History of Technology
IT History Society
Jacquard loom
Java version history
Joseph Glickauf
Klerer-May System
Law of the handicap of a head start
LEO (computer)
Line shaft
List of computer systems from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
List of failed and overbudget custom software projects
Low Bandwidth X
Machine Age
Marin Computer Center
Martin Goetz
Marx's notebooks on the history of technology
Medieval technology
Megido (Free Pascal)
Metallurgy during the Copper Age in Europe
Michigan Terminal System
Modern convenience
Monolithic application
Mosaic (web browser)
Motorcycle history
Munching square
Neolithic Revolution
Newcomen Society
Nimrod (computing)
Nokia Asha platform
Nomad software
Notes and Records
Now the Chips are Down
One Good Turn (book)
Open system (computing)
Outline of prehistoric technology
Plan calcul
Planned obsolescence
Prehistoric technology
Punched card
Ralf Brown's Interrupt List
Resident monitor
Rumford furnace
Sand table
Second Industrial Revolution
Signed overpunch
Social construction of technology
Society for the History of Technology
Software crisis
Software Preservation Society
Solenoid valve
South-pointing chariot
Stan Augarten
Strategic Computing Initiative
T-Square (software)
Technics and Civilization
Technological and industrial history of 20th-century Canada
Technological and industrial history of 21st-century Canada
Technological determinism
Technological momentum
Technological revolution
TECO (text editor)
The Icon Bar
The Rutherford Journal
Theatrum Instrumentorum
Timeline of Apple Inc. products
Timeline of artificial intelligence
Timeline of computer animation in film and television
Timeline of computer security hacker history
Timeline of computer viruses and worms
Timeline of computing
Timeline of computing 1950–79
Timeline of computing 1980–89
Timeline of computing 1990–99
Timeline of computing 2000–09
Timeline of computing 2010–19
Timeline of computing hardware 2400 BC–1949
Timeline of DOS operating systems
Timeline of electromagnetic theory
Timeline of file sharing
Timeline of Google Search
Timeline of hypertext technology
Timeline of Internet conflicts
Timeline of Internet history
Timeline of machine translation
Timeline of Macintosh models
Timeline of Microsoft Windows
Timeline of open-source software
Timeline of OpenBSD
Timeline of operating systems
Timeline of popular Internet services
Timeline of portable computers
Timeline of programming languages
Timeline of quantum computing
Timeline of recordings with a flanging effect
Timeline of scientific computing
Timeline of the Apple II family
Timeline of web browsers
Timeline of web search engines
Tools for Thought
Type-in program
Univac Text Editor
Universal library
Uzel (computer)
War and Peace in the Global Village
West Coast Computer Faire
What Engineers Know and How They Know It
What the Dormouse Said
Wild West Tech