
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Attracting and retaining sufficient health professionals for rural communities is an ongoing challenge worldwide.

NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN) is a not for profit organisation in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, that aims to attract and retain health and medical professionals for regional, rural and remote communities in Australian Standard Geographical Classification Areas (ASGC-RA) 2-5 of NSW.


  • Develops and administers services and programs to improve the recruitment and retention of General Practitioners (GPs), nurses and allied health professionals throughout regional, rural and remote NSW.
  • Provides a central information resource for rural medical support initiatives in NSW.
  • Administers a range of medical cadetships and scholarships on behalf of the Australian Government, local NSW councils, the Country Women's Association and the Gwydir Valley Cotton Growers Association. The overall aim is to encourage more medical professionals to practice in rural NSW.
  • Coordinates medical specialist and multidisciplinary outreach programs to improve access for rural and remote NSW communities to a range of health services.
  • Is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation with more than 1,000 members, including more than 850 doctor members.
  • Is funded by both NSW and Australian Governments.
  • Works with the NSW Rural Doctors Association (RDA) - an industrial and medical political body - and Divisions of General Practice/Medicare Locals in regionalised areas of NSW to support general practice.

Quick Facts

At 31 December 2011 in regional, rural and remote NSW (ASGC-RA 2-5 locations) there were:

  • 173 vacancies for general practitioners (GPs).
  • 1,660 GPs.
  • 1,925 GPs including Registrars.
  • 606 practices.
  • 641 GPs who were Visiting Medical Officers (VMOs) in rural NSW hospitals.

Background & Purpose

NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN) was established as a public company limited by guarantee in January 1998 and took over many of the pre-existing roles of the Rural Doctors Resource Network (RDRN) and the NSW Rural Divisions Coordinating Unit (RDCU). The RDN is a membership organisation with more than 800 doctors.

RDN is a not-for-profit and non-government organisation, and is designated by the Australian Government as the Rural Workforce Agency (RWA) in New South Wales (NSW). RDN aims to provide the highest possible standard of health care to rural and remote communities through the provision of a competent and continuing medical workforce in rural and remote NSW. As one of the earliest formed rural medical workforce agencies in Australia, RDN has become an organisation with a significant amount of influence at both state and national levels.


RDN achieves its objectives by working collaboratively with rural Divisions of General Practice and Medicare Locals, the Rural Doctors Association of NSW, the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Training Program, Health Workforce Australia, Rural Training Providers, the Australian Medical Association, the University Medical Faculties and Departments of Rural Health, NSW Rural Health Training Units, the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council, State and Federal Departments of Health, rural Local Health Districts, local government and other key stakeholders.


The basic framework through which RDN operates is under a thirteen member Board of Directors, headed by an elected Chair and Vice Chair, who are both in full time rural general practice. The Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction for RDN, for developing policy and planning priorities, and for ensuring that RDN meets its contractual agreements and obligations.


RDN receives core and project funding from the NSW Government Ministry of Health (MoH) through its Non-Government Organisation Program, and infrastructure and project funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA).

RDN also receives annual funds from DoHA to develop and administer the Rural and Remote General Practice Program in NSW. This program aims to attract, recruit and retain general practitioners in rural and remote communities.

Importantly, RDN receives funds to deliver a wide range of specialist outreach health services across more than 80 rural NSW towns.

Several rural local governments, community and industry organisations also contribute funding for RDN activities.

NSW Rural Doctors Network

Australian Standard Geographic Classification System – Remoteness Areas (ASGC-RA)

See Also

Nursing shortage

Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship Scheme

Ministry of Health (New South Wales)

National Rural Health Alliance

Physician supply