
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Riaan van Zyl

is a capable visual artist.

capable /kàypeb'l/adj. 1 competent, able, gifted. 2 (foll. by of) a having the ability or fitness or necessary quality for. b susceptible or admitting of (explanation or improvement etc.). - capably adv. [Ff.LL capabilis f. L capere hold] 1 able, competent, efficient, proficient, qualified, experienced, talented, gifted, skilled, skilful, expert, masterly, masterful, accomplished, apt, adept, clever, effective, effectual. 2 a (capable of) disposed to, inclined to, predisposed to; up to; (be capable of) have the potential to, have it in one to, colloq. have what it takes to... (Oxford Complete Wordfinder 1993)

be an artist, curator, gallery manager/owner, etc.!/Riaanvanzyl