User:Ria Groenies/sandbox

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Notes on the Wikimedia South Africa/Training workshop: 29-30 October 2012

Om Fotos op te laai: kyk op linkerkant kolom van user page is 'n "Upload File" skakel Maak op + 'n ekstra "window" oop vir webblad Kliek op "upload file" en dit neem jou dan na Wikimedia Commons Volg die "Upload Wizard"

Kyk ook na die "GLAM" - aksie Wikipedia:GLAM

How to cite

Tutorial by Wikipedia: How to create the list of citations Wikipedia


Myself and a colleague attend the Train-the-Trainers course presented by ITOCA on actively participating[1] in Wikimedia South Africa.


  1. ^ Sharma, Robin S. (2009). The monk who sold his ferrari : a spiritual fable about fulfilling your dreams and reaching your destiny. London: Harper Element. ISBN 0007848420.


Worksheet Museum

Definisie van museum: Wat word gestoor in 'n museum