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Bikini Bottom Shootings

The Bikini Bottom Shootings of April 1st 2022 were a set of pre-meditated terrorist attacks during the Bikini Bottom Economic Crash of which took place in key parts of Bikini Bottom (conch street, Krusty Krab, coral avenue, Barg'n Mart, Goo Lagoon, Jellyfish Fields, Bikini Bottom (city)) ending in the deaths of over 6,400 sea creatures. The shootings spanned throughout 6 days, with multiple shooters being used to carry out this attack. Eye witnesses state that the shooter who carried out the Bikini Bottom (city) attacks had specifically targeted Sardines (as stated by several witnesses such as key witness Larry Lobster).

Those Responsible

Although the suspects of the shooting are not confirmed, it is believed that Fred Rechid, Tom, Squidward Tentacles and Plankton are responsible for the shootings, according to sources linked to the Bikini Bottom Police Department.


Many speculate that the shooter who carried out the Bikini Bottom (city) attacks and Jellyfish Fields attacks had both fled southwards towards Rock Bottom together, after pulling off both of their attacks on the same day as each other. This claim was further backed when Video Evidence was released from Sandy Shoals Retirement Home CCTV showing a speeding Boatmobile heading past Sandy Shoals, carrying what appeared to be two masked fish heading southwards toward Rock Bottom. Bikini Bottom Police Department stated that it was highly unlikely that the speeding Boatmobile in this camera footage is the same one used to aid in the escape of the two shooters responsible of pulling off the previously mentioned attacks.


After the shooting in Jellyfish Fields, The Yearly Jellyfishing Convention was postponed for another year, as the damage to the Jellyfishing ecosystem caused by the attack. In Goo Lagoon shortly after the attack, was shut down in order to asses the situation where as deceased fishes were scattered around the Lagoon, alongside necessary time for Law Enforcement to asses the situation themselves. This lasted over three months, causing a loss of attraction to the area. These attacks combined also provided a large loss in Economy for the area, with most markets shut or enforcing harsh security measures.