User:RelentlessRecusant/About Me!

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Pretty stressed from some AfD discussions...

Contact info:


Xbox Live account: Relentless70


Hi, I'm RelentlessRouge (or am I?), a 7th grader going into 8th grade that is also enrolled in a nearby college. My academic interests are predominantly the maths and sciences: microbiology in particular. My recreational interests are typing insane stories and also video-gaming. Right now, I play Empire at War on the P.C., and also sometimes play R.O.T.S. and/or Halo 2 on the Xbox 360. Editing on Wikipedia is also immensely enjoyable!

Below are some of my erratic musings... analysis of the stupidity of Imperial-class Star Destroyer, a detailed look on the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, volume and dimensions of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, and some science quotes. I might also have some minor stuff underneath as well.

StarCraft Starship Ideas

[Being updated...!]

The Behemoth-class battlecruiser is the powerhouse of the Terran Confederacy Colonial fleet, They possess an extremely powerful Yamato cannon, capable of decimating enemy frigates or defense platforms in single shots. However, for all their beam weapons and starfighters, the Behemoth-class is sluggish and difficult to manuever.

-Yamato cannon

-50 laser batteries

-24 starfighters (Wraith or Valkyrie-class)

The Leviathan-class battlecruiser is the aging forerunner to the massive and modern Behemoth-class battlecruiser. It is inferior to its predecessor in terms of beam weapons and armor plating and the presence of the Yamato Cannon. However, it is easily modified, and is relatively fast and manueverable for its size.

-40 laser batteries

-24 starfighters (Wraith or Valkyrie-class)

The Mammoth-class carrier is a modern mix in design between the Behemoth-class battlecruiser and the Leviathan-class battlecruiser. It is a heavy carrier that carries dozens of agile starfighters and ground dropships. It is relatively fast and manueverable, but is weakly armed.

-10 laser batteries

-15 anti-starfighter quad laser cannons

-72 starfighters (Wraith or Valkyrie-class)

  • Colossus-class frigate, 400 meters

-25 laser batteries

-12 starfighters (Wraith or Valkyrie-class)

  • Warden-class corporate pirate-interdiction frigate, 350 meters

-1 variable mine launcher

-6 anti-starfighter concussion missile tubes

-20 laser batteries

  • Stryke-class pirate corvette, 150 meters

-1 ion battery

-5 laser batteries

-6 starfighters (Wraith or Reaper-class)

Norad Series Battlecruiser

The Norad Series were piloted and captained by General Edmund Duke of Alpha Squadron in the Terran Dominion.

Norad II- Behemoth II Class Battlecruiser

The Norad II was built after the Guild Wars, by the Terran Confederacy. It was the largest Battlecruiser ever to serve in the Confederate Colonial Fleet.It's central connection from the armoured front end to the bridge was blasted by Scourges, and could not fly again. Length: 9650m

Armament: Titanium Battlecruiser Armour

Weapons Systems:

120 ATA Laser Batteries

100 ATS Laser Batteries

Yamato Cannon

4 Science Vessels (Epsilon Squadron)

60 Wraith Primary Starfighters

24 Valkirye Missile Frigates

700 Marines

Norad III

The Norad III was the successor to the Norad II. It was built by the Terran Dominion using Norad II parts. The largest ship in current history, it had a really heavy armour and much better weapons systems compared to the Norad II.

Length: 10210m

Armament: Titanium II Battlecruiser Armour

Weapons Systems

210 ATA Laser batteries

200 ATS Laser batteries

6 Science Vessels

80 Wraith Primary Starfighters

60 Valkirye Missile Frigates

Star Destroyer Analysis I


[There's supposed to be an image here, trying to load it in .bmp format]

ANALYSIS: Star Destroyer design is very wasteful: the terraces in the aft of the ship have no purpose except to house crewmen and stormtroopers. Triangular areas with a hypotenuse of about 600 meters run alongside the reactor complex, defined by the triangular cut of the vessel, also have no use, and are filled with armor and nonessential electronic components. The “supplies” area currently about 200 meters long could be reduced to about 13 or less meters, without stormtroopers onboard to be fed and to supply the Star Destroyer with supplies for a month. The hangar area, now about 200 meters, could remove the secondary launch bay and storage areas for explosive ordinance to be shaved into half the size, and the primary hangar is wasteful: it could be forty meters long and still contain a full wing of TIE fighters. The backup hyperdrive and four emergency thrusters could also be removed. The reactor seems to occupy an extreme amount of space, maybe it can be cut down. The front tip of the craft has no purpose except the mounting of two tractor beam projectors. All tractor beams can be removed. Taking away the tip, most of supplies and hangars, would make the ship a bit more than a kilometer long. Another possibility is to shift the reactor to extend into the terraces and the triangular areas, making it about 250 meters long. The upper layer of the terrace would have cryogenic pods that could allow crewmen to sleep their normal six hours into two hours. This new Star Destroyer would be 705 meters long and cost less than half as much...


[There's supposed to be an image here, trying to load it in .bmp format]

ANALYSIS: This new Star Destroyer design is far more efficient, and is internally 705 meters long. It is much more efficient. The internal stormtrooper compliment is now 300 instead of 9,700, and all the AT-AT and AT-ST walkers and speeder bikes have been removed. The supplies now only last a month instead of a year, and the hangar is about 20% of what it formerly was. The reactors have been stretched vertically and horizontally into nonessential spaces. The crew compliment has also been downsized. The old class had 37,085 crewmen and officers: completely wasteful! 150 gunners are needed, 100 pilots (with reserves) are needed, 100 members on the bridge would be sufficient, 100 technicians in Engineering could probably repair the greatly downsized vessel, and probably 20 people in Medical could heal all injuries. This plus the stormtroopers equals 770 crewmembers... 0.2% of what it formerly was. It could also be produced in less than half the cost and hundreds of times less the manpower it would have required before and still carry a complete assortment of weapon batteries and TIE fighters.


The Triumph-class Star Destroyer is a new class that I propose. Learning from the space-saving of the Imperator A-class Star Destroyer, the Imperial Fleet was able to produce a 600-meter long vessel with the capability to outgun Imperial Star Destroyers. It was built on the Vindicator and Interdictor heavy cruiser hulls. Miniaturization of the approx. 600 meter SFS I-a2b Solar Ionization Reactor with the hyper-compression of fuel made it into 350 meters and more efficient. There are two primary drives, which are more efficient, resulting in a very intense blue color, with four secondary thrusters giving enhanced maneuverability and emergency thrust capability. It has a 40-meter hangar containing a full wing of TIE fighters. Also wedged in are a supply module and cryogenic pods for the crewmen’s rest. It holds an impressive array of weapons: a hundred single turbolasers and forty-five ion cannons for disabling smaller vessels. The compactness, velocity, and unusual maneuverability of this vessel makes it into a perfect frontline attack cruiser, followed in by waves of Dreadnaught heavy cruisers and Victory Star Destroyers. They are supported by Imperator-class Star Destroyers, which are the central formation, backed with the vulnerable 500-meter Kuati escort carriers. An unusual cross-bracing of armor plating similar to the structures found in Carrack light cruisers enable it to survive withering barrages with no deflector shielding, and allow crewmen to be rescued from the wreck of these smaller yet stronger and far faster Star Destroyers.

(the following involves a bit of insane fanfic that I'm not allowed to put on my userpage because of guidelines...)

Galactic Alliance ALLIANCE-class STAR DESTROYER

Alliance-class Star Destroyer
Classification Star Destroyer
Length 1500 meters
Crew 8,750 crewmen
Onboard Compliment
  • Anti-infantry autoturret system
  • Anti-infantry mine grid
  • 144 starfighters (2 wings: 24 squadrons)

1318D per salvo

Hull Plating Unknown
Deflector Shielding Unknown
Total Defense Unknown

The Galactic Alliance Alliance-class Star Destroyer is a new classification created by Dark Nebula Special Operations Intelligence, a Galactic Alliance Intelligence section under the direct command of Revan the Fifth in the Unknown Regions. It is heavily armed and armored.

Special Properties:

  • Reactor: It has an experimental high-power antimatter reactor fueled straight from radical energies from the Deep Core. These particles have unusual quantum properties that give them a high energy density, giving the reactor a very high power output for a vessel of its length.
  • Beam Weaponry: The beam weapons are phase-pulse. This means that they use less energy but produce a beam of the same destructive power as conventional batteries. However, they produce a series of three energy pulses, and the one before a pulse gives a synergistic wave effect, maximizing energy output for energy input. This allows for the beam weapons to take less power than conventional counterparts from the powerful reactor.
  • Interdiction: Instead of a quartet of gravity well generators, the Alliance-class uses stolen Hapan pulse-mass hyperspace interdiction mines that create an interdiction field that lasts for several hours. The interdiction effect can not be stopped with the exception of a hyperwave inertia momentum sustainer (HIMS). Newer Alliance-classes may carry these anti-interdiction systems.
  • Deflector Shielding: The deflector shielding is very powerful for a vessel of such length because of a hybrid of top-of-the-line shielding technology borrowed from its predecessor, the Defender-class Star Destroyer and Yevethan thrustship shielding technology.
Known Alliance-class Star Destroyers
Designation Name Status
CVS-001 Alliance Galactic Alliance, captured by League, operational
CVS-002 Dark Nebula Galactic Alliance, captured by League, operational
CVS-003 Vindicator Galactic Alliance, captured by League, operational
CVS-004 Preemptive Galactic Alliance, self-destructed, destroyed
CVS-005 Retaliator League, operational
CVS-006 Wrathful League, operational
CVS-007 Strident League, operational
CVS-008 Aggressor League, operational
CVS-009 Centurion League, operational

Star Destroyer Analysis II

-From analysis [1] of the asteroid-vaporization by the heavy turbolaser batteries in the Empire Strikes Back shows that the power output per blast is 10,000 gigawatts (gigawatt = 1 X 1015 watts, 1 watt = 1 joule per second) from a heavy turbolaser battery, which has an average damage rating per unit time of “10” from the West End Game’s Star Wars RPG [2] statistics, which are commonly accepted. This means that a standard turbolaser, if counting on its average damage rating of “5” then the output is 5,000 gigawatts, half the firepower of a standard heavy turbolaser battery.

-Therefore, an Imperator I-class Star Destroyer carries 60 turbolasers, 60 ion cannons, and 10 tractor beam projectors. Counting on damage statistics, and that on average it takes a turret 2 seconds to recharge and cool down, then the total firepower per salvo is 168 gigawatts or 336 tetratons of TNT, or an average of 84 gigawatts consumed per second if the power consumption for recharge is even for both seconds.

-To create power of that scale per second, it would require the reaction of 4.7 million grams [3] of antimatter-matter per salvo, or 4.7 megagrams, about 2,350 pounds of antimatter per salvo. The space Battle of Endor took about 3 hours, and by then, the warships were running out of power, overheating, dying, etc... If the theoretical limit is 3.5 hours, then the total weapons power output of an Imperial Star Destroyer is 1.06 million gigawatts (1.06 X 10^21) before weapons power runs out (this of course is considering weapon batteries are powered from the reactor).

-If shielding power is consistent found in the WEG stats is consistent with the fire an Imperial Star Destroyer can take before the deflector shields totally fail, it gives a rating of “4800”, which could sustain 540 full broadsides from another ISD-I before having its shields go down. Calculating everything together, then the total effective shielding power is 9.07 ten thousand gigawatts (9.07 X 10^19). This is about a tenth of the total weapons power.

-The shields and weapons totally consume 1.15 million gigawatts.

-Engine speed must also be calculated. From Revenge of the Sith, the average battle speed of an approximately 1-kilometer capital ship is 1 kilometer per 8 minutes, because the Venator Star Destroyers and Invisible Hand had a fairly substantial time to exchange broadsides. Since the hull of an ISD-I is “titanium-reinforced alusteel”, and if all three elements/substances are in equal amounts, then the average density of an Imperial Star Destroyer is 5.53 g per cubic centimeter, or 5.53 kilograms per cubic meter [4]. Calculating from the average dimensions of an ISD, the volume is approximately 203.01 million cubic meters, then the total weight of an Imperial Star Destroyer is 1.123 billion kilograms, or approximately 2.476 billion pounds([5]) or 1.238 million tons.






Science Quotes

Science Quotes

"The Cosmological Constant... was it my greatest mistake?" - Albert Einstein

"Peace can't be maintained by force, but can be achieved through understanding." - Albert Einstein

"God does not play dice." - Albert Einstein

"God does not only play dice, but throws them in places where they can not be seen." - Steven Hawking


"When you hear hoovebeats, think of horses, not zebras." - Medical maxim

Star Destroyer Dimensions

Imperator II-class Star Destroyer

Conversion Scale: 1 inch: 128 meters

LENGTH: 12.5 inches (1600 meters)

MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 3.5 inches (448 meters)

MINUMUM HEIGHT: 0.25 inches (32 meters)

AVERAGE HEIGHT: 5.16 inches (661 meters)

AVERAGE WIDTH: 1.5 inches (192 meters)

  • TOTAL VOLUME: 203.01 million cubic meters

5:30 PM 4/7/2006