
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Bioceuticals is one of Australia's leading provider of nutritional and therapeutic dietary supplementsrange produced for practitioner use only.

Dietary Supplementation

Dietary supplementation has proven to be an extremely popular consumer development, as well as a beneficial business venture. In todays Australian market, vitamin and dietary supplementation generated an estimated revenue level of up to $2.33 billion dollars in 2015.

This economic boost can be attributed to supplementation meeting consumer needs in daily life and performance areas. Dietary supplementation and vitamins aid micronutrient deficiencies for the average person. Supplementation also benefits performance by promoting training consistency, and intensity adaptations. This prospect is furthered by encouraging methods of recovery and injury prevention for athletes, including reducing muscle fatigue and tension, enhancing muscle repair. Overall, dietary supplementation presents a strategic approach and popular consumer pathway for competitive performance and daily nutritional aid.

Consumer knowledge is limited regarding risk association with supplement consumption. Unnecessary consumption of supplementation or excess consumption may be harmful to consumers and detrimentally affect performance or lead to the approach of toxicity levels in the blood. Undirected supplementation consumption should be avoided by consumers and label reading is instructed. Consumers can be mislead by evidence poor marketing ventures and company communication is low regarding potential supplement contamination. Limited awareness of this can impact the individual, and may inhibit athletic performance or lead to drug test failure.

History (Founders)

BioCeuticals is owned by Blackmores Limited and was acquired on July 2nd 2012 for $40 million, having similar goals and philosophical prospects. Despite company relations, BioCeuticals is a strictly practitioner-only range and has been committed to be continued as an independent business venture.

Operations (Partnerships/Research & Development)

Products (Pharmaceutical Products/Popularity/Pros & Cons/Recalls/Consumer Feedback)

Promotional Practices (Location/Headquarters)



This article will promote verifiability by using factual and reputable information collected from peer-reviewed journal articles and university literature materials. All of which will be recollected and appropriately cited below in the bibliography attached to this article.


This article will endeavour to be notable to the widespread global audience. This will be achieved by providing knowledgeable information regarding Australian pharmaceuticalmanufacturing and delivery procedures. Furthermore, by providing foundational and structural information for health practitioners and small businesses wanting to expand national and international connections and communications involving dietary supplementation.


This article will present non-biasinformation to consumers and health practitioners and providers. In no way will this article display branded marketing or target advertising, and will enforce beneficial product information, and critical judgement, including product recalls and consumer feedback.

No Original Research

The information in this article will be written from the authors point of view, with contributing ideas from fellow scholars which will be appropriately cited and recognised.  

External Links

Dietary Supplements: Wikipedia:WikiProject Dietary Supplements


  • This source will be a general preliminary search in order to gather a broad range of information regarding dietary supplements. This includes other competition in the pharmaceutical market, why supplementation is suggested for intervention and who should be taking action.;dn=204463724031960;res=IELAPA

  • BioCeuticals product example - Vitamin D supplementation. This source will provide a definite and popular example of one of BioCeuticals most popular supplement product. Furthermore, this Vitamin D supplement will be analysed and assessed unbiasedly, taking into account product recalls, consumer feedback, and competition marketing companies.

  • This source will be secondary material to the general preliminary search regarding dietary supplementation. This resource will provide detailed benefits and risks of dietary supplementation. This includes why supplementation is valuable, popular in the Australian economic market and who should be venturing down this pathway, for example athletesor individuals with micronutrient deficiencies.

  • This source provides in depth research and statistics into the global supplement market. This will incorporate global pricing structures, marketing techniques, and product ventures and revenue for worldwide pharmaceutical companies and manufacturing procedural operations.

  • This source strictly provides consumer feedback and contractual criticism regarding range of dietary supplementation and products in Australia. This will aid this article by ensuring unbiased, and even variation of opinion as well as allowing for independent audience and consumer interpretation.