
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Hi! I am (Dr) Rakesh Chander YashRoy holding Bachellor's - year 1968 and Master's - year 1970 (in Biophysics, Topper of Panjab University, Chandigarh) and Ph.D in Biology in year 1980 (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada). I taught Biophysics for 10 years at Panjab University (1971-80) as Unversity Lecturer and promoted to Reader. I served at Professorial level as Principal Scientist (Biophysics) doing research, teaching and administration at Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly, India - a premier National Institute of under Indian Council of Agricultural Research, years 1981-2009, in capacity of Chief of Biophysics Department. I was Executive Secretary of Society of Toxicology, India and also served as Managing Editor of the Society Journal, Toxicology International. I retired from active service in January 2009. Now, as Pensioner of Government of India, I am free to pursue science the way I wish. I admire Wikipedia's highly valuable contribution in spreading knowledge, and therefore, like to further its great mission.