
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who was the first to use the term Y-CHP and realized the change within the party.

Y-CHP or its long name New Republican People's Party is a massification used to express the paradigm distribution that Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu created in the Republican People's Party. With this paradigm change, the right-wing group represented by Deniz Baykal was liquidated within the process and CHP under Kılıçdaroğlu; With the claim of opening up to the segments of the society that it could not reach before, it gradually moved away from its main character and adopted a more moderate understanding of secularism..[1]

The use of the new expression; After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the global decline of the left, parties such as the Democratic Party in the USA and the Labor Party in the UK, which were described as social democrats in the world and in Europe in the late 1990s and early 2000s, maintained their social democratic identities. It came into use with the beginning of internal transformation. The British Labor Party realized this identity change with the "New Labor" movement under the leadership of Tony Blair against Margaret Thatcher's "New Right" movement. The expression "New", which is a direct translation of the word "New" used by these movements, has been used by the parties to express that they have a new paradigm understanding.


Deniz Baykal Period

Unification and the 30s Movement

The CHP, which merged with the SHP in 1995, participated in the 2002 Turkey general elections under the leadership of Deniz Baykal and became one of the two parties that passed the 10% threshold together with the AK Party. The AK Party's promise of democratization in many areas and the AK Party's aim to eliminate the Kemalist tutelage, to initiate the European Union membership process, to adopt a new free market economy and an inclusive understanding in minority policies, especially the Kurds. gave rise to advocacy groups. The participation of the staff of the SHP, who did not agree with Deniz Baykal's understanding of democracy in the past years, and who, for example, had a more democratic understanding about the Kurdish question, formed the basis of this process.

After the CHP's poor performance in the 2004 local elections held in March, 30 CHP deputies, including Muharrem İnce and Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who were disturbed by Deniz Baykal's thoughts and his attitude to lead the party, formed a movement using the "CHP's March to Power". and published a statement. After this movement, it was also called the "30s Movement". movement; demanded the next election convention of the statute change, statement union and structuring. It lost its movement after seven deputies gave up on the declaration and the movement and the remaining deputies were purged from the party. Kılıçdaroğlu, on the other hand, managed to enter the land divisions of the administration in this process.[2]

Kılıçdaroğlu's group vice chairmanship and corruption allegations

Kılıçdaroğlu was nominated as a parliamentary candidate again in 2007 and later became the deputy head of the group upon Baykal's request. Kılıçdaroğlu, who became more visible after obtaining this duty, did not hold the press conferences in which important names of the AK Party announced corruption allegations. Şaban Dişli, Dengir Mir Mehmet Fırat and Melih Gökçek were among those he accused of corruption..[2]

These allegations eventually led to Dişli resigning from the AK Party's MYK and MKYK on the grounds that he was doing 12 billion dollars worth of business and Dengir Mir Mehmet Fırat's resignation from his duties in the party a few months later, if not immediately, on the grounds that he was making fictitious exports through a company of which he was a partner. caused. Melih Gökçek, on the other hand, announced that he bought natural gas meters in Ankara at exorbitant prices and billed them to Ankara residents. Dengir discussed separately with Mir Mehmet Fırat and Melih Gökçek in a program directed by Uğur Dündar. Dengir Mir Mehmet Fırat denied the allegations and said that the evidence was prepared by a bureaucrat close to the CHP. Despite this, Kılıçdaroğlu stated, "Everything has a document. I did not slander, I do not have such a habit." In the program he discussed with Melih Gökçek, he kept his calm and made Gökçek's harsh and tense style attract attention.[2]

In the same period, his name was also mentioned in the Deniz Feneri case, another corruption case in Germany.[2]

Kılıçdaroğlu's candidacy for IMM presidency and election as chairman

Kılıçdaroğlu, famous for his corruption allegations, was nominated from Istanbul in the 2009 local elections. A citizen calling him "This is Gandhi" while he was walking around Beyoğlu for election propaganda gave Kılıçdaroğlu an adjective that will be used a lot in the future. Upon this incident, he said, "I am pleased, of course. Mahatma Gandhi is a very important political leader. He struggled without using violence and achieved success. We need to stop hitting, hurting, and harsh discussions."The vote rate of the CHP, which was able to get %28.9, increased to 37%.[3]

When the congress approached, the opposition within the party was weak and Baykal seemed unrivaled. However, Deniz Baykal resigned from the presidency on May 10, 2010, after an obscene video featuring Baykal and Ankara deputy Nesrin Baytok was published on the internet. Although Kılıçdaroğlu initially refused to be a candidate, he put his candidacy with the persuasion of the general secretary Önder Sav. Kılıçdaroğlu, who was a candidate in the congress with the support statements of the provincial presidents, was elected as the chairman unanimously.[2]

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu Period

Opposition to the new administration

The logo used between 1990-2015 and the logo used today

After the convention, the Supreme Court of Appeals Chief Public Prosecutor's Office requested that the bylaw changes made during the Baykal period be implemented, and this caused Önder Sav to raise a flag against Kılıçdaroğlu. The changes made would end his powerful general secretary period in the party. As a result of the senior management's inability to reach an agreement, the CHP went to its 15th extraordinary congress in December of the same year, Sav and his friends were first excluded from the MKYK, and then they were not included in the party assembly. This power struggle between the two important men of the party was interpreted by the newspapers as "CHP was split in two", "the swords were drawn in the CHP" and "civil war in the CHP".[4][5]

In the 2011 general elections held after the convention, CHP increased its vote rate from 20.87% to 25.98% and continued to be the main opposition party. Kılıçdaroğlu, who was re-elected as leader in the congress in July 2012, which finalized the removal of Önder Sav from the party, secured his seat. In this period, he used the term "Y-CHP" for the first time while declaring new management cadres. Although these words are described as an allusion to Baykal and Sav, Kılıçdaroğlu said, "When we say CHP, we forget the past, we reject the understanding that we have established the CHP again. There is no such understanding. By the new CHP, we mean the new administration of the CHP. This administration is from the people. "This is a government that resists fears. found in the statement.[2][6]

In the 2011 elections, deputies with different views from the mainstream on the Kurdish issue, the headscarf and economic issues were elected. Despite the emphasis on innovation by Kılıçdaroğlu, nationalism and the secular segment have preserved the dominance of the party's organization and mainstream idea.[7][8][9]

2014 presidential and local elections

After the 17-25 December corruption scandals, the Gezi Park incidents and the resolution process, the CHP shaped its general policy based on these factors by leaving its opposition to secularism against the AK Party in the local elections, and included issues such as "unplanned urbanization, livable cities, social municipality, transparency" in its declaration. has given place. The nomination of Mustafa Sarıgül in Istanbul and Mansur Yavaş, who is from the MHP, in Ankara, caused reactions within the party.

CHP MPs Melda Onur and Candan Yüceer are in Diyarbakır

When Kılıçdaroğlu started his speech at the CHP group meeting, when a group of party members reacted to the determined candidates and continued their protest with shouting, Kılıçdaroğlu said, "Whoever does not adopt the party culture and interrupts the chairman, should leave here immediately. Get out." "No matter what anyone says, I will pave the way for the youth and women in the party. I will eliminate the mentality of 'If I do not exist, there will be no CHP'.[10][11]

CHP nominated people who had previously worked in politics in other parties. Mansur Yavaş, who was a candidate from the MHP in the 2009 local elections from Ankara, and Lütfü Savaş, who was elected as the Mayor of Antakya from the AK Party, was not nominated from the AK Party, and Yılmaz Büyükerşen, who was elected as Eskişehir Metropolitan Mayor from Hatay and DSP, again became a candidate from Eskişehir. . MHP, on the other hand, gave unofficial support to the CHP by not showing candidates that are well known by the society. CHP received 26.34% of the votes in the elections. In the Ankara elections, electricity cuts occurred on the election day and Taner Yıldız, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of the time, made a statement saying, "The cat entered the transformer". CHP Deputy Chairman Sezgin Tanrıkulu said that the power cuts in Ankara, where the election was lost by a margin of approximately 30 thousand, would leave the AK Party in doubt.[12][10]

Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, proposed by the MHP as the umbrella candidate, was nominated against Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the presidential election, but the opposition within the party said that İhsanoğlu was determined by Kılıçdaroğlu and was not evaluated in the boards of the party. After Erdoğan won the election with 52%, internal party opponents said that Kılıçdaroğlu was responsible for the defeat and demanded his resignation and going to the congress. Kılıçdaroğlu rested against the opposition within the party and said that the opposition did not have enough signatures for the extraordinary congress, and he called for a congress. Muharrem İnce, who resigned from the group's vice chairmanship at the congress held in September 2014, became a rival to Kılıçdaroğlu. Kılıçdaroğlu, who gave the message of unity at the Congress, said:

Muharrem İnce and Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu at the 18th CHP Extraordinary Congress

Kılıçdaroğlu was re-elected chairman with 740 votes against 415 votes given to Muharrem İnce. Ince's more votes than expected showed that the opposition within the party is still strong..[2]

Emine Ülker Tarhan, who previously served as a judge with the presidency of YARSAV and resigned from her position to become a candidate for parliamentary candidate, was elected as a deputy from the CHP in 2011 and served as the party's group vice president until 2013. Tarhan, who is on the nationalist wing of the party, sharply criticized the selection of İhsanoğlu as a joint candidate in the 2014 presidential elections and resigned from the party in October and founded the Anadolu Party. Anadolu Party, which received 0.06 percent of the votes in the June 2015 elections, dissolved itself..[14]

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's election campaign slogan for the 2015 general elections is "Kemal of Anatolia"

The CHP, which entered the elections with the slogan "The Kemal of Anatolia", once again maintained its position as the main opposition party as the second party. Although the vote rate decreased compared to the previous election, the AK Party lost its majority in the parliament with the entry of the Peoples' Democratic Party into the parliament. In an environment where CHP and MHP can form a government with the support of HDP from outside, Devlet Bahçeli said that either an AK Party-HDP or AK Party-CHP-HDP coalition can be formed, otherwise early elections should be held.[15]

When the one-month coalition negotiations between the AK Party and the CHP did not conclude, early elections had to be held and in the elections held in November, the AK Party came to power once again with 49.5% of the votes. Following the July 15 coup attempt in 2016, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu condemned the coup. CHP held a Republic and Democracy Rally in Taksim Square on July 24 and the rally "Side to shoulder against the coup", "There is no pillage, there is a Republic", "We are the soldiers of Mustafa Kemal", "Turkey is secular, it will remain secular" and "There is no way to a coup". slogans were raised. Later, Kılıçdaroğlu attended the Yenikapı Meeting held on 7 August and gave a speech on protecting democracy..[16]

2017 Referendum

Kılıçdaroğlu in Diyarbakır for the "No" campaign

The CHP voted "no" in the constitutional referendum because the proposed system is fundamentally against the separation of powers and would lead to a one-man regime. While the constitutional amendment text was not yet out and the discussions about the transition to the presidential system were beginning, Kılıçdaroğlu made statements such as "You cannot realize the presidential system in this country without bloodshed" and tried to get the support of the nationalist section with themes such as "federalism, the division of the country, the deterioration of the unitary structure". After it was prepared by the MHP, the slogans "one man, authoritarianism, dictatorship" were also used.[17]

Kılıçdaroğlu and the party management, who used a more polarizing and harsh language at the beginning of the referendum campaign, softened the campaign language due to the large number of undecideds. Slogans such as "Man is confused, reason is superior to reason, only one makes mistakes" replaced the previous harsh slogans. The adoption and use of the discourses of "AK Party" or "Justice and Development Party" instead of "AKP" used by the AKP administration, organization and its base were also respected, and organizations were asked not to use the abbreviation "AKP". This change in approach to voters has been effective in trying to explain what is wanted to be conveyed by respecting the sensitivities of the undecided and the AKP and MHP base, and in gaining their support.[18][19]

The YSK's validation of unsealed votes on the day of the referendum is still criticized by opposition circles to this day. CHP stated that this step paved the way for vote theft. After the constitutional amendment was accepted with 51.4 percent in the referendum, the CHP applied to the ECtHR due to the counting and result of the referendum, but its application was rejected.[20]

Justice March

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu at the March for Justice

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu took the decision to march after CHP deputy Enis Berberoğlu, who shared images of MIT trucks with the media, was sentenced to twenty-five years in prison and was arrested. The March for Justice was also carried out due to the prolonged duration of the decree laws issued after the July 15 coup attempt with the arrest of Enis Berberoğlu, the prevention of the fight against FETO and the transformation into a fight against all opposition groups, the arrest of deputies, and the dismissal of university professors..[21]

The March for Justice is an act of civil disobedience that makes the CHP's new understanding of politics visible to all segments of society. The march was interpreted as the CHP's taking to the streets for democratic rights, and Bülent Ecevit said, “Democracy is not a football match that the audience watches. Democracy will exist only if the stands go down to the field and play the game.” word is remembered.[21][22]

2018 presidential and general elections

Before the elections to be held in June, the CHP went to its 36th ordinary congress in February 2018. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and Muharrem İnce became candidates at the convention and Kılıçdaroğlu was re-elected as the chairman by getting 790 votes from 1,253 delegates. Reinforcing his position in the party, Kılıçdaroğlu nominated his rival Muharrem İnce at the congress a few months ago in the 2018 presidential election.[23]

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and his wife Selvi Kılıçdaroğlu at the 36th CHP Ordinary Congress

As the first step of Kılıçdaroğlu's project to come to power with other groups, not alone, on May 5, 2018, as a result of several rounds of negotiations, the Nation Alliance was established with the IYI Party, the Felicity Party and the Democrat Party. The IYI Party, which was founded in October 2017 by the staff of the MHP who were not satisfied with the rapprochement with the AK Party, received the support of the CHP during its establishment and CHP deputy Aytun Çıray joined the party. One of the most important of these supports is the CHP's transfer of fifteen deputies from itself to the IYI Party so that the IYI Party can nominate a presidential candidate. Having allied with parties such as the Democratic Party, which has been at war for decades, and the Felicity Party, the representative of Milli Gorus, the CHP gave a message of unity throughout the election campaign and determined its election slogan as "We are coming for the Nation".[24][25]

Since the presidential system, which was approved by the constitutional referendum, would be implemented after the elections, the Nation Alliance presented the elections as a new referendum and said that if they were elected, they would switch from the presidential system to the parliamentary system.[26]

In the elections, Erdogan won both the parliament and the presidency by receiving 52.6% of the votes and the People's Alliance with 53.6% of the votes. After the loss of the election, the opposition in the CHP, especially Muharrem İnce, who found Kılıçdaroğlu responsible, tried to collect signatures to go to the extraordinary congress, but could not reach enough signatures. İnce and his supporters later left the CHP and founded the Memleket Party.[27][28]

2019 Local Elections

June 23 Election Results

The CHP, which formed an alliance with the IYI Party, Felicity Party and Democrat Party in the 2018 elections, applied the same model unofficially in the 2019 local elections, although it was announced that the alliance ended later. IYI Party and CHP have joint candidates in 21 metropolitan cities and some provinces and districts. In some town and district municipalities, the IYI Party and CHP did not nominate candidates in favor of the Felicity Party and the Democrat Party. The HDP, on the other hand, did not nominate candidates in the Western provinces, allowing its base to vote for the common candidates of the Nation Alliance. Despite this situation, the AK Party and MHP also put out joint candidates.

With the common candidate strategy of the opposition, a total of 21 metropolitan or city center municipalities, especially Istanbul and Ankara Metropolitan Municipalities, were won. The Istanbul elections, in which Ekrem İmamoğlu was a candidate and the results were quite close, were postponed to 23 June due to the fact that the chairman and members of the ballot box committee were not public officials despite the clear provision of the law. The re-election made Ekrem İmamoğlu the victim, and revealed the rhetoric of similar fate with Erdoğan, who was previously the mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and was sentenced to prison for reading poetry. Ekrem İmamoğlu was re-elected on June 23, 2019, with a vote of more than 54 percent.

The 25 years of National Vision and AK Party administration in Istanbul and Ankara municipalities came to an end and these changes caused the opposition to win the elections in a way, although the vote rates of the Nation Alliance and the People's Alliance did not change significantly. Kılıçdaroğlu, who is claimed to have constantly lost the elections and harmed the party by the intra-party opposition, strengthened his position within the party after winning many metropolitan and provincial municipalities.

Call to the Second Century and the Congress of Power

CHP went to its 37th congress on 25-26 July 2020. The main theme of the congress was determined as "Power" and the slogan was determined as "Target Power", which caused the congress to be described as "Congress of Power" by many. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who was re-elected as the chairman by receiving the votes of all the delegates in the presidential election, which he entered as the only candidate, made important speeches at the congress and the "Call to the Second Century of the Republic Declaration" was published..[29] thumb|275x275px|Cover of the Declaration of the Call to the Second Century

Kılıçdaroğlu's statement, "We will be in power together with our friends in the next elections," created controversy after the congress. When asked about who these friends would be, Kılıçdaroğlu replied, "They are our friends, who approve of 13 articles." After the Declaration of Call to the Second Century was unanimously approved, Kılıçdaroğlu said:

Call for Forgiveness

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu made a speech with the theme "We will be halal" in the group of the Turkish Grand National Assembly on November 16, 2021. This call was interpreted by many as an indication that the CHP wanted to confront the injustices experienced in the past of the republic, and it became one of the symbols of the Y-CHP unofficially.[30]

The call for halal has been criticized by nationalist, nationalist and religious segments. With the weakening of the opposition within the party in recent years, the rhetoric has been reacted by the members of the Homeland Party, who used to be dissidents within the party and have already left the CHP. Muharrem Ince; In the case of the sledgehammer case, he used the phrase "I am not there" in case he said goodbye to those who said "There is an Armenian Genocide" and "I wish the Greek had been victorious", and implied him and his friends and asked if he would say goodbye to those who were expelled from the party due to "expulsion" of the party opposition.[31]

On February 14, 2022, CHP published a video on its Twitter account with the title "Halalization Journey Begins". Kılıçdaroğlu, whose speech was heard in the video, stated that the governments are constantly changing, but the bad luck of the country has not changed, that there are serious wounds, that it is not possible to look to the future because of these wounds, and that he has gone on a journey of halal so that these wounds can be healed.[32]

Afterwards, he said, "We will say goodbye to our people, but we will settle accounts with the gangs of five. It is a different thing. We will not say, 'Come, we will say goodbye to you,'" he said, against those who criticize him on whether or not the AK Party will say goodbye to its corruption activities.[33]

Table of Six

Six leaders at the presentation of the Strengthened Parliamentary System

CHP, IYI Party, Felicity Party, Democrat Party, Democracy and Atılım Party and Future Party is an unincorporated political formation established with its first meetings on February 12, 2022. This formation, which aims to represent different segments of the society, was called the "Six Table" by the public because the leaders sat around a round table regardless of party size at its first meetings, and later on, political leaders adopted this name and started to use it. After their first meeting, the parties that formed the table decided to hold a meeting hosted by a political party every month.[34]

Two days after the first meeting of Six Tables held on February 12, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's call to say goodbye and talk about an inclusive and pluralistic republic in his speeches on this issue, with the establishment of Six Tables, the CHP opened up to "all segments of society". and the goal of an inclusive and pluralistic republic has become one of the main political goals and debates of the party. Later, the Head of Women's Branch, Aylin Nazlıaka, confirmed this statement at the press conference and said, "As we stated in the 'reinforced parliamentary system' agreement signed by 6 leaders, we will establish a pluralist and participatory democracy by producing holistic policies.".[35]

Meetings of the table and policy consensus

At the first meeting of the table, the constitutional reform initiative was discussed and after months of work, a declaration of transition to a strengthened parliamentary system was published on February 28, 2022. In this declaration, it was stated that the presidential system would be changed to a parliamentary system and a pluralistic democracy based on coalitions would be built by symbolizing the presidential office and re-establishing and strengthening the office of the prime minister. In order for the opposition to be more effective, six parties promised to lead the Final Accounts Commission, which is planned to be established by the main opposition.[36]

In the second meeting, the table decided to establish two separate commissions for the determination of the roadmap for the transition to the parliamentary system and for election security. Although the first two meetings are related to the issues related to the legislative power, the table in the third meeting; It has also added issues such as the establishment of the Institutional Reforms Commission to its agenda in order to make legal preparations for the political moral law, regulations regarding the functioning of the economic and social council, securing the independence of the Central Bank, and establishing an institutional structure responsible for long-term strategy and planning. The fact that the issues concerning the executive power came to the table was interpreted as the Six Table's implication that "We will rule the country together". At the same meeting, it was decided to determine the joint presidential candidate.[37][38]

In its fourth meeting, Table of Sixs took the policy consensus further and published the 10-item "Basic Principles and Objectives Statement". In the declaration, subjects such as strengthened parliamentary system, liberal public order and liberal democracy, freedom of thought, expression and press, freedom of religion and conscience, social state, income inequality and accountability before an independent judiciary were included. In addition, it was decided to establish a commission for the development of a comprehensive immigration policy and the common views of the six leaders on foreign policy were shared. In their fifth meeting, Table of Sixs clearly stated that they were preparing for power with a discourse such as "We discussed the problems on our nation's agenda and the new steps to be taken to solve those problems".[37][39]

In the subsequent meetings, the table repeated the common 13th presidential candidate rhetoric and stated that this candidate would remain loyal to the principles of the table. At the October 2022 meeting, it was decided to establish a joint working group, and for this purpose, studies began to be carried out under 9 main and 60 sub-titles. As a result of the meeting held in January, it was stated that the Transition Process Roadmap and Common Policies Text will be introduced on 30 January. The text mentioned on 30 January 2023 was introduced as the Common Policies Memorandum of Understanding. The memorandum of understanding, which includes nine main titles and more than two thousand articles, has been interpreted as a government program.[40][41]

Law proposal on the headscarf

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu announced in a video he shared on October 3, 2022 that they would introduce a law on the headscarf. He said that Turkey has some "wounds" and that closing these wounds will "unite and strengthen" the country. The robe, apron, uniform, etc. required to be worn within the scope of the practice of their profession within the scope of the law presented the next day. It has been suggested that no coercion can be made to wear or not to wear clothes other than Ahmet Davutoğlu was one of the first to support the statement, and then HDP also announced its support..[42]

The reopening of the headscarf issue received a reaction from the MHP and the AK Party. Derya Yanık, Minister of Family and Social Services, implied that the CHP was not sincere by saying "I wish they were sincere" to this proposal and evaluated it as an effort to clear its own record. Devlet Bahçeli reacted to the proposal by making a statement saying "There is no point in exploiting the headscarf under the guise of halalization". The Chairman of the Country Party, Muharrem İnce, stated that the headscarf problem was solved and criticized the proposal by saying, "There is no point in exploiting the headscarf under the guise of halalization."[42]

Against the bill, there was also a reaction from the secular sections of the CHP. Former YARSAV president Ömer Faruk Eminağaoğlu opposed the proposal and expressed his concerns by saying, "If the text becomes legal, women will work in public even with a veil." Former CHP Istanbul deputy Nur Serter said, "Religion should definitely be separated from politics and should not be made a tool of politics," and in Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's party, the chairman of that party saw no harm in making a religious symbol a tool of politics. I am saddened. From now on, I look forward to seeing how they will behave in the face of attacks from the AKP.” Nur Serter became famous as the inventor of persuasion chambers during the 28 February process and defended the headscarf ban in the programs she attended.[43]

Determination of the presidential candidate

Following the publication of the Joint Policies Memorandum of Understanding, six leaders announced that a joint presidential candidate would be determined on February 13, but the meeting was postponed indefinitely due to the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes. The candidacy meeting, which was postponed due to earthquakes, was held on March 2, 2023, but there was no result due to the opposition of the IYI Party to the candidacy of Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, unlike the other five parties.[44]

The next day, Meral Akşener likened Table of Six to a "notary's table" and made a statement saying, "At this point, the IYI Party has been caught in a pinch, forced to impose an imposition, forced to choose between death and malaria, just as it has been done to the Turkish nation for years, and of course it will not bow to it." interpreted as leaving.[45]

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu published a video titled "We will continue to grow our table" in the evening of the same day, saying that the alliance has a historical responsibility, that they will not rule the country with political operations, that the language of Erdoğan should not be at the table, that both he and his party members will not allow any tension, and likens the table to Halil İbrahim's table. Inter-party talks continued during the weekend of 4-5 March and on Monday, with the decision of Ekrem İmamoğlu and Mansur Yavaş to become vice presidents, the IYI Party approved Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's candidacy.[46]

Political philosophy

Inclusive, pluralistic and libertarian republic

Inclusiveness and pluralism mean that every segment of society, including vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, regardless of religion, language, race, gender, ethnicity, belief and political view, should be included in the administration, have the right to speak, and everyone can benefit from fundamental rights and freedoms.[47][48]

In the 2011 general elections, which was the first election under Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's administration, an election manifesto was published in a different language compared to the 2007 general elections. While the first three titles of the declaration published in 2007 were "Terror, security, peace", "Secularism" and "Foreign Policy", the declaration published in 2011 included "Libertarian Democracy", "Producing, Growing, Sharing, Environmentally Friendly Economy" and "Equality and Social Solidarity" headings were added to the declaration and prioritized. The statement "If the CHP exists, it exists for everyone" was used continuously and the declaration was concluded with this statement.[49][50]

Judiciary and the New Constitution

CHP; With a Board of Judges and Prosecutors, chaired by the Minister of Justice, of which the Undersecretary of the Ministry is a member, and the majority of its members are determined by lists prepared in the Ministry, it is impossible to talk about the independence of the judiciary and that the members of the judiciary are directly or indirectly under the pressure of the executive. He promised that a new and libertarian constitution would be put into practice. He stated that the new constitution will be a new "social contract" that guarantees the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary, the separation of powers, fundamental rights and freedoms and the social state, and bases the legitimacy of the state on the protection and development of human rights.[50]

Political Order

Social gender equality

Turkish Armed Forces

In the 2011 election manifesto, the CHP opposed the de facto limitation of the powers of the parliament and the government by any force other than the democratic rules and institutions stipulated by the law, and the armed forces' involvement in politics. He promised that the Supreme Administrative Court would be abolished, compulsory military service would be reduced to 6 months in the medium term, and the scope of the military judiciary would be narrowed..[50]

Social policies


Foreign policy

Historical Transformation of CHP

Early Years of the Republic

Founders Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, İsmet İnönü and Fevzi Çakmak in the 10th Anniversary Speech

The Republican People's Party has been characterized as an elitist party throughout the history of the republic and has been accused by its opponents for this feature. The fact that the party is Turkey's founding and oldest party has made it one of the main elements of the center-periphery duality. The party aimed to create a secular, national and modern society by omitting a top-down modernization and certain historical and social events experienced by the West in this way. CHP was founded by revolutionary cadres, especially Atatürk, and these cadres wanted to transform the society in line with their own ideals as well as forming the founding philosophy of the country. In this direction, the founding cadres established a Kemalist bureaucratic system that adopted the founding values.[51]

The CHP, which did not need a populist politics until 1946, when the multi-party system was introduced, remained distant from the worldview of the religious conservative Anatolian people and the vertical social/cultural reforms made by the state bureaucracy made it difficult to describe the single party and its ideology as populist. Composed of Atatürk's principles, Six Arrows was determined in a way that reflects the party's revolutionism and its duty to protect the regime it undertook. The abolition of the caliphate, which is far from the worldview of a typical citizen; The closure of madrasahs, sharia courts, dervish lodges, zawiyas and tombs, Turkish prayer to prayer, letter revolution and similar reforms correspond to a radical transformational style of politics, unlike the relative conciliatory attitude towards modernization during the Tanzimat and Constitutional Monarchy periods.[51]

1950-1980 period and left of center

The transition to a multi-party system forced the party to abandon this radical transformational style. For example, after the 1950 general elections, the Turkish adhan began to be criticized at party congresses and it was often stated that the prohibition of reading Arabic was wrong. On the way to the May 27 coup, the CHP became the center of social opposition due to the Democrat Party's repressive course in terms of freedom of the press, tolerance towards the opposition and adherence to the constitution, but it should be noted that it could not get used to being an opposition party by leaving its elite position.[51]

Starting from the 1970s, the CHP started to abandon its elitist political discourse with the left-of-centre movement during the period of Bülent Ecevit. In this period, the party, which was the "guardian of the regime", shifted from the elitist line to the populist line, which prioritized social democratic ideals. In the 70s, when the social democratic discourse was dominant, the CHP tried to meet the egalitarian demands of the society. The 1961 constitution recognized legal rights such as unionization and collective bargaining, and the mass migration from villages to big cities with industrialization necessitated an inclusive policy towards the working class. Although the egalitarian social democrat discourse has been brought to the fore, the CHP organization has always embraced Kemalist discourses and practices, but Ecevit, who criticizes bureaucratic elitism and top-downism, has created a more democratic and populist version of these discourses and practices.[51]

1983-2010 Period

Division of the Left

A table showing the situation of the three parties in the 1994 local elections
A table showing the situation of the three parties in the 1999 local elections

The tradition of CHP, which was closed together with all parties with the September 12 coup, continued in the 1983 general elections from the Populist Party. Later, with the merger of the Populist Party with the Social Democracy Party, the Social Democratic Populist Party was established. On May 3, 1992, the last surviving members of the CHP's general board of directors issued a statement on the re-establishment of the CHP, and on 19 June 1992, with the repeal of the law that prohibited the re-opening of former political parties with the same name, the path to the re-establishment of the CHP was paved. On September 9, 1992, with the unanimous vote of the delegates at the last congress, the party was re-opened and Baykal was elected chairman in the 25th CHP Ordinary Congress with Deniz Baykal and Erol Tuncer.[52]

Due to the division of the left into three as CHP, SHP and DSP, regions such as Istanbul, which the then Welfare Party candidate Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won in the 1994 local elections, were lost. Thereupon, the merger of CHP and SHP came to the fore. In the 26th CHP Ordinary Congress, it was decided that the merger would be under the umbrella of CHP, and the merger was realized with the SHP's decision to dissolve itself. The rivalry between the DSP and the CHP continued until the 2002 elections, and when the DSP was below the threshold, the cadres of the DSP gradually passed to the CHP throughout the 2000s.[53][52]

Deniz Baykal Period

It returned to its statist and bureaucratic rhetoric during the years when SHP and CHP were actually united under the umbrella of CHP and had been the main opposition since 2002. This change in discourse facilitated the re-stigmatization of CHP as elitist. During Deniz Baykal's period, the CHP adopted a policy based on Kemalist nationalism and secularism, which developed a policy based on social sensitivities. The CHP, which reacted very harshly to the AK Party's anti-tutelage rhetoric, organized the Republic Meetings in 2007, when Abdullah Gül was elected president, and protested the Ergenekon and Sledgehammer cases, with steps seen as anti-secular.[51]

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu Period

The election of Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu as the chairman in 2010 caused the CHP to abandon its nationalist identity that defended radical secularism and Atatürk's nationalism, and in this context, it tried to open itself to all segments of the society and reconcile itself with discourses such as "CHP for Everyone" and "We will be Halal". Against the discourse that the CHP is elitist and that there are elitist sections within the party, Kılıçdaroğlu said at the 18th Extraordinary Congress of the CHP, "They say the CHP is an elitist party. I respect the elites, they are intellectuals. But there is an elitist. They will save Turkey at the Rakı tables. I will clean the party from them." Everyone should know this well. I need a man who works, not a man who speaks at the raki tables!" he said.[54]


Later, it evolved into an insulting expression used by those who were disturbed by this change to express their departure from the principles of the party, especially nationalists such as Doğu Perinçek, radical leftists and then the supporters of the Justice and Development Party.[55][56][57][58]

"The CHP has once again demonstrated its ability to renew itself as a revolutionary party."

Bülent Ecevit, Ortanın Solu (1966)

Bülent Ecevit, the 3rd chairman of the CHP, stated in his book Left of the Middle that the CHP has the ability to renew itself as a revolutionary party. Although there are those who argue that the necessary steps have been taken to bring the party to a progressive, contemporary social democratic line, born out of the principle of revolutionism, which is one of the six arrows of the party, there are also those who argue that the CHP has moved away from its founding values ​​and Atatürk's principles.[59][60][61]


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[[Category:Republican People's Party (Turkey)]] [[Category:Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu]]