
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Court cases: +

Opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court by term:
Visual tables illustrating the voting records by term for every opinion of the Court.

Opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court by justice, divided by term
Present Court
  • Alito:
  • Barrett:
  • Breyer:
  • Gorsuch:
[ 2016 ] • 2017201820192020
  • Kagan:
  • Kavanaugh:
  • Roberts:
  • Sotomayor:
  • Thomas:
Former Justices
  • Ginsburg:
  • Kennedy:
  • O'Connor:
  • Rehnquist:
  • Scalia:
  • Souter:
  • Stevens:
Tables listing and summarizing all opinions filed by each member of the Court each term.

Per curiam opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court by term:
20002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019 • [ 2020 ]
Summaries of all per curiam opinions handed down by the Court by term.

Individual case articles:
2010 U.S. Supreme Court case interpreting mandatory sentencing in federal firearms law.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case addressing Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
2000 Virginia Supreme Court case striking down domestic partner benefits for county employees.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case addressing the extent to which states could take compensation for Medicaid benefits from personal injury settlements.
2012 U.S. Supreme Court case involving the application of the Takings Clause to federal flood control causing damage to property.
2004 U.S. Supreme Court case regarding the right to have a jury determine criminal sentencing issues.
1884 U.S. Supreme Court case upholding copyright protection for photographs.
Case that reached the U.S. Supreme Court in 1956 and 1961 involving the required registration of communist organizations.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case involving state taxpayer standing in federal court.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case involving the statute of limitations for filing habeas corpus petitions.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case involving the scope of the U.S. Postal Service's immunity from lawsuits.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case involving the standing of an agent to raise a racial discrimination claim under 42 U.S.C. § 1981 for violation of the contract rights of the principal.
2011 U.S. Supreme Court case involving what constitutes "established Federal law" under the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case involving burden of pleading and proof in retaliatory prosecution claims.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case involving the right of a criminal defendant to offer evidence of another's guilt.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case involving application of antitrust law to use of patented products in tying arrangements.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case involving the due process requirement to give notice of the governmental taking of property to satisfy unpaid taxes.
2010 U.S. Supreme Court case involving 42 U.S.C. § 1983.
1905 U.S. Supreme Court case striking state law limiting baker's work hours.
2005 Virginia Supreme Court case striking state law criminalizing fornication.
1990 U.S. Supreme Court case regarding criminal defendant's right to confront child witness in sex abuse case.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case involving the preemptive scope of the Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act of 1998.
1799 U.S. Supreme Court case involving the first suit of original jurisdiction between two States.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case involving the sovereign immunity of counties.
2011 U.S. Supreme Court case involving Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case involving licensing requirements under the Clean Water Act.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case involving suits by ERISA plan fiduciaries to recover benefit expenditures.
U.S. Supreme Court case regarding police ability to stop and frisk suspects.
1989 U.S. Supreme Court case regarding the free speech right to burn the American flag.
2006 Supreme Court case involving the application of antitrust law to joint venture pricing decisions.
2012 Supreme Court case involving the Little Tucker Act.
2006 U.S. Supreme Court case regarding the constitutionality of anticipatory search warrants.
1968 U.S. Supreme Court case regarding the free speech right of a Vietnam War protestor to burn his draft card.

Other law articles:

Non-profit organization of law schools in the United States.
Legal document that presents an argument or merely summarizes caselaw.
The codified legislation of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Equitable legal defense against infringement claims.
A bill proposed in the U.S. Congress in 2006 to extend copyright protection to fashion design.
1941 Executive Order issued by FDR to ban racial discrimination in the defense industry.
20th century FCC doctrine requiring broadcasters to give equal time to opposing political positions.
Case reporter that publishes the decisions of the U.S. Courts of Appeals that are not designated for publication.
Case reporter that publishes the decisions of the U.S. Courts of Appeals that are designated for publication.
Case reporter that publishes the decisions of the U.S. District Courts that are designated for publication.
U.S. federal law establishing the immunity of foreign governments and officials in U.S. courts.
The primary legal document establishing the self-governance of the State of Montana.
Court of last resort in the U.S. state of Montana.
Process of vocally advocating a party's position in court.
International law prohibition against universally condemned practices.
Common law doctrine preventing relitigation of legal claims.
Common law doctrine reducing the amount received under a will by gifts given by the testator during his lifetime.
U.S. federal securities law preempting state law-based securities fraud class actions.
Form of trademark protection for famous and unique trademarks.
U.S. federal appellate court for the D.C. District Court and federal agencies.
U.S. federal appellate court for the District Courts in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Puerto Rico, and Rhode Island.
U.S. federal appellate court for the District Courts in Connecticut, New York, and Vermont.
U.S. federal appellate court for the District Courts in Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the Virgin Islands.
U.S. federal appellate court for the District Courts in Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia.
U.S. federal appellate court for the District Courts in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.
U.S. federal appellate court for the District Courts in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee.
U.S. federal appellate court for the District Courts in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin.
U.S. federal appellate court for the District Courts in Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, and Wyoming.
U.S. federal appellate court for the District Courts in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia.