
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Kit Fenderson-Peters. His Discordian Holey Name is "Pope Felix the Scurrilous, Margrave of Wolverhampton, Söss of Worchestershire(shirr), and Part-Time Night Watchman for the Letter People Hall of Fame."

Mr. Fenderson-Peters is a student at the College of Charleston, pursuing a major in Computer Science with minors in Physics and Mathematics.

this is the plot synopsis edit that i got bored with doing for Rocky Horror Picture Show


The story is told by a criminologist (Gray), reading from a large book entitled The Denton Affair. From time to time the film cuts back to the criminlogist, who offers commentary on the events of the film as they unfold.

The story begins with a straitlaced couple, Brad Majors (Bostwick) and Janet Weiss (Sarandon), musically pledging their engagement after attending at the wedding of their friends, Ralph and Betty (née Monroe) Hapschatt. They then decide to pay a visit to Dr. Everett Scott (Adams), their academic mentor and the man who introduced them to each other.

While driving to Dr. Scott's residence, they get a flat tire. With the spare also flat, they must walk back to a remote castle in the woods in hopes of finding a telephone. At the castle, Dr. Frank-N-Furter (Curry), a gender-bending scientist from the planet Transsexual in the galaxy of Transylvania, is having the annual Transylvanian Convention, and celebrating the creation of his new strongman playmate, Rocky Horror (Hinwood). During the party, Frank-N-Furter's previous playmate, Eddie, escapes from the freezer in which he had been imprisoned, riding on a motorcycle. He performs a musical number, and is murdered shortly thereafter by Frank-N-Furter.

After the party, Brad and Janet are shown to separate rooms. Frank-N-Furter's domestic, Magenta (Quinn), and his butler, Riff-Raff (O'Brien), complain to Frank that they have become disillusioned with life on Earth, and ask when they will return home to the planet Transsexual. Frank dodges the question, telling Magenta that he is grateful to both her and her brother, Riff-Raff, for their service.

Later, Brad and Janet are each visited by Frank-N-Furter, disguised as Brad when visiting Janet, and vice versa. In each situation, Frank's true identity is revealed only after he has the other in a very compromising position, and both Brad and Janet decide to have sex with Frank anyway. While this is going on, Frank-N-Furter's domestic, Magenta (Quinn), and his butler, Riff-Raff (O'Brien), decide to torment Rocky, who is sleeping, chained to the bed in the "somber bridal suite" attached to the lab. Rocky breaks his chains and escapes, running through the castle grounds, and eventually coming back to the tank in which he was born and hiding under the red satin sheet that covered the tank before he was born. Riff calls Frank to tell him that Rocky has escaped, and Magenta releases the castle's hounds to bring him back.

After having sex with Frank, Janet suffers an attack of remorse. She returns to the room in which the party was held, looking for Brad. On the nearby television monitor, she sees Brad in bed with Frank, smoking a cigarette. Heartbroken, she shuts off the monitor, and hears pitiful moans coming from the tank in which Rocky is hiding. She finds Rocky, who had been hurt by the hounds, and binds his wounds with her slip. Rocky is attracted to Janet, and Janet decides to have sex with Rocky as well. This is the basis for another musical number.

Frank, Brad, and Riff return to the laboratory. Frank is beating Riff for letting Rocky escape when an alarm sounds. There is an intruder on the castle grounds: Dr. Scott. Brad recognizes Dr. Scott, and Frank accuses Brad of having come to his castle "on a purpose." It seems that Dr. Scott is attached to the governmental organization in charge of investigating |UFOs, and as Frank is (unbeknownst to Brad and Janet) an alien, he is understandably suspicious. Frank activates a device that brings Dr. Scott, who is in a wheelchair, through the house and crashing through the wall of the lab. It is revealed that Dr. Scott came to the castle in search of Eddie. Janet, hiding under the sheet with Rocky, throughout all this, gasps. Frank pulls back the sheet to reveal Rocky and Janet, prompting this famous exchange:

DR. SCOTT: Janet! JANET: Dr. Scott! BRAD: Janet! JANET: Brad! FRANK: Rocky! ROCKY: (silence)

DR. SCOTT: Janet! JANET: Dr. Scott! BRAD: Janet! JANET: Brad! FRANK: Rocky! ROCKY: (silence)

After this, Magenta enters the lab, sounds a gong, and announces that dinner is prepared. Frank says that under the circumstances, formal dress is to be optional.

At dinner, Dr. Scott reveals that Eddie was his nephew. Shortly thereafter, Frank pulls the tablecloth off the dinner table, revealing the mangled carcass of Eddie, who had been the main course. Columbia (Campbell), Frank's groupie, who had been Eddie's girlfriend, runs to her bedroom crying. In yet another musical number, Dr. Scott tells how Eddie was "a low down cheap little punk," but had written a letter asking Dr. Scott to come to Eddie's aid.